Difference between revisions of "Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition"

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(Part of the shop CVs)
(Kijimuna, Kurogane, Robinson and Triton's Shop lines)
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{{!}}Y-you've collected a lot. W-well then...... why not exchange them? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}Y-you collected a lot. W-well then...... why not exchange them? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] How can a friend like me fit in? I thought I was the only one on the island...<br> I'm not so sure... {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] How can a friend like me fit in? I thought I was the only one on the island...<br> I'm not so sure... {{!}}{{!}}  
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{{!}}Hey hey, you got some fish and wood! Exchange them quick so we can go play! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}Hey hey, you got some fish and wood! Exchange them quick so we can go play! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] Come on Master, let's go swimming! The ocean around the island is a beauty! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] Well, I'm like a child. Swimming and then tucking myself in the shade like a tired child.<br> Hey, I can be mischievious too, uhehehe {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] How come you look so bored, Master? We should spend some time playing together!<br> Okay, I will cook some tasty fish for you! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] This is a Ficus microcarpa. It protects the breeze of the island. It is part of the Earth that nutures life. {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] Kitchy-coo~ Hehehe, did I surprise you? It's fun playing tricks on people.<br> A reaction like that will make a child happy.
{{!}}[6] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] Come on! It's great on the island today. Hey, that Ficus microcarpa is dropping into the ocean.<br> It will get hectic swimming on the island. {{!}}{{!}}  
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{{!}}Ooh! That's a lot, Junior! So, what should we make out of this? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}Ooh! That's a lot, Junior! So, what should we make out of this? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] Ah, good morning Junior! You look happy today. Seeing that makes me feel like I can continue doing my best! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] Engineering is strength, it's my favorite phrase to go by. There's no harm done if you train, Junior!<br> Alright, let's power-lift together! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] What's wrong, Junior? Try to be strong. If anything happens, you can depend on me! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] Someday, I will reveal the secret behind that gate. I have...... always thought about it since I was a child.<br> I want to meet my real Father and Mother...... {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] Uwaa, s-stop! I-idiot! Quit it, Junior! My character as a Senpai is ruined...... Hiyaaaa!! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] D.I.Y..... taking, building and putting things to use for yourself. {{!}}{{!}}  
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{{!}}The results of the expedition, exchange them wisely. Captain! That is a lot. Hehe, what will you give me? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}The results of the expedition, exchange them wisely. Captain! That is a lot. Hehe, what will you give me? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] Leave the food supply to me. Well, what would you like to eat today? It's up to you, Captain. {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] N-no..... These aren't tears...... the coconut, eyes, stings...... leave me alone! Stupid Captain! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] Hey, I miss my home. I'm not a kid, Captain. Yeah yeah, if I'm feeling lonely, you can pat my head...... {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] I can't remember where I came from. I wonder if my family is worried about me......<br> Eheh, I wish I could remember it right now...... {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] Uwaa, C-Captain, quit it! I'm not used being touched there......!! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] Good morning, Captain! The weather is fine today! Come on, let's check out more of the island!<br> Ehehe, this isn't the time to be down! {{!}}{{!}}  
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{{!}}Mmm, monitoring the pupil's growth is the duty of a teacher! Frankly, you will receive a mark of your growth. Come!  {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}Mmm, monitoring the pupil's growth is the duty of a teacher! Frankly, you will receive a mark of your growth. Come!  {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[1] Ready? School regulations, they're solely for discipline! Discipline is part of a student's livelihood!<br> I will not allow you to become a problematic child! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[2] As a teacher, I will guide you today with all my power. What if something comes up in the guidance room?<br> I will watch over the safety of your youth! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[3] Huh!? Why are you crying? W-was the guidance a little too strict? Understood! Should I be as gentle as the sea? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[4] I know I am called an evil teacher, but occassionally I just bear with it. Hey...... are you afraid of me? {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[5] Hey! Don't come near me! Don't touch the fillets! They're sensitive......! Nooo! {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] {{!}}{{!}}  
{{!}}[6] Good morning! Yes, that sounds good. A good greeting is the best way to start the day off.<br> Come on, let's head to the ocean! {{!}}{{!}}  