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--><onlyinclude><!--START ADDING NEWS BELOW THIS LINE. News wrapped in the onlyinclude tag will be displayed on the front page.-->
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==[[Event Quest:Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)]]==
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)]] rerun event has commenced! The Main Quest, Free Quests, High Difficulty Quests and Special Quests have been released. More info in the event page
| [[AR Equipment]] |
Six new AR Equipment:
*{{AR Equip|新年に啜るは涙にあらず}}
*{{AR Equip|花散らす犬士たち}}
*{{AR Equip|折れし角、折れぬ心}}
*{{AR Equip|知略の武士ども}}
*{{AR Equip|放課後ハプニング!}}
*{{AR Equip|博愛に満ちた季節}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
Three new transient Summon:
*[[Gacha:Valentine Snow Fight Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Valentine Snow Fight AR Equipment Summon|Valentine Snow Fight AR Equipment Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Sweet Temptation! Transient Summon|Sweet Temptation! Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
New Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|大雪玉をブチ込む者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Snowball Thrower}} for {{Transient icon|Jacob|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|銀華のブレイントラスト}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Snowfield Advisor}} for {{Transient icon|Tanetomo|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|陣ヶ岡の宿営者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|陣を構える者}} for {{Transient icon|Yoritomo|rarity=5}})
==[[Event Quest:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons]]==
==[[Event Quest:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons]]==

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