Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:3-1

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[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

???:( face)
I am the only one here.
I’ve confined myself here in the darkness, alone.

???:( face)
Being an atrocity, I was called a monster by everyone.
Just like in the past, I’ve shut myself away from them.

???:( face)
That’s all I can remember.
There isn’t anything else in my memories.

???:( face)
However –
I feel at ease because I’m alone here.

???:( face)
Because if you see who I truly am,
you…… you will be afraid of me.

???:( face)
You will see me as an ugly monster.
I don’t want to be bullied by anyone.

???:( face)
A monster’s blood boils, with an impulse to cause a rampage.
That’s why I did this so nobody will get hurt.

???:( face)
Oh, it will get bloody again. I can’t hold it back.
Everything will get ruined.

???:( face)
When I get that violent feeling in my chest,
I feel the urge to vent it onto someone.

???:( face)
This role of a monster was forced onto me.
If someone comes, I might unleash my anger onto them.

???:( face)
I want to be alone.
Right now, I’m doing fine without any friends.

???:( face)
This is for the sake of everyone.
Therefore, I will always be happy being away from everyone.

???:( face)
I think I will stay inside of this deep and dark labyrinth forever.

Episode 3: [A Monster Dwells in the Labyrinth]

1 option
Ah, it’s finally done……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Wow! [Player], Triton-sensei!
You’ve made the gajumaru into our home!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Thank you~!
I’m so happy!

Triton expression neutral.png

Although we aren’t skilled in this kind of work……
I’m glad the two of us got through it.

Triton expression sad.png

Now that we’re living in the gajumaru,
we don’t have to worry about any rainfall.

3 options
I’m so tired from working. Yeah! We did it, Kijimuna! I feel honored doing this with Triton-sensei.
Triton expression happy.png

We’ve been working hard for the past few days.
You’ve done a good job.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Good job, [Player]!
I’m so happy about our new home!

Triton expression happy.png

Mmm. That was our first collaboration together between a student and teacher.
This is the result of our labor! Good work.

Triton expression neutral.png

We finally finished our work today.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Sensei, I would like to participate in “physical education” next time.
A nice relaxing swim after a lesson sounds nice! Haaaaah~

Triton expression happy.png

Mhm. I agree with that.
Swimming gives the sense of unity with the water. It’s very pleasant!

Triton expression neutral.png

Although I agree about that, I don't think we'll be swimming today.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Nooooooo! I want to go for a swim!

Kijimuna expression sad.png

It’ll be fun swimming with my teacher.
I want you to teach me different swimming techniques too.

Triton expression sad.png

Kijimuna, please don’t cry, I’d be glad to do it.
But first, I need to check if there’s anything dangerous around here.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

The gajumaru tree is part of the island.
I know there isn’t anything dangerous here!

Triton expression neutral.png

I don’t mean to disregard your words,
I need to investigate just to be safe.

Triton expression happy.png

I may be able to find some new students as well.

3 options (Same Response)
New students? There’s someone else here? What are you saying, professor?

Triton expression angry.png

D-don’t give your teacher that suspicious look!
I believe there might be someone else here!

Triton expression neutral.png

There are other parts of the island we haven’t checked yet.
There may be someone like us waiting for help.

Triton expression neutral.png

There is a possibility that they may not know where they are.
A teacher should go and help them.

Triton expression happy.png

If I find someone, I plan on making them my 3rd student!

2 options (Same Response)
…… The other party may not agree to that. Are you planning to guide them too?

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah, don’t worry.
This is what I want to do.

Triton expression happy.png

I need to do so as a teacher.
Therefore, I’m going.

Triton expression neutral.png

Someone who may be alone out there,
I feel that I need to do something.

Triton expression neutral.png

[Player], Kijimuna.
Please remember one thing.

Triton expression neutral.png

If you think about doing something for someone,
it can be considered pressing your thoughts onto the other party.

Triton expression neutral.png

“Your selfishness,”
you need to be self-aware in the things you do.

Triton expression sad.png

People want to protect their “righteousness” and “equality.”
They’re the things that justifies their roles.

Triton expression neutral.png

In this world, you’ll have to bear with those “roles,”
but, that may not always be the case.

Triton expression happy.png

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t hesitate in the things you want to do.

Triton expression neutral.png

When the time comes, you will break through a wall,
and you will see the bigger world.

Triton expression happy.png

…… That is my first lesson to you as your teacher.

2 options (Same Response)
Yes, Professor! I’m not sure if I understood all that.

Triton expression neutral.png


Triton expression happy.png

Anyways, after obscuring materials to build a house to live in,
I wonder if there’s anything else to eat other than marine products.

Triton expression angry.png

Well, I’ll leave the food gathering to you for today and tomorrow.
Consider this as study time! Don’t slack off!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I will go and get some fish!

Triton expression angry.png

However, you’re not allowed to go that far out.
The currents in the ocean are fierce, I won’t be able to help if you get caught.

2 options
Yes, Sensei! Stop worrying so much.
Triton expression happy.png

Good reply!
As a teacher, I feel so deeply moved that I could cry.

Triton expression angry.png

That’s because I’m worried about you!
What if you get attacked again like last time?

Triton expression neutral.png

I could stay with you for a little longer and
keep an eye on you in your studies.

Triton expression happy.png

But, if I overdo it, you won’t be able to grow as students.
At times, I need to let you learn things on your own!

Triton expression sad.png

…… Who did I learn that from……?
I’m sure a teacher taught me that……

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Sensei, what’s wrong? Did you remember something sad?
Don’t make that face, cheer up!

Triton expression happy.png

…… Haha. You wouldn’t understand, Kijimuna.
After all, I am your teacher! Hahahaha.

[Screen starts shaking]

Triton expression angry.png

Guh! Both of you, get down and protect your heads!
Don’t leave the hut either!

Triton expression shocked.png

…… It seems to have settled down.
Is everyone alright? Anyone hurt?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

I got really scared from all that shaking!!

Triton expression neutral.png

It felt something went off.
Is there an active volcano on the island? Or possibly in the sea……?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Ayaaaaaah! Both of you, look over there!
Our home……!

3 options (Same Response)
It's because of the earthquake just now…… The walls came down. I guess we need a professional……

Triton expression shocked.png

Hmm…… so the walls collapsed. That’s unfortunate.
I will need to gather some materials to repair them.

Triton expression sad.png

It will take some time to gather the materials to rebuild the house.
However, there is a problem……

Triton expression sad.png

We are not experienced enough with processing and constructing the lumber.
Nor do we have the manpower and tools to dig out stones.

Triton expression neutral.png

Someone who excels in those areas,
I wish they were my student.

Triton expression happy.png

Well, we’ll figure it out somehow.
I’ll be right back; I’ll leave the school to you in my absence.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Waaah…… that was so scary.
The island hasn’t had an earthquake in a long time.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

The gajumaru was afraid too.
The leaves on the tree branches all fell off.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Even so, the professor was amazing.
He told us to protect our heads.

2 options (Same Response)
He’s looking out for us. He’s doing what’s best for us.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, let’s go to the ocean and catch some fish.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

When Sensei gets back,
let’s treat him to some delicious fish!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Nope, I couldn’t get anything.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Because of that shaking earlier,
there’s nothing but sand in the ocean.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

That’s too bad.
I wanted to treat Sensei with some tasty fish.

They gave up trying to catch some fish, on the way back to shore, they noticed something -

1 option
Kijimuna, look over there -

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Looks like the rock crumbled from the shaking earlier.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Ah, [Player]!
You shouldn’t go over there, it might be dangerous!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

What is this? It looks like a big opening.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

This is my first time seeing something like this on the island.
[Player], do you know what this is?

3 options (Same Response)
…… It’s a dungeon. It must be a hidden labyrinth on the island. It clearly looks man-made.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

To be able to build something like this, that’s amazing!
It’s very different from our house!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I wonder if anyone is living here.

2 options (Same Response)
That’s possible. I’m glad you came with me.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

No problem!
I’m glad to be here!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… Hmm?
In the depths…… I think there are signs of a child.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

However…… they seem to be sad.
I can feel their sorrow in this cave.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We should go to that place.
Maybe we’ll run into the one who is lonely.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Just like how I met you, [Player],
I’m sure we can meet the “child” waiting for us in this place.

3 options (Same Response)
Inside here…… It’s dangerous to wander in blindly. Okay, let’s go!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Please leave this to me. It will only take a few minutes.

Kijimuna found a nearby ivy and crawled into it, he then closed his eyes and entered a state of tranquility.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

…… Gajumaru, my beloved tree.
There is a child crying inside.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I want to see that child by all means.
Please…… give me a sign……

The ivy listened to Kijimuna’s voice, it then responded by emitting a glow.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Thank you, gajumaru, I appreciate it.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That child is in this place! Let’s go see them.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Don’t fall behind now.

The two were encouraged and moved on inside. They followed his footsteps inside the labyrinth.

Although on the way, the path ahead splits – Kijimuna did not hesitate and moved on.

It is as if he knew where to go inside the labyrinth.

1 option
It seems you know the way in here.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Hehehe, that’s because the gajumaru told me.
It said that the crying child is straight ahead.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

The gajumaru is part of the island itself.
It knows everything around here.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

It’s part of the labyrinth as well.
The gajumaru can tell you anything.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That crying child cut through the roots just now. That feeling was transmitted to me, thus I can pinpoint their location.

2 options
Transmitted? Isn't that painful?
Kijimuna expression b joy.png

It’s just a tingling feeling in my head.
Compared to that child’s sorrow, it doesn’t hurt at all.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I am one with the gajumaru tree.
Thus, we share the same properties.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Hey, we’re almost there! That lonely child shouldn’t be scared of us.
We can make them smile.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

This should be the end of the cave.
That child should definitely be here.

Inside the deepest part of the cave, there was a cabin.

It was not an abandoned building. There is someone living in that hut right now.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

[Player], look!
There must be firewood in there.

???:( face)
Who’s there……
Have you come to destroy my home……?

A low, heavy, and cautious groaning can be heard – it was like a monster.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Don’t be afraid. Aren’t we friends?
We came here to see you.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

You should come on out.
Then, we’ll go out and play together!

???:( face)
Play……? Play…… with me?
Haha…… Hahahaha…… I’m not a fool……

???:( face)
That’s right…… you’ve come here to bully me……
You can't fool me……

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

I won’t do something like that.
I’ve come here to be your friend. Really.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

The gajumaru…… and [Player] too.
They came here because they’re worried about you.

3 options (Same Response)
That’s right, don’t you want to play with us? We won’t hurt you. I want to hear your husky voice again.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

I’m your friend.
So -

???:( face)
T-t-that’s a lie!
I just want to live alone here in peace……!

Asterius is referred to "Bull Beastman?"

Asterios expression island 4star.png

If you get in my way…… I absolutely won’t forgive you……
So go home! No more…… Graaaah!!

Asterios expression island 4star.png

No…… I can’t hold it back.
Ah, everything will be destroyed!!

Kijimuna expression b sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
This is going to be dangerous, Kijimuna. Leave this to me.

Kijimuna expression b pout.png

……I…… I want to go too. That child is sad.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Alone in a dark and deep place like this,
I…… I want to help him.

2 options (Same Response)
Alright. Let’s help him together, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Yeah! Let’s do it!
We'll help him together!

Asterios expression island 4star.png

Don’t come…… Don’t come near me……!
I’m warning you…… A-ah……

Asterios expression island 4star.png

Don’t come…… Graaaaaaaaaaaaah!!