Main Quest:Chapter 1:VN:1

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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Background: 暗転

Background: 第一章タイトル

Background: 暗転


Have you ever had anyone you could truly call a friend?

That question, in the back of your mind, forces your scattered thoughts to focus.

The world you see before you is pitch-black. It's a world completely void of everything.

You can't remember anything. Not a single thing at all.

Not your knowledge, your experiences, or your memories...

You can't even remember the ones you love most.


Suddenly... You hear someone calling out to you.

You don't know who the voice belongs to. Perhaps it isn't even a voice.

But it guides you through the darkness. And you follow, only because you have nothing else to grasp onto.


Soon, the darkness begins to fade from your vision. This world has called you here.

Now, open your eyes. There is no need to be afraid.

This is the beginning of a story... The story of your true self, and even truer friends.


Background: 召喚

On that day... A blinding flash of light pierced the sky above Tokyo.

Background: Shinjuku Central Park

When the light fades, you find yourself in a forest you don't recognize.

Background: 新宿中央公園広場

The entire area is dark, not a person in sight. The only light is a soft glow illuminating the trees.

Background: 新宿中央公園階段

There's no one around to help you make sense of this. You have no idea what's going on.


You realize that you're holding something.

It's your phone. You can tell it's yours from the way it feels in your hand.

Where exactly are you? And what are you doing here?

There's no use panicking. First, try and get your bearings.

Check the nearby signboard to see where you are.

Check the map on your phone to see your current location.

Check your name.

Your name is...<param=playerName>. That's the only thing you can recall.

It seems that you're in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo.

What am I doing here...?

I was playing something on my phone... And then... And then


My memory's all hazy... Like...something important's


Background: 暗転


Hehehehe. Have you finally noticed me?

Background: 新宿中央公園階段

There's no reason to be afraid! Would a voice this charming hurt you?

Come on, take a look at your phone! The App's already running.

The cheerful voice feels strangely out of place in the otherwise quiet forest.

You start to feel worried. Very, very worried. Your gut tells you no good will come of this.

But more importantly, you need info. You need someone to talk to.

So you unlock your phone. As soon as you do, a hexagram appears with a bright flash.



??????: Tah-dah! Whoa, does it feel good to be outta there!

??????: Master! How can I be of service?! There must be something! Your wish is my command!

Wh-What the heck are you?!

A monster came out of my phone!

Aww, how cute!

??????: What am I...? Master, that's cold!


??????: Why're you staring at me like that? Ah, I know! You've got no idea what's going on!

??????: Don't worry, I get you. It's a lot of crazy stuff to take in.

??????: But leave it to me! I'm a Level 3 Butler, so I know what I'm doing!

??????: Uh... Ahem.

??????: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm your familiar and in-game assistant, Salomon!

Lil' Salomon: Just tell the ever-adorable Lil' Salomon whatever your heart desires!

Uh... Lil' Salomon?

Hey, you Salomon-thing.

Lil' Salomon: Yes! What is it, Master?!

Summoner? Game?

What am I doing here?

Can I pet you?

Lil' Salomon: P-Pet me?! If that's your wish, Master...

Lil' Salomon: Please be gentle. I've never been petted before.

Background: 暗転

(Pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet)

Background: 新宿中央公園階段

Lil' Salomon: Well, there goes my first time... Did you like it, Master?

Lil' Salomon: I hope you take responsibility and become an upstanding master...

Lil' Salomon: Geez! Don't play dumb. When I say Master, I mean Master.

Lil' Salomon: You were invited by the App, so maybe someone summoned you?

Lil' Salomon: ...Hm? Wait, huh?

Lil' Salomon: I don't see the Summoner anywhere... I wonder if they went off to pick flowers or something.

Lil' Salomon: Anyway, next topic! Master, do you know what summoning is?

You mean like what they do in fantasy stories?

Lil' Salomon: Yeah! That's right! You sure know your stuff, Master!

Lil' Salomon: I love manga and anime. They're such a unique part of human culture.

Just cut to the chase already...


Lil' Salomon: Ah...! Such an ice-cold stare!

Lil' Salomon: You're so impatient, Master! I bet you're one of those people who skips tutorials!

Lil' Salomon: Alternate worlds, lands, dimensions... They're identical but distinct, parallel worlds born from infinite possibilities.

Lil' Salomon: For example, in another world you might've been born as something other than human.

Lil' Salomon: But this you can never meet the you from other worlds. Though you're the same existence, your worlds are separate.

Lil' Salomon: But, there is one way! Through the awesome power of Summoning, you can connect to the you that exists in an alternate world!

Lil' Salomon: Summoning connects worlds through gates. It identifies the ties that bind souls and manifests them.

Lil' Salomon: And the ones who wield that power are called Summoners!

Lil' Salomon: Yes! Drumroll, please... That means you're a Summoner, Master!

Me? A Summoner...?

Lil' Salomon: That's right, Master!

Sounds fishy to me.

Lil' Salomon: Don't look at me like that!

This must all be a dream.

Lil' Salomon: M-Master?! Don't fall asleep! Wake up! Please!

Lil' Salomon: What? You have no idea? But the proof is right there in your phone!

Lil' Salomon: Take a look at the home screen.

What's this app with a magic circle icon...?

Lil' Salomon: Master, you downloaded the App and registered as a user, didn't you?

Lil' Salomon: That App is a handy tool that helps the many Summoners connect with one another.

Lil' Salomon: Normally, you need both innate talent and rigorous training to become a Summoner...

Lil' Salomon: But with this App, none of that is necessary!

Lil' Salomon: I'm sure a Summoner somewhere called you here as their familiar.

Lil' Salomon: Does what I've explained so far make sense?

Someone just called me here? That's selfish.

Yup. Uh-huh. Whatever.

You're so cute, Lil' Salomon!

Lil' Salomon: Please don't make that face, Master! Are you sad...? Happy? I'm getting mixed signals.

Lil' Salomon: Anyway, as a Summoner, you'll be able able to harness amazing power.

Lil' Salomon: ...

Why so quiet all of a sudden?

If you've gotta go, the bathroom is that way.

Lil' Salomon: Th-That's not it!


Lil' Salomon: Well done, Master! Did you notice it too?!


Lil' Salomon: This presence is abnormal... It feels like it was summoned!

Lil' Salomon: It's speeding towards us! Please protect me, Master!


Background: 暗転

(Scream): Get away! Stay back! What did I do to deserve this?!

Background: Shinjuku Central Park


????: Oof!

????: Ow... What did I bump into? Ah, s-sorry! I don't know who you are, but are you okay?!


Background: 暗転

Background: Shinjuku Central Park

Oni: Human... Human...flesh...!

????: Ack! We've got better stuff to worry about right now! Let's get outta here!

M-More monsters!

Why are there monsters in the middle of Tokyo?!

Background: 暗転

Background: Shinjuku Central Park

????: This way! Once we get through here, we should be clear...

????: Oh, no! It's under construction?! It wasn't like this yesterday!

????: O-Okay, let's try this way! Follow me! ...Ahhh!

Oni: Heh heh heh... Eat...flesh...!

????: Ugh... There's nowhere else to run!

????: I was just trying to take a shortcut to the station and I had to run into Stray Transients!

????: I knew I should've listened to the class rep and not gone to the Gate side!

Oni: Graaaaagh!!

????: Eeeeeek!

????: Stay back! If you're not a Transient yourself, you don't stand a chance against one!

Oni: Graaaaagh!!

????: Oh no! It's coming right for us! I should've eaten those snacks I hid under my bed!

A-all right, bring it! I'll take you on!

Get behind me!

If you're going to eat one of us, eat him!

????: Did you just pawn me off?! You jerk! Ack! Stop tickling me!

????: Huh...?!


Oni: You get in way? Then eat you first! Geh heh heh!

Oni: Graaaagh!!

We'd better split up!

If one of us has to live...

????: Uhhh...

????: Ahhhhhhhhhh!


Background: 暗転

Background: Shinjuku Central Park

Oni: Graaaaaaaaaagh!!

Oh no! It's coming for me!

Now's your chance! Make a run for it!




Lil' Salomon: Looks like we're in a pickle, Master.

Lil' Salomon: Huh? Why am I so calm? Not to worry, Master! Ta-dah!

Oni: ...

Lil' Salomon: I just accelerated subjective perception, and... Well, let's just say I stopped time!

Lil' Salomon: Hehe! Ain't I great? I may be a rookie, but I'm still a demon. This is no sweat!

Lil' Salomon: Well, unfortunately you can't move either. For now, just calm down and listen to what I'm about to tell you.

Lil' Salomon: Master, it's time to fight! Take a good look at the enemy one more time!

It looks super strong!

It looks pretty tasty, if you know what I mean...

Lil' Salomon: Gulp... Now that you mention it, that outfit is a bit alluring...

Lil' Salomon: I wonder what's going on under that cloth.

Lil' Salomon:

  • Glance* Wh-What? Oh myyy!

Lil' Salomon: A-Anyway... Please take this a bit more seriously, Master!

Lil' Salomon: Look at that club! And those thick arms! It certainly is a pretty scary-lookin' fella!

Lil' Salomon: Yup, it sure looks tough! I'm shakin' in my hooves!

Lil' Salomon: But not to worry! You've got a way to fight back, master!

Fight back?

Forget that! Let's get outta here!

Lil' Salomon: Hmm... I don't think that's a good idea.

Lil' Salomon: I'd need to cancel my power for you to run away.

Lil' Salomon: But if I did, that Red Oni would also be able move, and you'd be back to playing tag.

The time has come to unleash my secret power!

Lil' Salomon: Whaaaaaat?! You have hidden powers?!

Lil' Salomon: Yup, that's right! Now listen up!

Lil' Salomon: Master, you were summoned by someone as their familiar.

Lil' Salomon: And since you can use the App, you can also become a Summoner yourself!

Lil' Salomon: That's right! You can be someone's familiar and also call your own familiars!

Lil' Salomon: In other words, you're a Hybrid!

Got it! Let's try it out!

But I don't know who or what to summon...

I wanna summon something sexy.

Lil' Salomon: You catch on fast, Master!

Lil' Salomon: I knew something like this would happen, so I used the App's auto-match function for you!

Lil' Salomon: Here's a strong entity with a profound bond with your soul. Summon them to gain their aid!

Lil' Salomon: Heh. Aren't I a great butler? Now let's do that summon...

Oni: Graaagh!

Lil' Salomon: Huh?

Oni: Gwoooo!

Lil' Salomon: What the–?! No one else should be able to move right now!

Lil' Salomon: I did everything according to the Familiar Textbook I have here...

Lil' Salomon: ...Oh. Looks like I messed up the order. Whoops! I'm such a klutz!


Oni: Graaagh!

Lil' Salomon: Eeeeeek! Master! Save meee!!

Get off me! Hurry up and do the summoning!

Oni: Gragh?

????: O-Over here, you Stray Transient, you!

Oni: That human...look tasty... But this human...look tastier!

????: G-Guess it's really gonna come for me! If I make it out of this alive, maybe I should go on a diet...

Oni: Guts. Flesh. Butt... Tasty... Eat. Now!

????: Ahhhhhhhhh!


Lil' Salomon: Now's our chance, Master! Let's get outta here while it's distracted!

We're running away?

We're not going to help him?

What about the summoning?

Lil' Salomon: You can save yourself if you make a run for it while the Red Oni's eating that guy!

Lil' Salomon: Come on! I'll teach you how to summon later!

I suppose that's one way to look at it.

But he came back for us!

And I hate owing other people.

Lil' Salomon: B-But... I can't allow you to put yourself in danger, Master!

Lil' Salomon: Besides, that fat guy is a total stranger. You just met him!

Lil' Salomon: There's no reason for you to help. But if you won't take no for an answer...

Lil' Salomon: Then you're either too nice, or you're planning on using him for something.

You say that, but...

I only just met you, too, Lil' Salomon.

And he looks more trustworthy than you.

Lil' Salomon: M-M-M-Master! I can't believe you'd say that!

Lil' Salomon: These tears won't stop! You're breakin' my heart!

(Scream): Ahhhhhhhh!

Lil' Salomon: Doesn't sound like things are going well for the big guy... Come, Master. We need to go before the monster comes back.


Lil' Salomon: Master?! Master! Please, wait! Stoooooop!

Background: 暗転


Background: Shinjuku Central Park

????: Ah... Ahhhh...

Oni: Mine now... Mine now!

????: If I knew it would end like this, I would've eaten all the candy I just bought!

Oni: Gragh?

This way! Hurry!

Background: 暗転

Background: Shinjuku Central Park

????: Y-You saved me! But what are we gonna do now?

We'll defeat that monster!

What to do, indeed...

????: You have no idea, do you?! You're just as bad as Kengo!

You're a lot plumper up close!

????: Yeah, I gained some weight recently... That Stray Transient earlier also...

????: D-defeat it?! But how?!

????: Uh, more importantly, you want to know why I came back for you?

????: Well... I was super scared, and I was almost eaten alive...

????: But if I just ran away, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

????: I'd remember that I abandoned you for the rest of my life. I wouldn't be able to enjoy a good meal anymore!

????: Isn't that also why you came back to save me?


Oni: Graaaaagh!

????: I-It caught up to us!

Oni: Graaaagh!

????: Gah!


The monster's blow knocks both of you back.

Your lungs gasp for air. It hurts just to breathe.

????: ...

Oni: human...!

The Red Oni mumbles to itself as it plucks the boy up.

It looks down as if it knows it has won.

????: ...

He's not a friend. Nor is he family. He's just a stranger whose name you don't even know.

You should have no problem abandoning him. There's no reason to risk your life.


????: ...

But you know his voice. You've looked into his eyes. You've...spoken with him.

And now, you can't forsake him. He's already become a part of your world.



Oni: Grr!

Oni: Graaaaaah!



Lil' Salomon: Oh, Master... You're too soft! Softer than a baby's bottom!

Lil' Salomon: If it weren't for me, you would've ended up a bloody pulp!

Thank you.

You came back for me?

I'll pet you again later.

Lil' Salomon: D-Don't look at me like that. I'm mad at you!

Lil' Salomon: Master, I respect your decision. And...I don't want you to die, either.

Lil' Salomon: I'm a bit nervous about how this'll go down, but... Let's defeat that thing right now!

Oni: Grrrrrrrrr!

Lil' Salomon: There's no time, Master! It's do or die! Begin the summoning!

Lil' Salomon: Speak the words with me! With voice recognition, the App will do the rest!


Lil' Salomon: Um... Role of the Wanderer. Rule of Rending... Now you!

Role of the Wanderer.

Role of the Waterer?

Rule of Rending.

Rule of Renting?

Lil' Salomon: Here we go! Forged Reification!

Lil' Salomon: Thou who art nameless in this world and powerless to claim this world...

Lil' Salomon: Deceive the world, hinder the world, and by thy false name, manifest in this closed domain!

Lil' Salomon: Avatar of the Serpent's tail, severed by the Wanderer! Bare thy Rule of Rending and cleave all power and authority!

Lil' Salomon: Engrave mine name unto thee and come forth! Boundless Tail!

Lil' Salomon: Go ahead, Master!

Engrave mine name unto thee.

Come forth! Boundless Tail!


????: Huh?!

Oni: What?!

A sword?!

With this...I can fight!

Oni: What?! This power is...a summon?! It can't be! Are you...a Summoner?!

????: What...?!

Oni: I...look...for you! Always...since...I come to world!

Oni: You...unseal me...from Kumano Shrine! I challenge fight!

Oni: I win...I eat you! You win...

????: Just who are you...?

Lil' Salomon: This is where the fun begins, Master!

Lil' Salomon: Other monsters are being drawn to the power of your immense summoning, but I know you can do it!

Lil' Salomon: I'm rooting for you, Master! You got this, Master! Give 'em heck!

Lil' Salomon: So, uh... Don't die! Got it?

Background: 暗転

Background: 新宿中央公園階段


Lil' Salomon: Now's your chance! Get 'im, Master!

Role of the Wanderer...!

Rule of Rending!

Engrave mine name unto thee.

Come forth! Boundless Tail!


Oni: Graaaaagh...!

Oni: That power...! You really...are Summoner...

Lil' Salomon: Flawless victory! We can rest easy now, Master.

Lil' Salomon: It seems the monster has used up its remaining powers. Its connection with the world is becoming unstable.

Lil' Salomon: If left on its own with no Summoner, it will soon vanish.

Oni: I wanted...serve...master... cost...of sanity...

Oni: But now...I unknown land...


Why not come with me?

Then I will be your master.

Oni: ...

Oni: Very well... I let master.

Oni: Summon me...whenever. My new master...

Oni: Ah...I finally go...back home...

Oni: T-thank you... Master...


You obtained the Red Oni's Profile Card! You can add it to your party later in the team formation screen.

????: D-Did that Stray Transient just...disappear?

Lil' Salomon: Huh? You made a pact with it?! That easily? Seriously?!

Lil' Salomon: Normally, the connection to one's original world can be weakened, but never fully severed.

Lil' Salomon: I wonder how this connection could've been cut so easily. Hm...?

Lil' Salomon: ...Ah!


Lil' Salomon: Well done, Master! You sure proved that you're the real deal!

Lil' Salomon: A Summoner needs strength; otherwise, your familiars won't obey you.

Lil' Salomon: That one accepted you as their master, and the pact was successfully completed on both sides.

Lil' Salomon: Now you can summon it as a familiar!

Lil' Salomon: ...Is something wrong? You don't look too happy.

What's with this sword?

Lil' Salomon: No idea.

No idea!?

Lil' Salomon: Oh, please don't be mad, Master! Stop pinching my cheeks! Mwragh!

Lil' Salomon: ...I've heard of items called Sacred Artifacts. They're the vessels of divine beings.

Lil' Salomon: What exactly do they do, you ask? They can be used to impose their Rule upon others and the world.

Lil' Salomon: However, not everyone can use them. Only those who're meant for the Role are allowed to wield them.

Lil' Salomon: I'm sure that Sword is a Sacred Artifact that's tied with your Role and fate.

Lil' Salomon: That's why you were able to summon it. Yup! ...I think.

Lil' Salomon: The textbooks for first year familiars don't say anything more than that.

Lil' Salomon: I'm here only to support you with summoning. I'm actually not good at dealing with situations outside the box.

Lil' Salomon: Argh, stop! That cold glare of yours is gonna freeze me over! A-Anyway, I'll excuse myself now!

Hold on.

Lil' Salomon: Ack! I-Is there something else I can do for you?

Good work.

See you later.

I'll give you a good petting next time.

Lil' Salomon: Th-Thank you, Master!

Lil' Salomon: Hehe! You were so awesome! That's my Master! You did great!

Lil' Salomon: Call me if anything else happens! Buh-bye!

Lil' Salomon: Oh, that's right! One more thing...

Lil' Salomon: I added some people to your contact list in the App who can help you boost your summoning power.

Lil' Salomon: You can also use the loot you got earlier to help enhance your abilities as a Summoner.

Lil' Salomon: Try contacting people on your list for help. Catch ya later!


????: Whoa...

????: That. Was. Awesome!! What was that?! A sword?! How'd you do that?!

????: You totally defeated a Stray Transient! That was amazing!

????: Oh, sorry. I gotta thank you first. Thanks for saving my butt!

Ryota: I'm Ryota. Ryota Yakushimaru!

Ryota: I'm a student at Shinjuku Academy, right smack in the middle between Shinjuku Central Park and Shinjuku Station.

Ryota: What's your name?

Background: 暗転

Background: 新宿中央公園階段

Ryota: So you're <param=playerName>! That's a nice name!

Ryota: Let's head someplace safer for now. It's kinda dangerous here, <param=playerName>.

Ryota: Come on! Follow me!

Background: 暗転