Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN

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GoGo! Remote Island Expedition Translation

Part 1-1:
Location: Mysterious Island

"Gajumaru" is a Chinese Banyan tree or Ficus microcarpa.

Washed away. It was very violent.

Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done.

???:( face)

Right before they lost consciousness, they heard a person’s voice.

???:( face)
[Player], grab my hand-
No, [Player], [Player]!!

???:( face)
Please, someone, anyone!
Save [Player]-

Inside the muddy stream, the owner’s voice fades away. A world of silence soon came.

And…… in the end, nothing remained.

Episode 1: [A Castaway Washes Ashore.]

The sound of the waves can be heard.

They wondered- How much time has passed?

Their consciousness has yet to recover. [Player] heard a voice.

(Voice):( face)

They can’t make sense of that voice. But that voice was gentle, warming.

Before long, the owner of that voice gently touches the body of [Player].

At first, they were surprised by the touch of a finger, it soon became daring. It finally goes inside their clothes.

Creeping the finger from the neck to back, and then [Player]’s sensitive spot-

(Voice):( face)
It’s time to wake up! Kitchy-kitchy-coo!!

I’m mercilessly tickling you!!

Kijimaru is referred to as "Southern Country Boy?" for the next 3 lines.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Uwaa, you’re alive! I’m surprised!
I’m shockingly surprised!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

But you’re alive, that’s great~!
It’s been a long time since I met a human being-

2 options
Who…… are you? Technically a boy……!
Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hehehe, surprised?
Any child can get up from being tickled.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Hello! I’m Kijimuna.
I am an image cast by the gajumaru that is part of the island itself.

1 option

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Ah, “gajumaru,”
you were wrapped in its leaves.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

You were sleeping for some time now.
Days and days.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

You didn’t wake up, so the gajumaru got worried and woke you up.

2 options (Same Response)
I understand but – thank you. You helped me, thanks.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hey, there’s no need to say thanks, good child.
I’m happy.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

No worries!
The “role” of the gajumaru is to protect others.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

So, you were lucky.
You were sleeping and hiding in the gajumaru.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

There are no stray dogs or anything like that around here.
It’s good that there’s life here-

2 options (Same Response)
Around here? By the way, where are we?

Kijimuna expression joy.png


Kijimuna expression sad.png

It’s been a long time since anything happened,
the shape of the island is different than usual too……

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

That’s what the gajumaru said.
I’m certain of it since I’m part of the island.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

So why were you sleeping under the gajumaru?
Do you remember?

2 options (Same Response)
…… I don’t know. ......Why?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Maybe you hit your head.
Don’t worry! Let’s see-

Kijimuna expression joy.png

What can you remember…… Mm……
Oh yeah! What’s your name?

1 option
It's [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

You remembered your name, good. That's a relief.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Names are very important.
They’re words that define you.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Is there anything else you can remember?
Anything is fine. Try to remember slowly.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

……? You look depressed.
What’s wrong, [Player]?

2 options (Same Response)
Anything else? Well, I only remember that.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Ah. You don’t remember much.
It’s alright, it’s alright. It’ll come back.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

It’s fine if you want to cry.
You can cry right away, child.

At that moment, [Player] and Kijimaru’s stomachs both made a growling sound…… It was a big echo.

Kijimuna expression embarrassed.png

Ah, that’s embarrassing!
Since you woke up after a long time, you’re starving.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Anyways, I want to eat till I’m full.
I’ll go catch some fish from the ocean!

2 options (Same Response)
Let me help you. I'll help.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Haha, it’s fine child, since you don’t remember anything.
Well, you can go catch some fish.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Do your best to catch one, so we can broil and eat it.
There are jellyfish so be careful.

Part 1-2:
Location: Mysterious Island

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Look, [Player]!
We caught a fish!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… What’s wrong, [Player]?
Is there something wrong with the beach?

3 options (Same Response)
The beach, the scenery. It feels familiar somehow. ...... It's no use, I can't remember.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

You look sad, [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

At times like this, there’s one thing to do.
Coochy-coochy-coo…… Ehehe.

2 options (Same Response)
Bwahahaha, that tickles! Stop it, stop it, hahahaha!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

A child shouldn’t be having a sad expression!

2 options
Ooh, why would you do that! I’ll return the favor, coochy-coo……
Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hehehe! That sad face turned into a smile!
I love the smiling faces from the children.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Waah?! Ahahaha!
Don’t tickle me back, I’m frail ahaha, it hurts!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player], do you feel better?
When you’re feeling sad, you should laugh it off!

2 options (Same Response)
Well, you did cheer me up. …… Thanks, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

No problem!
Laugh a lot, eat to your heart’s content and be happy!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, let’s cook the fish.
Cook then eat, it’ll be delicious!

2 options (Same Response)
The fire’s green…… It’s good that you can start a fire, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Well, it’s not a problem.
When we need fire, I can make it.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Now it’s roasted.
Huhuhu…… it’s cooked perfectly.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

OK! Here, this part is for you, [Player]!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I’ll only eat the fish’s eyeball.
You can have the rest of the body, [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Fish eyeballs are my favorite food.
Don’t be afraid to try it!

2 options (Same Response)
Tasty…… Even if it’s cooked……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Isn’t the island’s blessing a beauty?
Hehe, here’s something good.

He held something out, it was a big coconut.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

The human children, they all love these things.
Sweet, tasty and it gives you energy.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

After eating, it’s time for a nap.
Especially a nap under the gajumaru!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Ahaha, good night~!
Time to sleep after it gets dark.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

A nap after eating, it feels great.
But, after waking up, I’ll feel hungry again.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

The ocean at night is dark and dangerous, but it’s fine.
[Player] caught some fish beforehand.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Surrounding the fire,
and then eating a delicious meal together!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

From now on,
I’ll be happy to play with [Player] together on the island.

2 options (Same Response)
Together? That's -

Kijimuna expression sad.png

What’s wrong, [Player]?
Your face. Do you have a stomach-ache?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

When we were talking earlier [Player], you made that face.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

[Player], did you remember something?
Anything is fine, I’ll listen.

3 options (Same Response)
Yeah, I remember something. A stream took me here. I remembered what happened.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

A stream……?

3 options (Same Response)
That's right. I was swept away from somewhere. Therefore -

1 option
I need to return home somehow......

Tangaroa is referred to as "Man with a Bone Cane?"

Tangaroa expression sad.png


That night. A lone man with a cane made of bone in his hand, narrowed his eyes and stared at the other side of the ocean.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I see.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

The “shell” of my dear world has been breached,
the gap is opening.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

These strange “drifters” are coming from that gap;
different things are coming from the other side.

A wave strikes at the man’s feet. A small piece of cloth was left behind.

It is as if the waves were trying to deliver that “cloth” to its original owner.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The evil “octopus” must have intruded through that gap.
…… And, it’s pulling various things from the outside world.

The man picked up the cloth. His eyebrows wrinkles and began asking himself questions.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

What is this for?
Who could it be for?

That cloth was made with mysterious skin; even when it’s wet it still can be used. It is a delicate work from the hands of a craftsman.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… I don’t understand.
This has gone beyond Tangaroa’s knowledge of everything from the island itself.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

I must brace my mind.
The sacrifices of my beloved children will increase if something’s not done.

Tangaroa expression sad.png


As the man listens to the sounds in the distance, he closed his eyes and listened.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Attacked again.
This time, in the north…… the settlement of the fire folk.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… I must go. My beloved children-
I must protect them from the servants of the evil octopus.

Part 2-1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Episode 2: [The Master Fisherman of the Remote Island]

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Come on, come on, [Player]!
It feels great on the island today too!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Come on, it’s time to wake up.
The sun’s come up already.

2 options
Good morning, Kijimuna. Come on!
Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yes yes, good answer.
I love morning greetings.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Ughyaa! You’ve memorized my words already.
Hmhm, I’m surprised!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Mmm, but you still look a little sleepy, judging by your eyes.
Alright, I have an idea.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Let’s play in the ocean instead of using an alarm clock!
Right here, in the island’s beautiful ocean!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Let’s go for a swim, [Player].
The water's cold, it’ll feel good.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Huh?
What’s wrong, [Player]?

1 option
You can't go swimming without a swimsuit.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Swimsuit?
Erm…… What is a swimsuit?

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Hu…… heh!

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Eheheh, what a funny story. Do you really need it to go swimming?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Eh, me?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

All the sudden, a big wave…… Oh?

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

What is this?
Hey, hey. Look at what was washed up.

2 options (Same Response)
Is that a swimsuit?! The waves brought a swimsuit?!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Oh, this is a swimsuit!?
What a coincidence. I guess we got lucky!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Hey, hey. There’s one for you too.
Together with [Player], I’m so happy!

3 options (Same Response)
2 pairs of clothes got washed up!? It’s the perfect size! I didn’t expect new clothes!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yes, my child, [Player],
Surely the sun granted you one too.

2 options (Same Response)
What’s the likelihood of this happening?! Isn’t this some sort of trap……?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Haha, don’t worry about it~.
This world is full of wonders, admit it.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, I want to wear them.
Come on, let’s put them on together.

Kijimuna:( face)
Come on, hurry, hurry!
Let’s change our clothes quickly.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Ah, this is a swimsuit?
These clothes are quite strange.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

How is it, [Player]?
Hehe, don’t these fit me?

2 options (Same Response)
Yeah, it looks good. It suits you, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Haha, alright-
Let’s go for a swim, [Player]!

3 options
Okay, let’s swim! Let’s go far out. It’ll be dangerous if we swim out too far.
Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Oooh~! You’re so eager!
You’re in very high-spirits!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We didn’t have breakfast either.
We should do this moderately.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Over here, [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
Uwaah, I didn’t expect that! Hey, I’ll get you for that, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

…… Eheh, hehehe.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Ah, this is fun, [Player].
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

This is a very good spot.
It’s warm and there’s plenty of food.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Why do you need to go back home?
[Player], you should stay here a little longer.

3 options
Sorry, but I still need to go back. I am having fun, I don’t want to go back just yet…… For the time being, I’ll play with you, Kijimuna.
Kijimuna expression b sad.png

I see…… That’s a shame. I will be lonely again.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

…… But, if that’s your decision, [Player],
then I can’t change your mind!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Until then, let’s play a lot, [Player]!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That’s great!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

But, even now you still want to return home.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Yeah, let’s play!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We’ll decide the rest afterwards! …… But-

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

-But, remember this, [Player].

Kijimuna expression b embarrassed.png

No matter what happens or what you decide my child,
you are still my friend!

2 options (Same Response)
Thank you, Kijimuna. That's reassuring.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… Eh? I just noticed that you’re drifting away.

Kijimuna expression b pout.png

Why are you going out to sea?
Let’s head back to the gajumaru and eat some food.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

It’s dangerous going out to the open sea!
Come back, [Player]!

1 option
Something’s…… caught my leg……!

1 option
Am I being dragged out to sea!?

Jellyfish:( face)

2 options (Same Response)
Waaaaah!? I’m getting pulled to the seafloor!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… [Player]!!
I-I-I’m coming-

Part 2-2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Slimes?:( face)

Slimes?:( face)

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

[Player], you’re attracting them!
They think you look tasty!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… Oh!
Maybe they think you look cute?

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png


Kijimuna expression b shocked.png


2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna?! I'm coming to help!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png
  • Gurgle*, [Player]!

2 options (Same Response)
Damn, one after another! I’m running out of air-

???:( face)
- - - - - - -

2 options (Same Response)
I heard…… a voice? Under the sea?

???:( face)
- - H - -ey -

2 options (Same Response)
I heard a voice just now…… That...... was a voice.

Note: Triton is referred to as "Man in Blue" until he introduces himself.

Triton expression neutral.png

There is nothing to worry about.
I will be sure to come and help whenever possible!

All the sudden the ocean current stopped. Suddenly a man appeared and swam in their direction at great speeds.

1 option

Triton expression 4star.png

This will get a little rough so bear with it.

Triton expression 4star.png

Resonate – [Resounding Yell in Still Water]!

The man that appeared puts the conch he’s wearing in his mouth, he then takes a deep breath and blows into it.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png


3 options (Same Response)
Gyaaaaaaah! My entire body is trembling! An explosion?!

That sound. The volume is equivalent to that of a fearsome beast.

The slimes fainted, released their tentacles, and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

My head is spinning……

2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna – help…… I’m losing consciousness-

Triton expression neutral.png

Both of you, pull yourselves together.
Do not give up!

Triton expression angry.png

Now, hold out your hand-

1 option
(Holds out hand)

The man grabbed [Player]’s hand and held on firmly.

[Player]’s consciousness, it completely blacks out.

The man’s strong arms held onto the two and pushed his way through the water till he climbed out of the water’s surface.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

I-I’m so glad you woke up!

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

I was getting worried!
But you’re OK. I’m so relieved!

2 options (Same Response)
Where......? The gajumaru......?

Triton expression neutral.png

Good grief……
Children playing in the sea without a guardian.

Triton expression angry.png

You should not take the open sea very lightly. Until you are familiar with it, you should not get so careless.

2 options
Who are you? I don’t know who you are, but thanks.
Kijimuna expression b pout.png

You should at least say thank you.
This man just saved us.

Triton expression sad.png

They have not regained composure yet.
I will have to hold back on the scolding for now.

Triton expression happy.png

Mhm, courtesy is important.
It seems you have studied under a good teacher.

Triton expression neutral.png

First things first –
Please tell me your names.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

I’m Kijimuna.

Triton expression happy.png

Mmm, you are very energetic!
It’s good that you have still have spirit.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

And this is-

2 options (Same Response)
I'll introduce myself. [Player].

Triton expression neutral.png

Hmm, I see.
…… [Player], that is a good name.

Triton expression happy.png

I feel like I heard it before……
Well, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Triton expression neutral.png

Now it is my turn.

Triton expression angry.png

This is our first-time meeting together.
My name is Triton, a teacher.

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you. Triton…… Sensei? Teacher? How do you do? Triton…… Sensei? Teacher?

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

…… “Tea…cher”?
I heard something weird again.

1 option
There are different kinds of people out there.

Triton expression neutral.png

A teacher is a name given to those who are surrounded by students and doctrines.
It is our job to guide them.

Triton expression happy.png

It is also our job to work towards a better future.
It is fun and rewarding!

Triton expression angry.png

I was taught that by someone!

2 options (Same Response)
Someone? Who...... was it?

Triton expression angry.png

…… I am not sure.
To be honest, I am sure I learned that from someone.

Triton expression sad.png

I do not remember much at all……
aside from the fact that I am a “teacher.”

2 options (Same Response)
That’s all you can remember……? So it’s the same as me.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

So it’s the same situation as [Player] then.

Triton expression shocked.png

Is that right?
Huh…… what a strange coincidence.

2 options (Same Response)
It’s funny how much of a coincidence this is. …… Is it really a coincidence?

Triton expression sad.png

Well, there’s not much we can do since we remember so little.

Triton expression angry.png

But, there is still one thing.
I still have my own beliefs.

Triton expression happy.png

It is a very important aspect.
If I can still remember that, it is fine!

Triton expression neutral.png

No matter what happens,
carrying out my desire as a teacher is important to me.

Triton expression happy.png

Therefore, saving children from danger is the role of a “teacher.”

Triton expression neutral.png

There is no need to say thanks –
However, the open sea is dangerous. Be sure to reflect on your actions.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

…… I understand, Triton.

Triton expression angry.png

Call me Triton-sensei!
Is that clear, Kijimuna?

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

You did say that “teachers” are “surrounded by children” right?

Triton expression neutral.png

It is “teacher.” As I have said,
teachers are constantly surrounded by children.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I want to become a “teacher” too! I want to be with other children.
Where do I start?

Triton expression happy.png

Ah, that is a fine dream!
Then you will have to work hard at school.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

No problem!
I will do my best!

Triton expression neutral.png

By the way, you two.
Do you see me as your guardian……?

1 option
(Shakes head)

Triton expression sad.png

Ah, I thought so.
How about you Kijimuna-

Kijimuna expression b joy.png


Triton expression sad.png

…… I see. I assumed that would be the case.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

But it's true. If it weren’t for you,
[Player] and I wouldn’t be here right now.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Really.
That was quite an ordeal for you back there.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

What’s wrong, Professor Triton?
Why are you making that weird face?

Triton expression neutral.png

I have a proposal for you two.
Being the only teacher on this island -

Triton expression happy.png

Would you like to be Students No.1 and No.2?

2 options (Same Response)
Students No.1 and No.2? This feels familiar somehow……

Triton expression happy.png

As a teacher, it is my job to guide students down the right path.

Triton expression neutral.png

If there is no school building, we can build one.
That is what a teacher needs.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Hmm. Alright, I have decided.
I will assemble the other students on this island -

Triton expression angry.png

Then, I will carry out my “role” as a teacher in a school on the island.

Triton expression neutral.png

I will guide the students who’ve lost their way and train them.
That is the role that I have chosen for myself.

Triton expression angry.png

That is the dream I’ve chosen.

Triton expression happy.png

Let’s begin with swimming lessons. It is convenient that you’re already wearing swimsuits.
Alright, I will now teach you how to swim.

[Transitions to another area]

Tribesman expression neutral.png


Mermaid expression neutral.png
  • Chuckle*…… *Chuckle*

How does it feel to have your memory corrupted by the “tentacles?”

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Now, all your memories will be completely wiped out.
Become the “children of the abyss.”

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Listen to our great lord’s orders and work for him.

Tribesmen:( face)
…… U…… Uuough……!
Yes…… Understood……

Reminder: Tangaroa is referred as "Man with Bone Cane?"

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

How can this be,
my dear “flesh and blood”……!

Mermaid expression neutral.png

You’ve raised your children with excessive care.
Did you not train them well enough?

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Given blessings and knowledge of medicine,
shouldn’t they also have the power to eliminate any outside threats?

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… It should not be possible for any outsiders to be on this island.
It is no doubt that it was an oversight from Tangaroa.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

But – with Lumia Kanaloa, Tangaroa will expel you out of this world!

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… This is for my followers!

Tangaroa headed towards the black mermaid and had the large snakes go in for an attack. However -

Merman expression neutral.png

Do not interfere with our lord’s plans!!

A myriad of belt-shaped “things” came out from behind the black merman and narrowly protected against the blow.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

As I have thought, those are the octopus’ tentacles -

Merman expression neutral.png

We are borrowing all our great lord’s power –
We are using it to our advantage.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… What is your objective?
Why are you targeting my children?

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

If it is only Tangaroa that you are aiming for,
then I will face you.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

However, you must withdraw all your attention away from my children.
…… Answer me, now.

The black merpeople did not answer. However, they continued with the ecstatic laughter.

Merman expression neutral.png

…… Tangaroa, you are the creator of this island.
You also possess a dreadful power.

Merman expression neutral.png

But, you also have a fatal weakness.
Upon learning about it, we’ve prepared in advance.

Merman expression neutral.png

It took a tremendous amount of time to sneak onto this island.
At last we will be victorious.

Merman expression neutral.png

Go on, Tangaroa’s children.
Capture and throw him in a cage!

Tribesman expression evil.png

Offering – Sacrifice –
Wooooooooah -

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… Tch, cowards!
You are manipulating my children and using them as shields!?

Tribesman expression evil.png

We will offer everything to our “lord.”

The tribesmen, which consisted of several figures including children, rushed towards the man with a cane with vacant eyes.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

The evil influence has spread out to this many people!

Tribesman expression evil.png


The warriors are in an erratic state, the entire tribe surrounded and restrained the man.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

My children, snap out of it!
Come back to your senses -

The next moment, an endless amount of “something” came out from behind the tribesmen and attacked the head of the tribe.

Tangaroa:( face)

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Tangaroa. We will completely clean out your memory,
then we’ll tamper with it, so you will serve our “lord.”

Mermaid expression neutral.png

…… Oh yes, you still need an answer to the question from earlier?

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Our objective is to completely take over this island.
Then, we’ll offer it to our great lord.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

It is a pleasure.
Our lord will make our dreams come true.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

A beautiful paradise, overflowing with sweet fruit.
It is an honor to acquire a miniature garden.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Well now – Our great “lord,”
we will celebrate the birth of a new Triton.

Part 3-1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

???:( face)
I am the only one here.
I’ve confined myself here in the darkness, alone.

???:( face)
Being an atrocity, I was called a monster by everyone.
Just like in the past, I’ve shut myself away from them.

???:( face)
That’s all I can remember.
There isn’t anything else in my memories.

???:( face)
However –
I feel at ease because I’m alone here.

???:( face)
Because if you see who I truly am,
you…… you will be afraid of me.

???:( face)
You will see me as an ugly monster.
I don’t want to be bullied by anyone.

???:( face)
A monster’s blood boils, with an impulse to cause a rampage.
That’s why I did this so nobody will get hurt.

???:( face)
Oh, it will get bloody again. I can’t hold it back.
Everything will get ruined.

???:( face)
When I get that violent feeling in my chest,
I feel the urge to vent it onto someone.

???:( face)
This role of a monster was forced onto me.
If someone comes, I might unleash my anger onto them.

???:( face)
I want to be alone.
Right now, I’m doing fine without any friends.

???:( face)
This is for the sake of everyone.
Therefore, I will always be happy being away from everyone.

???:( face)
I think I will stay inside of this deep and dark labyrinth forever.

Episode 3: [A Monster Dwells in the Labyrinth]

1 option
Ah, it’s finally done……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Wow! [Player], Triton-sensei!
You’ve made the gajumaru into our home!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Thank you~!
I’m so happy!

Triton expression neutral.png

Although we aren’t skilled in this kind of work……
I’m glad the two of us got through it.

Triton expression sad.png

Now that we’re living in the gajumaru,
we don’t have to worry about any rainfall.

3 options
I’m so tired from working. Yeah! We did it, Kijimuna! I feel honored doing this with Triton-sensei.
Triton expression happy.png

We’ve been working hard for the past few days.
You’ve done a good job.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Good job, [Player]!
I’m so happy about our new home!

Triton expression happy.png

Mmm. That was our first collaboration together between a student and teacher.
This is the result of our labor! Good work.

Triton expression neutral.png

We finally finished our work today.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Sensei, I would like to participate in “physical education” next time.
A nice relaxing swim after a lesson sounds nice! Haaaaah~

Triton expression happy.png

Mhm. I agree with that.
Swimming gives the sense of unity with the water. It’s very pleasant!

Triton expression neutral.png

Although I agree about that, I don't think we'll be swimming today.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Nooooooo! I want to go for a swim!

Kijimuna expression sad.png

It’ll be fun swimming with my teacher.
I want you to teach me different swimming techniques too.

Triton expression sad.png

Kijimuna, please don’t cry, I’d be glad to do it.
But first, I need to check if there’s anything dangerous around here.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

The gajumaru tree is part of the island.
I know there isn’t anything dangerous here!

Triton expression neutral.png

I don’t mean to disregard your words,
I need to investigate just to be safe.

Triton expression happy.png

I may be able to find some new students as well.

3 options (Same Response)
New students? There’s someone else here? What are you saying, professor?

Triton expression angry.png

D-don’t give your teacher that suspicious look!
I believe there might be someone else here!

Triton expression neutral.png

There are other parts of the island we haven’t checked yet.
There may be someone like us waiting for help.

Triton expression neutral.png

There is a possibility that they may not know where they are.
A teacher should go and help them.

Triton expression happy.png

If I find someone, I plan on making them my 3rd student!

2 options (Same Response)
…… The other party may not agree to that. Are you planning to guide them too?

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah, don’t worry.
This is what I want to do.

Triton expression happy.png

I need to do so as a teacher.
Therefore, I’m going.

Triton expression neutral.png

Someone who may be alone out there,
I feel that I need to do something.

Triton expression neutral.png

[Player], Kijimuna.
Please remember one thing.

Triton expression neutral.png

If you think about doing something for someone,
it can be considered pressing your thoughts onto the other party.

Triton expression neutral.png

“Your selfishness,”
you need to be self-aware in the things you do.

Triton expression sad.png

People want to protect their “righteousness” and “equality.”
They’re the things that justifies their roles.

Triton expression neutral.png

In this world, you’ll have to bear with those “roles,”
but, that may not always be the case.

Triton expression happy.png

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t hesitate in the things you want to do.

Triton expression neutral.png

When the time comes, you will break through a wall,
and you will see the bigger world.

Triton expression happy.png

…… That is my first lesson to you as your teacher.

2 options (Same Response)
Yes, Professor! I’m not sure if I understood all that.

Triton expression neutral.png


Triton expression happy.png

Anyways, after obscuring materials to build a house to live in,
I wonder if there’s anything else to eat other than marine products.

Triton expression angry.png

Well, I’ll leave the food gathering to you for today and tomorrow.
Consider this as study time! Don’t slack off!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I will go and get some fish!

Triton expression angry.png

However, you’re not allowed to go that far out.
The currents in the ocean are fierce, I won’t be able to help if you get caught.

2 options
Yes, Sensei! Stop worrying so much.
Triton expression happy.png

Good reply!
As a teacher, I feel so deeply moved that I could cry.

Triton expression angry.png

That’s because I’m worried about you!
What if you get attacked again like last time?

Triton expression neutral.png

I could stay with you for a little longer and
keep an eye on you in your studies.

Triton expression happy.png

But, if I overdo it, you won’t be able to grow as students.
At times, I need to let you learn things on your own!

Triton expression sad.png

…… Who did I learn that from……?
I’m sure a teacher taught me that……

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Sensei, what’s wrong? Did you remember something sad?
Don’t make that face, cheer up!

Triton expression happy.png

…… Haha. You wouldn’t understand, Kijimuna.
After all, I am your teacher! Hahahaha.

[Screen starts shaking]

Triton expression angry.png

Guh! Both of you, get down and protect your heads!
Don’t leave the hut either!

Triton expression shocked.png

…… It seems to have settled down.
Is everyone alright? Anyone hurt?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

I got really scared from all that shaking!!

Triton expression neutral.png

It felt something went off.
Is there an active volcano on the island? Or possibly in the sea……?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Ayaaaaaah! Both of you, look over there!
Our home……!

3 options (Same Response)
It's because of the earthquake just now…… The walls came down. I guess we need a professional……

Triton expression shocked.png

Hmm…… so the walls collapsed. That’s unfortunate.
I will need to gather some materials to repair them.

Triton expression sad.png

It will take some time to gather the materials to rebuild the house.
However, there is a problem……

Triton expression sad.png

We are not experienced enough with processing and constructing the lumber.
Nor do we have the manpower and tools to dig out stones.

Triton expression neutral.png

Someone who excels in those areas,
I wish they were my student.

Triton expression happy.png

Well, we’ll figure it out somehow.
I’ll be right back; I’ll leave the school to you in my absence.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Waaah…… that was so scary.
The island hasn’t had an earthquake in a long time.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

The gajumaru was afraid too.
The leaves on the tree branches all fell off.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Even so, the professor was amazing.
He told us to protect our heads.

2 options (Same Response)
He’s looking out for us. He’s doing what’s best for us.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, let’s go to the ocean and catch some fish.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

When Sensei gets back,
let’s treat him to some delicious fish!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Nope, I couldn’t get anything.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Because of that shaking earlier,
there’s nothing but sand in the ocean.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

That’s too bad.
I wanted to treat Sensei with some tasty fish.

They gave up trying to catch some fish, on the way back to shore, they noticed something -

1 option
Kijimuna, look over there -

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Looks like the rock crumbled from the shaking earlier.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Ah, [Player]!
You shouldn’t go over there, it might be dangerous!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

What is this? It looks like a big opening.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

This is my first time seeing something like this on the island.
[Player], do you know what this is?

3 options (Same Response)
…… It’s a dungeon. It must be a hidden labyrinth on the island. It clearly looks man-made.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

To be able to build something like this, that’s amazing!
It’s very different from our house!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I wonder if anyone is living here.

2 options (Same Response)
That’s possible. I’m glad you came with me.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

No problem!
I’m glad to be here!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… Hmm?
In the depths…… I think there are signs of a child.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

However…… they seem to be sad.
I can feel their sorrow in this cave.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We should go to that place.
Maybe we’ll run into the one who is lonely.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Just like how I met you, [Player],
I’m sure we can meet the “child” waiting for us in this place.

3 options (Same Response)
Inside here…… It’s dangerous to wander in blindly. Okay, let’s go!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Please leave this to me. It will only take a few minutes.

Kijimuna found a nearby ivy and crawled into it, he then closed his eyes and entered a state of tranquility.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

…… Gajumaru, my beloved tree.
There is a child crying inside.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I want to see that child by all means.
Please…… give me a sign……

The ivy listened to Kijimuna’s voice, it then responded by emitting a glow.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Thank you, gajumaru, I appreciate it.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That child is in this place! Let’s go see them.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Don’t fall behind now.

The two were encouraged and moved on inside. They followed his footsteps inside the labyrinth.

Although on the way, the path ahead splits – Kijimuna did not hesitate and moved on.

It is as if he knew where to go inside the labyrinth.

1 option
It seems you know the way in here.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Hehehe, that’s because the gajumaru told me.
It said that the crying child is straight ahead.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

The gajumaru is part of the island itself.
It knows everything around here.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

It’s part of the labyrinth as well.
The gajumaru can tell you anything.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That crying child cut through the roots just now. That feeling was transmitted to me, thus I can pinpoint their location.

2 options
Transmitted? Isn't that painful?
Kijimuna expression b joy.png

It’s just a tingling feeling in my head.
Compared to that child’s sorrow, it doesn’t hurt at all.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I am one with the gajumaru tree.
Thus, we share the same properties.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Hey, we’re almost there! That lonely child shouldn’t be scared of us.
We can make them smile.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

This should be the end of the cave.
That child should definitely be here.

Inside the deepest part of the cave, there was a cabin.

It was not an abandoned building. There is someone living in that hut right now.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

[Player], look!
There must be firewood in there.

???:( face)
Who’s there……
Have you come to destroy my home……?

A low, heavy, and cautious groaning can be heard – it was like a monster.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Don’t be afraid. Aren’t we friends?
We came here to see you.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

You should come on out.
Then, we’ll go out and play together!

???:( face)
Play……? Play…… with me?
Haha…… Hahahaha…… I’m not a fool……

???:( face)
That’s right…… you’ve come here to bully me……
You can't fool me……

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

I won’t do something like that.
I’ve come here to be your friend. Really.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

The gajumaru…… and [Player] too.
They came here because they’re worried about you.

3 options (Same Response)
That’s right, don’t you want to play with us? We won’t hurt you. I want to hear your husky voice again.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

I’m your friend.
So -

???:( face)
T-t-that’s a lie!
I just want to live alone here in peace……!

Asterius is referred to "Bull Beastman?"

Asterios expression island 4star.png

If you get in my way…… I absolutely won’t forgive you……
So go home! No more…… Graaaah!!

Asterios expression island 4star.png

No…… I can’t hold it back.
Ah, everything will be destroyed!!

Kijimuna expression b sad.png


2 options (Same Response)
This is going to be dangerous, Kijimuna. Leave this to me.

Kijimuna expression b pout.png

……I…… I want to go too. That child is sad.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Alone in a dark and deep place like this,
I…… I want to help him.

2 options (Same Response)
Alright. Let’s help him together, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Yeah! Let’s do it!
We'll help him together!

Asterios expression island 4star.png

Don’t come…… Don’t come near me……!
I’m warning you…… A-ah……

Asterios expression island 4star.png

Don’t come…… Graaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

Part 3-2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Asterios expression island anger.png


The roar of the bull beastman rocked the walls of the cave. He is also swinging his shovel around, scraping the sturdy walls in the process.

2 options (Same Response)
This power…… What should we do?

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png


While [Player] was thinking of something, Kijimuna went towards the bull beastman alone.

1 option
It’s dangerous, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I think I can wear him out.
Alright, let’s play!

Asterios expression island anger.png


Asterios expression island anger.png

………!? W-where? Where did you go……!

Kijimuna's voice:( face)
Eheheheh~ Come on, let’s play a game of tag!
If you can catch me, you win!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Fuwaah! Ooooou! Raaah!

The bull beastman swung his weapon many times, while also filling the air with his ferocious roars.

Kijimuna continuously played around in the wind, casually toying with the bull with swift movements.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Ha…… Ha…… Ha……!
Waah…… Ough…… Guaaaaah!

At last, the bull beastman stopped swinging his weapon and collapsed on the ground.

Before the bull beastman collapsed to the ground with spinning eyes, Kijimuna quietly reappeared.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Hehehehe~ Looks like I won.
This child finally calmed down.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

I’m going to fetch some water for this child.
[Player], please look after this child.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

He shouldn’t cause another rampage.
Okay, I will be right back.

Bull beastman?:( face)
…… Ough……
I…… What happened……?

3 options
Good morning. How are you feeling, are you hurt? You’re so cute when you’re sleeping~ ☆
Asterios expression island surprised.png

Were you…… looking after me……?

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

C-C-C-Cute!? You really think that……?
But, why were you looking……!

Asterios expression island sad.png

A-Ah, I see.
I’ve done it again.

Although he did not remember much from a few minutes ago, there are still traces of the rampage.

The bull beastman they were looking after looked around. After seeing the damage, he grew depressed.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

What…… have I done?
What happened to that child……!

3 options (Same Response)
Don’t worry. That child is safe. He’s getting some water.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I-I see……
…… That’s good……!

Asterios expression island anger.png

…… But, why won’t you understand!?
I’m not able to control myself……!

Asterios expression island sad.png

Anything can aggravate me.
Everything will get destroyed.

Asterios expression island sad.png

That’s why I shut myself here in this labyrinth……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I’ve forgotten my memories when I came here and……
I’ve been living here ever since. I don’t want to remember anything else.

Asterios expression island sad.png

That was the best thing to do for everyone……

Asterios expression island anger.png

Nobody comes near! Nobody gets in! Labrus Labyrinthus!!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Oh my gosh!!
What in the world is going on!?

The labyrinth’s appearance changed. The “distance” from reality completely changed.

The room was also distorted. The gajumaru’s ivy’s that were covering the labyrinth was also cut off.
The labyrinth’s appearance changed even more.

Bull beastman?:( face)
…… Go home!
You will not get close to me ever again……!!

They could not understand their surroundings. However, those words can be heard somewhere in the labyrinth.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

I can feel the pain in that voice.
Are you really that sad?

Bull beastman?:( face)
Why won’t you go home! I don’t need your sympathy!!
It will never work, never!

Bull beastman?:( face)
Why are you doing this?
You probably think I’m a monster!

3 options (Same Response)
That’s not true. It’s amazing how you can instantly create a labyrinth. I want to talk to you.

Bull beastman?:( face)
What are you trying to say!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Why are you so afraid?
I just want to play together with you.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

When I saw this cave-like labyrinth for the first time,
I thought it was a fun place for everyone to play in!

Bull beastman?:( face)
Y-you think it’s fun……?
You want to play in here……?

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

But, when I entered this cave,
I felt feelings of loneliness.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

When I experienced that lonely feeling, I felt that I need to do something.
I want to become your friend.

Bull beastman?:( face)
I-I want to see you……!
I want to talk!

Bull beastman?:( face)
I want to understand what you’re saying……

Bull beastman?:( face)
Are you trying to push your own selfish thoughts onto me……?

2 options (Same Response)
Pressing something - Push…… motives……

Triton-sensei:( face)
Ah, don’t worry.
This is what I want to do.

Triton-sensei:( face)
I need to do so as a teacher.
Therefore, I’m going.

Triton-sensei:( face)
Someone who may be alone out there,
I feel that I need to do something.

Triton-sensei:( face)
[Player], Kijimuna.
Please remember one thing.

Triton-sensei:( face)
If you think about doing something for someone,
it can be considered pressing your thoughts onto the other party.

Triton-sensei:( face)
“Your selfishness,”
you need to be self-aware in the things you do.

Triton-sensei:( face)
People want to protect their “righteousness” and “equality.”
They’re the things that justifies their roles.

Triton-sensei:( face)
In this world, you’ll have to bear with those “roles,”
but, that may not always be the case.

Triton-sensei:( face)
Nevertheless, you shouldn’t hesitate in the things you want to do.

Triton-sensei:( face)
When the time comes, you will break through a wall,
and you will see the bigger world.

Triton-sensei:( face)
…… That is my first lesson to you as your teacher.

3 options (Same Response)
…… Yeah, that’s right. I’ll show you what my motives are. I want to become friends with you.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png


Bull beastman?:( face)
…… Huh.

2 options (Same Response)
I'm doing this for you. Please tell me your feelings.

Bull beastman?:( face)
…… ?!
W-what are you trying to say……?

Bull beastman?:( face)
I want to say that…… I’ve always been alone.
It’s always been like this.

Bull beastman?:( face)
You’ll surely regret trying to get close to me.
E-everyone did – why!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Who’s “everyone”?
Everyone here wants to play with you.

Bull beastman?:( face)
That’s -

2 options (Same Response)
Are those your true feelings? What do you personally want to do?

Bull beastman?:( face)

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Yeah, I remember Sensei saying something like that.
So, you want to do something, that’s great.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

You want do things for them, that’s not a bad thing.

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

But, I think I understand.
It’s hard to suppress those painful feelings.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

So, let’s be friends!

1 option
(Nods in agreement)

Bull beastman?:( face)
S-Stop it!
You…… can’t get closer to my heart!

Bull beastman?:( face)
I will get violent and hurt somebody.

Bull beastman?:( face)
The important things or not, I’ll end up destroying everything.
It’s…… devastating.

Bull beastman?:( face)
All of it will be my fault.
Everyone…… will hate me.

Bull beastman?:( face)
Therefore, I……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… I’m not wrong.
You will be afraid of me.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

You will be afraid of me because I'm scary and ugly.
Who would want to be with someone like me?

Asterios expression island sad.png

It’s such a painful feeling……
I don’t want to deal with it anymore.

1 option
Believe in yourself.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

…… Y-You’re such a weird guy.
I never heard something like that until now.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Believe huh…… well, I believe……

Asterios expression island sad.png

Oh…… it’s useless.

[Player] tried to approach Asterius and get close to him.

However, the attempt was futile. It’s as if a mysterious power is causing the distance to feel like an eternity.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I created this labyrinth using my Hallowed Artifact.
It’s to keep me locked up.

Asterios expression island sad.png

As long as I have it, you won’t be able to reach me.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I will live on and die alone –
that is the “role” I’m born with.

Asterios expression island sad.png

But…… I’m used to being in a dark place alone.
I have been for a long time now.

Asterios expression island smile.png

I guess I do want to be with you……

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Is that your "wish"?

2 options (Same Response)
I can fulfill your wish. (Pulls out a glowing sword)

[Player] took several steps forward and stood in front of the distortion of the labyrinth.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Hey, what are you -

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Oh my gosh!
That sword is glowing -

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Hey, [Player].
What are you trying to do?

3 options (Same Response)
I don’t know, but I remember doing this. This sword is a part of me. This can cut the link between two things.

Triton-sensei:( face)
Nevertheless, you shouldn’t hesitate in the things you want to do.

Triton-sensei:( face)
When the time comes, you will break through a wall,
and you will see the bigger world.

2 options (Same Response)
Role is “wandering.” Rule is “rendering.”

2 options (Same Response)
I, [Player], will inscribe thy name here. Come out, Yakumo no Chigiri!

[Player] picked up the glowing sword
and severed the “something,” separating the bull beastman from the labyrinth.

Bull beastman?:( face)
Ah…… my Labrus Labryrinthus disappeared……
How unusual.

Bull beastman?:( face)
You cut off my control of the labyrinth……
H-How did you do that……?!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Oh my gosh! The labyrinth is gone!
[Player], I didn’t know you could do that.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Y-You really are a strange guy……
You broke down the labyrinth I made.

Asterios expression island sad.png

But…… what is this……?
My head feels a little lighter……

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Finally, we can get to know each other!
Hello! I’m Kijimuna!

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you. I'm [Player]!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Y-You guys……
I’m surprised, y-you’re so eager……

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I’m…… Asterius.

1 option
Nice to meet you, Asterius!

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

N-Nice to meet you……
Kijimuna…… [Player].

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Awesome! Now we can play together.
But before we do that, I’m getting hungry.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Waaaah, this is…… I think the cave is about to collapse!

1 option
Could it be that I “disconnected” the “labyrinth”?

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Everyone, let’s get out of here quick!!

1 option
It’s collapsing very fast, we won’t make it in time!

Asterios expression island anger.png

D-D-Don’t worry!
Both of you, hold onto me!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

I’m surprised –
You managed to save us back there.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Asterius, you’re really strong.
You carried me and [Player] out with no problems.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

I-I was desperate.
I wanted to save you two.

The sun illuminated Asterius’ body, he noticed that his figure is exposed.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

D-Don’t look at me……
You probably think I look ugly……

3 options
(Softly turns eyes) Don’t worry about it. Let’s take a closer look.
Asterios expression island smile.png

Thanks…… that helped.
I feel a little better now.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… I-Is that right?
Haha, that’s a little embarrassing.

Asterios expression island smile.png

But…… I do feel a little relieved.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

Ah, please don’t! Don’t get too close!
Uuuu…… Don’t look at me so closely!

Asterios expression island sad.png

I’m not used to this kind of thing!
P-Please…… don’t look too much…… Aah.


Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

Ah, that’s……
Don’t look at me like that!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Ahaha~, you’re getting hungry~!
Alright, let’s get something to eat.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

B-But all the food was in the cave.
It collapsed already.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

It’s alright~.
I’m going into the beautiful sea and catch some tasty fish.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

A-Alright –
I will go look for some flammable objects.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Hmm, fish……
It’s been a while since I had it……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

There weren’t any fish inside the labyrinth……

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

You should eat some.
We can cook some for you later!

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Thank you, Kijimuna, [Player].

Asterios expression island surprised.png

B-By the way…… that house…… is it yours?
It looks rather tattered……

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Something went off earlier and it collapsed.
We’re in trouble because we don’t have enough materials.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… The columns are unstable. There is not enough wood either.
Hmm…… you don’t have any good materials at all.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Wow! Ashterius, you can tell what’s wrong just by looking at it.

Asterios expression island sad.png

It’s not Ashterius…… My name is Asterius……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Anyways, your home was destroyed……
Well, I am experienced with repairs and architecture.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I-If that’s alright……
I can do it for you……

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I’m good at handling heavy materials…… Please leave all the work to me……!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That will be great!
Asterius is going to live with us~.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Live together...... with me? I-Is that okay? Together with you two……?

1 option
You’re our friend.

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

M-Me…… and you……?

Asterios expression island smile.png

I see…… Friend……
M-My…… Friend……

Asterios expression island anger.png

Let’s go get some fish to eat!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Of course, let’s do it!
We’ll fix our home too and surprise the professor!

1 option
Yep, yep -

Everyone:( face)

Asterios expression island neutral.png


Asterios expression island happy.png

…… Heheh.
Friends…… Friends……

The sun shined down on them, they did not seem to notice -

The bull beastman thought about those words and smiled.

Part 4-1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Good, forget everything. “Everything” that you know will be gone.

You will continue to forget, until your “role” intertwines with the island.

There is no need to be afraid. There is no need to grieve.

You are the late plum that was left behind on the island looking for revenge…… You will release every single chain that binds you.

You will happily live on forever in this garden as a “student.”

You will be separated from your own body and live on the island for “eternity.” A new and happy “role” will be given to you.

3 options (Same Response)
What the! Leave me alone! I will never forget -

Mermaid expression normal.png

Oh my, the “student” is being disobedient.
But, it’s futile.

Mermaid expression normal.png

How long will you try to remember –
What do you want to remember?

Mermaid expression neutral.png

No matter how much you try,
it will always get washed away.

3 options (Same Response)
A dream……? What kind of dream was that……? That was absurdly real......

3 options (Same Response)
…… Huh? Ever since I came to this island - How long have I been here?

Episode 4: [An Eternal Paradise]

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… Haaah.
That should do it.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

The repairs and reinforcement of the house are done.
It will surely endure the rain, wind, and even earthquakes.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Oh my gosh! Our house is a lot more durable now!
Asterius, you’re amazing!

2 options (Same Response)
Asterius is awesome! You’re quite the professional for a big guy.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I-I-I’m getting a lot of praise……
I’m…… not used to getting compliments……

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Don’t feel bad about it! You’re very skilled at this.
You can do anything you want since you’re so strong.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

D-do you really think that highly of me……?!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Of course.
You’re really amazing, Asterius.

Asterios expression island smile.png

You’re making me blush……

Triton expression neutral.png

Ooh, you’ve done a wonderful job!
Asterius, you are quite something.

Triton expression sad.png

By the way…… Why are you laying down on the ground?
Does your stomach hurt?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Don’t worry, I was only doing repairs……
It’s nothing serious……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

There might not be enough for everyone to live with……
I can make the chairs, desks and such……

Asterios expression island sad.png

I’m good with repairing and transporting things……
But, I’m not good with anything else…… Sorry.

Triton expression neutral.png

Don’t apologize. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
However! I’m happy to have another student.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Me, a student……!?

Triton expression shocked.png

W-What’s wrong? Is there a problem……?
I didn't mean to force it onto you......

Asterios expression island neutral.png

N-No, I’d be glad to……
It’s just happened so suddenly that’s all……

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

P-P-Please treat me well, Triton-sensei!

Triton expression happy.png

Mmm! Asterius,
you will be my 3rd student!

Triton expression neutral.png

…… I am trembling with delight now that I have a new student.

Triton expression angry.png

Be sure to listen to your sensei carefully.

Triton expression sad.png

By the way, you accidentally stepped foot into an unknown cave here.
Did you not think there were anything dangerous in there?

Triton expression neutral.png

You children are reckless.
Putting yourselves in dangerous situations like that.

Triton expression angry.png

……[Player], you are a very problematic child!
I specifically told you to stay away from dangerous situations!

2 options (Same Response)
Huh, me? I-I’m sorry!

Triton expression angry.png

If you were planning to investigate dangerous places,
you should have gone with a guardian……

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Please don’t get mad, Triton-sensei.
I asked them to come with me.

Triton expression neutral.png

Do you have something to confess?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Please forgive us.
We didn’t mean to ignore your instructions.

Triton squats then pats Kijimuna’s head several times.

Triton expression happy.png

That’s alright. As long you reflect on what you’ve done,
then I won’t say anything. Please be more careful next time.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Heheh.
I haven’t been scolded by someone in a long time.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hey, Sensei!
Let’s go eat some fish!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I’ll go catch the fish, Asterius gets the firewood,
and [Player] will start the fire!

Triton expression surprised.png

Okay, okay, I get it, Kijimuna!
Don’t pull on the hem of my swimsuit!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Nehehe~! Wasn’t that delicious?
We all should eat some more!

Triton expression happy.png

It was quite delicious.
It tastes a little better than the last meal.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Everyone enjoyed their food.
Asterius seems to be happy with it too.

Asterios expression island smile.png

Y-yeah…… I think it’s a lot better eating together with everyone.

Triton expression neutral.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

Triton-sensei…… Is something the matter?
If there were chairs and desks, it would feel more like a school……

Triton expression shocked.png

A-ah, it’s nothing, Asterius.
There’s no need to do all that work by yourself……

2 options (Same Response)
That’s right, Asterios. Let's work together.

Triton expression neutral.png

[Player] is right.
Even though I’m not good at it, I’ll still be willing to help.

Triton expression happy.png

You are very skilled at this, big guy.
You will make a fine student!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Will there be more children?
Things will get livelier then!

Asterios expression island sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png

Thank you for the meal.
Thank you, everyone.

Kijimuna expression joy.png


Triton expression neutral.png

It’s already getting late.
We should head to bed now. We’ll continue things tomorrow.


2 options (Same Response)
Is there someone outside……? Was that Asterius?

Asterios expression island neutral.png

...... Hmm.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Oh, did I wake you up?
Sorry about that…… [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
Are you making something? Is that…… Furniture? A chair? Desk?

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I offered to do so for Triton-sensei……
So, I thought I make them ahead of time.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I messed up putting in the nail,
I may have to fix this using an ivy from a plant……

Asterios expression island sad.png

M-my hands are a little too big, aren’t they?
It’s a little hard for me to handle delicate work……

Asterios expression island smile.png

W-well, I’ll try my best with this.
Y-you should go get some sleep……

2 options (Same Response)
I’ll help you. I couldn’t fall asleep.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Y-You are a funny guy……
You’re willing to help me?

Asterios expression island sad.png


Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

H-Hey, [Player].
Can we talk for a bit……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

We shouldn’t wake Triton-sensei and Kijimuna.
Let’s keep our voices down……

Asterios expression island sad.png

T-there is only one thing I remember.
…… I’ve always been living alone.

Asterios expression island sad.png

There was no one around.
I…… was getting lonely.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

That’s why……
I can dream of living like this.

Asterios expression island happy.png

I hope…… I can live like this forever……

2 options (Same Response)
…… Hey, Asterius. I thought about going home -

Asterios expression island happy.png

…… Hmm?
W-what’s wrong, [Player]?

2 options (Same Response)
…… It’s nothing. Living together like this.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… Ah! I see.
I hope so…… [Player]……

Triton expression happy.png


2 options (Same Response)
…… Is someone there? …… Was that a smile?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

What’s wrong, [Player]?
Is there someone else here in the middle of the night?

Asterios expression island sad.png

…… There’s no one else here.
Maybe you’re seeing things because you’re exhausted.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I think you’re just imagining it.

  • Yaaawn*…… Well, I’m going to bed.
Asterios expression island sad.png

…… …… There’s no point in making furniture if I’m tired.
It will turn out sloppy……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Well, I’ll worry about it tomorrow.
G-Good night, [Player].

???:( face)
…… Huh?
Where…… am I……?

???:( face)
…… Uuunn.
My head hearts……

???:( face)
Ah, it’s useless. I can’t remember a thing!

???:( face)
What’s this?
That seems to be a house over there.

???:( face)
Hmm, this house…… aside from the durability,
there seems to be a problem with the functioning aspect of it.

???:( face)
…… Oh? Ooooooooh!?
The way this was manufactured -

???:( face)
I see, I see. It is a simple structure.
How about I fix the parts for them?

???:( face)
Hmm. It shouldn’t be hard to work with.
I just need to work with this a bit more carefully.

???:( face)
I never seen this type of wood before……
Could it be Acacia? Tasmanian blackwood?

???:( face)
I have never seen this type of material before –
Hoooooh, I’m getting fired up!

???:( face)
I think I’ll stay here and work on this!

???:( face)
Let’s get to work! I’ll start with the measurements!
Huhuhuhu~. I’m getting excited.


3 options (Same Response)
Eergh…… It’s so noisy this morning. The sound’s coming from outside. It’s probably Asterius……

Note: Until Kurogane introduces himself, he's referred to as "Man with Goggles?"

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

…… Phew, it’s finally done.
Hah, that feels great.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’ve fixed up the irregularities!
The finished product is…… absolutely beautiful……!

Kurogane expression b intrigued.png

Perfection……! The chairs and desks turned out perfectly!
Aaah, D.I.Y is simply the best~!

3 options (Same Response)
Trespasser! ! Who is this person?! Did you wash up on the island too……?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Are you a resident of this house?
I see…… Junior.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

It’s nice to find another person here.
After I washed up here, I thought I was all alone.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I found your house nearby and I thought someone was working on something,
based on how the chairs and desks were lying around.

Kurogane expression b intrigued.png

You can’t leave things unfinished.
Isn’t it an inventor’s job to finish their work?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

That’s why I finished the remodeling for you!
Perhaps…… you were going to finish it yourself?

3 options (Same Response)
You are an interesting guy…… You seem to be good at this. You're quite enthusiastic about this sort of thing.

Kurogane expression b smile.png

Stop with the compliments!
It’s embarrassing!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

The name’s Kurogane.
Nice to meet ya! Also, uh……

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png


Kurogane expression b shocked.png

Where the hell am I?!

2 options (Same Response)
What?! I have no idea......

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Our great lord.
The one that rules the abyss of the sea.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

By your command,
we’ve prepared everything for you to build our ideal paradise.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

But, it appears that they still have faint memories of their original world.
They have the desire to return home.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Oh, I wonder why.
We couldn’t clean out their memories even with your great power -

Dagon expression unknown.png

Perhaps the people that survived the cleansing,
it might be possible that they cannot part with the “roles” they possess.

Merman expression neutral.png

Their “roles”……

Dagon expression unknown.png


Dagon expression unknown.png

For example, my “pillars” cannot be taken away by any means.
Things like those are the source of your very existence.

Dagon expression unknown.png

That is the “role.”
Even with my “rule,” it cannot be taken be taken away.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Therefore, if you want to dispose of it –
It will require to be "replaced."

Dagon expression unknown.png

There cannot be two pillars at the same time.
They must throw out the old and receive a new one.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Therefore, for them to adapt to their new “role” and “fate,”
it will require some time.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Your objective is to “stall” them.
Remember. It will eventually be “washed away.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

Be patient, my servants.
The day where your desires are fulfilled is not far.

Mermaid expression neutral.png

Our lord, the great ruler of the sea!!

Note: Robinson is referred to as "Boy with captain garments?"

Robinson expression anger.png

Aha –
I knew something fishy was going on.

Robinson expression confused.png

I see, “altering the roles” ……
In other words, they aim to -

Robinson expression anger.png

…… There’s no way that evil guy could be the “captain.”
I need to find him soon.

Part 4-2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I-I’ve brought the new materials.
This should be everything that you need.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oh, thanks, Asterius!
Now, if you could secure it tightly for me please.

Asterios expression island anger.png

Okay, this should be good.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Oooh, you’re just like a vice!
That’s awesome, Asterius!

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I’m glad to be of service……

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Alright, let’s start right away -

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Emerge – Mechanized Masterpiece!

Feeling the iron ore with his right hand, Kurogane produced something shiny.

It then quickly changed into the form of a hammer.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Wow, how did you do that? Your right arm……

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Ah, I simply extracted the “hardness” from the iron ore.
I then “concentrated” it into a usable form.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

Oh, you don’t understand what I’m saying?
It's okay, I don’t understand why either!

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Too bad I can’t remember how exactly it works.
It would be very convenient if I did.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

Well anyways, this will turn out amazing.
Oh, since I’m older than you, you can refer to me as your senpai.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

You can refer to me as “Kurogane-senpai.”
…… In return, I will refer to you as Junior.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Okay…… let’s move on.

In an early afternoon, Kurogane was working on the banyan house.

Asterios took care of the physical work, while Kurogane handled the technical work.

They built the furniture for the home one by one. The two was shown to work well together as a pair.

3 options (Same Response)
You two work well together. Asterius, I thought you were afraid of strangers? You two are like partners.

Asterios expression island sad.png

…… I-I’m a little surprised.
I’ve always been living alone…… I wasn’t sure if I could handle it.

Asterios expression island smile.png

When I’m with a friend, I don’t feel as nervous……

2 options (Same Response)
We’ve been together for a long time now. We’ve spent a lot of time together now.

Asterios expression island surprised.png


Kurogane expression b surprised.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

What are you saying, [Player]?
We’ve just started living here.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Well, we have been comfortably living in this house for a while now.
It would make sense to think that.

3 options (Same Response)
No, that's not it. It’s like we’ve been here for a very long time. That’s hard to believe……

Triton expression neutral.png

I understand why you would think that but,
you should still distinguish your opinions from objective facts.

Triton expression sad.png

Although, it has been a few days, the amount of time passed does feel like an illusion.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

T-That’s right, Sensei.
It does feel that way……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player], what is everyone trying to say?
Are we trying to figure out how long we’ve been living together?

Triton expression happy.png

Hahaha, Kijimuna you’re still a child.
A small amount of time passed does makes it feel like it goes by very quickly.

Triton expression neutral.png

To those who brought it up, the amount of time passed is still very short.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Is that how it works?

Triton expression neutral.png

When I was young, there were a lot of things I was interested in.
When you dedicate yourself to those things, time will fly by very quickly.

Triton expression happy.png

When you get older, you’ll realize how fast time passes.
There’s no need to be impatient.

Triton expression happy.png

It feels like a rather long time.
You should be happy that you’re still a child.

Triton expression neutral.png

Alright, let’s cut the chatter here.
Everyone, please gather around the teacher.

Triton expression neutral.png

Now that everyone’s gathered together,
we need to go over what we need to do.

Triton expression neutral.png

We’ll need to stock up on food and materials.
It's to prepare for any unexpected situations later.

Triton expression neutral.png

Kijimuna, Asterius,
Kurogane and [Player], I’ll leave it to you.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I’m already used to it from doing this every day.
After we finish, we should all go for a swim!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Hey, Kijimuna.
Wouldn’t Sensei get mad if you’re not being serious about this?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Don’t worry, Kurogane. I’ll do my best with Asterius.
He’s very strong and he can help me.

Asterios expression island smile.png

T-That’s right.
After we finish, we’ll go for a swim together.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Asterius is the best!!

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Oh boy……
I’m at a loss here……

Kurogane expression b sad.png

I wonder if I’m capable of looking after the youngest child here……

Triton expression neutral.png

In the meantime,
I will continue where I left off yesterday of investigating the island.

1 option
…… Sensei, did you find something about the island?

Triton expression sad.png

I’ve yet to confirm it.

Triton expression neutral.png

I’ve found traces of life here –
I believe there are other people here on this island.

2 options (Same Response)
……! I'm going with you. I want to investigate the island as well!

Kijimuna expression shocked.png


Triton expression serious.png

I’m afraid not. It’s too dangerous.
I will not put a student in danger.

Triton expression neutral.png

Procuring food is a very important task.
You should not abandon-

3 options (Same Response)
But, I want to go home! How long will we stay here?! Professor, how else will I get back home?!

Triton expression shocked.png

[Player], you……

Kurogane expression b anger.png

I understand how you feel, but please try to stay calm.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Triton-sensei doesn’t want to put us in danger.
He’s just worried about you.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

…… On his own judgement,
if you were to get hurt-

1 option
…… Sorry for the outburst.

Triton expression sad.png

…… No.
I did not consider my own student’s feelings.

Triton expression serious.png

I understand how much you want to go home!
But, please try to understand-

2 options (Same Response)
I need some time alone. I need to cool off.

Triton expression serious.png

Hey! Where are you -

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’ll go after them.
Please leave it to me, Triton-sensei.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Alright.

Following Triton’s words, Kurogane went after [Player].

Triton expression sad.png

…… Being a teacher is difficult.
I feel the things I’ve been saying is becoming a bad habit……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Don’t worry about a thing~
Kurogane will help calm the child down.

Triton expression happy.png

Thank you, Kijimuna.

Triton expression happy.png

That’s just like you –
I feel reassured to be your senior.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

There’s nothing we can do.
Let’s just continue on for now.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

S-Sensei, please rest for a while.
We’ll do our best on our part.

Triton expression sad.png

Yes, please do.

[Player] ran out of the banyan house and walked alongside the beach.

Ever since they washed up on the island – they wondered how many days have passed.

Meeting Kijimuna and Triton, then meeting Asterius a few days later. Not too long, they met Kurogane as well.

2 options (Same Response)
Even so - It feels like I’ve been on this island for a long time……

Their memory still has not returned yet. They did not know what they were doing beforehand.

2 options (Same Response)
I just want to go home. I want to get off the island.

???:( face)
Aha, so this is where you ran off to.
It’s a bit dangerous to be that far from your home.

2 options (Same Response)
Kurogane-san…… Did you come after me?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

I also thought about taking a short walk around here.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

There’s no need to be quiet, you can talk to me.
I’m willing to listen to you, okay?

2 options
…… Alright. Please leave me alone.
Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

I promise I won’t get in the way.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Well, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
I can’t just leave you by yourself.

[Spans to Kijimuna and Asterius in a dark forest]

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Ooooh! Look what I found here.
Asterius, look look, a big mushroom!

Asterios expression island smile.png

That’s nice, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Everyone is so gloomy.
Is going home really that important……?

Asterios expression island sad.png

……. I-I’m enjoying living on the island but, to be honest…… I’m not really sure.

Asterios expression island sad.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

What about you, Kijimuna?
Did you have a thought about it too……?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

The gajumaru’s roots are fixated onto this island, I can’t leave.
I can’t leave the island with you all.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

You really like being here right?
Don’t you want to stay here with me……?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

I've been living on this island for a very long time……
I’m not sure how it feels to go home that badly.

Asterios expression island sad.png


Kijimuna expression sad.png

Even so, I thought I would be the only one here.
Here…… on this island.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

To be honest, I was sleeping for a long time.
I think the island has changed a lot since then.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Kijimuna, that’s -

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…… !!
I think it’s someone’s smell!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

S-Someone’s smell……?
Well, Triton-sensei did say that-

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Come on, Asterius!
There might be new students here!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

H-Hey! Kijimuna!
Don’t run off by yourself, it’s too dangerous!!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

T-This is a…... village?!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yep! It’s definitely a village.
My suspicions were right!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Come on, Asterius!
Let’s be friends with everyone-

Asterios expression island anger.png

Something’s not right!
The village is way too quiet……

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Maybe everyone is sleeping-

Asterios expression island anger.png

I’m not sure……
We should head on back.

Asterios expression island anger.png

Kijimuna, look out!

Asterios expression island anger.png


Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Oh my gosh!!
Asterius! What happened?!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Quiet! Something’s here!
There might be someone else on this island other than us……!

Asterios:( face)

[Spans back to Kurogane and the Player]

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I see, this gravel……

Kurogane is taking interest of the scenery around the island while following [Player].

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

What’s up, [Player]? You suddenly turned your head back.
Do you still want to go home?

3 options (Same Response)
Where……? I heard a voice…… …… No, it’s nothing.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

…… It’s already evening.
By the way, something seems to be on your mind.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Alright, spill the beans.
Tell me what’s bothering you.

2 options (Same Response)
…… I can’t really tell you. I’m just…… worried.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Whatever crazy story it is, I’m willing to hear it.
Just tell me what's bothering you.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Think of me as a scientist.
I won’t laugh at your stories.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

You can trust me!
I am your senpai after all.

1 option
…… Hey, Kurogane-san.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Uh huh……
So that’s what happened this morning.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I think I understand.
It does feel like we’ve been living here for a long time.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Unfortunately, everyone else doesn’t think that.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

What are you thinking about?

1 option
I’m just worried that…… they might think I’m crazy.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I see……
So that’s what’s troubling you.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Alright. Come over here.
Yeah, over here. Don’t be shy!

They did not understand what’s going on. They slowly got closer to Kurogane.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Yeah, there you go!
Just close your eyes for a bit……

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

There there. I understand how you feel.
There’s no need to be afraid. I know how much pain you’re in right now.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’m here for you.
So is everyone at the school.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

It’s okay if you want to cry.
It’s perfectly fine to cry if you’re feeling tense.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

…… Sorry.
Even as your senpai, you probably don’t trust me.

Kurogane gently stroked [Player]’s head and hugged them tightly.

Warmth was being transmitted. Their sorrow were being passed down onto him.

3 options (Same Response)
(Cry loudly) (Cry silently) (Say thanks)

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Don’t worry –
You can share your problems with me.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

How are you feeling now?
Do you feel better after letting it all out?

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Eh, I misunderstood it? You don’t have any emotions?
…… That’s awfuul!!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Anyways, we’ve been living together for quite some time.
To be honest, it does feel that way.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

What you’ve said this morning,
I thought of it too.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oh right,
I finally remembered something that I was supposed to tell you.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

It’s just one thing.
I think the island itself is strange.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

When we were thinking about gathering food and materials,
I noticed something off with the island’s formation.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

The alignment shouldn’t be possible.
The vegetation here doesn’t make sense either.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

It’s almost like someone forcibly merged multiple islands together.

1 option
Multiple…… islands……?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

There are traces of other things “washed up” on the island’s soil.
It’s almost like a flood struck here a while ago.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

…… Something’s different about the island.
It’s not just you. My senses told me so!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

We’ll find the truth about this island.
I’m sure we’ll figure it out.

Kurogane expression b smile.png

Even if you and I can’t do it alone……
With everyone at the school, we can accomplish anything!

2 options (Same Response)
Kurogane-senpai……! Thanks, Kurogane.

With the sunset behind him, Kurogane smiled.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

But, the island itself is truly strange.
The formation here is truly intriguing, no?

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

…… That’s?!
L-Look, [Player]!

In the direction where Kurogane was pointing at, there was a piece of lumber buried.

It was evident that the manufacturing was man-made.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Some writing is etched on here.
This is – my handwriting?!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

It's written the same way!
There’s no doubt about it, it’s my handwriting.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Hm, uh huh……
The first day after I disappeared……

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

It’s at least a hundred.
I’ve been here on this island for at least a hundred days now......

2 options (Same Response)
What! ! How could that be-

Kurogane expression b anger.png

You were right, [Player].
Isn’t it strange how we don’t remember that?

Kurogane’s expression suddenly changed, prompting [Player] to look over their shoulder.

Kurogane forcibly pulled [Player] away from the opposite direction.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Tch! That’s-!
[Player], get out of here, now!

Trying to get a sense of his words – a myriad of huge snakes with black eyes caught Kurogane.

1 option
Kurogane-senpai! !

???:( face)
So, you have learned about the truth.
You shall forget about it once more.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

My name is Tangaroa.
I am the one who created this island and protects his beloved children.

2 options (Same Response)
Tangaroa......? The island’s…… creator……

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

That is correct.
But, this island is not mine to rule now.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The ruler of the sea of the great abyss is the one who will rule over us and this island now.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

You will become an ally.
You will carry out the “role” that you will be given.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

You will soon understand,
the pleasure of spending your life as a servant.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I do not plan on answering any questions.
Do not plan on asking anything.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Let us go to the altar of our great “lord.”

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Do not try to resist!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

[Player], run!
Just get out of here!!

2 options (Same Response)
I can’t leave you, Kurogane-senpai! Kurogane-san, I’m not leaving!
Part 5-1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Triton expression sad.png

Have they not returned yet?
…… Ku……!

By the time the sun sets, none of the students have come back to the gajumaru house yet.

A worried Triton went looking for them. However, his efforts ended in failure.

With a faint feeling in his chest, he hoped that they have returned by now.

Once again…… There was no one inside the gajumaru house.

Triton expression shocked.png

Everyone –
Where could they have gone?

Triton expression sad.png

Damn, why am I so incompetent……!
I should have done things more carefully -

Triton expression shocked.png

No, this is not the time to be depressed.
The situation may improve, but……

Triton expression sad.png

Someone, anyone!
Please…… protect my students……!

Triton expression shocked.png


When the door to the banyan house opened, Triton quickly got out of his chair.

Triton expression serious.png

[Player], Kurogane?
Or could it be Kijimuna and Asterius?

Triton expression neutral.png

No, why did you go out for this long?
You made your teacher worry -

Triton expression serious.png

You -

Merman expression neutral.png

We took this opportunity to come greet you, Triton-sama.

Mermaid expression normal.png

Now is the time for you to wake up.
Come – it’s time for you to return.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Shit! Let me gooooo!!
What are you going to do with [Player]!

Tribesmn:(evil face)
You are not allowed to move any longer.
Do not try anything funny.

Tangaroa’s subordinates put their weapons on Kurogane’s neck.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

[Player]…… Run!

Tribesmn:(evil face)
Do not move. Is that clear?
Or have you decided to lose your life here……?

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Shut up! I’m -!

2 options (Same Response)
…… Alright, we surrender. Take your hands off Kurogane-senpai.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Damn…… Dammit……!!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Have thou finally given up?
…… Restrain them, my underlings -

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Snakes! Hey, stop that!
Kuh…… wait -

Kurogane expression b anger.png


[Player] and Kurogane had their entire bodies constricted by a large snake and lost consciousness.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

It is finally done.
…… Take them away.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Do not injure them any further.
Our great “lord” does not want that.

Tangaroa’s subordinates tied up [Player] and Kurogane and followed behind Tangaroa.

Nomad is referred to as "Red Tiger beastman?" until he introduces himself.

Nomad expression island anger.png

Well well……
Looks like something dreadful happened here.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Who the hell were those guys?
Where are they taking them……?

2 options (Same Response)
This is…… an ancient ruin……? Is there going be a ritual?

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Open, door to the great altar.
We have brought sacrifices to become servants.

In response to Tangaroa’s voice, the large door opens wide with a dignified sound.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Let’s proceed.
We will head towards the great altar.

Nomad expression island neutral.png


Right before the door closed, a whirlwind blew through the opening.

It was extremely fast. It was almost instantaneous that nobody could notice.

Episode 5: The Ruins of the Bottom of the Sea

[Player] and Kurogane were laid out on the stone altar while still being bound.

From where they are, the sound of waves can be heard. The ocean must be nearby.

Kurogane expression b anger.png


Tangaroa expression neutral.png

……It will not hurt.
We are simply cleaning out your cranium.

3 options (Same Response)
Clean……? Our heads?! You’re going to dispose of our memories -

Kurogane expression b smile.png

…… It’ll be alright, Junior! Don’t give up!
He must be bluffing!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Hey! Don’t bother doing this to me!
Whatever you’re doing will never work!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Thou are free to think whatever you want.
…… Begin the preparations.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

We would like to invite you to his great presence.
I will leave it to the black clemency.

“Black tentacles” materialized from Tangaroa’s shadows, the ominous things then drew closer to [Player].

Kurogane expression b anger.png

…… Tch!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

(…… I need to help [Player] escape -
But, I can’t do anything like this……!)

Kurogane expression b sad.png

(I could probably manage something.
…… The problem is that I can’t use my hands.)

Kurogane expression b sad.png

(Also, we’re surrounded by those guys……
I should at least try to make an opening.)

Kurogane expression b sad.png

(…… It’s risky,
but I’ll provoke the boss over there and use myself as a decoy……)

Kurogane expression b anger.png

…… Hey, I’m the better subordinate!
Do it to me instead!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Go after me instead!
Come on, come on! Over here!

Ignoring Kurogane, the “black tentacles” growing from behind Tangaroa laid [Player] next to him.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Hey, W-Wait a minute!
Listen to what I have to say!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

No, they are our “priority.”
I will explain why this person has potential.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The “power” that they possess in their memories.
…… It is certainly a threat.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

There is something great about what this person possesses.
We must clean out their memories -

1 options
Tch, this is bad......!

???:( face)
A tiger burning brilliantly in the forest of the night!
With these legs, I will move in an instant!

1 options
That voice......?

Nomad expression 4star.png


Tangaroa expression surprised.png

An attack?!
My children! Compose yoursel – what?!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Don’t bother!
You didn’t think I’d interrupt your schemes without a plan, right?

At that moment, flames in the shape of a tiger shut down the lights in the ruins.

Tangaroa:( face)
The lights went out?
What in the world is happening -

Tangaroa:( face)
My children! Get the lights!
Go and restrain the intruder!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Too slow!

Tribesmen:( face)

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Geez…… Now I have an idea of what you scoundrels are trying to do.

Nomad expression island anger.png

Tying up the other party and reconstructing the human body;
this is the work of an evil organization!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I’ll never forget what you’ve done here.
For that, you will face my wrath -

Nomad expression island anger.png

You’re not getting away with this!!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Hey, you there!
Do something about yourselves before the lights come back on!

Nomad expression island anger.png

I’ll keep them busy! Get to it!
Unless you want to get yourselves reconstructed!

2 options (Same Response)
I don't even know who you are - Thanks for the help!

Nomad expression island anger.png

Save the thanks for later!
Alright! Let’s do this!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Thanks, mysterious red tiger!
You’ve opened a big opportunity for us……!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

If I change my posture like this……
Emerge – Mechanized Masterpiece!!

Invoking his “Hallowed Artifact” while his hands are still on his back – Kurogane manifested a scalpel in his right hand.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Nice! I’m surprised that worked!
Just wait for a bit while I undo the restraints!

After cutting the rope that tied up [Player]’s hands, the pair rushed towards the exit.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

My children, close off the exit!
Do not let the sacrifices escape!!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Let’s go, [Player]!
We’ll break through them somehow!

Part 5-2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I do not understand. Why do you resist?
I am doing this for your well-being.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

The chief……!
Why is he doing this?

2 options (Same Response)
We’re surrounded by snakes - …… Shit!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Relying on your temporary emotions is foolish.
Trying to escape is impossible.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Thou and I -
We are on the palm of the Great One’s hands.

That said, Tangaroa raised his eyes to a person’s statue decorated on an altar.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

That is our father.

That statue had no head. It had no hands either. Every part seemed to have been cut off.

2 options (Same Response)
That is “The Great One”? Why is it so disconnected……

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… Oh, saying such profanity.
I will not tolerate that sort of behavior here.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

“Mangling every being,” lashing out on the dead,
this is far from being inhumane. No, this is heresy!

Tangaroa expression sad.png

“The telling of the two myths.”
Like in that context, this is – oh.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

He has given you to us.
Yes, the scattered pieces “joining together” for the Eternal Garden.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The magnanimous people.
Benevolence and fraternity……

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Even if you possess it in your memories,
learn through your sins, then you can achieve eternal happiness.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Above all, [Player].
You are special because you were given mercy.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

You are the same as our father.
Do not look at us with evil eyes.

2 options (Same Response)
I’m the same as your “lord” …… ? What do you mean by that?!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png


Tangaroa did not answer that question, instead he asked [Player] a question.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

This island has everything.
Why are you against eternal happiness?

3 options (Same Response)
Tangaroa, this isn’t going anywhere. I don’t want to lose my memories again. I will get back home!

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… Memories?
Lose your…… Memories……

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Yes, I am Tangaroa……
Living on this island with my children – guaaaaaaah!?

The tentacles ate away at Tangaroa’s mind. Tangaroa repeated several words over and over again.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… Yes, it is my honor to live for him –
Yes, that should be it -

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… Surround them, my beloved children.
Capture the sacrifices for our great “lord”!

2 options (Same Response)
There are…… so many of them! At this rate……

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Go, my brethren!

2 options (Same Response)
Damn! I’ll need to use my sword……

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Accept your fate.
Accept the decisions of the Great One -

Kurogane expression b anger.png

[Player] ---------!!

1 option
We’ve lost……!

Nomad expression island anger.png

Are you seriously going to give in to the guy in front of you?
Why don’t you get on your feet and fight back?

Tangaroa expression surprised.png


Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Fire – You’ve set the altar of the Great One on fire……!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I’ve lit up the oil that I’ve collected.
If you leave it alone for too long, it’ll collapse -

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

My children, put out the fire!
We must not let the fire taint the image of our Great One -

Tangaroa was still instilled to his loyalty; his train of thought was disturbed thanks to the vandalism.

And then -

2 options (Same Response)
I, [Player], shall “inscribe” thy name here - Emerge, Yakumo no Chigiri!

Tangaroa expression surprised.png


With a cry, a glowing sword manifested in [Player]’s hands once again. Then -

1 option
Haaaah! !

[Player] made a horizontal slash through Tangaroa’s black tentacles with his sword.

There were signs of shock shown in Tangaroa’s eyes. Then -

Nomad expression island anger.png

Why the hell are you still standing there!
This is our chance to escape! Come on!!

Immediately after that, a harsh voice came from behind. It was the eyes of the red-haired tiger.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

It will get a little rough when I carry you so bear with me!
Let’s go!

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… O-Oooogh.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png


Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… Did they follow us?
It looks like we managed to lose them.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Whew, you saved us!
By the way…… Who might you be?

Nomad expression island neutral.png


1 option

Nomad expression island anger.png

…… Don’t get the wrong idea.
Helping others is part of my business.

Nomad expression island anger.png

Oh yeah…… I need information.
I need to ask you about the island.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Either way, it’s all good now.
It looked like you know something when I passed by, that’s all.

Nomad expression island embarrassed.png

I can’t deny that I unleashed my anger in front of you.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Tell me everything that you know.
That will be your payment for my help.

1 option
But still, thanks.

Nomad expression island embarrassed.png

Even after my erratic behavior…… Heh.
Your thanks don’t matter much to me.

Nomad expression island anger.png

Okay, here’s the first question: who the hell are you guys?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… I see, so that’s what happened.
Our situations have something in common.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Our memories were being tampered with.
It was the same for me too……

Nomad expression island sad.png

Looks like I’m in the same situation as you.
I don’t remember much of anything in my memories.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Why am I here, and what I have been doing……
All I remember is that I need to get revenge on someone.

Nomad expression island anger.png

Losing my memories from the brainwashing and reconstruction……
Ugh…… Thinking about it disgusts me. Shit!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Sheesh! Modifying us to their liking, it’s unbelievable!

Kurogane expression b sad.png

It’s like we’ve lost an important part of us.
It’ll be hard to compensate for the things that we’ve been actively losing.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

That seems about right.

Nomad expression island sad.png

Losing the “important things,” they won’t come back.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Anyways, we’ll have to think this over……
So, where is your place of residence?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I’ll be fishing for information.
Consider me as your comrade for the time being.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Think of me as your bodyguard.
I’ll help you out.

3 options (Same Response)
That’s awfully nice of you. How annoying. That’s not too bad.

Nomad expression island shocked.png

Don’t start a fight with me! Hurry up and lead the way!
Bah! It’s dangerous so stay close to me, alright?!

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you, I’m [Player]. Can you give us your name?

Nomad expression island sad.png

At least I remember being called that.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

The name’s Kurogane.
Nice to meet ya, Nomad!

Nomad expression island happy.png

Well, it’s nice to meet you too.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I hope I’m not intruding.
Hmm, so this is your banyan house?

2 options (Same Response)
This is where we’re staying, Nomad. Did you remember something?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… I don’t remember.
I can’t remember anything – Ah.

Nomad expression island sad.png

Somehow when you said that –
I had a familiar feeling my chest.

Nomad expression island happy.png

Maybe I have lived with you before in the past……

Nomad expression island surprised.png

Who? Who’s there?!

Triton expression shocked.png

…… [Player], Kurogane.
You…… are all safe……!

1 option
We’ve returned, Triton-sensei.

Triton expression sad.png

That’s good……
You “really” came back home safely……

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Hey, are you alright?!

Triton expression shocked.png

No…… It’s nothing.
I was just a little confused.

Triton expression neutral.png

Now then -

Triton went over to the ask the new acquaintance his identity. Nomad answered his following question.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… It’s a pleasure to meet you.
You can call me Nomad.

Nomad expression island sad.png

I don’t want to ruin the long-awaited reunion but……
We need to talk about the current situation.

Triton expression neutral.png

I see……
That was a very dangerous situation……

Triton expression serious.png

Nomad, you have saved my students.
As a teacher, you have my gratitude.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Ah, I do have one proposal.

Triton expression neutral.png

Nomad, since you’re here at the banyan house,
you must be planning to live with my students.

Triton expression serious.png

In other words,
I’m asking if you’re going to be a student here.

Nomad expression island surprised.png

…… Are you still sane, Triton-san?
Didn’t you listen about the situation about the island?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

If you’re running a school here, then -

Triton expression neutral.png

I’ll beg if I must.

Nomad was embarrassed by Triton’s spirit. There was desperation suspended on his face.

Triton expression serious.png

Please be a student at my school –
That is what I really want from you.

Triton expression serious.png

If you become my student –
I will protect you with my upmost effort.

Nomad expression island surprised.png

…… I get it, you’re very eager about that.
Well, I feel this isn’t going to work -

Nomad expression island sad.png

I feel that I’m a little too old to be a student.
…… Though I don’t remember how old I am.

Triton expression happy.png

That's nonsense.
You can study at a school regardless of age.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… Alright.
Then, treat me well, Triton – No, Triton-sensei.

Nomad expression island happy.png

It looks like I’m getting looked after here.
Somehow this kind of exchange is…… kind of funny.

2 options (Same Response)
Sensei, the island is dangerous! Looks like we got a pursuer -

Triton expression sad.png

…… Ah, the one who robbed us of our memories is on this island.

Triton expression serious.png

It will be alright, that sort of thing will not happen again.
Don’t give me that suspicious look -

Triton expression neutral.png

I…… I am your teacher after all.
[Player], I would appreciate it if you believed me.

2 options (Same Response)
…… I believe you. I trust you, Triton-sensei.

Triton expression happy.png

Thank you…… [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
By the way, where’s Kijimuna? Why hasn’t Asterius returned yet?

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Don’t worry.
They should be back soon.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh? If you say so -

That time - Noisy footsteps can be heard at the entrance.

Asterios expression island smile.png

W-We’re back.
F-Forgive us for being late……!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player] and Kurogane-ne-ne!
Don’t worry! We’re all alright!

2 options (Same Response)
Welcome back, both of you. Are you okay?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-We were attacked by a group of strange people.
T-They were plagued with black tentacles and had blank expressions -

2 options (Same Response)
…… What did you say?! Maybe it’s the same people?

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Hey, both of you. The people that attacked you –
What did they look like?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

Y-Yeah, it was black, and it was attached to their waists.
They had one or more tentacles!

Nomad expression island anger.png

But, how are you two still sane?
If you got attacked by tentacles, then -

Asterios expression island surprised.png

D-Don’t get the wrong idea!
We were saved!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

By whom……?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-W-Whoa, who…… are you?

Nomad expression island sad.png

Ah…… Don’t mind me.
I’m not your enemy. I’m…… a new student.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

W-Well, it’s nice to meet you.
I am Asterius, and this is Kijimuna.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

W-Well, we were saved by t-this fellow.
Hey, come over here, Robinson.

Robinson expression neutral.png


Nomad expression island neutral.png

(A kid)......?

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you, Robinson. I’m [Player].

Robinson expression anger.png


A young boy named Robinson gave [Player] an angry look.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Did I piss you off? Have we met before?

Robinson expression anger.png

…… “Nice to meet you,” Captain!

Robinson grabbed [Player]’s hand roughly and grasped it tightly, then got back on his feet.

3 options (Same Response)
Wa-wa-wa-wah?! What the hell......? Captain?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

[Player], what are you doing with Robinson?
Did you anger him? Playing tricks with him?

Triton expression neutral.png


Robinson turned over on his feet, stood in front of Triton and went silent.

Robinson expression confused.png

...... Um......

Triton expression neutral.png

Robinson…… was it?
What’s wrong…… Do you have something to say?

Robinson expression confused.png

Triton-sensei…… I……

Triton expression shocked.png

…… Oh!!
I remember you……

Triton expression neutral.png

You must have been lonely. It must have been tough for you.
Well – I’m glad you came back to school.

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I-I remember……

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah…… “I’m remembering” everything.
It feels like it's all coming back to me.

Robinson expression surprised.png


Triton expression serious.png

Don’t worry. There will be no harm done.
I’ll ensure the safety of the island for everyone.

Robinson expression anger.png

Sensei, really!?

Triton expression happy.png

If you remember, then you should understand.
We have the means to oppose “that.”

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I know.
I know…… but……!

Triton expression neutral.png

Then you shouldn’t need to worry!
I’m doing this...... for you all.

Triton expression happy.png

I am the only teacher –
I will be your “teacher.”

Robinson expression confused.png

…… Sensei……

2 options (Same Response)
Triton-sensei……? Hey…… Do you two know each other?

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah. I met him prior to meeting you –
He is one of my most loving and valuable students.

Triton expression happy.png

We’ve reunited after so long.
This is a very touching moment for us.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

If it’s been a long time, then let’s celebrate!
Let’s eat, then sleep together!

Triton expression happy.png

Celebrations…… Hm, I see.
Kijimuna, that is not a bad idea at all.

Triton expression happy.png

Let us have a party today!
This will be a commemoration of two new students.

Nomad expression island surprised.png

C-Commemorating me……?!
Wait a minute, this isn’t the time to be playing games!!

Asterios expression island smile.png

In that case, I…… I’ll go gather some fruit……
I might have to take more than we need.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oh, nice, nice!
I’m getting excited for the celebration!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

The situation was very gloomy! A change of pace isn’t so bad once in a while! This will be great!

Robinson expression confused.png

I’m…… feeling indifferent.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Oh my gosh! It will be a lot more fun with everyone!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Play with me, Robinson.
Let’s go for a swim in the ocean!

Robinson expression surprised.png

W-Wait a minute, Kijimuna!
I can’t swim like this! Waaaaaah!

Part 6-1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

2 options (Same Response)
A few days have passed…… Now, we’ve –

Triton expression neutral.png

Now that everyone’s gathered,
let’s begin today’s swimming lesson.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Yes, Triton-sensei!
I’m ready to go~!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

K-Kijimuna! You’re going to trip if you run so much!

Triton expression surprised.png


Nomad expression island sad.png

Sheesh, I don’t know what to say about this.
I hope he’ll be alright.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

Uuuuuuugh! *Pweh* *Pweh*!
My nose, mouth and ears are full of salt water!

Triton expression angry.png

Don’t panic, okay?
Is it not important to act calmly?

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

Oh my gosh…… I got way to excited for a swim……
Please forgive me, Triton-sensei.

Triton expression angry.png

Everyone makes mistakes. Be sure to reflect on it.
Next time, please be more careful.

Kurogane expression b sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png
  • Ahem* Let’s gather up……

Today, I am going to put you all in pairs.

Triton expression neutral.png

Because [Player] was attacked the other day, it has left a foul taste in my mouth.
I don’t know what other dangers may lurking out there.

Triton expression serious.png

Never go that far out.
I don’t want my students to get separated.

Triton expression neutral.png

I will announce the pairs now.
First –

Since then, it has been a few days. The daily routines are coming back to [Player].

The following day after coming back, they’ve become more cautious –

Kurogane expression b sad.png

…… Hmm. Do you think we’ll get attacked by them again?

Kurogane expression b sad.png

It sure is peaceful though.
I suspect this may be just a dream but…… it seems so real.

2 options (Same Response)
I wonder what’s happening. Triton-sensei said something.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

“That sort of thing will not happen again.”
Yeah, I find that statement hard to believe……

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Robinson seems to know something…… Yeah!
I should ask him, Junior!

Robinson expression b confused.png

…… Hey there.

Kurogane expression b shocked.png

DWAAAAaaaaaah!! You scared me!
D-Don’t talk out of nowhere like that.

Robinson expression b anger.png

W-Well you were talking about me……!
Besides, don’t act like you’re so surprised about this!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Well, don’t feel bad.
So, what brought you here? You can consult Kurogane-senpai for anything!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Yeah, I, Kurogane, am your reliable “senpai.”
I will listen to what’s troubling you!

Robinson expression b confused.png

Hah…… “you’re the same as ever,” Kurogane-senpai.
Well, I’m gonna leave you behind.

Kurogane expression b shocked.png

Don’t leave!!
Your senpai will get lonely, Robinson!

Robinson expression b confused.png

Triton-sensei paired me up with “Captain” anyways.

1 option

Robinson expression b anger.png

You’re my “Captain.”
We should get going soon.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Huh? Kurogane-senpai? The same as ever……?
After he’s been living with us……?

Robinson expression b anger.png


The two held hands together and practiced flutter kicking. Robinson kept quiet the entire time.

2 options (Same Response)
Hey, are you mad about something……? Do you need to tell me something?

Robinson expression b anger.png

…… Not really. Don’t worry, “Captain.”
I’m not mad about anything.

2 options
We just met after all! What do you mean by Captain?
Robinson expression b anger.png

……! S-Shut up! Get your arms back in shape, “Captain”!

Robinson expression b surprised.png

Eh, what is a “Captain”?
…… I-It’s a relationship!! Yeah, that’s it!

Robinson expression b confused.png

If you can’t remember, then there’s no point in telling you.

Robinson expression b anger.png

Basically…… “I have to call you Captain.”
That’s what I’m trying to say……

Robinson expression b anger.png

How could you forget……! Stupid Captain!
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!!

2 options (Same Response)
Just tell me! What did I forget?

Robinson expression b confused.png


Robinson expression b anger.png

…… I won’t tell you.
Even if I did, the result won’t be any good.

Robinson expression b confused.png

…… Huh.
Why are we doing this exchange again……?

Robinson expression b confused.png

Anyhow, I’ll need to improve the situation here.
Come on, we have to do this.

1 option
Did I get washed off too?

Robinson expression b neutral.png

To an extent – yeah.
There’s nothing we can do about it.

Robinson expression b confused.png

I guess the only thing we can do for now is relax.
Oh well. That’s all we can do for now.

1 option
That’s…… awful.

Robinson expression b anger.png

…… What do you mean “awful”?!
Stop toying with my feelings!

Robinson expression b confused.png

You expect something from me every time.
…… Hold on for a sec, I’m getting tired……

Robinson expression b confused.png

Sorry. The things I’ve been saying now,
I’m sure you don’t understand any of it.

Robinson expression b confused.png

…… Oh, that’s the sound of the conch.
The lesson’s over.

Robinson expression b neutral.png

I’ll be going now.
…… See ya.

Episode 6: [A Shadow Enshrouds the Remote Island]

2 options (Same Response)
…… What can I do? Is this really OK?

Nomad expression island surprised.png

Oh, it’s you, [Player].
Why are you taking a stroll alone on the beach at night?

2 options (Same Response)
Nomad-san? What are you doing here at night?

Nomad expression island surprised.png

That’s my line.
That serious look on your face…… Did something happen?

Nomad expression island surprised.png


Nomad expression island sad.png

I’m a little concerned.
Come over here.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Find yourself a good place to sit.
I’ve roasted some fish for you too.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Disentangle this here.
Good, then I combine it with the tree……

1 option
What…… are you doing?

Nomad expression island 4star.png

“This” here? or do you mean “that”?

Nomad expression island 4star.png

If it is the former, then I was just patrolling.
Triton-sensei said that it’s fine –

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Even if we can’t do anything about it, sitting on your ass doesn’t feel right.
That guy is rather self-satisfied.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

About the later,
I’m trying to find some sweet fruit on this island.

With a few words from Nomad, he showed a heavy, green fruit.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

My instinct tells me it goes well with the fish.
The saltiness of the fish should be just right.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Here, eat some.
I took out the bones but be careful eating it.

1 option
Oh, looks good……

Nomad expression island 4star.png

What? Simple grilled fish is good too.
It’s important to take various measures when you’re adrift somewhere.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Don’t worry, I’m telling you it’s good.
What would a brat like you eat tomorrow anyways?

Nomad expression island 4star.png

…… So, what happened? This is a sample for a reward.
I’ll be willing to listen.

1 option

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Well, it’s fine if you don’t want to say anything.
I too have a lot of things to say.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

There’s no rush. If you want to say it, then say it.
Until then, I’m going to be eating this.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

I see…… so that’s what happened.
“There’s nothing you can do.” Hm……

1 option
I wonder what I should do.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

You’ll have to decide that for yourself.
“It all comes down to the situation.”

3 options (Same Response)
(Hit your own head with your hand) (Throw something) (Scowl in disappoint)

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Wait, wait. Don’t get frustrated.
Listen to what I have to say……

Nomad expression island 4star.png

…… The situation always changes.
There are so many things going on in life.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

“I’m not sure if I can do it.” –
That rubbish from those incompetent brats is so aggravating.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

[Player], look. That is hopelessness.
That is nothing more than a brat’s business.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Don’t let your own problems get the best of you.
Instead, do what you feel is important and don’t give up.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Also, take a good look around you.
There are other things that you can still do.

Nomad expression island 4star.png

Focus on developing your abilities.
Prepare…… What?

Nomad expression island 4star.png

The time will definitely come –
Don’t you want to prepare for your chance to escape this place?

2 options (Same Response)
Other things to do…… .........!

Nomad expression island 4star.png

What, did you get an idea?
…… If so, go for it.

1 option
Thanks, Nomad!

Nomad expression island b 4star.png

Sheesh – I’m getting embarrassed from helping the brat.

Robinson expression anger.png

Return, Cucco Robin!

When Robinson shouted at the sky, the Robin that was circling flew down and went back on his shoulder.

After a moment – It transformed to that of a colorful parrot.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Cucco Robin,
is there anyone coming here?

CuccoRobin expression neutral.png

"Nobody! Nobody!"

Robinson expression smile.png

…… Good.
Come on, I’ll make some food. Do you want to eat……?

1 option
Robinson, I’m right here.

Robinson expression surprised.png

…… What the, Captain [Player]?
Why are you awake at this hour?

Robinson expression confused.png

What’s up……?
It’s nothing. I was about to go to bed –

2 options (Same Response)
I thought I should apologize for forgetting. Sorry for not remembering.

Robinson expression surprised.png

…… Wha-?

2 options (Same Response)
I remembered despite our differences - It must have been tough for you, so –

1 option
I’m sorry that I forgot.

Robinson expression surprised.png


Robinson’s eyes were trembling when [Player] said those words.

Robinson expression anger.png

…… Idiot…… Stupid Captain!
Why now……!

Robinson expression anger.png

Why do you keep doing this?
You make it seem like it’s our first-time meeting –

Robinson expression anger.png

When we first met,
you didn’t remember at all when I called you “Captain.”

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I had given up for a long, long time.
I was sure you were “the same person” when we met –

Robinson expression confused.png

But…… But……!
Uuu…… Gh……!

3 options (Same Response)
…… I really am sorry, Robinson. (Stroke Robinson’s head) (Hug Robinson)

Robinson:( face)
Uuuu…… Uhuu…… *Sniffle*……

Robinson:( face)

2 options (Same Response)
Did I lose my memory about 10 times? Have we been doing this for a year?

Robinson expression neutral.png

That’s right.
We first met a long time ago on this island, Captain [Player].

Robinson expression confused.png

We’ve met many people on this island, and I noticed something about it too.
There is a threat here that disposes you of your memories.

Robinson expression anger.png

Captain [Player],
it has happened to you several times already.

2 options (Same Response)
The enemy - So, what about Tangaroa?

Robinson expression confused.png

You’ve met that man already.
Well, he is also a victim.

Robinson expression neutral.png

It’s the opposite.
He’s our comrade, but he’s being manipulated right now.

Robinson expression smile.png

He loves the Captain and myself like we’re his own children.
He is a good man.

Robinson expression neutral.png

He’s almost like our real father –
No, it seems that he won’t remember that.

Robinson expression neutral.png

That man is being manipulated by the “black tentacles.”
He is like a puppet.

2 options (Same Response)
Those black tentacles are the threat - What’s the enemy’s identity?

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I’m not sure.
They don’t appear to have hands or heads. It’s like they were cut off –

Robinson expression neutral.png

Even if we investigate it, their identity remains unknown.
I don’t know what their “Role” is either.

Robinson expression anger.png

I do know that “they wash away everything they touch” –
It’s because of that dreadful “rule” that they possess.

Robinson expression confused.png

With that power, they’re toying with you……
like a ship drifting in the waves.

Robinson expression anger.png

Like Captain [Player] and myself,
we can oppose them with our "Role" as a "Wanderer."

3 options (Same Response)
“Rules” and “Roles”? That’s - Some words came to my head unexpectedly. What do you mean?

Robinson expression neutral.png

…… The term “Rule,”
it is a rule that is permitted to us.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Think of it like “an object falling from a high place to a low.”
Something special was given to the individual.

Robinson expression neutral.png

“You can imprison the world within a shell” or
“You can cut through a rule with your sword.”

Robinson expression anger.png

However, there is a price in using the “Role,”
when it is paired together.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Captain and myself have the "Role" of a "Wanderer.”
“Someone who has come from one world to another” – that is our such role.

Robinson expression confused.png

In other words, “we can’t resist getting swept away.”
It’s how it is. Doesn’t it seem we’re compatible with it?

Robinson expression neutral.png

However…… you remember getting “swept away.”
If you forget, that’s that.

Robinson expression anger.png

A “Role” is connect to the person’s origin.
It can’t be erased by any means.

Robinson expression neutral.png

The necessary “information” will be reserved,
the happy memories you’ve spent with others will be forgotten.

Robinson expression confused.png

…… It’s a terrible thing. Being an exile is probably better.
Even if I don’t remember anything…… I can still be happy.

2 options (Same Response)
Wait, Robinson. How do you still remember that?

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I’m about to get there.
How many times has it been already?

Robinson expression neutral.png

Captain, you rescued others, you ran off on your own,
and became a victim yourself.

Robinson expression neutral.png

It’s all thanks to you, Captain –
Those memories of the past will never get taken away.

Robinson expression smile.png

That’s why…… I spent time with you, Captain.
I remember everything that you did, Captain.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Since then, I laid low on the island, watching for that opportunity.
I was waiting for that opportunity.

Robinson expression neutral.png

I was ignored by the enemy for a while……
Now, I got a good understanding of their motives!

Robinson expression anger.png

Their goal is to rob the “Roles”!

2 options (Same Response)
Stealing the “Roles”? They can’t dispose of the “Rule”?

Robinson expression neutral.png

As I have said earlier,
“Role” and “Rule” can only be meaningful if they’re paired together.

Robinson expression anger.png

I have already utilized the “Rule” that I possess.
Also, someone at this school may have their “Role” disposed of……

Robinson expression neutral.png

In other words, they know what you’re capable of, Captain.
I don’t know how that happened.

Robinson expression anger.png

Captain, you must have deliberately showed it to them.
You’re going to have to provide me the new information, Captain.

Robinson expression confused.png

One side will lose their memories, the other will remain……
There may still be chances of success.

Robinson expression anger.png

Attack them from the outside. Pay attention to the enemy’s movement, Captain.
They must be close by.

Robinson expression confused.png

…… It will be a lot to explain.
Although, it’s like I’m in a deadlock.

Robinson expression neutral.png

I already did everything that I could.
Every time, Captain would have their memory erased and can’t remember anything afterwards.

Robinson expression confused.png

It can’t be helped.
…… We’ll have to wait until the enemy makes their move.

Robinson expression anger.png

For now, we’ll have to determine where their next meeting place will be.

Robinson expression smile.png

We’re going to join their ranks –
Let’s pretend like our memories has been erased.

Robinson expression neutral.png

I’ll show you the map.
They should be west of the banyan house –

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hi! What are you two doing?
Are you discussing about where to play -

2 options (Same Response)
Waaaah! Kijimuna’s awake?! Ah, you scared me!

Robinson expression neutral.png

Um, yeah, that’s it.
A child like you should be asleep right now, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

But I’m not a child –
If you’re going to play, then I’ll join too!

Robinson expression smile.png

Heh. We’re about to go see the black Octopus.
So, you’re coming with us?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…… Octopus?!
I-I-I don’t like Octopus!!

Robinson expression smile.png

Then go to sleep already.
Besides, we can play tomorrow, okay?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Uuuuu…… I understand.
Tomorrow then! Promise me!

Robinson expression confused.png

Fah, good grief.
He just thinks we’re going out to have fun.

3 options
Should I go talk to Kijimuna? He could help us. The black Octopus?
Robinson expression smile.png

The enemy uses tentacles like that of an Octopus. Didn’t you see them yourself? It twists and turns.

Robinson expression neutral.png

…… No, he’s better off not knowing.
It’ll be pointless when we fight him in battle.

Robinson expression confused.png

Those black tentacles are that of the hated Octopus.
He’ll always be crying about it. It’ll be such a drag.

Robinson expression anger.png

He always thinks about playing games……
We can’t rely on a kid like him.

Robinson expression neutral.png

He…… doesn’t know any better.
He always thinks it’s better to smile with everyone.

1 option
Aren’t you a kid yourself?

Robinson expression anger.png

I am not a kid!
Don’t lump me together with him!

Robinson expression smile.png

But still, that Kijimuna –
He’s an important member of our school. That’s why we’re protecting him.

Robinson expression neutral.png

For now, we’re going after that guy.
We’ll figure it out soon.

Robinson expression smile.png

This fellow here, Cucco Robin, will be looking around at night,
so it will be alright when I go to bed, Captain.

2 options (Same Response)
Cucco Robin? It looks like a parrot……

Robinson expression smile.png

When I was hiding out alone, it was the only one who I could talk to.
Therefore, it is in the form of a parrot.

Robinson expression confused.png

Well, can Cucco Robin talk to me?

Robinson expression surprised.png

…… Eh? Is changing forms really that strange?
“That’s something we can do all the time.”

Robinson expression neutral.png

Cucco Robin is like one “fragment” of me –

Robinson expression smile.png

Oops –
I think we talked longer than we should’ve.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

W-Why are you talking outside?
If you stay outside for too long…… you’ll catch a cold.

Asterios expression island sad.png

O-O-Oh, that’s right.
Have you seen…… Triton-sensei?

Robinson expression surprised.png

Eh? I don’t think so.
Triton-sensei said he wouldn’t be leaving us.

Robinson expression neutral.png

It’s dangerous if we don’t stick together –
Why would he leave…… Oh!!

Robinson expression surprised.png

Oh yeah! Triton-sensei’s memory came back…… Why?

Robinson expression surprised.png

It’s possible that –
The owner of that “Rule” ……

Robinson expression anger.png

…… Cucco Robin!
“Did anyone leave this place?”

CuccoRobin expression neutral.png

“There was! There was! 10 minutes ago!
Blue jersey! Man!”

Robinson expression anger.png

Idiot! Why didn’t you say anything!?

CuccoRobin expression neutral.png

“Person coming from outside, go, inside!
Leaving person, never asked! Robinson, stupid!”

Robinson expression anger.png

He’s in danger, Captain!
Triton-sensei – he possibly went after the enemy by himself!

1 option
…… Let’s find Triton-sensei!

Robinson expression anger.png

…… Cucco Robin!
Location! Where did Triton-sensei go?

CuccoRobin expression neutral.png

“Island, fossil! Inside, door!”

3 options (Same Response)
Did Tangaroa take him to that ruin? …… Robinson, let’s go! Asterius, get everyone!

Asterios expression island anger.png

I-I’ll go wake everyone up.
[Player], you can’t go alone……!

Asterios expression island neutral.png

H-He said we should work together as a group.
B-Besides, I’ll protect you.

Asterios expression island smile.png

Triton-sensei is my…… No, our beloved teacher.

Robinson expression confused.png

If we go as is, we’ll be wiped out.
…… But, the Captain will be going anyways.

Robinson expression confused.png

The Captain is always like this whenever there is danger –

Robinson expression anger.png

…… Captain. I will be doing something on my own.
I need to help someone remember.

Robinson expression confused.png

But then, I’d be abandoning Captain and Triton-sensei……

3 options (Same Response)
I understand, Robinson. I’m counting on you, soldier. My memories will stay where it is!

Robinson expression surprised.png


Robinson expression confused.png

…… Captain, when you apologized a while ago –
that was the first time you did that over and over.

Robinson expression smile.png

It will be different this time.
I…… I just know it!

Robinson expression anger.png

Be careful, Captain!
Stay safe!

Part 6-2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

A few days before Triton-sensei disappeared from the banyan house –

3 options (Same Response)
Is that you, Triton-sensei? Isn’t it dangerous? Aren’t you going to sleep?

Triton expression shocked.png

Oh…… I was thinking for a bit.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Say, [Player].
Are you enjoying life here?

Triton expression happy.png

…… Ah, that’s right!

Triton expression neutral.png

When you said you wanted to go back home –

Triton expression neutral.png

You have been saying that ever since we met……
Do you still feel the same about that now?

2 options (Same Response)
Yes. Y-Yes.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… I see.

Triton expression happy.png

It is alright.
I will do my best to help you on your "career path."

Triton expression happy.png

That is the “Role” of a teacher.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Students will leave the school eventually.
You cannot be a “student” forever.

Triton expression happy.png

You cannot stay in the same place forever.
You must continue moving forward.

Triton expression neutral.png

If you, the students are happy –
Then “I” won’t have any problems.

Triton expression happy.png

I pray that you will continue growing in the future.

Triton expression happy.png

[Player]. Even when you leave this school……
I will pray that you will still be happy.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Yet, everyday at school has truly –

Triton-sensei:( face)
…… Truly been a lot of fun……

[End Flashback]

2 options (Same Response)
Triton-sensei…… Triton-sensei! Please be okay –

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… You have come.
Have you prepared yourself?

The black shadow that Triton was facing asked him a question.

Triton expression neutral.png

I…… am prepared.
I vow to do as you wish.

Triton expression serious.png

…… However, “promise” that you will protect them.
When I get back to where my students are –

Triton expression neutral.png

If you break your –

Dagon expression unknown.png

Ah, I’ll be sure to keep that promise.
After all, I am “you.”

Triton expression neutral.png


Dagon expression unknown.png

Rejoice – You will come back to me.
Come, present that “Role” –

Dagon expression unknown.png

Abandon the “Role” of the ancestor of all creation,
fall to the “Role” of that of a dwarf.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Induce it to me.
It is rather a foolish thing…… “if I say so myself.”

Triton went forward and stepped foot into the huge shadow. Then –

1 option
Triton-senseeeeeei! !

Triton expression neutral.png


At that moment, when [Player] ran to the altar, Triton and the huge shadow merged into one.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Fah…… Fahahaha –

Dagon expression tasty.png


[Until Dagon introduces himself later, he is assumed to be "Triton-sensei?"]

2 options (Same Response)
Triton-sensei!? You’re not –

The huge shadow was gaining mass; it was swelling up right before their very eyes.

That large build continued to grow without stop. It went as far as to reach the ceiling above the altar.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oooh, [Player], you’re okay!
Was Triton-sensei in there?!

Nomad expression island anger.png

…… What is with all this shaking!
What the hell is going on in there?!

The large build continued to expand until it finally broke through the ceiling and exposed itself to the outside air.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

L-Look at that!
S-Something just came out!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Heaven, Earth, Sea…… Listen well!

Dagon expression tasty.png

The one who created you has now been resurrected!

With every breath, the sky gets cloudy. With every movement, they could feel the earth crackle.

That gigantic being was too much. That being has transcended beyond human knowledge.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-What is – Aah……?!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

That figure……
It can’t be Triton-sensei, right?!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Oh, Triton-sensei’s gotten bigger!
How did he do it?

Kijimuna laughed with friendly smile, despite the situation.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Hey, this isn’t a joke.
What the hell is going on? Waaah……

Kurogane expression b shocked.png

How can something be that big?!
I-I can’t believe it. What kind of structure is that?!?!

Nomad expression island anger.png

You idiot!
This is not the time for that!

1 option
What are you! !

Dagon expression tasty.png

My beloved children.
The ancestors with great affection, and the rude type that is permitted for labor.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-Why do you have the same face as Triton-sensei?
Are you really Triton-sensei……?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

The opposite.
I am the “real Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

The one that you encountered, it was merely just a shadow.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

The real Triton-sensei……?
The hell do you mean by that?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Ah, my beloved children.
Those who are unaware of the outside world, should live in paradise.

Dagon expression tasty.png

If the ancestors do not understand of a such place,
then I shall tell you of it directly.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I was once an “ancestor” of the land and created all sorts of life.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The fertility of the Earth, the ocean’s blessing,
and even the children who ruled the heavens were created.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Consequently –
An appropriate name for that power is Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Even in the neighboring world of Olympus,
I was known for that power with the given name of “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

But…… what blasphemy “they” are.
They crave for those who were “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

And for that, I have been “cut down.”
“Triton” became a dwarf and was left behind with the “Role of an ancestor.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Do you understand how humiliating it was?
They have “joked of that reason” and tore the world into pieces!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Arbitrarily deciding everything within their own quota to “what it should be,”
and cutting down…… meeeeeeeeeeee!!

2 options (Same Response)
…… “They”? “Joked of that reason”?

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Hah.
It was inevitable that you would ask about that sort of thing.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The struggle between myself and “them” was for the high order.
From an ant’s perspective, they understood that it will not come true.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Those beings are rather dangerous.
They were torn apart, lost their Roles, and eventually fell to pieces in my world.

Dagon expression tasty.png

With the tentacles I borrowed from them, I was able to compensate for my lost body parts.
Then I waited for the opportunity for rehabilitation.

Dagon expression tasty.png

To bring Triton back into my womb,
I had to expend a lot of time –

Dagon expression tasty.png

And now, I have finally become complete –

Dagon expression tasty.png

My true name is “Dagon the ancestor.”
The creator of Canaan!

2 options (Same Response)
What are you talking about? But, I don’t understand.
3 options (Same Response)
Your name was Dagon, right? You gained power for yourself - You swallowed Triton-sensei!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Innocent little dwarves. You should know that I am the original “Triton.”
I have been since the beginning.

Dagon expression tasty.png

In other words,
I took form of that ideal teacher of yours.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… The problem was if “Triton” would lose the “Role of an ancestor.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

He was obsessed with the “Role” of a “teacher” of “that” parallel world.
He was already accustomed to it.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… It took a very long time.
I needed the world that was closed from the outside.

Dagon expression tasty.png

To imprison “Triton” and demonstrate my “Rule,”
I set my eyes on that Lumia Kanaloa.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I used the tentacles to break, invade,
and bring fragments of my world and sew them to the island.

Dagon expression tasty.png

That is this island.
A garden to imprison that “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

I invited him to the island, imprisoned him,
and encouraged him to strengthen your bonds as a “teacher.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Every time that he would try to escape the island in secret,
I had to clean out his memories multiple times.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The existence of “Triton” is strongly connected to the “Role of ancestors.”
It should not be separated.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

W-What…… That’s a dirty trick!

Dagon expression tasty.png

As I’ve expected, they have matured.
“Triton” chose that “Role” of a “teacher” –

Dagon expression tasty.png

Till he abandoned the “Role of the ancestors,”
it was foolish to make that a compensation.

1 option

Dagon expression tasty.png

That is correct, “returning the students to the original world.”
Then “wash away all the memories about Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

That was the compensation that “Triton” asked for as a “teacher.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Do not fear, I will protect you.
Wash away all your memories, and forget the thing known as “Triton” –

2 options (Same Response)
I will do no such thing. Triton-sensei is coming back!

Dagon expression tasty.png

You should know by now.
“Triton” is nowhere to be found.

Dagon expression tasty.png

“I” have taken the initiative. It was a such contract.
“Triton” sacrificed himself in the “Role” of a teacher.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

No, shut up!
That is your selfishness talking!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Erasing our memories and bullying our sensei –
I’m already pissed off!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Y-Yeah…… Don’t say such selfish things!
T-Triton-sensei…… is our teacher!

Asterios expression island sad.png

It was fun…… taking lessons with everyone.
Triton-sensei was really kind, so……!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Ah, we’re taking back everything you stole.
That is my policy.

Nomad expression island anger.png

On top of that, that will never happen again!

Dagon expression tasty.png

These children are so unreasonable.
But, since the children are so passionate, this should be fun.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I will play with you for a while.
You will know the power of the ancestors –

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

O-Oh my gosh!! O-Octopus, I really hate Octopus!!

2 options (Same Response)
Everyone, let’s go! We’re bringing Triton-sensei back!
Part 7-1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Dagon expression tasty.png

That tickles! Are you trying to tickle me?

Asterios expression island surprised.png

H-He doesn’t seem to feel anything at all.
…… W-What’s going on?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Try as much as you like.
You should be aware that you are like dwarves to me!

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Octopus…… The Octopus is coming this way!!

Asterios expression island anger.png

L-Look out!!

Asterios expression island sad.png


Asterius frantically protects the shivering Kijimuna from the horde of tentacles.

Asterios expression island sad.png

A-Are you okay, Kijimuna……?
Huddle close to me…… s-so you don’t get hurt.

Asterios expression island smile.png

Wait for a little longer……
I-It will be over…… soon……!

Kijimuna did not respond to Asterius’ voice. He continued to cower and tremble in fear.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

A-After all…… I hate Octopus so much, no matter how many times I see it.
M-My body always trembles and shivers……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

…… “After all”?
“No matter how many times I see it”? Kijimuna, what do –

Asterios expression island surprised.png


Asterios expression island sad.png


Struck almost immediately, Asterius was swallowed by a wave of tentacles.

1 option
Asterius! !

Dagon expression tasty.png

There’s the first one.

Nomad expression island anger.png

This can’t be happening……
Damn…… You have gone too far!

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Let me ask you something, Nomad.
Why are you fighting? …… Why won’t you accept my love?

Dagon expression tasty.png

Why not live in my world where you can receive all your ancestor’s love?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

What a load of crap!
How many times are you going to rob me of my memory?!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

My important memory of being remodeled to the “body of a beast” still lingers in my heart –
You were just toying around with me!!

Nomad expression island anger.png

For that alone, there is no way I’m forgiving you.

Nomad expression island anger.png

One more thing! My comrades –
I will not let them fall in your hands!

Dagon expression tasty.png

How absurd.
You only just met them.

Dagon expression tasty.png

You have no memories of anything.
Are you not exposing yourself to danger?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Memories? I barely have any of it left!
But, my spirit still remembers!!

Nomad expression island anger.png

I’ve lived with these guys before.
We’ve spend a lot of time together!

Nomad expression island anger.png

That alone gives me enough confidence!
I will keep fighting for their sake!

Dagon expression tasty.png

I see – You also have the attributes of “those who drift,”
though it is not much.

Nomad expression island surprised.png

Wah?! Wait a minute, I don’t get what you’re trying to say here, you freak!

Nomad expression island anger.png

Eat this!

Nomad expression 4star.png


Dagon expression tasty.png

The dwarf is fighting with all his strength!

Nomad expression island surprised.png

Shit, my power didn’t do anything to him!

A myriad of black tentacles approached Nomad. However –

[Player] emitted a flash, and severed the tentacles’ erosion.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

You saved me, [Player]!
We’ll need to do something about the main body……

1 option
I want to separate Triton-sensei from him, but –

Nomad expression island sad.png

There is a simple reason for that –

2 options (Same Response)
…… He is way too strong! Where should I cut him……?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Go ahead and try, [Player].
I wonder how you will separate that “shadow” from me?

Dagon expression tasty.png

Here. Triton is right here.
Cut me and rescue him.

That said, Dagon opened his hands wide, exposing a defenseless gap in front of [Player]’s sword.

Nomad expression island surprised.png


Dagon pointed at his left breast. prompting [Player] to deliver a strong blow.

2 options (Same Response)
“Role” is “Wanderer” - “Rule” is “Rendering” !

Dagon expression tasty.png


2 options (Same Response)
I, [Player], shall “inscribe” thy name here - Come, Yakumo no Chigiri! !

[Player] desperately slashed at the gigantic body of Dagon. However –

Dagon expression tasty.png

Hahahahaha –

1 option
...... That didn’t work?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

What a fine person you are, [Player].
It is adorable how hard you are trying.

Dagon expression tasty.png

That surprised look on your face – it will be fun to see it again and again.
…… I had seen your “dissection” many times already.

Dagon expression tasty.png

That sword that you carry,
I presume it has the Rule to “sever and separate a person from control.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

However, this Dagon and that “Triton” share the same origin.
Does that not mean we are the same being? Consequently –

Dagon expression tasty.png

That puny “Rule” of yours –
It will not get through me.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Emerge, my “Sacred Artifact”!
Hold up my world, Canaan, with pillars!!

With a shout, “pillars” arose from the ground surrounding Dagon. Tentacles then began stretched out and coiled around his body.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Those “pillars” are –

Dagon expression tasty.png

Now is the time for the world’s demise.
The old, the decayed, all of life, come back to my womb!

Dagon expression tasty.png

When the time comes where my life comes to an end –
my children will also rot!

Dagon expression tasty.png

I will rework the world from scratch –
Conceal, “Over Shadow!”

Together with that shout, “black” waves dyed everything. Everything that stood on the ground –

Nomad expression island surprised.png

This guy’s…… dangerous! You, get out of –

Nomad was engulfed by the black “something” – His voice and appearance – it all vanished.

Dagon expression tasty.png

That is the second person -

1 option

The black waves continued to close in even further. Massive black tentacles obstructed their sight.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Fall back! We need to get out of this place quick!!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

I’ll carry Kijimuna! Hurry!
We can’t let this guy do any more damage!

2 options
Nomad and Asterius……! Okay……!
Kurogane expression b sad.png

Even if you want to rush in,
we can’t do anything about that strong power!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Besides, everyone that got caught most likely lost their memories by now.
It’s terrible I know, but we need to escape!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Haah, haah, haah……! Damn, we got to get out of here quick……!

While they were running, a cluster of tentacles gradually filled in the distance.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

[Player], are you alright!?
…… [Player]……?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

[Player]…… are you crying……?

Triton expression sad.png

…… Students will leave the school eventually.
You cannot be a “student” forever.

Triton expression happy.png

You cannot stay in the same place forever.
You must continue moving forward.

Triton expression neutral.png

If you, the students are happy –
Then “I” won’t have any problems.

Triton expression happy.png

I pray that you will continue growing in the future.

Triton expression happy.png

[Player]. Even when you leave this school……
I will pray that you will still be happy.

3 options (Same Response)
It’s tough being forgotten. Robinson was crying. Yet, Triton-sensei himself……

Kurogane expression b sad.png

…… [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
But…… I couldn’t do anything. Frustrating…… It’s so frustrating……!

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Kijimuna expression pout.png


Kijimuna jumped off Kurogane’s back, and stood in front of the tentacles ahead.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Kijimuna, what are you doing?!
It’s dangerous, so let’s get out of here quick –

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… I’m sorry, [Player].
I want you to know this -

Kijimuna expression sad.png

I, I always wanted to keep saying, “nice to meet you.”
I wanted to live on the island together with you.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

But…… But……

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Don’t cry, [Player].
I…… made a mistake.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

In exchange for my life……
I will protect you, [Player].

Kijimuna expression joy.png

He made the children cry,
I…… I must do this!

Kijimuna expression pout.png

…… Dagon!
I won’t let you do this to my children anymore!

Kijimuna expression pout.png

Gajumaru of the island, lend me your power……
For the children and their smiling faces!

Kijimuna expression pout.png

Kajimaya Kachashi!

Episode 7: [A Bud of Change]

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

W-What’s happening?!

Huge banyan trees bloomed before Kijimuna. They covered and protected [Player] from the flock of tentacles.

Those touched by the black tentacles were “washed.” But, the behavior of the black tentacles “could not get through.”

2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna, you - Why are you doing this?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Kijimuna, you!
Are you forgetting about the kindness I had given you!!

Dagon expression tasty.png

You! Since you begged for it,
I will dispose of your memories!

Dagon expression tasty.png

If you intend to get in my way,
I will leave no memories –

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Dagon. Thanks to you, I had fun.
I got to say “nice to meet you” to [Player] many times.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

I’m affixed to the ground of the island.
Therefore…… “I’m not going anywhere.”

Kijimuna expression sad.png

The children are lucky to have legs.
Everyone…… can go anywhere they want.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Even if I forget and meet again and again……
I think it will be great to spend time playing again.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

I always thought it would be fine.
Someday, I’d have to say “you’re staying forever” –

Kijimuna expression sad.png

But…… this will be my first-time being forgotten.
It will sting my heart for a long time.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

[Player] was the only one who make me forget about being lonely.
They understood me too. It makes me want to cry.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I –
That alone makes me…… happy.

Dagon expression tasty.png


Dagon showed expressions of anger for the first time at Kijimuna’s words.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Sending you to oblivion all alone –
I will be glad to do that!!

Dagon expression tasty.png

When the time comes for me to perish –
my children will perish too!!

Kijimuna expression pout.png

Run away, [Player], Kurogane-ne-ne!
You can leave it to me!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

B-But…… we’re surrounded by tentacles in all directions!
Even when you tell us to escape, the only way of escaping is to go above –

Kurogane expression b shocked.png


2 options (Same Response)
Kurogane-senpai, Kijimuna, look! There’s something up there! !

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

You are all safe! Hold on, my family!
I will help you escape!

It was Tangaroa soaring through the skies, riding on sparkling seashells. He then extended snakes down to [Player].

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

H-Hey! Wasn’t he the one who attacked us last time?
Should we trust him? What do you think, [Player]?!

Robinson expression anger.png

It’s alright, Kurogane-senpai! Captain [Player]!
This man is a friend! So, hurry up! Get to the snake!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png


Kurogane expression b anger.png

…… Alright! Let’s go, [Player]! Kijimuna –

When [Player] extended their arm, the serpent grabbed their arm and took them to the sky.

2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna, you’re coming too! (Take his hand)

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Kijimuna expression sad.png

I’m sorry. Please go on without me.
This place will vanish if I try to leave.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

Hence, I can’t escape from here.
The black tentacles will swallow up everyone.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Dagon can’t move now.
I’m supplementing the pillars, so they can’t escape.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

I will pin him down to the ground.
Dagon can go wash himself away to nothing.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

So…… That is what I’m going to do now.
In the meantime, you need to get out of here!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player], Kurogane-ne-ne.
Please take this.

That said, Kijimuna grasped [Player]’s hand and gave them a branch.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

A gajumaru branch. That will take my place.
That branch, it will protect you……!

1 option
Kijimuna! !

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Thank you, [Player]. Everyone.
It was a lot of fun. I will always remember you –

Kijimuna can be seen hanging his head, with a small tear running down his cheek.

Kijimuna expression pout.png

Go, Tangaroa!
Please take care of everyone -

Kijimuna expression joy.png

My precious, precious children……

In an instant, a strong wind blows, rising Tangaroa’s shell into the sky.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png


Kijimuna watched as [Player] leaves the scene –

Kijimuna:( face)
I don’t know what to say -

The laughter fades away, as they vanish into the empty sky.

Part 7-2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

You can come down now, my children. You can now get some rest.

1 option

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

This is a village built by my beloved children living on this island.
We can rest here for a while.

2 options (Same Response)
No, this isn’t the time! We need to help Kijimuna quick……!

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… Kijimuna is gone.
I fear that he most likely used up all his power.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Kijimuna…… wanted to help us get away……?

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I understand your feelings of sorrow.
It is painful to lose someone that is dear to you.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

For now, you must rest.
Also, please listen to this Tangaroa’s story.

2 options (Same Response)
Tangaroa-san…… Have you come to your senses?

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Ah…… [Player].
I am thankful that thou cut off my tentacles.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Those tentacles were planted onto us.
We became puppets and worked as slaves.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I…… likely might have done the same to you –
I would plant the tentacles and manipulate you.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

That “Triton” would not have wanted for his students to be in such condition.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

…… However, I will give thou my thanks, my beloved children.
Thanks to thou, thou have saved us from a crisis.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

This boy –
He has informed me of what has happened after I was manipulated.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Captain [Player]!
And Kurogane-senpai too.

Robinson expression smile.png

Even if it’s just you two, I’m glad you’re safe……!

3 options (Same Response)
You saved us, Robinson. But, Kijimuna…… Asterius and Nomad……

Robinson expression anger.png

Stay strong, Captain!
There is still hope.

Robinson expression neutral.png

That Dagon,
didn’t he mention a “compensation” in returning everyone including the captain to their original worlds?

Robinson expression anger.png

You’re still here, Captain.
Even if everyone’s injured…… you can’t admit defeat yet!

2 options (Same Response)
…… Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Robinson.

Robinson expression smile.png

…… Aah.
No problem, Captain!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

With the resurrection of Dagon,
I feel his power is increasing and eventually destroy this island.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

For that reason, the gajumaru trees, the birthplace of Kijimuna,
and the inhabited islands would be disposed of by that power.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Do you mind explaining what the hell is going on?
That would help us a lot.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I will tell you everything we know about Dagon.
Let’s start exchanging information.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Dagon created the world of Canaan.
As he has said, he was torn up to pieces by someone.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Therefore, for him to live for a long time as fragments,
he used my creation, the Lumia Kanaloa.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

I see, so that’s why the geological formation is different!
He forcibly merged different islands together!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

However, it is said that different worlds are of that same “seashell.”
To forcibly merge them, he used a “staple.”

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

That is how the “gajumaru” was able to live as Kijimuna.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

He wedged himself into the ground of the island and enclosed himself in the roots.
He “stapled” the roots, and forcibly joined multiple islands together.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Now that Dagon has awakened,
all the islands would rapidly become the world, Canaan.

1 option
He’s going to sacrifice multiple islands to revive his world……?

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… As Triton wanted,
he wanted him to take you back to your original world.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Afterwards, Dagon controlled this island,
and later have intents of dictating.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

If so, Kijimuna would not wake up again –
He would dispose us of our minds and make us servants.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Kijimuna would never wake up again……?
In other words, he wouldn’t come back?!

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Naturally. If the power of Dagon disappears or
the parasitic world of Canaan vanishes, the gajumaru will regain energy.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Simply speaking……
You can save Triton-sensei?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

That story was easy to understand.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

To protect this island and most of all, my children –
I will lend you my strength.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

If that gentle child, Kijimuna does not return to its original form,
there will be sorrow.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

That child’s cheerfulness……
He is like the sun floating above the island countries.

2 options (Same Response)
You know Kijimuna? You…… remember about Kijimuna.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Of course. Before I lost my memory –
we lived together here on this island.

Robinson expression surprised.png

…… You remembered?
But, it was clear that the tentacles washed away your memories –

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Kijimuna and of course myself –
we still remember the days we spent together.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

That is because we are of the same roots as those on the island, “those who cannot be swept away.”
We cannot be swept away by any waves.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

In other words, no matter what methods he uses,
it is impossible for the memories of Kijimuna and myself to be taken away.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Therefore, Dagon had no choice but to implant me with the tentacles, and used me as a puppet.

Robinson expression surprised.png

I see, so that’s the case!

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Huh? Didn’t he say that he is going to “dispose” of Kijimuna’s memories on purpose?

Robinson expression neutral.png

Perhaps…… it was a “bluff.”
He was afraid of something else.

Robinson expression anger.png

…… The world of that world,
each Rule has a “hierarchy.”

Robinson expression confused.png

Two contradictory powers of different worlds –
Who knows what will happen.

Robinson expression anger.png

The existence of the world, Canaan would vanish.
Dagon was afraid of that.

2 options (Same Response)
Ah, I get it! Robinson seems to know everything~.

Robinson expression surprised.png

Why doesn’t the Captain remember?
Even if our memories were washed away, the information of our “occupation” still remains right?

2 options (Same Response)
“Occupation” ? Information? What –

Robinson expression confused.png

Uh…… Think of it like a “peer.”
Maybe that isn’t the right one to use?

Robinson expression happy.png

Oh, well…… That’s how I see you, Captain, yeah that’s right! Mhm!

Robinson expression neutral.png

Anyways, there’s something more important right now.
…… We need to do something about Dagon.

Robinson expression anger.png

He does not belong in the world of “fire, water, and earth,” and neither the heavens and the underworld.
We must take down that “Demon.”

Robinson expression neutral.png

For that reason, he flowed through various worlds and flowed to this island.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh? Robinson, you –

Robinson expression neutral.png

Many of my “fathers’” were given an important job.
It was to “protect everyone in the world.”

Robinson expression neutral.png

Because of that, I can accomplish anything.
Including “dividing the island into two” –

Kurogane expression b anger.png

…… Stop the story there.
Everyone, look over there!

2 options (Same Response)
.........! That’s –

Dagon’s servants, the black merpeople, closed in. And the vanguard were –

2 options (Same Response)
Asterius...... Nomad......!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Hey, there you guys are.
Dagon-sensei was…… looking……

Asterios expression island anger.png

Y-Yeah, you better get back soon.
Or do you want Dagon-sensei to s-scold you……?

Nomad expression island anger.png

They’re evil……
Capture them, don’t let them get away – Aaaaaah……!

Warriors?:( face)
Our father, why do you betray Dagon……?
Oh, my head…… my head hurts –

Warriors?:( face)
That’s right, Dagon-sama is our great lord –
You must compensate for opposing him!

Asterius, Nomad and a countless number of warriors, who are being manipulated by black tentacles, began to attack [Player].

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

What a terrible situation…… My children are still in his hands.
[Player] – Please. Please lend me your power.

2 options (Same Response)
Ah, I’ll slash those tentacles - Attack! !

Robinson expression anger.png

I’ll help, Captain!
Even if it gets a little rough, we’re going to take back everyone!

Kurogane expression anger.png

Yeah! We won’t let this continue!
Let’s join forces and get this over with!

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Those who come from outside of this island,
my soul trembles from that friendship and your bravery.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Now is the time to unveil it.
The Lumia Kanaloa, the creator of this Tangaroa’s power!

Part 8-1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

On this island – There is a secret ceremony that is passed down through generations.

One is chosen among the many tribes to be approved and undergo the inheritance ritual of the Shellfish Dragon, Tangaroa.

In the secret ceremony, I have accepted “Tangaroa” from the predecessor, and learned the original significance of all the body and the five senses.

“To become Tangaroa” – It was literally meaningful.

When I received the cane decorated with bones, I am sure I saw a vision.

A brilliant shellfish was drifting in the empty sky; a dragon was dwelling in it. And that was the beginning of the Lumia Kanaloa.

The history of the gentle dragon began flowing in. Life was unexpectedly born in this world, my flesh and blood and above all, the blessings of nature.

Yes, the cane which I believed was just ordinary jewelry, was the remains of the “original Tangaroa.”

It was Tangaroa’s last moments left behind, a legacy to us.

Those who can draw out the knowledge from Tangaroa can “inherit Tangaroa” for generations.

The quantity was vast and excessive. The experience built up over the generations made me feel like rubbish.

I will satisfy those who live on the island including myself, with inexhaustible love.

In addition to this, I believe there is nothing to believe in. I thought about dedicating everything for my own flesh and blood.

I, under the name of “Tangaroa” will follow the voices of the great father, and teach the people of the island.

Everyone depended on me as their father. I praised myself as the predecessor of the previous generations.

However, “I” have been called “Tangaroa.” This “me” was a “puppet of the past.”

With the invasion of Dagon, he has trampled me down. The world will be devoured.

I could not use any of “Tangaroa’s knowledge.” That was my first experience.

For the Lumia Kanaloa to be invaded from an outside world, it was due to lack of experience as “Tangaroa.”

The voices of the “great father” resonated from the cane held in my hand to “my” mind – It was sorrowful.

This “me” is like the “Tangaroa” of the last generation, as the “father” gently said as I closed my eyes.

However – they do not have a body to do as they please. I finally realized the foolish “me.”

Now, only this “me” can protect my beloved children.

Fathers, I will leave you to protect them and for them to live.

I followed the path you opened and stepped across the corpse. This is where I am now.

Therefore – It will be my turn next. “I” spoke that to the bone cane that I hold.

Now is the time for “me” to be the father of this island. I will look after your children here with my life.

Please give me your blessing. Your children will open your peaceful cradle and let you depart.

Now, this “me” will be the only “Tangaroa.” Not the name of the great father, but of wisdom –

And not blood. That “grief” will be the one to succeed.

A strict but warm voice can be heard from the cane – It felt like it was laughing for the first time.

Episode 8: [The Island’s Collapse]

Tribesmen:( face)
Everyone! Be wary of the black tentacles!
We must not let them take over the land!

Mermaid expression normal.png

You all are so foolish.
You should just wait quietly for your destruction.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Perish? Are you not going to rule this world?
What is your objective……?

Mermaid expression normal.png

Tangaroa, I am very grateful to you.
So…… This is a thank you from him.

Mermaid expression normal.png

…… This world will be destroyed along with you.
That is his decision, and it cannot be overturned.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

It is not for domination but rather to destroy it –
What will you gain from doing this?!

Mermaid expression normal.png

That is…… It is for you all.
He is doing this to make you all happy.

Mermaid expression normal.png

Everything and the people living in this world will be “destroyed.”
His mercy will stop their lamentations.

Mermaid expression normal.png

It is an “eternal paradise.”
If the world was destroyed, you would not have to worry about perishing forever, no?

Tangaroa expression sad.png

What you are saying is illogical.
However – “I do believe it is truly mercy.”

Tangaroa expression sad.png

You are a lunatic –
No, Dagon is –

Mermaid expression anger.png

Ohoho…… Ahahaha!
How dare you tell us that we are insane.

Mermaid expression anger.png

Everything in the world is like a bamboo ship drifting out in the stormy sea.
It is impossible to tell that it would be short-lived.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

- What?

Mermaid expression anger.png

Knowing that, everyone will become mad.
- We have talked for far too long.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png


Nomad expression island anger.png

…… Sheesh, you are hard to deal with.
Just listen to what Dagon-sensei says!

Asterios expression island anger.png

E-Everyone and [Player] – Why are you doing this?
S-Stop doing this….. C-Come back with us.

2 options (Same Response)
Asterius! Nomad! You have to remember!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

It’s useless, Junior!
Those two…… They’re being manipulated by the black tentacles.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

The others have been manipulated the same way –
You can’t afford to get reckless and hurt them.

Robinson expression anger.png

But there is way too many of them!
How are we supposed to not hurt them?

Robinson expression anger.png

Why not I use my “Sacred Artifact” to take them down in a skillful manner instead of hurting them?! That’s –

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Fall back, my children.

1 option

The countless warriors, manipulated by the tentacles, were led by the black merpeople. Tangaroa went to the front-lines alone before them.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Kurogane, Robinson, and [Player].
Please take care of Asterius and Nomad.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

This Tangaroa –
I will take care of the rest who are being manipulated.

2 options (Same Response)
How are you going to take them on? Don’t be absurd!

Tangaroa expression happy.png

My beloved children live on this island;
they were born here on this island.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Because thou are visiting the island…… Thou are also my beloved child. A father should protect his children from danger.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

[Player], Kurogane, Robinson.
Asterius and Nomad also.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Even though you have forgotten –
We spent a long time together.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Triton and Kijimuna also –
As a mentor and leader, he has shown ye spirit and protected you well.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

That is why you’re here.
[Player], please leave this to your father.

Mermaid expression normal.png

Hahaha…… Despite being outnumbered, you are still courageous.
I think I will implant the tentacles onto you again.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png


When Tangaroa raised his cane made of bone high in the air, shining seashells began to appear.

Mermaid expression normal.png

You are trying to protect yourself with those lovely seashells?
Heehee, how cute.

Mermaid expression normal.png

Let’s see……
How about we break through it with tentacles?

Tangaroa expression sad.png

…… As you know, you broke into this world from the outside.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

An Octopus uses its suckers to pry open a seashell to devour the contents.
Yet – Have you tried doing it from the “inside”?

Mermaid expression normal.png

How do you mean?

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

It is all that wraps around thee.
Our flesh and blood will perish.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Yes. Ye are already on the palm of Tangaroa’s hands –

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

Lumia Kanaloa!

Mermaid expression anger.png

This can’t be!

The black merpeople, and those being manipulated, were confined within the huge shining seashell that appeared.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

The inside of the combined seashells is that of a completely closed space.
Your ringleader, Dagon’s powers will not reach you.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

It is a matter of time before the connection with the power of the “Demon” is cut off.
Until it wears off, you will stay quiet in there –

Voice resounding within the Seashell:( face)
Oouuuuuuuuuugh! Let us out, let us ouuuut!!

Sounds of lashing out within the seashell can be heard. To their dismay, it was a rather sturdy seashell.

Robinson expression smile.png

Nice one, Tangaroa-san!
You have kept them trapped in an orb –

The seashell certainly cannot be broken into. However, Tangaroa’s body is the practitioner –

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… Guhuh……!

Tangaroa’s entire body has wounds; blood was gushing out of those wounds.

Robinson expression surprised.png

Why do you have wounds all the sudden……!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

That seashell was once the form of Lumia Kanaloa.
That is, “Tangaroa” is the living flesh and blood of itself.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Therefore, attacks on that seashell will also harm my own body –

Robinson expression anger.png

If you knew about that, why did you do it?!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Even if we have ten people including [Player] with their sword,
we cannot cut a hundred people at the same time.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

So…… to not injure my beloved children,
I had no choice but to do it.

Robinson expression confused.png

I know that a “father” is a “child’s guardian.”

Robinson expression confused.png

Is that what everyone considers a “father”?

Robinson expression confused.png

…… I don’t get it, I just don’t get a father’s feelings.
It’s like I was “thrown away by my own father.”

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

...... Robinson

Robinson expression confused.png

…… Haha. I may not be aware that I was cast away from the other side.
I haven’t even met him yet.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… Robinson.
Do you truly hate your own father?

Robinson hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

Robinson expression neutral.png

It’s pride, I think. That’s who I am……
I guess it’s like an “evil influence” tying me up in the end.

Robinson expression confused.png

But, surely my own father doesn’t love me.
After all, I was always lonely.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Robinson. Even if the things you say are of truth –
Thou are not alone.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

There is [Player]. Thou are living together with everyone.
Also, there is a father that loves you, right here.

Robinson expression confused.png

…… Idiot. I don’t understand what you mean.
A father who isn’t even related by blood –

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Whether everyone forgot, thou and I still remember.
We lived together, hunted game, ate and slept together.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Robinson, thou are part of the island;
“Tangaroa” raised you here as his flesh and blood. So –

Tangaroa expression happy.png

That flesh and blood, it is the same as the people living on this island.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Robinson, if this father loses his life trying to protect thou,
I have no regrets or fears.

It may be the end to the struggle. The sounds of the attacks on the seashell became louder and more violent. Also, more wounds began to appear.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

…… G-Guhaah……!

Robinson expression confused.png

Stop…… Just stop it already!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… Please say “keep at it,” my beloved son.
With those words, this father will not submit.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

I learned that I was kept alive by my father’s love.
Now as a father, I will not hesitate in keeping my son alive.

Robinson expression anger.png

Tangaroa…… san.
…… Okay! Keep at it!

Robinson expression confused.png

…… That……
Tangaroa…… Father!

Tangaroa expression happy.png

…… Ah.

Tangaroa laughed. The brilliant seashell shined strongly in response to it –

Asterios expression island anger.png


2 options (Same Response)
The black tentacles are coming……! ! Kurogane-senpai, this is bad!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

This is……!
Those tentacles are really persistent!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Eh? W-What the……?
The branch we got from Kijimuna is glowi- oh!

2 options (Same Response)
It’s driving away the tentacles! ! Kijimuna’s protecting us……!

Nomad expression island anger.png

What the hell was that……?!
The hand of our great lord…… It can’t get through?!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

That was…… Kiji…… Muna……?
Why……? Why is that?!

The two were disturbed by the power from the branch of the gajumaru. Seeing it as a good opportunity, [Player] approached them.

Nomad expression island anger.png


Asterios expression island anger.png


Ignoring Nomad and Asterius, they took aim at the tentacles on their backs. Then –

2 options (Same Response)
I, [Player] shall “inscribe” thy name here - Come, Yakumo no Chigiri!

Nomad expression island surprised.png


Nomad expression island neutral.png

…… T-Thanks.
You…… really helped us……

Asterios expression island sad.png

Thank you…… Everyone……

The tentacles that were planted onto the pair were detached by [Player]’s blow.

Just like puppets with threads, they fell to the ground.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

…… Magnificent, [Player].

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Nomad and Asterius are both alright!
It looks like they just fainted. That’s good……!

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Let us put them on the bed over and let them rest.
They should wake soon.

Robinson expression confused.png

It’s not over yet.
Father Tangaroa look! The seashell is diminishing fast!

Looking at the heavily wounded Tangaroa, Robinson’s face looks like he’s about to cry.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Ah, it has released just now.
Everyone, please stand down.

Mermaid expression anger.png

You… Yoouuuu!!

When the seashell broke, only the two black merpeople were standing there.

The others have lost conscious and were knocked out. The black tentacles that were attached to them withered as if they lost its strength.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

You cannot fight us any longer.
It is best that you withdraw.

Mermaid expression anger.png

Shut up!

The black mermaid screams and sends the remaining black tentacles at [Player].

[Player] sliced up the tentacles with their sword; The debris faded away into the light.

Mermaid expression normal.png


Tangaroa expression neutral.png

…… Leave.

Merman expression neutral.png

How…… How could this happen!
If our great ancestor found out, our life –

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Children of Dagon, you love your own father.
This Tangaroa is confident of that.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Dagon will still love you deeply.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Your father feels the same way, it is difficult for one’s children to part with sorrow.
Thou should not cause more sadness for oneself.

Mermaid expression normal.png


The black merpeople glared at Tangaroa, then disappeared into the veil of darkness.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

We put the two down on a bed.
They haven’t regained consciousness yet, but they’ll be fine.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

That is good.
Although they were manipulated, the rescue was a success.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

However – It is time for the decisive battle with Dagon.
We must make haste.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

The power within the branch that Kijimuna left behind,
I do not know how long it will last.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

In addition –
There are two problems.

1 option
First, we need to find a way to save Triton-sensei.

Robinson expression neutral.png

I can do something about him using my “Rule.”

1 option
You’re gonna use that rifle?

Robinson expression confused.png

Hmm. Because of the wave of tentacles getting in the way,
if I can’t maintain visibility, I don’t think I can utilize it……

2 options (Same Response)
Well, there is another way. How about we deal with the black tentacles?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I think I have an idea about that.
Do you remember what Kijimuna said?

Kurogane expression b sad.png

“Without those pillars, Dagon himself will be washed away by the black waves.”

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

If we did something to the bedrock where the pillars stand, he won’t be able to use his tentacles, right?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

If he can’t use them at least,
I think he’ll get himself swept away by the waves.

Robinson expression surprised.png

Doing something to the bedrock of the island……
Kurogane-senpai, you really think it’s possible?

Robinson expression confused.png

I was certainly told that I can “divide the island.”
Since there’s nothing we can do at the current state, I guess –

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

If it was an ordinary one, then it can’t be done.
Since “this is what the island is now,” it may be possible.

2 options (Same Response)
“This is what the island is now”? What do you mean by that, Kurogane-senpai?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

This island’s geological formation is a mess.
If something is done for a moment, landslides will occur.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

If the gajumaru tree that is becoming the “staple” weakens,
it is likely that we can destroy the bedrock all at once.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

With the use of my “right arm,” I can search for that point.
Yep, you can leave that to me!

Robinson expression anger.png

I see…… That being the case,
I will “divide” that point when you figure it out!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Then you will have to dig down through the earth of the island to destroy it.
The children of my tribe will go along with you.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

My children are brave tribal warriors.
They will certainly protect you.

After Tangaroa said that, several warriors appeared from behind the settlement.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

These brave warriors escaped from the hands of Dagon.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I know of this island more than anyone else.
This Tangaroa was trained well and well-educated.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Well, that’s reassuring!
I’m counting on all of you.

Fire Tribesman:( face)
Yes. Leave it to us.
We will do our best for the others.

2 options (Same Response)
Things are starting to look up! Let’s keep at it for a while longer!

Mermaid expression normal.png

Please forgive us……
My great lord……

The defeat merpeople reported their circumstances to Dagon.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Incompetent.
You are no longer any use to me.

When Dagon lifted his hand, tentacles came out from the black merpeople and returned to Dagon.

Mermaid expression anger.png

Why, Why…… Aaah.
Our great…… ancestor…… why……?

Merman expression neutral.png


Like a sewing string being pulled out, the merpeople fell apart and vanished into the empty sky.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Do I still stand as the Role of an “imitator”?

Dagon expression tasty.png

It is a shame that you believed that I was the real deal till the end.
The real one was destroyed a long time ago.

Dagon expression tasty.png

A ghost was given “tentacles” after being broken into thousands of pieces,
I simply used them as a diversion……

Dagon expression tasty.png

This Dagon will secure this world with “Sacred Artifact of Pillars” ……

Dagon expression tasty.png

Existing as fragments would have been impossible.

Dagon expression tasty.png

This is good.
I should have done this right from the beginning –

Recollecting many tentacles, the body of Dagon grew even more; it was enough to poke the clouds.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Ooh – Yes – Ahh – Aaaah!!

With every tentacle adding into his body, every time they were taken in, his mind shrieked. He found himself going mad.

But, it was no longer the case. He no longer remembers himself.

Dagon who was given the “Role” of the “ancestors” desired more.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Ah, that’s right.
Soon – I will soon “destroy” ……!

The “ancestor” will soon “destroy” –

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

What is – Aaaah!?!?

Beyond the mountain was the gigantic figure of Dagon. In addition, Kurogane was at a loss for words.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Let’s go. This is the final battle!

Robinson expression smile.png

Yeah, you can leave this to me!
Trust me, Captain [Player]!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

No matter what he looks like, there is always a weak point!
Don’t worry, if we join forces, we can win this!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I will demonstrate myself as Tangaroa.
My children that still follow me, we shall be victorious!

Robinson expression anger.png

Right! Now –
To the final battle, everyone!

Part 8-2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

The day where the world was destroyed.

The world that I created, Canaan, fell apart due to outrageous circumstances.

The world that I created as an “ancestor” – My children split me into a thousand pieces in the blink of an eye.

That was foolish of me to protect those who should not be protected. I could have lived.

I was left behind in an empty space and struggled. After an eternity, I realized that it was impossible.

While compensating “me” with the “not me,” I realized that I was caught up in the madness.

Trying to connect my consciousness with my remains – The profound “hatred," Triton vanished.

That other self is what I should have kept. It was an inexcusable thing.

As time passed, I was fueled by madness, and my hatred swelled up. In one corner of my consciousness, I thought about “sanity.”

I wondered if it was truly hatred.

That…… I still question that to this day, concealed by the overflowing madness.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Yes, when I perish –
my children will all perish too –

Dagon expression tasty.png


The body of Dagon became even more huge, the quantity of black tentacles became a great flood and overflowed.

Dagon is on a rampage. Nobody can see if there is any sanity left in Dagon.

A violent weapon created to sweep away everything, that is the current form of Dagon.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

What a fearsome, atrocious demon.
Are you planning to wash away the islands for your world, Canaan?

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

However, it is favorable if you turn your eyes over your head.
…… Look. Dagon, turn your eyes.

Tangaroa and [Player], who were fluttering around in the sky on a floating seashell, attracted the attention of the huge Dagon’s eyes.

A swarm of endless tentacles attacked from all directions, Tangaroa riding on the seashell, dodged them in a spectacular manner.

[Player], who was riding together on a seashell, failed to avoid them and fought back with their sword.

2 options (Same Response)
Dagon is gigantic……! He is going to engulf the island in black waves!

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Everyone has placed their trust on us, [Player].
There is something that we must do.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

We will turn his consciousness over this way.
Doing so will divert his attention away from those on the ground.

This father has grasped you tightly. My child, [Player]!

3 options
Yes, Tangaroa. Yes, Father! Understood, Papa!
Tangaroa expression neutral.png

[Player], my beloved child.
Thy voice shall give this Tangaroa strength.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Now, fly high, Lumia!
Deliver that brilliance to the eyes of everyone living on the island!!

Robinson expression surprised.png

Hmm, trying to find something out of the ordinary on a common beach……
Can you really find the point to destroy the geological formation?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Yeah, I can find it.
I’m playing an active part here…… Senpai has nothing to lose!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’ve been examining the strata of this island for a long time.
I couldn’t stop because it was very intriguing.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

The combinations of the stratums should be enough to draw out the brittle parts.
This is where my “Sacred Artifact” comes into play! I will just need to get down a little.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Now, I will show you something neat!
Eisernen Glied!!

The right arm of Kurogane is a “Sacred Artifact” that grabs what is not visible. He is analyzing the earth’s crust as if he’s “taking it in his hands.”

Tribesman expression neutral.png

This is bad!
The tentacles of Dagon…… are coming to the beach!

Robinson expression anger.png

Crap! They’re advancing faster than I thought!
Dagon must have anticipated this……

Robinson expression anger.png

Kurogane-senpai! Hurry up! Or this whole area will be engulfed!

Robinson expression anger.png

It also takes time to put my “Rule” into my bullets!
You better finish this quick!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

I know! But, I don’t want screw this up!
A little more…… The analysis should be done in a bit!

Tribesman expression neutral.png

…… We’ll hold them off.
We’ll buy you some time.

Robinson expression surprised.png

W-What are you saying!
You will be swallowed up by those tentacles!

Tribesman expression neutral.png


Tribesman expression neutral.png

We are the people of the island who we see Tangaroa as our father.
Now, he is sacrificing his life for us.

Tribesman expression neutral.png

We are brave warriors trembling with fighting spirit.
We will also risk our lives to fend off the invaders!

Tribesman expression neutral.png

Even if we get exhausted, for our father, for this island,
this is our battle for the lives of the island!

Robinson expression surprised.png

Y-You guys……

Robinson expression anger.png

…… Alright. Stop the progression of the waves!
But…… But……!

Tribesman expression neutral.png


Robinson expression smile.png

Even if you all get wiped out, we will surely win!
So…… We’ll meet again! Brothers!

Tribesman expression neutral.png

…… Ah! We will display the hidden techniques passed down to us by Tangaroa
while you aim at the weak point of the island’s ground!

Robinson expression anger.png

Hurry, Kurogane-senpai!
If you stop here, your dignity as a Senpai is done for!

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Analysis at 60%...... 70%......
Just a little longer……!

Kurogane expression 5star.png

(The gajumaru’s power is amazing……
A tremendous number of islands were bound together……!)

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Analysis complete!!
Robinson! Southwest of here, distance of 521.5m!

Robinson expression anger.png

I’ll go to that branch and throw myself into the sky! Quick!
Also, I’ll be sure to hit the mark!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Eh? Robinson, what are you trying to say –
No, I understand! Go for iiiiiiiit!!

With the power of the wind caused by the gajumaru tree’s branch, Robinson soared up high in the sky.

Holding the back of the musket in one hand, one bullet in the other hand. He then put his “Rule” into it.

Robinson expression anger.png

This person will become someone with many fragmented Robin Hoods.
To protect the people, the castaway threw themselves into battle to divide the island.

Robinson expression anger.png

One great name is not for that person alone.
One great achievement is shared amongst many.

Robinson expression anger.png

Therefore, I was given the name, Robinson.
I will fulfill the will of my fathers and defend the people of the world!

Robinson expression anger.png

And now…… A new person who already loves me.
In behalf of Tangaroa, I will shoot at the island!!

Robinson expression 4star.png

I will not make it in time if I run now!
I will aim at the pinpoint from above!!

Robinson expression 4star.png

“Role” is “Wanderer”!
“Rule” is “Great Divider”!!

Robinson expression 4star.png

Fire! Island Divider!

At that moment, Tangaroa in the air noticed that rumbling in the ground occurred in several places on the island.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Aah…… Robinson, Kurogane……
And my beloved children of the island, you did it.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

The bound islands are separating, they cannot keep its shape.
Everyone…… You have done a fine job.

Robinson’s Rule of “Dividing” eroded the islands. The world of Canaan was broken apart.

The power of erosion overflowed through the cross section and shook the islands violently. Furthermore –

Dagon expression tasty.png

This cannot be happening!!

The “pillars” themselves surrounding Dagon were unharmed. However, the rock bed that it relied on collapsed, causing the “pillars” to heel over.

Dagon who lost balance instinctively withdrew the tentacles. He himself will get washed away due to the lack of support.

But, that moment – It was the one that [Player] aimed for.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Dagon! That body, that power, those tentacles!
All of it will be contained!!

Tangaroa expression 5star.png


Dagon expression tasty.png

What! This is –

Tangaroa has successfully imprisoned the gigantic build of Dagon inside a seashell.

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

The power-scale will not hold out for long.
Dagon is also desperately trying to break out of the seashell.

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

…… There is not much time!
Quickly, my children!

2 options (Same Response)
Let’s do it! We….. will win!

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

…… Such strong children. I wonder how you raised such strong children.
Triton. Your path is not wrong.

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

Even so, who can say that “it is wrong”?

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

…… Now, Dagon! Fellow Creator of Heaven and Earth,
this is a test of strength!

Robinson expression anger.png

Over here, over here!
Caaaaaaaaptain! Over heeeeeeeere!

Robinson expression neutral.png

Kurogane-senpai is waiting over there.
Let’s move quickly! We need to finish things off!

Kurogane expression 5star.png

…… Amazing……
This power is amazing……!

Robinson expression neutral.png

Kurogane-senpai! I’ve brought the Captain!
Okay, Captain. Show your sword to your Senpai.

2 options (Same Response)
Why? Kurogane-senpai, this is……

Kurogane expression 5star.png

…… I’m forging [Player]’s sword through the power of “Eisernen Glied,” my “Sacred Artifact.”

That said, Kurogane’s right arm is shining with tremendous power.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

On this right hand, the power leaking from the fault is stored abundantly.
Think of it like a storehouse.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

I can concentrate the power of Junior’s “Sacred Artifact.”

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Essentially after this, I will get accustomed to the growth of the “Sacred Artifact’s” power.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

For that reason, Junior’s “Sacred Artifact” will be heavily amplified –
I should be able to inflict a strong blow.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

There’s no time to lose!
Let’s get going, Junior! You and I, we will show him our power!

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

…… Kuh…… Not yet……
I will protect my children…… This father will fight to the death!

Tangaroa expression 5star.png

What?! The light coming from the beach……!
That must be……!

It extended from the beach; a huge pillar of light was protruding the clouds.

Seeing that, Tangaroa understood. He undid the seal of the seashell that imprisoned Dagon.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… What is that pillar of light!
There is such a thing on this island –

Dagon noticed it. It was not a “pillar” of light, but rather a “sword” of light.

2 options (Same Response)
“Role” is “Wandering” - “Rule” is “Rendering”!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Stop…… Stop……!!

1 option
I, [Player], shall “inscribe” thy name here –

Dagon expression tasty.png


1 option
Come, Yakumo no Chigiri! !

That shriek was engulfed – The sword of light raised a roar and slashed at the gigantic Dagon.

Part 9:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Dagon:( face)

Robinson expression anger.png

No way!!
He’s making a counterattack……!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Junior! Get away quick!
The giant tentacles…… are coming this way……!

Dagon expression tasty.png

I…… will not perish alone!
As I said from the start…… I will wash away everything! Everything!!

With those words, giant tentacles approached them with the last of their strength. If one reached them, it would be all over.

1 option
We won’t make it in time!

There is no sound, only a thunderous roar. Nothing.

???:( face)
…… Eheh…… Y-You…… can leave this to me.
W-Well, should I go on ahead……?

Robinson expression surprised.png


Kurogane expression b shocked.png


1 option

Asterios expression island anger.png

…… Stay away from them.
Labrus Labryinthus!!

The giant tentacles could not reach Asterius and [Player]. The tentacles soon disappeared after exhausting its strength.

Asterios expression island anger.png

I-I will not run away again……!
For Kijimuna…… with this power……!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Now, [Player]!
Let’s chop that guy uuuuuuuup!!

2 options (Same Response)

Dagon:( face)

With a flash of the giant sword, The tentacles extending from Dagon’s body were all dismembered.

Robinson expression smile.png

You did it!
You did it, Captain! -

Robinson expression surprised.png

Why am I in the air!!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Sheesh –
Don’t celebrate when it isn’t over.

Robinson expression surprised.png

No…… Nomad-san!

Nomad rushed into the air with his mobility while carrying Robinson.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I’ve brought you into the air to make it easier for you to aim.
Give that bastard the finishing blow!

Robinson expression anger.png


Dagon expression tasty.png


However, Dagon utilized his gigantic build, and attempted to destroy everyone with his arms.

Dagon expression tasty.png


Foremost. Dagon was abruptly struck by a lightning strike, stopping his movement.

And -

Robinson expression 4star.png

I will fire at you once more!
Island Divider!!

The bullet Robinson fired split into two on orbit, sucking in Dagon’s left breast.

There were two bullet marks. To exemplify the power of dividing, that is his “Rule.”

In the following moment, Triton was separated from Dagon.

At that moment, victory has been decided.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

D-Did we do it……?

Robinson expression neutral.png

That is the “Rule” given to Captain and myself.

All of the black tentacles, which were the source of Dagon’s power, “broke away.” Triton-sensei, who was taken in by him, was also “separated.”

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Triton, you have come back to my family.
Now – Dagon will soon vanish.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png


Tangaroa expression neutral.png

This Tangaroa has a favor to ask of thou.
Listen to the final words of Dagon……

Tangaroa expression sad.png

He is a hated enemy,
but even at the last moment, I cannot bring myself to hate him.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

He is…… afflicted by madness.
I believe the things he spoke of are of truth.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

He will be forgotten. I would like you to keep him in your memories.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

[Player], he was being cautious of you.
I believe you resemble someone that he cares about.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Even if he has forgotten of that memory…… Thou should share your memories with him……
That is the least thou can do before he disappears.

1 option

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Thank you.
Thou are a kind child.

Triton, whose existence was to supplement the tentacles, was also separated. Dagon cannot exist for much longer and will soon disappear into the light.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Thank you, [Player], for doing this before I perish.

Dagon expression unknown.png

I am Dagon, the creator of the world, Canaan.
I am an “ancestor” – I perished along with my children.

Dagon expression unknown.png

While I am the ancestor of Canaan,
I was the only one living in it – I could not forgive myself.

1 option
…… Why didn’t you stop?

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Hah…… I’m not sure.
You are a student of that “me.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

[Player]. That Triton is not “me.”
However, he is one part of “me.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

So, the student of that “me” –
You…… why did you hurt me -

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Ah. Is that so. I finally understand……

Dagon expression unknown.png

I was envious of “Triton.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

I should have not disposed of such things with the “Role” of an “ancestor.”
I should have protected and lived with them -

Dagon expression unknown.png

That is why I hate it.
Yes…… Hah, hahaha……

Dagon expression unknown.png

Soon…… I do not have much time left.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Farewell, [Player].
The same for Robinson, who carries the same burden.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Let me offer some advice before I disappear;
the words from a failure.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Do not get caught up in that “Role.”
It may be “there” but it truly “is not.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You should not conduct yourselves in that “Role.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

It is not wordplay –
“There is truly no such thing.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You…… may have been born a “Wanderer,”
but if you think on that, then you may become a “Dragon Snake.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You do not have knowledge of that boy and myself.
Now, you only see it as your chance of “victory.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You need to know of it in advance. “Human-kind” was created to be the strongest,
and now it will be incorporated into the worst system.

Dagon expression unknown.png

And that system, it will automatically dispel what protrudes.
That will fall under as an “evil influence.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

When you believed that you lost the “Role” that you were given,
that “evil influence” will creep in through that gap, just like with me.

Dagon expression unknown.png

And that “evil influence” will eat away at your most important memories,
corrupting you.

Dagon expression unknown.png

But, you are living freely.
Keep that in mind when you find yourself in a dilemma.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Hah, that was a rigorous speech. When you go back to your original world,
you won’t keep this in your memories…… What?

2 options (Same Response)
That speech was hard to follow but - Triton-sensei would have said the same.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Hah…… Hahahaha!
The same – Hahahahaha!!

Dagon expression unknown.png

One last thing. I will leave behind a gift.

Dagon expression unknown.png

My name is Dagon. I once controlled Heaven and Earth.
Indeed, I brought fertility with my given name.

Dagon’s body turns into light and rains over the island. The destroyed nature of the island was restored.

At that moment, [Player] noticed that flowers bloomed on the gajumaru branch held in his hand.

Final Episode: [Farewell to the Remote Island]

Nomad expression island sad.png
  • Sigh*…… This will be the last time looking at the scenery here.

After three more days, we’ll return to our original world.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Our memories will come back when we return.
But, what about our memories here……?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

What can you do? It doesn’t matter if I forget.
There’s something I still need to do when I get back. Nothing more.

Nomad expression island anger.png

No matter how steep the path is,
this is the path I chose for myself.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

This island is just a slight detour.
If I forget, I may be able to relax a little easier.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I won’t be admired as an inventor if I forgot!
I’ll need to record this, otherwise I can’t move on!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

The important thing is to record everything.
Even if I forget, it will come back to me!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Come to think of it, Kurogane, because you were recording time on the lumber,
you realized that your memory was taken away?

Nomad expression island happy.png

I gotta say, you played well.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Hahaha, don’t praise me about that.
The important thing is to record this right away!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Besides, don’t assume that we won’t be seeing each other again.
We’ll meet again in the original world.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

What a basic story.
I’m not even sure if we came from the same world or not.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Basic or not. Believe -
If you continue to believe, that dream will come true, Junior!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Huh? Junior?
You were here a second ago……

Nomad expression island neutral.png

They went out a while ago.
Why, are you going them?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

…… Nah, it’s fine.
A senpai should let them be once in a while.

Nomad expression island happy.png

If you say so.
Heh -

Robinson expression surprised.png

Captain [Player]?
Wait, you can’t go to sleep yet!

Robinson expression confused.png

The output from using my “Sacred Artifact” was a bit much.
I could rest for a while longer but…… I’m fine.

Robinson expression happy.png

There is something I want to do again in that world……

Robinson expression neutral.png

I’m glad to have met you, [Player].

Robinson expression happy.png

You are the same as the person that I first met.
I know now that I’m not alone.

Robinson expression neutral.png

When I was sad and lonely……
I met the Captain and endured it.

Robinson expression confused.png

When you leave the island, we may not meet again.
…… So……

Robinson expression happy.png

Can you…… take my hand?
Just to leave a little something behind…… Captain.

1 option
(Holds his hand)

Robinson expression happy.png

I…… don’t want to part ways…… with Captain.

Robinson expression neutral.png

But, I think we’ll meet again someday.
After all, we’re both “Wanderers.” I’m sure of it.

Robinson expression smile.png

…… But, there are still three days before we go back.
So, let’s spend time together! We never got a chance to till now.

Robinson expression smile.png

It’s a distraction from the next task. I’ll do it when I get in the mood.
Come on, let’s go!

Asterios expression island neutral.png

......... [Player].

Asterios expression island sad.png

What happened on that day……
I-I heard everything.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Everything about…… Ki-Kijimuna. But, he…… didn’t come back.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

He might have disappeared……
We should go help……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

T-The gajumaru tree was restored to what it was before……

Asterios expression island sad.png

…… I-I wonder how he was feeling.
Forgetting and meeting again and again……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

W-Well, not again and again.
No matter how well we get along, he’ll say “nice to meet you” again.

Asterios expression island smile.png

I think he is a nice kid.
Despite being trapped in this world, he wants to make everyone laugh.

Asterios expression island sad.png

He only knows of this island……
From the bottom of his heart, he wants to live happily with everyone.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

H-He’ll be alone. I don’t know if there’s any other possibilities.
N-Nobody told me anything.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I realized that I was “lonesome” when we first met.
For our sake, I had to use that power……

Asterios expression island sad.png

H-He might have done something bad but,
I-I can’t hate him for that……

Asterios expression island sad.png

B-But t-thanks to him……
I…… got the chance to meet you and everyone.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Yeah. We’ll see Kijimuna again.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

......... [Player].

Asterios expression island happy.png

We’ll be going home soon……
I hope…… we meet again.

Triton expression neutral.png

Heey, where are you, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna was staring at a flower that bloomed on the rocky part of the beach.

The flower was blowing in the sea breeze; it was frail and quietly bloomed on the spot.

Triton expression neutral.png

Why are you alone in a place like this?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Triton-sensei.
How did you know I was here?

Triton expression happy.png

What are you saying?
Is it strange for a teacher to come find their student?

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png

Are you…… scared of everyone?
Are you worried that they might be angry with you?

Kijimuna shook his face sideways to Triton’s question.

Triton expression neutral.png

It is hard to part ways with everyone, is it not?
If you do not see them now, it will get harder -

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png

…… In the morning three days later,
that Tangaroa will send us back to our original world.

Triton expression happy.png

It seems he is just going to open the seashell in the sky.

Triton expression neutral.png

That Dagon called out for my students.
That was the “art of summoning.”

Triton expression happy.png

I still remember that from my knowledge.
If you exhaust the “link” with Dagon, you can return to where you were originally.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…… “Summoning” …… The way to go to other worlds.
There’s really something like that -

Triton expression neutral.png

Yes, but “those who were summoned” must do what that “person” wants.
However, those who were called respond to their wishes. That is usually the case.

Triton expression sad.png

Also, we most likely won’t have any memory of this place.
If the Closed Area of the seashell is undone -

The outcome brought by Dagon’s “power” will be lost. In addition, their original memories will come back.

Triton expression neutral.png

There will be no memory or continuity of this island.
It will certainly be gone.

Triton expression sad.png

To begin with, I am not sure if we came from the same world.
But…… I will be saying goodbye to this world.

Triton expression neutral.png

So, we will have to say goodbye, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Hey, Triton-sensei.
Sensei, what do you think of this flower?

He pointed at the flower that bloomed on the rocky area, where the soil is not rich - Kijimuna questioned that without looking at Triton.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Sensei, do you think I’m an idiot?
And -

Triton expression neutral.png

…… People choose their own paths to follow,
even if someone laughs at them for that.

Triton expression neutral.png

Even when this flower took root in this spot –
When it withers, one can deem that it is “unfortunate.”

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Hmm.

And – The day to say farewell has come.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Well then – My beloved children.
I will open the seashell and connect the path to the world where which thou came.

[Player] and the others mutually said good-bye to each other.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Hey, Captain!
Someday, somewhere……. we’ll see each other again!

Robinson expression smile.png

So, this…… isn’t goodbye!
…… Heheh.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

If we happen to run into each other again,
try not to tag along with me.

Nomad expression island sad.png

…… I’ll be caught up in revenge,
I don’t want any of you to see me like that.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Saying good-bye will make me feel lonely…… Well, I guess this is good-bye then.

Asterios expression island happy.png

E-Even if we forget, we will all see each other again……
I believe so…… I’m looking forward to that!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Same here, Junior!
The next time we meet, I’ll still be your senpai, and you’ll still be my Junior!

Kurogane expression b smile.png

Till then, stay strong! Don’t worry!
I’ll be sure to make ya happy~!

Triton expression happy.png

Farewell, my students.
Where ever you go, you must always move on.

Triton expression happy.png

I will be your teacher, always.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

My children, thy efforts were very admirable.
As the island’s creator, this father would like to thank ye once more.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

In this battle, I “Tangaroa” have learned very much.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The words left behind by Dagon, the ancestor of the parallel world,
I shall keep them in the bottom of my heart.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

To protect the people,
I am aware that it is impossible if I was still secluded to this land.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I will bring brave men along with me.
I am planning to experience the outside world.

Tangaroa expression blush.png

If I am still connected to the former hero,
I will be pleased to go.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

We shall meet again in the end of time and the heavens, my beloved children!
A strong future awaits thee!

[Player] and the others became light and crossed the border between worlds. They leapt through time and passed through the heavens.

What happened during that time will disappear like water leakage. It will all seem like it was just a daydream.

They thought that they would never forget. Nevertheless, the pressure of approaching reality will wash away everything.

The end of the great adventure was like a straw grabbed by a drowning person – It was truly faint -

Shirou expression surprised.png

…… Oh, Triton-sensei.
Have you come to see [Player]?

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah…… This is that such place.
How is [Player] doing?

Shirou expression neutral.png

There doesn’t seem to be any problems.
Their consciousness is still intact.

Shirou expression surprised.png

However, will this be alright, Triton-sensei?
Both of you during the social studies tour……

Triton expression neutral.png

There is no need to worry. I will be fine.
Can you let me speak to them alone for a little while?

Shirou expression happy.png

Sure, I think that would be for the best.
It will get boring without someone to talk to.

Shirou expression neutral.png

I will change the towel shortly.
In the meantime, please look after them.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Say, [Player].
I need to confirm one thing.

Triton expression neutral.png

While we were on a trip in Yumenoshima –
We went missing for “about an hour.”

Triton expression sad.png

Everyone including Mononobe-sensei said so……
If that truly is the case -

Triton expression serious.png

No, it’s nothing.
Forget about it.

Triton expression neutral.png

What about you?
Did you keep anything important?

Triton expression shocked.png

…… A tree branch?
Is it that important to you?

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Well, whatever you found,
it seems that you are grasping it tightly……. Hmm.

Triton expression sad.png

However, that branch you are holding appears to be hard to break……
Perhaps it was made by a grafter.

Triton expression neutral.png

There seems to be a scratch on that branch.

Triton expression happy.png

…… Ah, it must be important to you.
Forgive me. I will take that back.

Triton expression happy.png

How about we put it in a vase for the time being?
I will bring it with me when I come back later......

The branch sat by the window pointing at the setting sun, dropped a shadow on the floor of the dormitory.

Triton said to [Player] that there is a scratch etched on the branch…… It appeared to be a character made by someone.

The character engraved by someone did not seem familiar. Also, a gust of wind blew from the window.

Outside the window, the pillars of light from Shinjuku Ward and Shinjuku Central Park today are shining brightly.

When they turned their eyes back into their room, there was -

A boy was standing there. A boy with a smile like the sun.

Like in the first chapter, Kijimuna is referred to as "Boy from a Southern Country?" again here.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Thank you for summoning me, Master -

Kijimuna expression shocked.png


The boy seemed surprised that they looked over that way. It is as if the boy never expected to meet this person.

Not too long later, the boy with a familiar appearance breaks a smile; a smile pointing at the other addressee.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hello! Nice to meet you, Master~!
My name is -

2 options (Same Response)
(Reads the engraved characters on the branch) …… Kiji……Muna.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…! How did…… you?

The two looked at each other…… Tears were running down the face of that boy.

2 options
(Reach out for him) (Gently stroke his head)

( face)
Kijimuna jumped at [Player].
Then -

( face)
[Player] went over to the sobbing boy and gently caressed them.
Then -

The crying stopped in due course. And then, there were sounds of kind and fun laughter -

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition: END