Character Quest:Bathym:VN:1

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Bathym expression neutral.png


To all the fans of the underground fighting arena,
a single demon lets out a high-pitched roar.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Bathym-chan is a fever on stage!
Today is another day I’ll be charming everyone.

Contrary to Bathym’s light tone of speech,
he releases a relentless whirlwind of kicks and tail-based attacks.

His opponent, himself, and spectators
Everything is entranced by the continuing dance, and then...

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It’s time to end this with splendor, elegance, and brilliance!

After attacking every direction,
Bathym slips under the enemies chest, and launches him up.

His opponent, thrown into the air,
stiffens his body, and takes a defensive stance.

Bathym expression tasty.png


This was the effect of the glint of madness deep in Bathym’s eye,
eating away at his opponents body and heart.

The difference between the winner and loser was made abundantly clear.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Well, from how match has been going so far,
It looks like winning is what will excite the fans today. ...You ready to go?

Bathym expression crotch.png

Hathaninim Hagadolim!!

Cheers raise throughout the stadium.
Only one remained standing in the ring.

The mysterious presence in Bathyms tail,
revolves around Bathym in a circle, surrounding him in a black aura.

Then, Bathym faces towards the audience,
and strikes a winning pose.

Ba-th-ym! Ba-th-ym!

At the same time, the ground almost seems to shake with the cries of the fans,
almost as if they’re giving Bathym their souls.

Bathym! Battthhhyymmm!

In his right ear, he hears a shrill voice of encouragement ringing in his ear.
He knows who it belongs to without even needing to see the person with his eyes.

That voice was the same as the person who, until a few months prior,
was the woman who Bathym called “master.”

She was an arrogant woman who, at first, thought of Bathym as nothing more than a new accessory.

Bathym briefly exchanges a glance with that woman.
It was just some fanservice with no special feelings put in.

But with just that, the woman nearly breaks her back.
She kneels, streaming tears and shaking her entire body with delight.

And now, on the opposite side of the stadium,
Bathym gives a wink to a man offering passionate cheers.

This man, who Bathym also used to call master, was a hard to please man.
But even he nearly passes out from joy.

There is a feeling that he’s making them give up their souls.
But there’s also a happiness that he made them want to give their souls.

It was the proof of existence he needed to stay linked with this world.
His entire body bathed in the countless cheers .

This living food was Bathym’s greatest joy.
The thing he cherished most as a demon.

Waiting Room

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Yaaaaay! It’s my lovely Master!
Did you see my beautiful performance?

Entering the waiting room, [player] sees Bathym’s entire face beaming with smiles.

Bathym expression pout.png

Eh, I went too far? You mean my opponent from earlier?
It’s fiiine, I made sure to hold back after all.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

When I think about how [player]-chan is watching me,
for so--me reason the tension in me just rises.

Bathym expression neutral.png

More importantly, it's question time!

Pointing a single finger up, Bathym grins like he’s playing a prank.

Bathym expression neutral.png

There’s one difference between the me of today and the me of yesterday.
Can you guess what it is?

3 options
You changed shampoo? You look a bit fatter... That fabulous strap on your hip!
Bathym expression pout.png

Oh, no quite!
But you’re on the right track!

Bathym expression cheerful.png

See, it’s not that, it’s over here!
Don’t you notice something about my tail area?

Bathym expression shock.png

Geh! Wuh, seriously!?
My nice body!?

Bathym expression pout.png

Hey, I’m not falling for that.
I pay the utmost attention to my physical fitness.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Aha, and it’s nice and elastic too!
It’s my charm point after all!

Bathym expression shock.png

Hey, what do you think you’re rubbing there!
Do it more gently! Softly!

Bathym expression neutral.png

Now for the answer!
Take a close look at my prized tail-chan!

Bathym expression cheerful.png

You should be able to tell at this point.
Come on, get closer to tail-chan.

You move your face closer to Bathym’s tail, which almost seems alive.

A pleasant scent comes drifting and tickles your nose.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I tried changing the fragrance.
How is it? Is it good? Or is it not not good?

Bathym expression neutral.png

This is my original blend.
The theme is “A Spring that’s deeper and brighter than pure black!”

3 options
Smells nice. Uh... Marvelous!
Bathym expression cheerful.png

Oh, really really!? That’s great.
I’ve got confidence in my creation!

Bathym expression pout.png

So it doesn’t quite match?
But I quite like this smell.

Bathym expression surprised.png

Eh, ah, [player]-chan...?
You’re melting! Your eyes are melting!?

Bathym expression neutral.png

I’ve also got this fragrance.
It’s name is “The Drifting Clouds of Hell.”

Bathym expression pout.png

But I’m no quite sure about this one.
I don’t think I like this smell.

Bathym expression pout.png

Hmmm. [player]-chan.
Do you have free time today?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

How about we go on a date?

Andvari expression smarm-whatever.png

Hey, wait a minute Bathym!
If you’ve got time, then do another match.

Bathym expression pout.png

Eeeh. I’ve hit my quota for the day, right?
I even did my stylish finish.

Andvari expression neutral.png

We’ve got more customers than usual today!
I’d like to pile up the money while there’s time, seriously.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Nope. A quota is a quota.
Finishing just right is my role.

Bathym expression pout.png

I’ve got important business to do today.
Even a favor from Andvari-chan wont phase me.

Andvari expression smarm-whatever.png

Hey, wait!
Listen to what Im saying

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Sorry for the wait!
Lets get going, [player]-chan.

3 options
Lets date! You're done with work? In that outfit!?
Bathym expression cheerful.png

Yep, a date date!
First shopping, and then dinner!

Bathym expression pout.png

I’ve made enough fight money for the day.
If I keep pushing myself, I’ll just lose out.

Bathym expression surprised.png

Uh, of course?
These are my battle clothes after all!

Bathym expression neutral.png

Going on a walk and then shopping is fine every once in a while, right?

Bathym expression neutral.png

There’s a fragrance shop I like going to.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I buy the ingredients, and make it myself.
If I like it, I use it.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Mixing plants together is my specialty.
I know medicinal plants, aromas, and herbs like the back of my hand!

Bathym expression cheerful.png

If you ever need them, [player]-chan, I’ll be sure to lend you my plants.


Bathym expression cheerful.png

This fragrance isn’t bad...

Bathym expression neutral.png

It’s like, it brings out a gentle longing for me and the sharpness of my tail or something?

Bathym expression pout.png

But it also lacks a certain radiance this way.
Well, that can be fixed with the right arrangement.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

He-y, little lady over there!
I’d like to buy everything from this spot, to this spot!

3 options
Everything? That’s quite a price tag...! Splendid and fabulous!
Bathym expression surprised.png

Yep, everything.
Eh, what are you so surprised about!?

Bathym expression neutral.png

Hm, yeah.
It’s expensive, huh.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

But if I don’t buy ingredients of this quality, it would be quite the insult to my tail, right?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

In order to make delicate combinations,
I have to go all out.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Battles and beauty work the same way in that regard.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

But hey, don’t worry about it.
I’ll make sure to leave enough for dinner.

Bathym expression neutral.png

I just got my fight money, so I’m a rich man right now.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Coins are made to be spent.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Keep spending, and keep getting prettier. Because when I shine, everyone is happy.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It’s important not to save up.
After all, I can’t bring them with me to Hell.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Hel’s verdict depends on your coins?
That’s a lie. Whatever you have gets stolen, and that’s that.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I’m satisfied! I bought so much, after all!

Bathym expression neutral.png

I almost didn’t have enough, but now,
tomorrow a brand new Bathym will charm everyone.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Look forward to it, y’know!
It’ll be a fantastic performance!

Bathym expression pout.png

Eh? If I want to look fancy, I should wear clothes?

Bathym expression upset.png

You don’t get it! You don’t get it at all!
The clothes I’ve got on right now are already marvelous!

Bathym expression surprised.png

In the first place, why on earth would I want to cover up my prized parts?

Bathym expression pout.png

I’m fine this way. Couldn’t be happier.
Being able to move my body and my tail easily is the best.

Bathym expression neutral.png

The most beautiful figure is never someone just standing or sitting, you know.

Bathym expression neutral.png

If I only cared about appearance, everyone would get sick of me in 3 days.
But that’s not true for what’s inside.

Bathym expression upset.png

It’s about hitting, refining, and shining, isn’t it?
It’s the same as my favorite jewel.

Bathym expression neutral.png

I polish it, and the inside is exposed.
That light alone charms my soul.

Bathym expression upset.png

That’s why I’m being a living being.
I’m fascinated by this thing called a “soul.”

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I challenge other beautiful lives head-on.
All to prove how beautiful I myself am.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

---And, it looks like the perfect opportunity has come along.

Turning his eyes to a back alley, Bathym stands up his tail, and does a victory pose.

Almost as if that was a signal,
Several enemies suddenly start gathering from the alley.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

You know, Ikebukuro is quite dangerous.
It reminds me of home.

Bathym expression neutral.png

But man, whenever you have coins, a lot of interesting things happen.

Bathym expression neutral.png

The shopping is enriching, the food is delicious, your connections expand.
There’s no end to the guys who have a lust for taking.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It really is fun!
It’s like the more coins you have, the easier life is?

Bathym expression neutral.png

But you know, because dumpy guys like this exist,
they just help to make me shine even brighter by comparison!

Bathym expression tasty.png

In any case, here goes my guerilla performance!
It’s time to clean up this mess! Hyuu-!


Another one of Bathym’s beautiful kicks sends the last enemy flying.

Bathym expression neutral.png

There we go. Thanks for the hard work.
I look forward to our next encounter.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Pheeew. I feel refreshed.
How was it, [player]-chan.

Bathym expression neutral.png

As my Master, I’d like to hear your honest opinion.

3 options
You were beautiful! It was okay. You were scary.
Bathym expression cheerful.png

Thanks, [player]-chan.
I’m happy, really.

Bathym expression pout.png

Oh dear, you’re strict. But I guess being an honest critic is important too...!
Maybe I didn’t use my tail enough? I’ll do better next time.

Bathym expression surprised.png

Eh, you were scared!? Seriously?
But I'm not scary at all---?

Bathym expression pout.png

Well, fear is an important emotion.
I’ll leave it at that. Yep yep.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Oh, it’s already this late. Now, dinner dinner.
There’s a restaurant that makes some great herb dishes.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Look forward to it, [player]–chan.
I’m starving--.


Bathym expression cheerful.png

How is it, Master-chan?
It’s good, right?

Bathym expression neutral.png

Hm, what’s wrong?
You’re staring at me pretty hard there.

2 options
I want to know more about you. Just what are you after?
Bathym expression cheerful.png

Whoa there, you can say some pretty nice thing, Master-chan!

Bathym expression neutral.png

Go ahead.
Ask anything at all.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

In that case, should I start saying embarrassing things about me?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

So that you can learn even more about me, y’see.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I’m not after anything at all.
It’s like the guild said before, I have no ulterior motives!

Bathym expression pout.png

You don’t believe me? I see.
I guess not!

Bathym expression tasty.png

In that case, should I tell you even more?
About the d-e-e-p-est parts of me.

3 options
Where did you come from? Are you a demon? And just what is a demon?

Bathym expression pout.png

Hm, I see.
Where do I even start.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

---Hm, I guess I’ll start with where I came from before coming here to Tokyo.

Bathym expression neutral.png

The world I come from is a place called “Gehena.”

Bathym expression neutral.png

The residents there used to be worshiped, but I guess now there’s more people who call them “demons.”

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Yeah, “Gehena” is a different world . It’s a world with an open Gate called “Eden” or something.

Bathym expression neutral.png

There are some natives who have lived in Gehena for a long time, but most of the residents are people who were chased out by some other world.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

To make it short, there was a power struggle, and the guys who lost went there as a place of refugee? So it’s kind of like a Hell?

Bathym expression neutral.png

Because of that, from the perspective of other worlds, Gehena is looked down on.

Bathym expression pout.png

That “looked down on” part is pretty important...for us “demons,” it’s a matter of life and death.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Master-chan, when we first met at Ikebukuro, we talked about the “world” and “proof of existence.”

Bathym expression neutral.png

A “world” isn’t just about the land alone. It’s about the connection of souls of the people with that land.

Bathym expression neutral.png

If there’s a plot of land, and you’re on it all alone, it doesn’t mean anything.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

After all, there’d be nobody around who’s even aware I exist. You see, “a world is only born when souls are intertwined.”

Bathym expression neutral.png

Humans aren’t so different, right?
Nobody can live completely alone.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Now, back to the topic. As I said before, we “demons” were originally beings who were worshiped.

Bathym expression neutral.png

We used that as food, and intertwined souls.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It didn’t matter if it was through adoration, or admiration, or even fear. No matter what, your soul had to be “looked up to.”

Bathym expression neutral.png

Through their feelings of adoration, or things like that, we are given proof of our existence.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

But when we became losers, or viewed as “demons,” we stopped being worshiped. It’s a problem.

Bathym expression neutral.png

So, what to do?
What would a human do? Master-chan.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

The answer is, leave and gather what you need.
I guess you could say we got jobs away from home?

Bathym expression neutral.png

So, that’s the story.
That’s why we “demons” came here.

Bathym expression neutral.png

We need to gather as many feelings of “adoration” or “fear” as we can from worthy souls.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

As for me, when I have a great match, and a huge crowd becomes ecstatic...

Bathym expression tasty.png

It’s the most amazing feeling ever.
No other pleasure in this world can compare.

Bathym expression tasty.png

It feels incredible.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Sorry sorry, that story was probably hard to understand.
But, be honest for a got excited, right?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Even like this, I’m still a Duke, y’know? h
And I’m pretty smart, y’know?

Bathym expression tasty.png

Do you see me differently now? Then, how about you give your body and soul to me?

Bathym expression neutral.png

Now then. Did you have fun? On our date, I mean.

3 options
It was fun! Passable. If this a date, the *real* fun is still ahead.
Bathym expression cheerful.png

That’s great.
That means escorting you paid off.

Bathym expression pout.png

That’s cold, master-chan.
Your servant is trying his best.

Bathym expression pout.png

If you want me to face you, you could stand to be swayed a little bit, yknow?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Oh my, that was a surprise attack.

Bathym expression neutral.png

I thought you were just an innocent baby,
but I see you’ve got another side too. Yes yes, I get it.

Bathym expression tasty.png

You look pretty delicious.
Maybe I should take you word, and eat you up--?

Bathym expression pout.png

But you know, if I knew it was going to be this good, I should’ve rode my partner here.

3 options
Partner? Your car? Ride on!
Bathym expression cheerful.png

My partner from way back in the day.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Well, it’s for riding, but it’s not a car.
In human years, I’d be a minor?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I didn’t expect you to have the heart of a rider!
How fun!

Bathym expression cheerful.png

He’s a gentle horse, so he should be fine.

3 options
Uma!? (Japanese for horse) Horse!? (in katakana) White Rider Bathym!?
Bathym expression surprised.png

Is it that surprising!?
Are horses that rare for transport here!?

Bathym expression pout.png

At my home, horses aren’t just for the road, they also fly, and cross over water. Yknow, a horse.

Bathym expression neutral.png

It's not white.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

Guess what about my horse.
It’s an extremely rare blue horse!

Bathym expression neutral.png

This takes me back...
When I was young, I’d ride him around all day.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I’ll let you ride him later, so look forward to i!
It’s a promise to my favorite person!

Bathym expression neutral.png

Anyway---the night is just beginning,
but its time for the children to go home.

3 options
Yeah, I’d better head home. My boss is gonna kill me! You’ve got good morals for a demon.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I’m kidding, that doesn’t fit a demon like me! The main dish is just beginning, ok?

Bathym expression neutral.png

Ikebukuro nights are a blast. Now, close your eyes for me.

3 options
? Close your eyes. –or pretend to, but slightly peek.

Bathym expression neutral.png

Good boy, master-chan.
You feel something soft on your face.

And then, a misty fragrance tingles your nose.

Bathym expression tasty.png

It’s a present from Super Star Bathym!
It’s a flavor for someone who’s climbed the stairs of adulthood a bit.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It’s my invitation to Ikebukuro’s night life.
It’s made special for [player]-chan, okay...?

2 options
What was that for, dummy! Do you tell everyone their special that way?
Bathym expression surprised.png

Eh, you don’t believe me?
I guess you can’t help it because Im a demon?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I’m serious serious, completely serious!
I can feel there’s something special about [player]-chan.

Bathym expression neutral.png

There’s something mysterious about your soul, like you’re carrying more than one.
It’s like I can feel its twinkle, and a certain weight to it?

Bathym expression upset.png

No, even more than that...

Bathym slowly creeps closer to [player]'s face, staring straight into his eyes.

Bathym expression upset.png

You’re a lot like that person...?

Bathym expression upset.png

That precious person who had his position at the top of “Eden” stolen, and drifted down to Gehena...?

Bathym continues to look into [player]'s eyes.

2 options
Bathym...? You’re too close!
Bathym expression surprised.png


Bathym expression shock.png

.Ah, no no, it’s nothing! I’m sorry, [player]-chan.

Bathym expression pout.png

Phew, that was too close.
My master is just way too charming.

Bathym expression cheerful.png

I got lost in thought without realizing it.
Oh man, getting all serious like that totally isn’t in my character!

Bathym expression neutral.png

Let’s get back on track!
Sorry, [player]-chan. Later, I’ll---

Bathym expression tasty.png

Use my own charms...
To melt you down to the bone, so be prepared!

Bathym expression pout.png

Well, if I don’t...
It’s like you’ll be the one to charm me?

Bathym expression shock.png

A demon getting charmed!
That would be a great disaster to my character!

Bathym expression surprised.png

If that happened, I wouldn’t be able to face anyone!
I especially can’t let ‘Rank 12’ know about that.

Bathym expression pout.png

That reminds me, did that guy hand over his rank to his son?
I’ll have to ask Pai-chan and Bal-chan about that.

Bathym expression neutral.png

I’ll prepare a new fragrance.
One made just for [player]-chan.

Bathym expression pout.png

Eh, you want to know why I’ll change the fragrance?

Bathym expression neutral.png

You don’t get it?
You’re going to make me say it?

Bathym expression cheerful.png

It’s so I can go on another date with [player]-chan, of course. Kuaa, how embarrassing!

Bathym expression tasty.png

Good night...
Let’s have fun together again.

--- End