Main Quest:Chapter 1 Part 1:VN

Revision as of 03:46, 7 December 2017 by Salsa (talk | contribs)


......Do "You" have "Companions"?

That unexpected question floats through a corner of your mind,
as your thoughts collect little by little.

Spreading across your entire field of view, is a sea of jet-black.
Nothing but emptiness as far as you can see.

You can't remember anything.
Nothing at all.

Important knowlege. Important experiences in life. Important memories.

- - - - not even the important loved ones in your life.


- - - - suddenly,
from far away you can hear a voice.

You don't recognize who the voice belongs to.
It may not even be a voice in the first place.

"You" are drawn to it.
If only because there is nothing else to cling to in this void.


At last, the endless black begins to fade away.
"You" were called to the world.

Here we go. Open your eyes.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

Because from now-
it's the beginning of the story of "the real you" and your "companions".

-That day.
A beam of light pierced through the sky of Tokyo.

Shinjuku Central Park

The light subsided, and the next moment, I stood in a forested area.

It's dark, with nobody to be found.
Only dim lamps weakly illuminate the surrounding trees.

There is no one around to ask for help.
Of course, even if there was, I don't know what I would ask.

- - - - - -.

It suddenly occurs to me,
I'm holding something in my hand.

It was my smartphone.
It feels familiar to the touch. It's definitely mines.

Where is this place?
Why am I alone, how did I get here----

No, standing here wracking my brain won't do any good.
I need to get my bearings first and foremost.

3 options
Check a nearby guide board Check location from my smartphone Check my own name

Player: Apparently, this is Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo.



3 options (same response)
What was I doing in such a place.... I was just using my phone minutes ago... and then...what happened...? I can't.... recall anything... It's all just a blur...

You finally noticed me.

Keep your guards down!
You see, you're listening to this charming voice don't you?

"Please, go ahead and unlock the screen on your phone.
The application is already running."

The bright, cheerful voice doesn't match these surroundings at all.

I'm filled with dread and anxiety.
In the back of my mind I can feel there's something wrong here.

But, I want information.
Above all, I don't want to be left alone without even memories.

With that in mind, I unlocked my phone.
A glowing light pours out of the screen and expands into a pattern of mandalas.

I've been called at last, tadaaa~!
Ahh, it feels good to be out. It's cramped in there!

Milord, what troubles you!
Do you need my assistance, anything I can do?!

3 options
W-what are you! A monster came out of my phone! Cuuute!

What are....
Waah, why so distant Milord!


......Why do you look so puzzled? Haha-n. Seems like you're still confused by all the things happening in the same time right!

You can just rely on my at these times! It's not just for mere show for an Level 3 approved butler.

It's okay it's okay. In front of such unexpected events, there's no need to sweat., *ahem*

Your personal familiar to assist you in living a comfortable Summoner's Game life, I am Salomon!

From here on out, I will always serve you. Please, feel free to refer to me as Cute Salomon-kun!

Milord, what troubles you!
Do you need my assistance, anything I can do?!

2 options
Uuum.... Salomon-kun? Hey, Salomon.

Yes, what is your wish, My Lord!

3 options
Summoner.... game....? Why am I in such a place? Can I fluff you?

Stop playing dumb.
"Milord" is "Milord".

While you were invited by the "App",
who exactly were you summoned by?

......What? Whatwhatwhat?

I don't see the summoner anywhere......
Perhaps nature called???

Let's continue with the conversation!
Milord, do know what a "summon" is?

3 options
You mean the "summon" in fantasies? Stop the tedious talk and start explaining- ........

Yes yes.
My master is well educated as I expected!

I love manga and anime too. It is a culture unique to this human world after all.

Oops, I got off track again. Let's continue.

Underworld, alternate dimensions- Even places the same and yet different to your own, there are unlimited possibilities in parallel worlds.

There are, for example, other worlds in which beings other than humans coexist.

These worlds are normally completely separate from eachother. Even in cases where the populations are similar, they cannot meet.

But, the ability to connect to those other possibilities is called Summoning!

Summoning means the power to connect and cross over the doors of the other worlds. It is a power which bonds spirits together.

And those who gained that power, we call Summoners!

That's right! That would beee~! Tadaaa, you Milord!

3 options
I'm a summoner...? You seem pretty shady. Ah, I get it now. This is a dream.

That is correct Milord!

You're like a hero of a story now, don't you feel a bit excited?

Eh, you don't remember at all? No no, the evidence is right there in your hand!

Please, take a look at the screen of your smartphone.

1 option (same response)
This app icon that looks like a magic circle...?

You downloaded this game app and registered as a user right?

This app is designed as a supportive tool to allow numerous summoners meet each other.

Normally the summoner needs to be gifted, together with a long time of training...

But with this app there's no need for all that!

There must be a summoner somewhere, who called Milord as a "familiar" to this place.

Are you clear up to this point?

3 options
But who exactly summoned me? I see. Well, it's okay. Salomon-kun is such a cutie.

Anyways, if the summoner is here, you can use even greater powers-


3 options
You're quiet all of sudden... what's wrong? Need to use the toilet? .......

Ah, it's coming at suuuper speed......! Please protect me, Milord!

VOICE: G-go away, stay away from me! Why's this gotta happen to me......!



Owowow, I bumped into someone. S-sorry, I don't know you but are you alright!?

Oni: Human......HUMAN, MEAT......!

Wait, there's no time for this! Let's run, this way!!

2 options
T-there are monsters! Wha, in the middle of Tokyo?!

Hey, over here! We need to get outta here....

G, gaah, Under Construction?! This wasn't here yesterday?!

Then, h-here, this way! U-uwaa?!

Oni: Kekeke... Food... food...!

Waaah... it's no uuuuse!

I just wanted to take a shortcut to the station, and ended up running into rogue Summon...!

Why didn't I just listen to the chairman and stay away from the gaate!

Oni: Guuuaaaaa!!


Stay away from him! Someone who's not a "Summon" is no match for a "Summon" unarmed......!

N-no good! It's gonna eat meee!! I haven't eaten the sweet buns in the cupboard yet!

3 options
Over here, I'll be your opponent! Hide behind me! Well, you do look pretty tasty.



Oni: Do not, ignore. I'll start, eat you first? Keke.

Oni: Guuuuuuooooooooooo!!!!

2 options (same response)
Let's split up and run for it! If only one side can survive...

Uu, uu....


2 options
It's coming this way! Run as far as you can while I got his attention...!



(Magic Circle Effect)

This is quite a pickle, Milord.

Eh, it's dangerous? Why am I so calm? No need to worry, Milord! Look!

Oni: ---

I've sped up our subjective time a bit- ah, which means time is frozen!

Ehehe, pretty cool right? I may be a rookie, but I'm still a devil, so this is a piece of cake!

Well, Milord can't move in this state though. Please, listen to my explanation carefully.

This, Milord, is a battle! Now, if you would direct your attention to the opponent please.

2 options
He looks strong... He looks scrumptious...!

Yes, that iron bar, that big arm. You can't call it anything else but a monster with that look......!

Yes, he looks strong! It's frightening, right! It's unbelievable, right!

But don't worry! There's a way you can take him down.

3 options
A technique to take him down? Wouldn't it be better to just escape? At last, the day I must unlock the seal on my right eye has come....

Salomon: はーい! その通りですっ ! だからしっかり聞いてくださいね?

Milord is a "familiar", so you were summoned by someone.

But as a user of the "app" Milord, you can be a summoner as well!

That's right! Although Milord was summoned by someone else, you are yourself a Summoner too!

What we call, a Hybrid!

3 options
I see! Let's go with that then! But I have no idea how to summon... I want to summon something sexy.

Salomon: I'm not quite finished, Milord!

So...Ahem! Since we're here, I've already checked into the auto matching function in the app!

The most powerful match which links the deepest with your soul. Let's summon it and let it become your power!

Ehehe, I'm a useful butler right? So let's proceed to the summon-

Oni: Kuoooo......!

Oni: Kugooooo....!!

Please wait a moment?! Nobody else is supposed to be able to move?!

It should work the way the magic textbook taught me-oh.

.....I made a teensy little mistake in the procedure. Oopsy daisy★


Ueeeeeeeeeee!!! M-Milord!! Save meeeeee!!

1 option (same response)
Stop clinging to me and start the summoning!


Oni: Gua?!

Hey! Rogue Summon! Over here!!

Oni: Human, tasty...... More, tasty......human......!

Oni: Ah, he's really coming this way?! If I survive this, maybe I should go on a diet.....

Oni: Stomach, leg, rump......tasty meat...... LETMEEATTTTTTT!!


N-now, Milord! This is your chance to retreat!

3 options
Are you running away? Can't you help? What about that Summoning thing?

It will be easier to escape if he's distracted by other bait.

Nonono, later, I'll teach you how to summon later!

3 options
That's one way to look at things... But he came back for me. I don't like to owe favors.

B-but......! I shouldn't put Milord in danger......

To begin with, isn't that fatty guy a complete stranger? Didn't you just meet?

There's no merit to helping each other. As such---

Either you're hopelessly kind, or---it's your plan before abandoning him.

3 options (same response)
Even if you say that... I only just met you too, didn't I Salomon-kun? I trust him more than I trust you.

M-m-m, Miloooooord!! How could you say such a thing... I...!

You're gonna make me cry! I'll cry, for real!!


---It's that fatty guy's scream. Now, Milord. Before the Oni comes back.....

H-hey, Milord!? Milooord!? Wait just a moment, WAAAIIIIT!!

Ah, haa, aaaahh....

Oni: GOT YOU.... GOT YOU....!!

If I knew this would happen, I would've finished the sweets I just bought......!


Oni: Gyyaahh?!

1 option (same response)
Hurry, this way!

I-I'm saved! But what do we do now?

3 options
Defeat that monster! What do you think? What a voluptuous body...

D-defeat?! B-but, man...!

Eh? Why did I come back?

Oh yeah.... I mean, I was super scared, I thought for sure I was gonna get eaten....

But, if I ran off now, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Every time I remembered I abandoned you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy meals anymore.

That's why----- You helped me out too, right?

1 option (same response)


I-it caught up with us!?





The shock from its attack blows us both away simultaneously.

The impact hits my lungs the worst. It hurts just to breathe.


Oni: Fat human... eat you... no more escape...!

The red oni murmurs venomously, and slowly lifts him up.

Glaring maliciously down on you, his victory seems all but assured.


I'm not his friend. Not family. Just some stranger. I don't even know his name.

I could just run for it, couldn't I? I'm not obligated to throw my life away.

1 option (same response)


But, I know his voice. I've looked him in the eye. Had a chat with him.

I can't just throw him away. He's a person too, sharing this world with me.

2 options (same response)
--Hngh ! ! STOOOOP ! !


Oni: Nn?!



Sigh, Milord...... Naivete should have its limits! You're way beyond it!

If I hadn't shown up, you'd be a lump of fresh meat from that hit!

3 options
Thank you. You're back...? I'll give you a good fluffing later.

D-don't give me that look! I'm mad at you right now, SUPER MAD!

......But, I respect Milord's wishes. If anything were to happen to Milord.... I'll be in trouble as well.

That's why---I'm worried! Let's defeat him here and now!

Oni: Gu, grrr!!

We're out of time Milord! Straight to the stage! Let's summon!

---Now, please recite your declaration! The app's speech recognition will handle the rest!

Uum.... the first part was My Role is Drifter, and the rule part was Severance... now, if you please!!

2 options
My Role is Drifter. My Role is... Driftwood?


2 options
My Rule is Severance. My Rule is... Semblance?


Let's start---! "Disguise deployment"---

Thou, carrying a name in this world, thou, carrying a rule to conquer this world-

Deluding the world, segmenting the world, Under the fictional name, show yourself in the contained zone!

It is, the incarnation of the tail of the serpent dragon who separated the drifter. The rule is also to "separate" powers and control from others!

"By the name of 'Player' I summon you. Answer me, Sword Tail of the Steel!"

if you please, Milord!

2 options (same response)
By the name of "Player" I summon you. Answer me, Sword Tail of the Steel!


Oni: .....wha.....?!

(Hero Sprite appears onscreen)

2 options (same response)
Wha--- A sword? But.... like this, I can fight!

Oni: Nn!? This power...... summon! Can't be, you, a "summoner"!?


Oni: I've been for you. Someone, who summoned me here, alas......!

Oni: Somone who can free me from......the binding of Kumano! Let's, have a duel!

Oni: Me,, eaten! You win.... !!

What the... are you...?

Let's start the game, Milord.

Attracted by the powerful summon, there are more monsters approaching. But they're no match for Milord now!

From the bottom of my heart I 'll be cheering for you! Go~ Go~, Milord! Do your best Milord!

So... Please don't die, okay?
