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|translation=Warriors of wisdom and courage chosen from a tribe living on an isolated island of eternal summer. For the sake of the patriarch and the others, they put their lives on the line every day during the hunt. With the methods of living in harmony with the island's nature and geography personally taught to them by the village chief, they are greatly respected by all of the islanders. Also their knowledge base covers a wide range in healing wounds. They raise candlenut trees to protect their skin from the strong sunlight, and they seem to particularly favor its oil for coating their bodies with. When the Protagonist and friends came to visit, then saved them from their tribal downfall and the island's crisis, they felt deep gratitude and friendship towards them. They then decided to lend their strength and walk alongside them.
|translation=Warriors of wisdom and courage chosen from a tribe living on an isolated island of eternal summer. For the sake of the patriarch and the others, they put their lives on the line every day during the hunt. With the methods of living in harmony with the island's nature and geography personally taught to them by the village chief, they are greatly respected by all of the islanders. Also their knowledge base covers a wide range in healing wounds. They raise candlenut trees to protect their skin from the strong sunlight, and they seem to particularly favor its oil for coating their bodies with. When the Protagonist and friends came to visit, then saved them from their tribal downfall and the island's crisis, they felt deep gratitude and friendship towards them. They then decided to lend their strength and walk alongside them.
|official=Brave warriors from a solitary island of eternal summer, they were chosen from among their clan for their strength and wisdom. Trained by the clan elder to live in harmony with the island, they daily expose themselves to danger to hunt and gather for the sake of the island people, gaining their high esteem in return. They use their vast knowledge to grow and raise the kukui trees, the oil of which they use on their bodies to protect from the sun and heal injuries. You, who have saved their island from destruction and their people from ruin, have earned their gratitude and friendship, and so they have decided to lend you their power on your journey.