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(Created page with "To me, you are... like the soft glow of the moon itself. It's something I need on a deep, instinctual level. It drives me crazy. Even if that feeling wasn't returned, even i...")
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|dialogue=……ポケツトの中に、 花? チ〕一リッフ
|dialogue=……What's in my pocket? Oh, it's... what's left of the silver moons that were destroyed.
ああ、 さっきの散ってしまった 「銀月の花」 か。
|dialogue=すまねえ。 オレが執着したばっかりに、
|dialogue=I still can't let it go, huh... And because of my obsession, you were... I'm so sorry.

しばらくした後、 二人は瞼を閉じる。
The strained silence between the two gradually faded into sleep.
訪れる夜聞のなかで、 マーナガルムは自身と向き合う。
In the dark, Hati was left alone with his thoughts.

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