Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:9

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[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Dagon:( face)

Robinson expression anger.png

No way!!
He’s making a counterattack……!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Junior! Get away quick!
The giant tentacles…… are coming this way……!

Dagon expression tasty.png

I…… will not perish alone!
As I said from the start…… I will wash away everything! Everything!!

With those words, giant tentacles approached them with the last of their strength. If one reached them, it would have been all over.

1 option
We won’t make it in time!

There is no sound, only a thunderous roar. Nothing.

???:( face)
…… Eheh…… Y-You…… can leave this to me.
W-Well, should I go on ahead……?

Robinson expression surprised.png


Kurogane expression b shocked.png


1 option

Asterios expression island anger.png

…… Stay away from them.
Labrus Labryinthus!!

The giant tentacles could not reach Asterius and [Player]. The tentacles soon disappeared after exhausting its strength.

Asterios expression island anger.png

I-I will not run away again……!
For Kijimuna…… with this power……!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Now, [Player]!
Let’s chop that guy uuuuuuuup!!

2 options (Same Response)

Dagon:( face)

With a flash of the giant sword, The tentacles extending from Dagon’s body were all dismembered.

Robinson expression smile.png

You did it!
You did it, Captain! -

Robinson expression surprised.png

Why am I in the air!!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Sheesh –
Don’t celebrate when it isn’t over.

Robinson expression surprised.png

No…… Nomad-san!

Nomad rushed into the air with his mobility while carrying Robinson.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

I’ve brought you into the air to make it easier for you to aim.
Give that bastard the finishing blow!

Robinson expression anger.png


Dagon expression tasty.png


However, Dagon utilized his gigantic build, and attempted to destroy everyone with his arms.

Dagon expression tasty.png


Foremost. Dagon was abruptly struck by a lightning strike, stopping his movement.

And -

Robinson expression 4star.png

I will fire at you once more!
Island Divider!!

The bullet Robinson fired split into two on orbit, sucking in Dagon’s left breast.

There were two bullet marks. To exemplify the power of dividing, that is his “Rule.”

In the following moment, Triton was separated from Dagon.

At that moment, victory has been decided.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

D-Did we do it……?

Robinson expression neutral.png

That is the “Rule” given to Captain and myself.

All of the black tentacles, which were the source of Dagon’s power, “broke away.” Triton-sensei, who was taken in by him, was also “separated.”

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Triton, you have come back to my family.
Now – Dagon will soon vanish.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png


Tangaroa expression neutral.png

This Tangaroa has a favor to ask of thou.
Listen to the final words of Dagon……

Tangaroa expression sad.png

He is a hated enemy,
but even at the last moment, I cannot bring myself to hate him.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

He is…… afflicted by madness.
I believe the things he spoke of are of truth.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

He will be forgotten. I would like you to keep him in your memories.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

[Player], he was being cautious of you.
I believe you resemble someone that he cares about.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

Even if he has forgotten of that memory…… Thou should share your memories with him……
That is the least thou can do before he disappears.

1 option

Tangaroa expression happy.png

Thank you.
Thou are a kind child.

Triton, whose existence was the supplement the tentacles, was also separated. Dagon cannot exist for much longer and will soon disappear into the light.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Thank you, [Player], for doing this before I perish.

Dagon expression unknown.png

I am Dagon, the creator of the world, Canaan.
I am an “ancestor” – I perished along with my children.

Dagon expression unknown.png

While I am the ancestor of Canaan,
I was the only one living in it – I could not forgive myself.

1 option
…… Why didn’t you stop?

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Hah…… I’m not sure.
You are a student of that “me.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

[Player]. That Triton is not “me.”
However, he is one part of “me.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

So, the student of that “me” –
You…… why did you hurt me -

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Ah. Is that so. I finally understand……

Dagon expression unknown.png

I was envious of “Triton.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

I should have not disposed of such things with the “Role” of an “ancestor.”
I should have protected and lived with them -

Dagon expression unknown.png

That is why I hate it.
Yes…… Hah, hahaha……

Dagon expression unknown.png

Soon…… I do not have much time left.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Farewell, [Player].
The same for Robinson, who carries the same burden.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Let me offer some advice before I disappear;
the words from a failure.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Do not get caught up in that “Role.”
It may be “there” but it truly “is not.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You should not conduct yourselves in that “Role.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

It is not wordplay –
“There is truly no such thing.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You…… may have been born a “Wanderer,”
but if you think on that, then you may become a “Dragon Snake.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You do not have knowledge of that boy and myself.
Now, you only see it as your chance of “victory.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

You need to know of it in advance. “Human-kind” was created to be the strongest,
and now it will be incorporated into the worst system.

Dagon expression unknown.png

And that system, it will automatically dispel what protrudes.
That will fall under as an “evil influence.”

Dagon expression unknown.png

When you believed that you lost the “Role” that you were given,
that “evil influence” will creep in through that gap, just like with me.

Dagon expression unknown.png

And that “evil influence” will eat away at your most important memories,
corrupting you.

Dagon expression unknown.png

But, you are living freely.
Keep that in mind when you find yourself in a dilemma.

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… Hah, that was a rigorous speech. When you go back to your original world,
you won’t keep this in your memories…… What?

2 options (Same Response)
That speech was hard to follow but - Triton-sensei would have said the same.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Hah…… Hahahaha!
The same – Hahahahaha!!

Dagon expression unknown.png

One last thing. I will leave behind a gift.

Dagon expression unknown.png

My name is Dagon. I once controlled Heaven and Earth.
Indeed, I brought fertility with my given name.

Dagon’s body turns into light and rains over the island. The destroyed nature of the island was restored.

At that moment, [Player] noticed that flowers bloomed on the gajumaru branch held in his hand.

Final Episode: [Farewell to the Remote Island]

Nomad expression island sad.png
  • Sigh*…… This will be the last time looking at the scenery here.

After three more days, we’ll return to our original world.

Kurogane expression b sad.png

Our memories will come back when we return.
But, what about our memories here……?

Nomad expression island neutral.png

What can you do? It doesn’t matter if I forget.
There’s something I still need to do when I get back. Nothing more.

Nomad expression island anger.png

No matter how steep the path is,
this is the path I chose for myself.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

This island is just a slight detour.
If I forget, I may be able to relax a little easier.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I won’t be admired as an inventor if I forgot!
I’ll need to record this, otherwise I can’t move on!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

The important thing is to record everything.
Even if I forget, it will come back to me!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Come to think of it, Kurogane, because you were recording time on the lumber,
you realized that your memory was taken away?

Nomad expression island happy.png

I gotta say, you played well.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Hahaha, don’t praise me about that.
The important thing is to record this right away!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Besides, don’t assume that we won’t be seeing each other again.
We’ll meet again in the original world.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

What a basic story.
I’m not even sure if we came from the same world or not.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Basic or not. Believe -
If you continue to believe, that dream will come true, Junior!

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

Huh? Junior?
You were here a second ago……

Nomad expression island neutral.png

They went out a while ago.
Why, are you going them?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

…… Nah, it’s fine.
A senpai should let them be once in a while.

Nomad expression island happy.png

If you say so.
Heh -

Robinson expression surprised.png

Captain [Player]?
Wait, you can’t go to sleep yet!

Robinson expression confused.png

The output from using my “Sacred Artifact” was a bit much.
I could rest for a while longer but…… I’m fine.

Robinson expression happy.png

There is something I want to do again in that world……

Robinson expression neutral.png

I’m glad to have met you, [Player].

Robinson expression happy.png

You are the same as the person that I first met.
I know now that I’m not alone.

Robinson expression neutral.png

When I was sad and lonely……
I met the Captain and endured it.

Robinson expression confused.png

When you leave the island, we may not meet again.
…… So……

Robinson expression happy.png

Can you…… take my hand?
Just to leave a little something behind…… Captain.

1 option
(Holds his hand)

Robinson expression happy.png

I…… don’t want to part ways…… with Captain.

Robinson expression neutral.png

But, I think we’ll meet again someday.
After all, we’re both “Wanderers.” I’m sure of it.

Robinson expression smile.png

…… But, there are still three days before we go back.
So, let’s spend time together! We never got a chance to till now.

Robinson expression smile.png

It’s a distraction from the next task. I’ll do it when I get in the mood.
Come on, let’s go!

Asterios expression island neutral.png

......... [Player].

Asterios expression island sad.png

What happened on that day……
I-I heard everything.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Everything about…… Ki-Kijimuna. But, he…… didn’t come back.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

He might have disappeared……
We should go help……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

T-The gajumaru tree was restored to what it was before……

Asterios expression island sad.png

…… I-I wonder how he was feeling.
Forgetting and meeting again and again……

Asterios expression island neutral.png

W-Well, not again and again.
No matter how well we get along, he’ll say “nice to meet you” again.

Asterios expression island smile.png

I think he is a nice kid.
Despite being trapped in this world, he wants to make everyone laugh.

Asterios expression island sad.png

He only knows of this island……
From the bottom of his heart, he wants to live happily with everyone.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

H-He’ll be alone. I don’t know if there’s any other possibilities.
N-Nobody told me anything.

Asterios expression island sad.png

I realized that I was “lonesome” when we first met.
For our sake, I had to use that power……

Asterios expression island sad.png

H-He might have done something bad but,
I-I can’t hate him for that……

Asterios expression island sad.png

B-But t-thanks to him……
I…… got the chance to meet you and everyone.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Yeah. We’ll see Kijimuna again.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

......... [Player].

Asterios expression island surprised.png

We’ll be going home soon……
I hope…… we meet again.

Triton expression neutral.png

Heey, where are you, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna was staring at a flower that bloomed on the rocky part of the beach.

The flower was blowing in the sea breeze; it was frail and quietly bloomed on the spot.

Triton expression neutral.png

Why are you alone in a place like this?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Triton-sensei.
How did you know I was here?

Triton expression happy.png

What are you saying?
Is it strange for a teacher to come find their student?

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png

Are you…… scared of everyone?
Are you worried that they might be angry with you?

Kijimuna shook his face sideways to Triton’s question.

Triton expression neutral.png

It is hard to part ways with everyone, is it not?
If you do not see them now, it will get harder -

Kijimuna expression sad.png


Triton expression neutral.png

…… In the morning three days later,
that Tangaroa will send us back to our original world.

Triton expression happy.png

It seems he is just going to open the seashell in the sky.

Triton expression neutral.png

That Dagon called out for my students.
That was the “art of summoning.”

Triton expression happy.png

I still remember that from my knowledge.
If you exhaust the “link” with Dagon, you can return to where you were originally.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…… “Summoning” …… The way to go to other worlds.
There’s really something like that -

Triton expression neutral.png

Yes, but “those who were summoned” must do what that “person” wants.
However, those who were called respond to their wishes. That is usually the case.

Triton expression sad.png

Also, we most likely won’t have any memory of this place.
If the Closed Area of the seashell is undone -

The outcome brought by Dagon’s “power” will be lost. In addition, their original memories will come back.

Triton expression neutral.png

There will be no memory or continuity of this island.
It will certainly be gone.

Triton expression sad.png

To begin with, I am not sure if we came from the same world.
But…… I will be saying goodbye to this world.

Triton expression neutral.png

So, we will have to say goodbye, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Hey, Triton-sensei.
Sensei, what do you think of this flower?

He pointed at the flower that bloomed on the rocky area, where the soil is not rich - Kijimuna questioned that without looking at Triton.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Sensei, do you think I’m an idiot?
And -

Triton expression neutral.png

…… People choose their own paths to follow,
even if someone laughs at them for that.

Triton expression neutral.png

Even when this flower took root in this spot –
When it withers, one can deem that it is “unfortunate.”

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Hmm.

And – The day to say farewell has come.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

Well then – My beloved children.
I will open the seashell and connect the path to the world where which thou came.

[Player] and the others mutually said good-bye to each other.

Robinson expression neutral.png

Hey, Captain!
Someday, somewhere……. we’ll see each other again!

Robinson expression smile.png

So, this…… isn’t goodbye!
…… Heheh.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

If we happen to run into each other again,
try not to tag along with me.

Nomad expression island sad.png

…… I’ll be caught up in revenge,
I don’t want any of you to see me like that.

Asterios expression island sad.png

Saying good-bye will make me feel lonely…… Well, I guess this is good-bye then.

Asterios expression island happy.png

E-Even if we forget, we will all see each other again……
I believe so…… I’m looking forward to that!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Same here, Junior!
The next time we meet, I’ll still be your senpai, and you’ll still be my Junior!

Kurogane expression b smile.png

Till then, stay strong! Don’t worry!
I’ll be sure to make ya happy~!

Triton expression happy.png

Farewell, my students.
Where ever you go, you must always move on.

Triton expression happy.png

I will be your teacher, always.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

My children, thy efforts were very admirable.
As the island’s creator, this father would like to thank ye once more.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

In this battle, I “Tangaroa” have learned very much.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The words left behind by Dagon, the ancestor of the parallel world,
I shall keep them in the bottom of my heart.

Tangaroa expression sad.png

To protect the people,
I am aware that it is impossible if I was still secluded to this land.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I will bring brave men along with me.
I am planning to experience the outside world.

Tangaroa expression blush.png

If I am still connected to the former hero,
I will be pleased to go.

Tangaroa expression happy.png

We shall meet again in the end of time and the heavens, my beloved children!
A strong future awaits thee!

[Player] and the others became light and crossed the border between worlds. They leapt through time and passed through the heavens.

What happened during that time will disappear like water leakage. It will all seem like it was just a daydream.

They thought that they would never forget. Nevertheless, the pressure of approaching reality will wash away everything.

The end of the great adventure was like a straw grabbed by a drowning person – It was truly faint -

Shirou expression surprised.png

…… Oh, Triton-sensei.
Have you come to see [Player]?

Triton expression neutral.png

Ah…… This is that such place.
How is [Player] doing?

Shirou expression neutral.png

There doesn’t seem to be any problems.
Their consciousness is still intact.

Shirou expression surprised.png

However, will this be alright, Triton-sensei?
Both of you during the social studies tour……

Triton expression neutral.png

There is no need to worry. I will be fine.
Can you let me speak to them alone for a little while?

Shirou expression happy.png

Sure, I think that would be for the best.
It will get boring without someone to talk to.

Shirou expression neutral.png

I will change the towel shortly.
In the meantime, please look after them.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Say, [Player].
I need to confirm one thing.

Triton expression neutral.png

While we were on a trip in Yumenoshima –
We went missing for “about an hour.”

Triton expression sad.png

Everyone including Mononobe-sensei said so……
If that truly is the case -

Triton expression serious.png

No, it’s nothing.
Forget about it.

Triton expression neutral.png

What about you?
Did you keep anything important?

Triton expression shocked.png

…… A tree branch?
Is it that important to you?

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Well, whatever you found,
it seems that you are grasping it tightly……. Hmm.

Triton expression sad.png

However, that branch you are holding appears to be hard to break……
Perhaps it was made by a grafter.

Triton expression neutral.png

There seems to be a scratch on that branch.

Triton expression happy.png

…… Ah, it must be important to you.
Forgive me. I will take that back.

Triton expression happy.png

How about we put it in a vase for the time being?
I will bring it with me when I come back later......

The branch sat by the window pointing at the setting sun, dropped a shadow on the floor of the dormitory.

Triton said to [Player] that there is a scratch etched on the branch…… It appeared to be a character made by someone.

The character engraved by someone did not seem familiar. Also, a gust of wind blew from the window.

Outside the window, the pillars of light from Shinjuku Ward and Shinjuku Central Park today are shining brightly.

When they turned their eyes back into their room, there was -

A boy was standing there. A boy with a smile like the sun.

Like in the first chapter, Kijimuna is referred to as "Boy from a Southern Country?" again here.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Thank you for summoning me, Master -

Kijimuna expression shocked.png


The boy seemed surprised that they looked over that way. It is as if the boy never expected to meet this person.

Not too long later, the boy with a familiar appearance breaks a smile; a smile pointing at the other addressee.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Hello! Nice to meet you, Master~!
My name is -

2 options (Same Response)
(Reads the engraved characters on the branch) …… Kiji……Muna.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…! How did…… you?

The two looked at each other…… Tears were running down the face of that boy.

2 options
(Reach out for him) (Gently stroke his head)

( face)
Kijimuna jumped at [Player].
Then -

( face)
[Player] went over to the sobbing boy and gently caressed them.
Then -

The crying stopped in due course. And then, there were sounds of kind and fun laughter -

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition: END