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|translation= A bestial dog man who serves as the watchdog/bouncer to the Ikebukuro Berserkers. He has a "loyal dog" mentality; deep thinking is not his strong suit, and he prefers following orders from a trusted master. His dimwittedness can be troublesome for the Berserkers at times, but he is second to none as a guard dog and will protect his appointed spot with his life. He is absolutely shameless in his jealousy toward another guard dog he views as a rival.
|translation= A bestial dog man who serves as the watchdog/bouncer to the Ikebukuro Berserkers. He has a "loyal dog" mentality; deep thinking is not his strong suit, and he prefers following orders from a trusted master. His dimwittedness can be troublesome for the Berserkers at times, but he is second to none as a guard dog and will protect his appointed spot with his life. He is absolutely shameless in his jealousy toward another guard dog he views as a rival.
|official= This Transient is not good at thinking too deeply. He is a loyal dog who loves being depended on and thus ordered to do something important. He presently acts as gatekeeper to the Ikebukuro Guild. Because he doesn't think much, he causes a lot of trouble and some abrasive types have taken to labeling him a useless mutt. However, when it comes to holding down the fort, he is a guardian of the highest caliber. He openly displays a hostility toward rival guard dogs of a similar nature
|official= This Transient is not good at thinking too deeply. He is a loyal dog who loves being depended on and thus ordered to do something important. He presently acts as gatekeeper to the Ikebukuro Guild. Because he doesn't think much, he causes a lot of trouble and some abrasive types have taken to labeling him a useless mutt. However, when it comes to holding down the fort, he is a guardian of the highest caliber. He openly displays a hostility toward rival guard dogs of a similar nature
|original= 深く考えることが何より苦手、命令される事、誰かに大事な何かを任せてもらえる事にとても喜ぶ「忠犬」気質の「転光生」。池袋ギルドの出入り口を守る門番である。考えが足りないために、多くのトラブルを巻き起こし、口さが無い者からは「駄犬」呼ばわりされる。しかし、任せられた拠点を守り抜くという一点においては、最高の番犬としての素質を持つ。同じ番犬に対しては、ライバルとして敵意を隠さない。
