Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:7-2
[Translated by Kukuru]
Location: Mysterious Island
You can come down now, my children. You can now get some rest. |
1 option | ||||||||
Where......? |
This is a village built by my beloved children living on this island. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
No, this isn’t the time! | We need to help Kijimuna, quick……! |
…… Kijimuna is gone. |
So…… |
I understand your feelings of sorrow. |
For now, you must rest. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Tangaroa-san…… | Have you come to your senses? |
Ah…… [Player]. |
Those tentacles were planted onto us, |
I…… likely might have done the same to you – |
That “Triton” would not have wanted for his students to be in such condition. |
…… However, I will give thou my thanks, my beloved children. |
This boy – |
Captain [Player]! |
Even if it’s just you two, I’m glad you’re safe……! |
3 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
You saved us, Robinson. | But, Kijimuna…… | Asterius and Nomad…… |
Stay strong, Captain! |
That Dagon, |
You’re still here, Captain. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
…… Yeah, you’re right. | Thanks, Robinson. |
…… Aah. |
With the resurrection of Dagon, |
For that reason, the gajumaru trees, the birthplace of Kijimuna, |
Do you mind explaining what the hell is going on? |
I will tell you everything we know about Dagon. |
Dagon created the world of Canaan. |
Therefore, for him to live for a long time as fragments, |
Dagon created the world of Canaan. |
I see, so that’s why the geological formation is different! |
However, it is said that different worlds are of that same “seashell.” |
That is how the “gajumaru” was able to live as Kijimuna. |
He wedged himself into the ground of the island and enclosed himself in the roots. |
Now that Dagon has awakened, |
1 option | ||||||||
He’s going to sacrifice multiple islands to revive his world……? |
…… As Triton wanted, |
Afterwards, Dagon controlled this island, |
If so, Kijimuna would not wake up again – |
Kijimuna would never wake up again……? |
Naturally. If the power of Dagon disappears or |
Simply speaking…… |
Awesome! |
To protect this island and most of all, my children – |
If that gentle child, Kijimuna does not return to its original form, |
That child’s cheerfulness…… |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
You know Kijimuna? | You…… remember about Kijimuna. |
Of course. Before I lost my memory – |
…… You remembered? |
Kijimuna and of course myself – |
That is because we are of the same roots as those on the island, “those who cannot be swept away.” |
In other words, no matter what methods he uses, |
Therefore, Dagon had no choice but to implant me with the tentacles, and used me as a puppet. |
Ooh…… |
Huh? Didn’t he say that he is going to “dispose” of Kijimuna’s memories on purpose? |
Perhaps…… it was a “bluff.” |
…… The world of that world, |
Two contradictory powers of different worlds – |
The existence of the world, Canaan would vanish. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Ah, I get it! | Robinson seems to know everything~. |
Why doesn’t the Captain remember? |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
“Occupation” ? | Information? What – |
Uh…… Think of it like a “peer.” |
Oh, well…… That’s how I see you, Captain, yeah that’s right! Mhm! |
Anyways, there’s something more important right now. |
He does not belong in the world of “fire, water, and earth,” and neither the heavens and the underworld. |
For that reason, he flowed through various worlds and flowed to this island. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Eh? | Robinson, you – |
Many of my “fathers’” were given an important job. |
Because of that, I can accomplish anything. |
…… Stop the story there. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
.........! | That’s – |
Dagon’s servants, the black merpeople, closed in.
And the vanguard were –
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Asterius...... | Nomad......! |
Hey, there you guys are. |
Y-Yeah, you better get back soon. |
They’re evil…… |
Warriors?:( face) |
Warriors?:( face) |
Asterius, Nomad and a countless number of warriors,
who are being manipulated by black tentacles, began to attack [Player].
What a terrible situation…… My children are still in his hands. |
2 options (Same Response) | ||||||||
Ah, I’ll slash those tentacles - | Attack! ! |
I’ll help, Captain! |
Yeah! We won’t let this continue! |
Those who come from outside of this island, |
Now is the time to unveil it. |