Difference between revisions of "User:Ghaskan"

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To do list:
To do list:

* Update Pre-Quest Information screenshot
* Add Attack Bonus table to [[Event Quest:The Obliging Santa's Present|The Obliging Santa's Present]]
* Add Attack Bonus table to [[Event Quest:The Obliging Santa's Present|The Obliging Santa's Present]]
* Finish the Quest Sytem page
** Should High Difficulty Quests and Special Quests be added as their own pages...?
* Continue to improve page categorization
** For now, focus on quests
* Continue editing [[Battle System]] (notably, update images as required)
* Continue editing [[Battle System]] (notably, update images as required)
** Add information concerning the Victory Screen
* Consider laying out the foundation for a General Battle Strategy page...? (Wouldn't some/all of this stuff fall into [[Tips]] anyway?)