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*{{Attribute|Fire}} {{Item|God Shard}} {{Item|Small}} x3
*{{Attribute|Fire}} {{Item|God Shard}} {{Item|Small}} x3
== 歌舞伎町を巡る戦い2 ==
For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support {{Companion icon|Ibaraki|rarity=4}} (level 45, skill level 40) to gain 100 {{Item|Coop Pt}}
{{Quest Requirements|stamina=10|coins=0|rank-xp=140|card-xp=420|level=37|board-size=3x6}}
{{Quest Phase
* {{Attribute|Dark}} [[Dragon]] x1
* {{Attribute|Dark}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Dragon]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Star|3}} [[Kirito]]
*{{Attribute|Grass}} {{Item|Spell Token}} x4
* {{Attribute|Dark}} [[Dragon]] x1
* {{Attribute|Dark}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Dragon]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Star|3}} [[Xolotl]]
*{{Attribute|Grass}} {{Item|God Shard}} {{Item|Small}} x3
* {{Attribute|Dark}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Dragon]] x1
* {{Attribute|Grass}} [[Kurohuku]] x1
* {{Star|4}} [[Kirito]]
* {{Star|4}} [[Xolotl]]
<!-- Unlocks ゴールデン街·大乱戦! , leaving this here to remember if wikiwiki doesn't properly tag it as the the trigger for it -->
== 歌舞伎町を巡る戦い3 ==
No battle.