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|dialogue=Oh, I remember! Player!
Aaah, you're the transfer I heard about!
赴任して以来ではないか? ふむ。
|dialogue=Alright, good good, come on!
I'll take you to see Kyouma-sensei!
|dialogue=Hey, stop right there Jinn! Get out of the way!
I'll take them!
|dialogue=There they go.....
What should we do?
==Elsewhere in Shinjuku Academy==
例の転校生を連れて来ましたぞお !
|dialogue=おいジン、 貢様、 何を自分の手柄のようにっ。
キョウマ先生、 転校生を連れてきま した !
|dialogue=ああ、 お疲れさんです。
ジン先生、 卜リトン先生。
ご足労おかけ しま した。
|dialogue=いえいえ! 愛すべき生徒のため!
火のような熱い愛を !
深海よりも深い愛を !
|dialogue=はっはっは。 驚いただろう?
あの二人は、 ウチの名物教師でな。
|dialogue= どちらがより多くの生徒を愛するか、
日夜、 競い合ってるんだよ。
二人とも、 少し暴走しがちでな。
|dialogue=まあ、 その話は今は良いだろう。
そこに裏かけなさい。 今、 書類を揃えょう。
|dialogue=改めて、 自己紹介をしよう。
俺は物部キョウマ。 この学校の教師だ。
|heading=2 options
!<i>身元保証人? ?</i>
|dialogue=ああ、 そうだとも。
|dialogue= ほら、 この害類。
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
なんだ、 記億喪失でもなったのか?
|dialogue= それなら、 なおのこと。
今は、 俺たち教師に従いなさい。
初対面の俺の言葉も、 信じ切れんだろう。
|dialogue=だが、 少なく ともこの書類がある限り、
|dialogue= 何か思い出したり、 したいことがあったら。
必ず、俺に言うんだ。 Player。
|heading=2 options
!<i> はいつ.</i>
|dialogue=よし、 いい返事だ!
じゃあ、 うしろを向いてみろ。
|dialogue=Good grief, even the teachers...
|dialogue=Your peeping skills are shoddy.
|dialogue=あはっ、 あははははっ。
|dialogue=Th-that is....!
I merely wanted to stick around to welcome....
|dialogue=I don't really care or nothin'. It's these two.
|dialogue=More students to love!
It's as wonderful as the ocean!
|dialogue=Come this way to the dormitory!
I'll show you right away!
|dialogue=……こ-ゅ-わけだ。 どうするかの決断は、
|dialogue=今日から、 この神宿学園、
|dialogue=I hope you'll get along with your fellow students.
Nice to meet you.
===Elsewhere, in an Office===
|dialogue=Young Master, forgive my rudeness for disturbing your night's rest.
There is a matter I'm sure you would wish to hear of.
|dialogue=.....You're forgiven. Speak.
|dialogue=An "App" battle was observed at the Shinjuku Central Park a few hours ago.
|dialogue=The participants were several "Stray Summon", and a human...
or at least what appeared to be a human.
|dialogue=As far as we know, there is no Summon on record
matching their appearance.
|dialogue=Our collaborators in the area have reported...
The unidentified person's Rule is "Severance."
|dialogue=-ho? "Severance" you say.
The "Rare" ability everyone was waiting for, at last.
|dialogue=はい、 その通りで御座います、 坊ちゃま。
|dialogue= 離断の 「権能」 、 それ自体は
|dialogue=What is the attribute of their Sacred Treasure?
If it is Holy, presumbaly it's the scissors of the three sisters, or the reaper's sickle if Dark...
|dialogue=That would make sense, Young Master.
....However, neither of those is the case.
|dialogue=Their attribute is not Fire, Water or Wood as well. Not even Demon.
|dialogue=The app display reads "All."
|dialogue=Fire, Water, Wood, Holy and Dark all simultaneously.
|dialogue= ……Yes, I understand. You had a good reason to disturb my rest, my faithful servant.
|dialogue=Seems the stalemate between guilds will come to an end soon. The next step is about to begin.
|dialogue=Snow, my loyal familiar. Your master has a new order.
|dialogue=Prepare a welcome for our future guest, in the traditional Ikebukuro Guild fashion.
|dialogue=Of course. Understood.
|dialogue=But first, there is one last thing.
|dialogue=There is a definite possibility that other guilds are privy to this newcomer as well. Roppongi in particular.
|dialogue=I believe we should send an envoy right away, before they take action.
|dialogue=No, leave it be.
|dialogue=Skulking about in the shadows isn't how we do things. We make a show of force.
|dialogue=……Ah, how foolish of me. It would be a betrayal of the principle of "Strength" this guild was founded upon.
|dialogue=I do admire your commitment to your ideals.
|dialogue=スノウよ、 願わくば、 かの者が強者であらんことを願うぞ?
                                              CHAPTER 1 END

Revision as of 01:23, 22 December 2017

Shinkuju Central Park

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Right, it's about a 10 minute walk out of this park. Let's hope we don't run into any more trouble...!

2 options
I'm really worried...! I'm scared, can we hold hands?
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Aw, we'll be okay I bet!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Well, there's a Gate here in this park, but...

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Still, it's unusual to run into stray Summon like that!

Ryouta expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png

いゃいゃいゃ。 さっきまでそう思ってたけど、 ばっちり出くわしちゃったんだよね……。

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Uuaaaaaa. Let's get outta here fast before we run into any more!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Eh? What is it? Did I say something strange?

3 options
What's a stray Summon? What's a "Gate"? What are your measurements?
Ryouta expression neutral.png

For real, how do you not know anything about Summon or Gates...?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

For real, how do you not know anything about Summon or Gates...?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Ryouta expression neutral.png

So, what are you exactly? You look like a regular human to me... right?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Eh? You're not sure yourself? Are you lost, or did you lose your memory?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Well, let's talk while we walk. Maybe something will jog your memory while we're chatting.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Hey, you can get a good view from here, see that over to your left?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

A giant pillar of bright, shining light. This is that "gate" I mentioned before.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

今いるこの新宿区中央公園は, 昔はのどかで、 屋台も出てる公園だったけど....

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Suddenly, without warning... a huge pillar of light just shot out of nowhere.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Not just in Shinjuku, but all over Tokyo. There's 23 of 'em altogether.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

The surrounding area at all of 'em are certified as under special protection, and blockaded from the public.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Well, I say blockaded, but... it's not all that strict. It isn't under guard or anything, you're just supposed to stay away.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

A lot of people just ignore it and pass through here at night, because it's a convenient shortcut.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

....Well, I might stop cutting through here for a while. I might have traumatized myself a bit back there.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

In the past, the pillars were actually pretty popular sightseeing spots for a while.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

But one day, out of that shining light...

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Mysterious creatures appeared.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

I don't know much about the details since I was just a little kid at the time, but the police and the Self Defense Forces got involved, it was a real mess.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

The mysterious creatures that came out of the light pillars are called-

Ryouta expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png

S-sorry, could you give me a minute for a bathroom break? I'll buy you a drink from the vending machine to make up for it.

3 options
Actually, I need the toilet too... I'll check out the vending machine. Do you need help with that?
Ryouta expression neutral.png

I won't be long, just gimme a bit.

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Now promise to wait for me, 'k?! Please don't go off on your own!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

What is it, Milord...? I was trying to take a nap.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Hm, is there something you want to ask?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Waha... You want to know more about Gates and Summon?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Understood! Allow me to explain.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

First, pertaining to "stray Summon"-

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

I'm soooorryy, I don't have a clue!! Ah, please don't be angry Milord!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Because, outside of the devils from my own home, I don't know anything about them...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

I can't tell you much about "stray Summon"... but Gates are another story!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

"Gates" are the tool of a summoner. When summoning, one essentially opens a door that connects to another world.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

なんてったって、 異界と異界を結ぶ、 本来ならば禁忌とも呼ばれる行使ですから。

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

一時的に、 並行する同ーの事象と事象を結び、 「門」 あるいは 「扉」 という概念を一って細かい説明いらない?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

でも原則として、 扉を開くのは 召喚を行使するその時だけ忙限られます。

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

だって、 同-存在がその場に複数存在することは、 世界の均衡を崩す抑止の岸え、 ここもいらない?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

とにかく、 「門」 はー時的にしか 開くことのできない、 召喚の扉なんですよ。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

主様が先ほど、 剣を具現させた行為も、 「門」 を開いたと同義なのです。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

なんで主様、 「門」 を知ってるんです? ボク、 話しましたっけ?

1 option
Behind you.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

WHAAAAAT?!? How can a gate be so enormous?!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Are you sure that's a Gate and not some tourist attraction?!

3 options
Did you not notice it? This isn't in the Shinjuku I know. Salomon-kun is such an idiot.
Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Gaaaaahh!! Milord, you bully...!

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

だってこの便い魔教科害1年生版には, 「門」 はー時的なものだって……。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

実際、 今はあの柱には召喚のチカラを感じません。 チカラを発する法則でもあるのでしょうか……。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png


Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

I don't really get it, but in this world, it seems like Gates open a lot.

1 option
'This' world?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Ah? You didn't realize?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

This is a different world than the one Milord came from. It may be similar, but I assure you it's different.

3 options
An alternate world, cool! How do I get back to my world?! これはもう、 おしりぺンぺン案件。
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Wow, you're taking this surprisingly well. But that roll-with-the-punches attitude is a good thing about Milord!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

.....というかヽ お忘れですか? 召喚主に 「召喚された」 ということを。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

っまりは 「便役」 された側。 わかりやすく言うと、 さっきのアカオ二さんですね。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

アカオ二さんが主様に仕えたように。 主様も、 召喚主に仕える立場なのです。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

召喚が成立した場合、 原則として、 お互いがお互いに 「召喚条くこ件」 が課せられます。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

「〇〇をするかわりに, 〇〇をしてほしい」 みたいな、 そんな感じの契約みたいな車んです。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

The conditions are set on an individual basis by each Summoner, you should be able to return home if you satisfy the "summoning condition"

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png


Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

By the way, do you have any idea who in the world.... could have summoned Milord?

3 options
You mean you don't know? ............ That's it, put your butt out so I can spank you.
Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Uwaaaaah~?! I-it's because, Milord was summoned before I even arrived...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Well, it's okay, there's still a way to find out. Just look for the mark that stands out on the summoner's body!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

All Summoners have a Summoner's Crest somewhere on them!

2 options
When I held that sword earlier I noticed... I don't know where mine is, I'll have to get naked.
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Oh, that's it! There on the back of your hand!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

主様は召喚主のチカラを使い、 神器を召喚、 その剣と契約が繋がりました。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

今、 浮かんでいる星形のアザは、 主様とその剣の契約の召喚紋!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

That is to say, the person who summoned Milord should have a matching mark!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

そしてここからが重要! 召喚紋の発動条件はひとっ。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

「召喚したモノ」 と 「召喚されたモノ」 が触れ合った時、 同じ形の 「召喚紋」 が浮机ぴ上がりますっ。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

召喚紋に同一のものはなし。 魂と魂の契約。 唯ー無二のもの。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

ですので、 相手の 「召喚紋」 が同じだったなら ! その人こそが主様の召喚主」ゝなのです! えっヘん!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

え、 何人探せばいいって? 最悪でも東京にいるヒトたち全員に触れば-?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

一ちょっと待ってくださいね。 この世界の東京の人口は数千万だから.....

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

A, aha... ahaha...

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

それじゃ、 またっ ! おゃすみなさ--------いっ ! !

Ryouta expression neutral.png

は-------っ, おっまたせ! あ一っ、 すっきりした。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

What's the matter? You hungry? Got a stomachache?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

あとちょっとで公園から出れるし、 そしたらご飯を食べに行こうょ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

逃げまわってたらお腹すいちゃってさ。 痩せるのはいいけど、 ガリガリはイャだしね。

3 options
A nice meal sounds good right now. まったく痩せてないから I'd rather eat you.
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Right, right! So let's get going!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Delicious food's always better with company. It warms my heart AND my belly!

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Ryouta expression thinking.png

そういえば話は変わるけど。 記億はちよっと戻った?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

......そつかあ。 まだ戻らないかあ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

And you summoned that sword, isn't it possible you're also a Summon?

1 option

Ryouta expression thinking.png

H-hey, don't look at me like that! I'm sorry, it was just a joke!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

You're definitely not a Summon! I mean, you don't have feathers or fur or whatever, no matter how I look you're definitely a human.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

....Eh? Why do I keep saying "Summon"?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

野良だったり彷徨ってる 「転光生」 は、 はぐれた 「転光生」 だから 「はぐれ転光生瓜 って言うんだ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

さっきのア力オ二みたいなバケモノとか、 まんま 「はぐれ転光生」 だよね。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Oh, don't get me wrong, there's lots of friendly Summon too.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

There's this great restaurant too with dishes from all the different worlds. It's great!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Eh? How many kinds of Summon are there? Well, there's a bunch...

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Some are beastmen, or they have wings, animal ears, glowy eyes, or, uuuum...

Ryouta expression neutral.png

-I think it'd be easier to list what kinds there aren't. I guess the short version is anything that's not a human being!

1 option
Are there ones with blue skin?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Yeah, yeah! If you have red you gotta have blue too.

Blue Oni: Kekekeke...

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Exactly, yep, just like tha-

Blue Oni: Grraaaaahhh!!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

ひええええええっ、 ま、 また出たっ ! ? そんな! 一日に二回も出会うなんて! !

3 options
Leave it to me! Let's escape! はやく裸になるんだ!
Ryouta expression thinking.png

Y-you can do it, just do like you did before! Please, Player!

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression neutral.png

Y, you did it! Awesome! That's twice you beat the monsters!

1 option
What's this...?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

What is this.... looks like a jewel.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Eh, you'll ask someone who knows? Wait, why are you closing your eyes?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

あふう...っ。 主様は執事使いが荒いですう"‥‥。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

やや! ゃゃゃっ ! おめでとうございます主様っ。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

これは 「アプリ」 ゲ--ムヘの貢献報酬- その名も 「転光石」 ですっ!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

強いチカラを持った魂との縁を結ぶ` 特別な召喚ができるようになる石なのですょっ。

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

え、 聞きたいことはそれだけ? なんか扱い、 ひどくありません!?

I got Luminous Stones! Let's meet new companions in the summoning gacha!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

えっと、 そろそろいいかな? 誰かと通話でもしてたの?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

公園の出口はもうすぐそこだよ! はゃく脱出して、 ごはんに行こうょ---っ !

Shinjuku Academy

Ryouta expression neutral.png

ふ-っ。 ゃっと出られたあ。 ありがとう、 Playerのおかげだっ !

2 options
どういたしまして。 抱きしめる
Ryouta expression neutral.png

うん! …へへへ、 Playerとはいい友達になれそうつ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Ryouta expression neutral.png

公圃から出られたし、 ごはんだごはんっ ! な-に食べようかな-っ !

Ryouta expression neutral.png

駅前の手作りハンバ-グもいいし、 でも量も食べたいからフアーストフ----ドも---

Ryouta expression neutral.png

あれ? あそこに見えるのは.....

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

Tch, Ooww! Shirooouuu! Quit pullin' on my ear damnit!

Shirou expression neutral.png

You're going to be late for dorm curfew! Honestly.... if you just came with the rest of the club members...!

Kengo expression embarrassed.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png

-Crap, he saw me! G, good eveniiing, Mr. Chairman! Eh, ehehe....

Shirou expression neutral.png

There you are, Ryota! It's almost past curfew!!

Shirou expression neutral.png

The foundation of community life is timeliness and adherence to the rules! -one troublemaker causes a disturbance for everyone!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

N-noooo, that is, ahaha.... I mean, I ran into a little situation...

Shirou expression neutral.png

Hold on, look at you! You're covered in scratches and mud... wait a minute! Unbelievable!

Shirou expression neutral.png

That blocked area in the park....! Did you take that shortcut past the shrine?!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Er, uh, um, well, that is.... All I can say to that is....!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

I, I'm sooorryyyy!

Shirou expression neutral.png

Geez... what were you thinking?

Shirou expression neutral.png

You've been told, numerous time, not to pass through that area because stray Summon may appear in-

Shirou:(awe face)

1 option
Nice to meet you.

Shirou:(awe face)

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

-Hey, Shirou? Earth to Shirou, you there?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Chairman? Something wrong? You're staring awfully hard at Player...

Shirou:(awe face)

Shirou:(awe face)
し、 矢礼っ。 っい、 その……。 コホンッ。 何でもない。 何でも。

Ryouta expression thinking.png


Shirou expression neutral.png

Ryota. This person here.... Do you know them?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Yeah, yeah. They helped me out at the park.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

....というか委員長さ、 何その喋り方。 上ずってるし。 噛んでるし。

Shirou:(awe face)
そ、 そんなことはない! ないったらないぞ、 うん。

Shirou expression neutral.png

Nice to meet you, Protag-san.

Shirou expression neutral.png

My name is Motoori Shiro. I'm Ryota's classmate.

Shirou expression neutral.png

It sounds like Ryota really owes you one... Thank you very much.

Shirou expression neutral.png

As his friend. And as Class Chairman. I would like to thank you.

2 options
No, no, it's no problem. I like you.
Shirou expression neutral.png

No, it's far from no problem... You saved a classmate's life.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Kengo expression neutral.png

Hm.... Player, eh.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Hey, you just met, don't be rude! Sorry, Protag.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

This is Kengo. Kengo Takabushi. He's also a classmate of mine, same as Mr. Chairman.

Kengo expression neutral.png

……あんた、 結構ャるクチだろ。 何も言わなくていい。 オレの目は誤魔化せねえからょ。

3 options
ャるって何を? 流石、 -目で見抜くなんてね そうだね、 -緒にヤろうか?
Kengo expression neutral.png

おいおい、 何とぼけてんだ。 素手喧嘩に決まってんだろうがよ?

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Kengo expression neutral.png

謙虚か、 それとも……天然かよ? ま、 弱虫じゃなきゃ、 どっちでもいいけどよ。

Shirou expression neutral.png

Don't talk like this to people you've just met, Kengo!

Shirou expression neutral.png

Please excuse him. He's been a violent meathead ever since we were kids...

Kengo expression neutral.png

誰がバ力だ、 誰が! っーかよ ! 暴カじゃねえ! 武カだ、 武カっ ! ごっちゃにすんな!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

なんでもかんでもケンカ腰なんだから…… ホン卜、 困っちゃうよね。

Shirou expression neutral.png

バカだって言われたくなかったら、 せめて赤点一いゃ、 赤点ラインの半分は取れ!

Shirou expression neutral.png

そうしないと、 今度こそ留年するぞ? ! 毎年のょうな勉強合宿は、 もう御免だからな。

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

あ一あー、 うるせえな。 これだから厘等生の委員長様はょ。

Kengo expression neutral.png

いいんだよ。 オレはこの腕っぷしひとっで生きてくって決めてんだ。

Kengo expression neutral.png

留年だろうが、 退学だろうが知ったこっちゃねえ。 なのーこ親父のたわご`と、 ホイホイ真に受けゃがって。

Kengo expression neutral.png

あ-あ、 いい迷惑だっての。

Shirou expression neutral.png

余命短い、 お前のお父さんが言っただろう。 息子をまっとうに導いてくれと。 だから俺は……。

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

はん、 な-にが 「まっとう」 だよ。 てめえの考えを押し付けてんじゃねえっての。

Kengo expression neutral.png

だいたい! 今も素手で滝を割るような クソ親父が余命短いって、 騙されてんだろ !

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Hey, hey, both of you. Can you not do this in front of Protag?

Kengo expression neutral.png


Shirou expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression neutral.png

Sorry, you must feel pretty lost right now. These two have been friends since they were kids-

Ryouta expression thinking.png

I guess you could say they're unfortunately inseperable.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

仲は見ての通りだけど、 これでも- ごめん、 割といっも不仲だった。

Shirou:(awe face)
ご、 ゴホン。 すみません、 みつともないところを……。

Shirou expression neutral.png

今回は友達を救っていただき, 本当に、 ありがとうごさいました。

Shirou expression neutral.png

お礼をしたいところですが.... その、 寮の門限時刻が迫っておりまして……!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

えっ! わ`もうこんな時聞だ!

Shirou expression neutral.png


Shirou expression neutral.png

後日、 改めてお礼をと思いまして。 え----っ....差し支えなければ.....っ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Player、 運絡先教えてっ !

緒にごはん行く約束、 果たさなく ちゃっ !
Shirou expression neutral.png


Kengo expression neutral.png

俺にも教えろ。 手合わせする約束だ。 後日、 相手をしてもらうぜ!

Shirou:(awe face)
Eh, ah, that's....

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Do you have any messaging apps? Just something to keep in touch....

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Lemme see your phone. Hey, this one! This magic circle thingy!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

The SUMMONS app. It's super multifunctional, voice chat, messaging, all kindsa stuff.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

友達に誘われて入れただけで, 全然触ってなかったけど、 ちょうどよかったっ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Playerがゃってるなら、 本格的に触ってみょうかな---。

Kengo expression neutral.png

Yeah, add me too. Here, I'll give you my ID.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Eh, Kengo? That's weird. I didn't think you were into that.

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

Well, I just thought it was kinda interesting. I only use it for chatting.

Shirou:(awe face)

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Mm? What's wrong, Chairman?

Shirou:(awe face)
その……。 俺も参力囁させて....もらしう`たんだが。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

え---っ, 珍しい! こういうの低俗だ---って、 いっも言ってるのに。

Shirou expression neutral.png

い、 いゃ……ゴホン。 こういうのも社会勉強。 触れておくのも悪くはないかな、 と…。

Shirou:(awe face)
そ、 それじゃあ……! 友達から……始めるとしょう……!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

どっかズレてるよね、 委員長。 じゃあ、 アプリをインス卜-ルしとこうか。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

これでID交換オツケ-! そんじゃ、 僕たちはそろそろ帰ろうか。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

僕たちは学校の寮があっちなんだけど、 Tsubasaはどっちの方?

Ryouta expression thinking.png

あ, そっか。 Playerは-

Shirou expression neutral.png

どうしたんだ? もしかして、 すごく家が遠いのか?

Kengo expression neutral.png

なんだ? 家出か何かか?

Shirou expression neutral.png

家出? それはいけない! 親御さんも心配されてるだろう !

2 options
......... キ三と、 離れたくないな。
Shirou expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Shirou expression neutral.png

いゃ、 何も言わなくていい……。 事情を語りたくない時もあるだろう。

Shirou expression neutral.png


Shirou expression neutral.png

余計なお節介だとしたらすまない。 君さえ良ければ、 だが……。

Shirou expression neutral.png

Would you.... like to stay in our student dorm?

Kengo expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png


Shirou:(awe face)
What are you so surprised about?

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

だって、 なあ……リョウタ。 あろうことか、 この委員長サマが、 だぜ?

Ryouta expression neutral.png

う、 うん。 いいの委員長? 許可もなしに部外者を…

Shirou expression neutral.png

そうは言うが……Player、 リョウタ。 二人とも、 自分の格好を見てみろ。

Ryouta expression neutral.png


Shirou expression neutral.png

その通りだ。 泥だらけの傷だらけ。 帰るにしても, それでは交通機関は使えない。

1 option
It's covered in mud.

Ryouta expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png

ホントに珍しい。 どうしちゃったの委員長? いっもなら、 そういうル-ル破りはダメって言うのに。

Shirou expression neutral.png

I'll explain things to Monobe-sensei. It'll be fine, just leave this to me.

Shirou expression neutral.png

-という提案なんだが、 Tsubasa。 少し、 立ち寄っていってはくれないだろうか。

3 options
お言葉に甘えたい どうしてそんなに親切に? そんなにされたら惚れちゃうよ
Shirou expression neutral.png

素直だな、 君は。

Ryouta expression neutral.png
Ryouta expression neutral.png

Shirou expression neutral.png

クラスメ-トが世話になった方を-人、 ほっぽりだす訳にも行かない……だろう。

Shirou expression neutral.png

それに、 困っている人を助けるのは、 人間として当たり前の事だ。 本にもそう害いてある。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

さっすが、 委員長! そうと決まったら、 さ-、 行こう、 行こうっ !

Ryouta expression neutral.png

-あ-っ、 もう、 お腹すいちゃったよ-う。 今晩は何を食べょうかな-。

Ryouta expression neutral.png

うちの学食、 結構イケるんだよね。 もちろん、 Playerも食べていくょね?

Kengp: 何、 ボケっとした顔してんだあ? 強そうなャツでもいたか? Tsubasa。

Shirou expression neutral.png

どうしたんだい? キョロキョロと不審者のように……。

3 options <same response>
Uuum... Should I be worried about this... I don't think I'm hallucinating...

Cusith expression neutral.png


1 option
Is it just me…

Garmr expression neutral.png


1 option
or are there…

Fenrir expression neutral.png


1 option
giant animal people walking around....?!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

Ah, were you surprised? Don't worry, those aren't stray Summon.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

I told you about them before, didn't I? People with wings, tails, beast people, there's lot of non-humans around Tokyo.

Shirou expression neutral.png

Is that uncommon where you're from?

Kengo expression neutral.png

I don't see what the big deal is. They're everywhere in Tokyo.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

There's a bunch at our school too. Not just the students, but-

Outside Academy Building

Triton expression neutral.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png

...the teachers too.

2 options <same response>
T-those clothes... N-nice clothes...

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Well, yeah. That's Triton-sensei. He's a Merman Summon.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

He's the PE teacher, and the Water Polo department advisor. He's always dressed like that.

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

ゃっべえなあの顔。 門限ぶっちぎりで、 おかんむりだ。

Ryouta expression thinking.png

Uuugh... I ran as fast as I could, but I wonder...

Triton expression neutral.png

Kengo Takabushi, and Ryota Yakushimaru! You two have some nerve to break curfew so brazenly, don't you?

Kengo expression embarrassed.png


Ryouta expression thinking.png


Shirou expression neutral.png

Triton-sensei, I apologize for being late.

Shirou expression neutral.png

I'm here to report the results of the dorm roll call. With these two, everyone is accounted for.

Triton expression neutral.png

Hmph. Indeed.

Triton:(Grin face)
I'd expect nothing less from the one Kyouma-sensei entrusted with the chairman position.

Triton expression neutral.png

It seems you're very adept at handling problem children.

Shirou expression neutral.png

No... that's just a matter of experience.

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

Tch. Brown noser.

Shirou expression neutral.png

...What was that? You should be more discreet if you're going to make snide remarks!

Kengo expression neutral.png

Quit it! Oww!!

Jinn expression neutral.png

Hey, hey, it's awfully loud out here isn't it? You guys know you're breaking curfew?

1 option
Someone even more amazing showed up..

Ryouta expression neutral.png

That's Jinn-sensei, also from the PE department. He's always radiating heat and smoke like that.

Ryouta expression neutral.png

He's the advisor for the baseball team. I think he was... a genie of a lamp.

Jinn expression neutral.png

Gahaha!! Breaking curfew again eh, you two?

Jinn expression smile.png

You guys! Well, it's good to be reckless and lively while you're still young!

Triton expression neutral.png

......Jinn-sensei. Do you think it's appropriate, as a teacher, to speak this way to students flagrantly breaking rules in your presence?

Jinn expression neutral.png

Wa~ sheesh. Petty as usual, aren't you Triton? You're too damn serious all the time.

Triton expression neutral.png

.......Is that so?

Triton expression neutral.png

Jinn-sensei, dressing like that in front of students. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

1 option

Jinn expression smile.png

Nono. After all, Triton, are you any better?

Triton expression neutral.png

This is swimwear! Moreover, they're custom-made! There's nothing shameful about it!

Triton expression angry.png

You're just wearing underwear! It's nothing but underwear! Underwear!!

Jinn:(angry face)
This ain't underwear! It's traditional garb back in my world!

1 option
That isn't the point here at all.

Jinn expression neutral.png

You think you can just badmouth my homeworld's clothing!? I'll make smoked fish outta you!

Triton expression neutral.png

Yeah. Bring it on! I'll douse your fire but good!

Ryouta expression thinking.png

-there they go again. They fight like cats and dogs.

Shirou expression neutral.png

S-sensei, sorry to interrupt, but I needed to consult someone.

Triton expression neutral.png


Jinn expression neutral.png

Whaddya want?

Shirou expression neutral.png

あの、 こちらの方のことで--- ええと、 Playerさんと言うのですが……。

Jinn expression neutral.png

The hell's a "Player?"

1 option

Jinn expression smile.png

Oh, I remember! Player! Aaah, you're the transfer I heard about!

Triton expression neutral.png

転校生など久々だ。 赴任して以来ではないか? ふむ。

Jinn expression smile.png

Alright, good good, come on! I'll take you to see Kyouma-sensei!

Triton expression angry.png

Hey, stop right there Jinn! Get out of the way! I'll take them!

Ryouta expression neutral.png

There they go..... What should we do?

Shirou:(awe face)

Elsewhere in Shinjuku Academy

Jinn expression smile.png

キョウマ先生-! 例の転校生を連れて来ましたぞお !

Triton expression angry.png

おいジン、 貢様、 何を自分の手柄のようにっ。 キョウマ先生、 転校生を連れてきま した !

Kyouma:(frown face)
ああ、 お疲れさんです。 ジン先生、 卜リトン先生。

Kyouma:(frown face)
Tsubasaはこちらで引き受けます。 ご足労おかけ しま した。

Jinn expression smile.png

いえいえ! 愛すべき生徒のため! 火のような熱い愛を !

Triton expression angry.png

愛すべき生徒の応対をしたのは私です。 深海よりも深い愛を !

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

はっはっは。 驚いただろう? あの二人は、 ウチの名物教師でな。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

どちらがより多くの生徒を愛するか、 日夜、 競い合ってるんだよ。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

生徒を愛する気持ちはすごいんだが、 二人とも、 少し暴走しがちでな。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png


Jinn expression neutral.png

まあ、 その話は今は良いだろう。 そこに裏かけなさい。 今、 書類を揃えょう。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

改めて、 自己紹介をしよう。 俺は物部キョウマ。 この学校の教師だ。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

そしてこれを確認してもらう。 お前さんの転校に必要な手続き害類と-

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

俺がお前さんの身元保証人になる、 その為の法的書類だ。

2 options
Summon? 身元保証人? ?

Kyouma:(frown face)
ああ、 そうだとも。 何を驚いているんだいったい。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

ほら、 この害類。 このサインはお前さんの字だろう?

2 options
WHAAAAA?! 確かに自分の字ですが……

Kyouma:(frown face)
...どうした? なにゃら納得のいかない顔だな。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

2 options
あまりにも急で…… 覚えがないんです.
Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

……覚えがない? なんだ、 記億喪失でもなったのか?

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

Kyouma:(frown face)
それなら、 なおのこと。 今は、 俺たち教師に従いなさい。

Kyouma:(frown face)
不安になる気持ちはわかる。 初対面の俺の言葉も、 信じ切れんだろう。

Kyouma:(frown face)
だが、 少なく ともこの書類がある限り、 お前さんはこの学校の生徒であり-

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

俺はお前の-家族のっもりだ。 悪いょうにはしないつもりだよ。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

何か思い出したり、 したいことがあったら。 必ず、俺に言うんだ。 Player。

2 options
はいつ. .........
Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

よし、 いい返事だ! じゃあ、 うしろを向いてみろ。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

Ryouta expression thinking.png


Kengo expression embarrassed.png


Shirou:(awe face)

Triton expression angry.png


Jinn:(angry face)

Kyouma:(frown face)
Good grief, even the teachers...

Kyouma:(frown face)
Your peeping skills are shoddy.

Ryouta expression thinking.png

あはっ、 あははははっ。 Playerがウチに来るって間いて。

Shirou:(awe face)
Th-that is....! I merely wanted to stick around to welcome....

Kengo expression embarrassed.png

I don't really care or nothin'. It's these two.

Triton:(smile face)
More students to love! It's as wonderful as the ocean!

Jinn expression smile.png

Come this way to the dormitory! I'll show you right away!

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

……こ-ゅ-わけだ。 どうするかの決断は、 落ち着いてからでも良いだろう。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

今日から、 この神宿学園、 第ー学生寮がお前さんの住処って訳だ。

Kyouma expression beach neutral.png

I hope you'll get along with your fellow students. Nice to meet you.

Elsewhere, in an Office

Snow expression neutral.png

Young Master, forgive my rudeness for disturbing your night's rest. There is a matter I'm sure you would wish to hear of.

Claude expression neutral.png

.....You're forgiven. Speak.

Snow expression neutral.png

An "App" battle was observed at the Shinjuku Central Park a few hours ago.

Snow expression neutral.png

The participants were several "Stray Summon", and a human... or at least what appeared to be a human.

Snow expression neutral.png

As far as we know, there is no Summon on record matching their appearance.

Snow expression neutral.png

Our collaborators in the area have reported... The unidentified person's Rule is "Severance."

Claude expression neutral.png

-ho? "Severance" you say. The "Rare" ability everyone was waiting for, at last.

Snow expression neutral.png

はい、 その通りで御座います、 坊ちゃま。

Snow expression neutral.png

離断の 「権能」 、 それ自体は 存朧こそ予測されていたものの…

Snow expression neutral.png

この東京で観測されたのは、私めが知る限り、 これが初めての事例となります。

Claude expression neutral.png

What is the attribute of their Sacred Treasure? If it is Holy, presumbaly it's the scissors of the three sisters, or the reaper's sickle if Dark...

Snow expression neutral.png

That would make sense, Young Master. ....However, neither of those is the case.

Snow expression neutral.png

Their attribute is not Fire, Water or Wood as well. Not even Demon.

Snow expression neutral.png

The app display reads "All."

Snow expression neutral.png

Fire, Water, Wood, Holy and Dark all simultaneously.

Claude expression neutral.png

……Yes, I understand. You had a good reason to disturb my rest, my faithful servant.

Claude expression neutral.png

Seems the stalemate between guilds will come to an end soon. The next step is about to begin.

Snow expression neutral.png


Claude expression neutral.png

Snow, my loyal familiar. Your master has a new order.

Claude expression neutral.png

Prepare a welcome for our future guest, in the traditional Ikebukuro Guild fashion.

Snow expression neutral.png

Of course. Understood.

Snow expression neutral.png

But first, there is one last thing.

Snow expression neutral.png

There is a definite possibility that other guilds are privy to this newcomer as well. Roppongi in particular.

Snow expression neutral.png

I believe we should send an envoy right away, before they take action.

Claude expression neutral.png

No, leave it be.

Claude expression neutral.png

Skulking about in the shadows isn't how we do things. We make a show of force.

Snow expression neutral.png

……Ah, how foolish of me. It would be a betrayal of the principle of "Strength" this guild was founded upon.

Snow expression neutral.png

I do admire your commitment to your ideals.

Claude expression neutral.png

スノウよ、 願わくば、 かの者が強者であらんことを願うぞ? さもなくば......この束京で、骸を晒すまでなのだから。

                                             CHAPTER 1 END