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|open=Welcome. I foresaw the coming of your lovely self, and thoroughly prepared things that will please you. Well? Isn’t your big brother the best?
|greeting=お出かけです、欲しい物があったらお兄ちゃんに言いなさい? 君の為ならなんであろうと! 今日はいつにもまして甘やかしてあげますよ。
|greeting=I’m heading out. Tell your big brother if there’s anything you want, alright? I’ll get anything you’d like! I’ll spoil you more than ever today.
|encouraging=There, there. Your tears are beautiful, but your smiling face will always be the best... ahh, by the way, who exactly was it that made you cry?
|touched=おおっ? ……嬉しいですよ。僕ばかりが君に夢中だと思っていましたから……お返しです! ……いやあ、可愛い、ホント可愛いっ!
|touched=Oh? ...I’m pleased. Here I thought I was the only one so madly in love... what a reversal! ...ahhh, how lovely. Really, truly lovely!
|conversation-1=クリスマスケーキをどうぞ、はい、あーん。フフ、甘いですか? 美味しいですか? 次は僕にも食べさせてください……ふ、ふふふっ。
|conversation-1=Have some Christmas cake. Here, say ahhh~ Heheh, is it sweet? Is it tasty? Next, how about you feed me some too... Heh, heheh.
|self=お兄ちゃんのサンタ服、似合ってますか?どうですか? 勿論、君の分も用意してますよ。僕が選びに選んだヤツを買ってますとも!
|self=Do these Santa clothes suit your big brother? Well? Of course, I’m preparing some for you as well. I’ll buy whatever I see fit!
|character-1=Most of his devotees gained the miracle of immortality by dwelling under those wings, and were given a second life... or so it seems. Honor thy father... Indeed, that’s well done.
|character-2=When you can calculate astronomical numbers in the span of a second, even a moment can feel like an eternity. ...this is truly an unpleasant subject.
|event=外はとっても寒いでしょう? 履物を懐で温めておきましたよ……ああ、いつにもまして君の冷たい眼……いい!
|event=It’s awfully cold outside, isn’t it? I warmed your shoes against my chest in advance... ahh, your gaze is even colder than usual... wonderful!

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