Event Quest:Main Quest Chapter 7 Campaign

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 12:23, 25 May 2018 by Barry (talk | contribs)
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Duration End of May

Event Details

Quickly LW returns to the Main Quest with the seventh addition.

Translated from Japanese
This section is currently empty.
Official Japanese

奪われた異界の門は暗黒に通ずる「鏡」となり、虚無の帰還者が街を埋め尽くす。 そして……旧き者の記憶に呑まれ、君の仲間は自ら姿を消した。 それら全ての災禍の中心に在る者たち、24世界より集いし「虐殺者」のギルド。 かの者たちが呼び起こすは「世界」から切り落とされた嘆きの欠片。 輝かしき繁栄の下、千載の怨念が押し込められた封印都市・大手町より、23区最凶勢力・ジェノサイダーズが来襲!

June 1st
June 2nd
June 3rd
June 4th
June 5th
June 6th
June 7th
June 8th
June 9th
June 10th