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===☆3 Astaroth===

'''Gameplay Role:'''  
'''Class:''' Mixed Support, Glass Cannon
'''Gameplay Role:''' Offensive/Defensive Buffer, Healer, CP Battery, Damage Dealer


+ Excellent range of delivery of effects
+ able to give {{Status effect|攻撃強化}} and {{Status effect|防御強化}} which are rare and last long in duration
+ gives a fair chunk of HP and CP when missing
+ CS grants {{Status effect|閃き}}, {{Status effect|連撃}}, {{Status effect|武器種変更:無}} to facilitate effects
+ Can do a fair amount of damage with CS with SALV100
+ has {{Status effect|攻撃強化}} and 1.5x damage against {{Status effect|猛毒}}


- Starts off as {{Weapon|Magic}} type
- Lacks means of self healing/defense unlike other rarity
- Needs to hit enemies to charge CP, making it impossible to charge CP while {{Weapon|None}} typed by themselves
- Inconsistent procs especially with CP charging from enemies
===☆4 Astaroth===
'''Class:''' Bruiser, Mixed Support
'''Gameplay Role:''' Damage Dealer, Offensive/Defensive Buffer, Healer, CP Battery
+ has {{Status effect|攻撃強化}}, double damage against {{Status effect|猛毒}}, can spread {{Status effect|弱点}}
+ has {{Status effect|防御強化}} and self-healing when attacking enemies
+ CP charges when missing allows for more flexible timing of CS
+ able to give {{Status effect|攻撃強化}} and {{Status effect|防御強化}} which are rare and last long in duration
+ gives a fair chunk of HP and CP when missing
+ CS grants {{Status effect|閃き}}, {{Status effect|連撃}}, {{Status effect|武器種変更:魔法}} to facilitate effects
+ Can do a lot of damage with CS with SALV100
- Starts off as {{Weapon|None}} type
- Support effects are limited to directly adjacent

- Inconsistent procs especially for support skills

==Gameplay Role==
==Gameplay Role==