Event Quest:Golden Week:Eita

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 10:44, 9 April 2019 by Terminus (talk | contribs) (Updated with official translation)
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Location: Kasai Rinkai Park

It's fishing season on the oceanfront.
Throngs of tourists, families, and students flock to the beach.

Blessed with warm days,
everyone dons their summer best to enjoy some fun in the sun.

In the center of that scene,
a lone boy stands with his arms folded across his chest.

Eita expression neutral.png

The wide-open seas, blue skies, and sparkling sands...
Hehe! It's good to be a fisherman!

Eita expression happy.png

I'm the best at reeling 'em in,
and it's my time to shine!

Eita expression angry.png

Clams? Salmon? Cod? No way!
I'm aiming for nothing other than...

Eita expression tasty.png

True love!
Time to see how many fish I can catch in my net!

Eita expression neutral.png

Just like dad always said,
the more lovers, the move love to go around!

Eita expression happy.png

Then I can take tons of pictures with them
to show everyone in class!

Eita expression tasty.png

Ooh yeah, everyone's gonna be so jealous.
They'll all be staring at me with envy, and...!

Eita expression happy.png

But wait...
There's only one of me to go around.

Eita expression happy.png

Gah! Darn it!
It's tough being this handsome!

Eita expression angry.png

Just watch, though.
I'll make mommy and daddy proud!

--Several uneventful hours later--

Eita expression shocked.png

Huh? You have to be kidding me.
No one took the bait?!
Is this what you call a water haul?!

Eita expression sad.png

What did I do wrong?

Eita expression angry.png

My dad said that if you wear your headband and fishing overalls,
you'll always come home with a catch.

Eita expression sad.png

Everyone just laughed at me, though!
I was so close, but just couldn't cinch the catch.

Eita expression shocked.png

Adults will try and use the ocean until it can't give them anymore,
then they just forget about it.
Why do grownups have to be so unfair?!

Eita expression angry.png

It has to be because I'm a kid! Dang it!
I may look like a kid, but I have an old soul!

Eita expression angry.png

Throw me a lifeline here, stupid ocean!

Eita expression shocked.png

Ahh! The ocean's fighting back!
I’m gonna get washed away!

Eita expression angry.png

I can't let my guard down around the ocean.

Makara expression neutral.png

Hey, you over there!
Even the beach can be dangerous.

Eita expression shocked.png

Are you a M-Mer-Therian?!

A massive Crocodile Therian towers over the soaking wet Eita.

Makara expression neutral.png

Even though the weather's nice,
the waves can still be pretty nasty.

Makara expression joy.png

I'm glad to see you're having fun,
but you can't be bothering everyone around you.

Eita expression shocked.png

I'll...be careful.

Makara expression embarrassed.png

I'm glad to hear it.
Let me know if you need anything else.

Makara expression neutral.png

Hey, you girls over there!
If you go too far out in the open water, you're gonna have a bad time.

Makara warns a few college-aged girls as he lumbers toward them.

They chat for a bit, and the girls even invite him to play beach volley ball with them.

Makara expression joy.png

Thanks for the invitation, but I can't.

Makara expression troubled.png

I'm on duty right now.
I need to make sure everyone stays safe at the beach.

Makara declines the invitation, promising that if anything happens, he'll come running.

Be it boy or girl, young or old, almost everyone strikes up a conversation with Makara.

The student who invite him to go swimming,
the old person who thanks him for rescuing them,
the little kids who want nothing more than a picture with him...

Even a young girl, blushing brighter than a tomato, invited him on a date.

Makara expression troubled.png

I'm so busy with work, I don't have time for dates.

Eita expression shocked.png

W-What the...?!
He's more popular than I am!

Eita expression angry.png

Hey, Croc!
The ocean's my hunting ground! Get lost!

Makara expression neutral.png

Hm? You're that kid from earlier, right?
What's wrong? Do you need something?

Eita expression angry.png

Yeah, I need something all right!

Makara expression joy.png

Ooh, I get it. You need the bathroom, don't you?
Here, I can show you where it is.

Eita expression shocked.png

That's not what I'm talking about!
It's way more important than that!

Makara expression troubled.png

You're a little firecracker, aren't you?
What's up?

Makara stoops down to get to eye level with Eita.

Eita expression angry.png

Teach me the secret to being a date-magnet!
Please! I'll do anything!

Makara expression b shocked.png

What are you talking about?

Eita expression neutral.png

I've been watching you!
Everyone loves you!

Makara expression troubled.png

I dunno about that.
I'm just doing what I always do.

Eita expression shocked.png

This must be that unwitting playboy type my dad always says is our greatest rival!

Eita expression angry.png

No way! There has to be some kind of trick!
You need to help me out!

Eita expression happy.png

If I could be like you...
then I think I could be popular too!

Makara expression neutral.png

I just want everyone to have a good time swimming.

Makara expression embarrassed.png

I only do it because it's my duty.
As a lifesaver, that's my #1 reason.

Makara expression joy.png

That's all I'm ever thinking about.
That's why I'm a lifeguard.

Makara expression joy.png

I've never really looked for a date.
I think that's the biggest thing.

Eita expression shocked.png

You're a fine man of the sea too!

Makara expression neutral.png

What about you?
Do you like the ocean?

Eita expression happy.png

Of course I do! I rule the seas of the world!
If there weren't any ocean, I wouldn't be who I am!

Eita expression neutral.png

Of course some parts of it are scary,
but as a whole, I love the ocean!

Makara expression embarrassed.png

In that case, you don't need to change anything.
Just stay the way you are.

Makara expression neutral.png

I don't know if I'm some sort of date-magnet,
but I'm sure you will be when you're older.

Makara expression joy.png

Because we're both one and the same.

Eita expression happy.png

Y-You really think so? Hehehe!

Makara expression neutral.png

By the way, my name's Makara.
Nice to meet you.

Eita expression neutral.png

Nice to meet you, gramps!

Makara expression troubled.png

I might be big, but I'm still a high schooler.
You don't need to call me gramps.

Eita expression shocked.png

Seriously?! You're so big though!
I guess I'll just call you Croc, then.

Makara expression joy.png

What's your name?

Eita expression neutral.png

I'm Eita! I'm gonna grow big and sail the seven seas someday!

Eita expression happy.png

Hehe. Try not to fall in love with me, Croc!

Just as Eita strikes a manly pose, a whining sound emits from his stomach.

The two immediately burst into laughter.

Eita expression shocked.png

Ahh, darn.
I was so focused on finding a date that I totally forgot to eat lunch.

Makara expression embarrassed.png

Wahaha! Are you hungry?
My friend has a beach house around here. Wanna go?

Makara expression joy.png

I can whip us up something tasty with the fish I caught today!

Makara expression neutral.png

We can fry them up and have seafood pasta.
I'm sure you'll like my cooking.

Makara expression joy.png

I'll make a bunch.
If you eat a lot, you'll grow big and strong.

Eita expression sad.png

(Darn! I'm the fisherman here
but I feel like I'm the one who got reeled in!)

Eita expression happy.png

(I guess I can let myself get reeled in by the friendliness of a fellow fisherman though.)

Losing to an empty stomach,
Eita heads to the beach house with Makara.

Eita's Golden Week