Property:Has base skill

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This record property stores the base skill, at which limit break the subject learns it as well as the skill's English name and preformatted as well as raw English description to reduce the number of necessary queries.

Has subobject reference, Learns at limit break, Has Japanese name, Has English name, Has preformatted English description, Has raw English description, Has ID
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Gourmand#skill0 (0, 美食家, Gourmand, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 312)  +, Hoster of Feasts#skill0 (2, 饗する者, Hoster of Feasts, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 446)  +, Slick Artisan#skill0 (3, 油が乗る者, Slick Artisan, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 474)  +,
Gourmand#skill0 (0, 美食家, Gourmand, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 312)  +, Hoster of Feasts#skill0 (2, 饗する者, Hoster of Feasts, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 446)  +, Slick Artisan#skill0 (3, 油が乗る者, Slick Artisan, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 474)  +,
Gourmand#skill0 (0, 美食家, Gourmand, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 312)  +, Hoster of Feasts#skill0 (2, 饗する者, Hoster of Feasts, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 446)  +, Slick Artisan#skill0 (3, 油が乗る者, Slick Artisan, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 474)  +,
- (0, 2ターン目右に移動敵専用, 2ターン目右に移動敵専用, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,169)  +
Gourmand#skill0 (0, 美食家, Gourmand, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 312)  +, Hoster of Feasts#skill0 (2, 饗する者, Hoster of Feasts, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 446)  +, Slick Artisan#skill0 (3, 油が乗る者, Slick Artisan, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 474)  +,
Standing Ovation#skill0 (0, 喝采を浴びる者, Standing Ovation, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 545)  +, Mask Bearer#skill0 (1, 仮面を被す者, Mask Bearer, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 546)  +, Ender of Dreams#skill0 (3, 夢を幕引く者, Ender of Dreams, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 547)  +,
Standing Ovation#skill0 (0, 喝采を浴びる者, Standing Ovation, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 545)  +, Mask Bearer#skill0 (1, 仮面を被す者, Mask Bearer, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 546)  +, Ender of Dreams#skill0 (3, 夢を幕引く者, Ender of Dreams, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 547)  +,
- (0, 喝采を浴びる者敵専用, 喝采を浴びる者敵専用, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 669)  +, Mask Bearer#skill0 (1, 仮面を被す者, Mask Bearer, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 546)  +, Ender of Dreams#skill0 (3, 夢を幕引く者, Ender of Dreams, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 547)  +,
- (0, 檄を飛ばす者敵専用, 檄を飛ばす者敵専用, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 948)  +, Ruler#skill0 (1, 支配者, Ruler, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 303)  +
- (0, 檄を飛ばす者敵専用, 檄を飛ばす者敵専用, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 948)  +, Ruler#skill0 (1, 支配者, Ruler, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 303)  +
Ender of Dreams#skill0 (3, 夢を幕引く者, Ender of Dreams, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 547)  +, Standing Ovation#skill0 (0, 喝采を浴びる者, Standing Ovation, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 545)  +, - (1, 対ダメージ敵に火傷付与, 対ダメージ敵に火傷付与, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,156)  +,
浴びせる者#skill0 (0, 浴びせる者, Showering One, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,631)  +, 循環させる者#skill0 (1, 循環させる者, Circulator, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,632)  +, 食らいつく者#skill0 (2, 食らいつく者, Devouring One, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,636)  +,
食らいつく者#skill0 (2, 食らいつく者, Devouring One, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,636)  +, 照射を浴びせる者#skill0 (0, 照射を浴びせる者, Irradiator, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,634)  +, 循環説のパイオニア#skill0 (1, 循環説のパイオニア, Cycle's Pioneer, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,635)  +,
- (1, 高難易度汎用耐性3, 高難易度汎用耐性3, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,977)  +, - (0, 高難易度3シパクトリ共通, 高難易度3シパクトリ共通, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 3,709)  +
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,
Givers and Takers of Menace#skill0 (0, 脅威を貸し借る者, Givers and Takers of Menace, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,776)  +, Predators to Maturity#skill0 (1, 成熟を競い狩る者, Predators to Maturity, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,777)  +, Morning Marcher#skill0 (2, 冷気を朝駆る者, Morning Marcher, [?] ? / ?%, [?] ? / ?%, 1,778)  +,