Difference between revisions of "Event Quest:Birth! New Hero of the Holy Night:VN:1-2"

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一神宿学園から, 歩いて十数分。
...from Shinjuku Academy, it takes about ten minutes' walking
同じ新宿とは思えない、 閑静な地区ヘとゃってきた。
to a place you wouldn't think was also in Shinjuku.

There lay a splendid red brick school building.
正面にそぴえる、 巨大なもみの木。
Up front was a tall Japanese fir tree.

その入り口には、 大きく
By the entrance was a plaque that had
「Santa School」 と掲げられている。
"Santa School" written on it.

Line 16: Line 16:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
!<i>That's a really big tree.</i>
!<i>This school is so fashionable.</i>
Line 24: Line 24:
|dialogue=ここが本校舎。 あつちは学生寮。
|dialogue=This is the main school building.
この他に、 パ-テイ一ホ-ルもあるんだよっ。
There's also the party hall too.
|dialogue=それはいいんだが、 リョウタ。
|dialogue=That's nice Ryouta,
but is this the right way?
|dialogue=今日の会議は、 いっもと会場が運うからな。
|dialogue=Today's meeting is in a different hall today.
お前は、 前に行つたことがあるんだろう?
Have you been there before?
|dialogue=うん、まかせてよ! サンタスク一ルには、
|dialogue=Yep, leave it to me! To tell the truth,
I've been to the Santa School tons of times before!

The three walked around looking for the auditorium
in this campus, which looked larger than it did from outside.

|dialogue=ごめん! 迷った!
|dialogue=I'm sorry! I'm lost!
|dialogue=I! Can't! Believe! THIIIIIS!

Line 64: Line 64:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
!<i>シロウ、 どうどうどうどう</i>
!<i>Whoa there Shirou!</i>
!<i>さすが、 おとぼけリョウタくんだ</i>
!<i>There's our Ryouta playing dumb.</i>
Line 85: Line 85:
|dialogue=ぜえ、 はあ...
|dialogue=Huff, haah...
すまない。 少し気が動転してしまつて...
Sorry. I lost control over myself...
|dialogue=But this is bad...we're completely lost.
We're going to be late like this!  
|dialogue=だ、 だ、 大丈夫だから !
|dialogue=I-i-it's okay!
詳しい人が、 今から来るからさ!
Someone who knows this place is coming!
|dialogue=あ、 いたいた! あのでっかいツノ!
|dialogue=Oh, there he is! Those big antlers!
お-い! こっちだよ--っ!
Hey! Over heeere!
|dialogue=ああ、 いたいた。 もう、 リョウタったら。
|dialogue=Ah, there you are. Oh brother, Ryouta.
いったい、 どこに向かっているんだい?
Where were you even going?
|dialogue=ゃっほーっ,ヨウル! ひっさしぶり!
|dialogue=Yahoo Youl! It's been so long!
Thanks for coming!
|dialogue=It has, hasn't it?
Long time no see to you too Player.

Line 129: Line 129:
|heading=3 options
|heading=3 options
!<i>Not since last time.</i>
!<i>Nice antlers as always.</i>
!<i>もう忘れたのかい、 愛し合つたあの夜……</i>
!<i>Did you already forget the lovely meeting that night...?</i>
Line 158: Line 158:
|dialogue=Has it been so long?
あの時は、 色々迷惑かけたね。
I caused you a lot of problems that time.
|dialogue=But I'm okay now.
キ三達のおかげで、 道を見失わずに済んだから。
Thanks to you guys I've kept going without losing my way.
|dialogue=So, who is this?
He seems interesting...
|dialogue=はじめまして。 本居シロウです。
|dialogue=Nice to meet you. I'm Shirou Motoori.
リョウタの同級生で、 クラスの委員長をやっています。
I'm in the same grade as Ryouta, and I'm a class representative.
|dialogue=ご丁寧にどうも。 ボクはリョウタとは中学の同級生で`
|dialogue=Thanks for the politeness! I'm the reindeer Youl. I was in
サンタスク-ルのサンタ見習い、 卜ナ力イのヨウルです。
the same grade as Ryouta in middle school and I'm an apprentice Santa.
|dialogue=I've heard about you from Ryouta.
卜ナ力イでありながら、 サンタを目指していると。
He says you hope to be Santa while being a reindeer.
|dialogue=はい。 ボク も、 シロウさんのお噂はかねがね。
|dialogue=Yes. And I've heard about you too Shirou-san.
リョウタから、 いろいろ聞いていますっ。
Ryouta's told me so much.
And what sort of things...?
|dialogue=えつと、 とても頼りになる委員長だつて。
|dialogue=Umm, that you're a very dependable class rep.
でも、 堅物すぎるから、 もう少し柔らかくなれば--
But you're too straight laced, so maybe you should relax--
|dialogue=そ一んなわけで、 ヨウル !
|dialogue=ANYWAYS, Youl!
講堂ってどこにあるか、 教えてくれない?
Can you tell us where the auditorium is?
|dialogue=ああ、 そうだった。 申し訳ない。
|dialogue=Ah yes. Excuse me.
We've lost our bearings...
|dialogue=あっ、 さっき通話で「はゃく来て! カモーン!」しか
|dialogue=Ah, earlier you called me and only said
"hurry over! Come on!" You're lost?  
|dialogue=それだつたら、 僕もこれから行くところだよ。
|dialogue=In that case I'm on my way over too.
ご案内します。 さ、 一緒に行きましょう。
I'll show you the way. Let's go together.
|dialogue=Thanks Youl!
さ`委員長! Player!
Come on class rep, Player!
|dialogue=Let's do that.
あとで話がある。 --いいな?
Also we're having a talk later. ...understood?
Line 256: Line 256:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
!<i>Hm? If you're part of the party planning committee...</i>
!<i>今年はサンタ、 ゃらないの?</i>
!<i>You aren't being Santa this year?</i>

Line 264: Line 264:
|dialogue=ああ、 もちろんプレゼント配りのお手伝いはやるよ。
|dialogue=Oh, I'm helping give out presents of course.
But that's after the party.
Line 282: Line 282:
|dialogue=Wha? So Santa Claus isn't leaving
at the same time as the departure ceremony?
|dialogue=あれは、 イべントを華々しく飾る先輩たちの役目さ。
|dialogue=That's for the senpais who've brilliantly decorated for the event.
ボクのような新米サンタは、 いつも通りなんだよ。
It's business as usual for a beginner Santa like me.
|dialogue=なーんだ。 ちょっと残念。
|dialogue=Oh. That's kinda sad.
ヨウルが大きく飛ぴ立つの、 見たかったな-っ。
I wanted to see you take off with a bang.
|dialogue=あっ! でも今回は、頑張りが認められて、
|dialogue=Ah! But my work got recognized, so
I'm officially a Santa.
|dialogue=ボクも早く、 あの列に並んで出発できるような、
|dialogue=I want to be able to join that line soon,
頼もしい、 校長先生のょうなサンタになりたいなあ...
and be a trustworthy Santa like the headmaster...

Line 314: Line 314:
|heading=1 option
|heading=1 option
!<i>ヨウルなら、 きつとなれるよ</i>
!<i>I'm sure you can do it Youl.</i>

Line 322: Line 322:
|dialogue=えヘヘ、 そうかな?
|dialogue=Ehehe, you think so?
ありがとう。 その言葉が、 とても励みになるよ。
Thanks. That's gonna push me harder.
|dialogue=おっと、 もうこんな時聞だ。
|dialogue=Oh is it already that time?
さ、 行こう。 講堂はもう少し先なんだ。
Let's go, the auditorium is just a little further.
|dialogue=Here we are.
会議は、 この講堂で行われます。
The meeting is in this auditorium.
|dialogue=ふう、 なんとか間に合ったね!
|dialogue=Whew, we made it on time.
それじゃあPlayer, 行ってくるよ。
Okay Player, we'll be going.
|dialogue=This is for members only.
君は、 どうしているつもりだい?
What are you going to do?

Line 354: Line 354:
|heading=1 option
|heading=1 option
!<i>I'll wait here.</i>

Line 362: Line 362:
くれぐれも、 風邪をひかないようにな。
Don't catch a cold.
|dialogue=そんじゃ、 いってきま一ーーす!
|dialogue=Okay, see you later!
寒かったら, ちゃんと中に入るんだよーっ !
If you get cold, be sure to go inside!

Player sat on a bench in front of the building,
waiting for Ryouta and Shirou to return.

晴れているとはいえ, 季節は冬。
It may have been sunny out, but the season was winter.
陽だまりの広場を、 時折冷たい風が吹き抜ける。
In the sunlit plaza, an occasional chilly wind blew.

お暇なあなたに、 プリテイ使い魔サロモンくんで一っす !
Here comes the pretty familiar Salomon-kun, for when you're free!
|dialogue=珍しくおひとり様なんですね、 主様っ。
|dialogue=How unusual for you to be alone Milord.
ボクでよければ、 お相手いたしますよ~っ?
If you like, I can keep you company~.

Line 435: Line 435:

Such a long time since the two had been together.
しばし、 サロモンくんとの対話を楽しんでいると.
For a short time Player enjoyed themselves talking with Salomon-kun.

Line 443: Line 442:
|dialogue=あれつ、 主様。
|dialogue=Oh, Milord.
アプリユ-ザ-がー人、 接近中みたいです。
It looks like one app user is coming closer.
|dialogue=学校敷地内とはいえ、 今は放課後。
|dialogue=You are on school grounds, but it is after school now.
くれぐれも、 気を付けてくださいましねっ。
You should be careful.

Natsukiは, 辺りを見回す。
Player looked around.
一すると、 木立の回廊に、 人影が一っ。
As they did, they saw the shadow of a person among the line of trees.

木立を抜け、 接近する人影は、
The approaching figure left the trees and drew nearer,
近づくほどに、 徐々に大きくなりー
gradually getting larger as they seemed to approach...

...and they were tall enough to have to look up to.

黒々とした体毛、 ごっごっと武骨な体躯。
Deep dark fur, and a rugged, sturdy frame.
そして、 驚くほどに凶悪な人相。
And then, an astonishing villainous look.

凶悪な見た目の獣人は、 べンチの前に来ると、
The brutal looking beastman came to the front of the bench,
and stared at Player.

Line 485: Line 484:

男は、 意外にも軽く会釈をしてきた。
The unexpectedly gave a short nod.

そして、 Natsukiから目線を外すと、
He then turned his eyes away
and left somewhat quickly.

That was a shocking mood there.
|dialogue=あの 「転光生」、 いったい何者なんでしょう?
|dialogue=That Summon. What kind of person is he?
He did look like a bad guy...
|dialogue=持っている 「神器」 も仰々しかったですし、
|dialogue=The Sacred Treasure he has is so eye catching,
なんだかと一っても強そうな予感……っ !  
doesn't he seem really strong...!?
|dialogue=お一い、 Player一っ !
|dialogue=Hey, Player--!
会議終わったょ-っ! ど-一こ-ーーっ!
The meeting's over! Where are yoou!
|dialogue=あっ、 お友達が戻ってきましたね。
|dialogue=Oh your friends are back.
それでは! ボクはそろそろお暇しますっ。
Well then! I'm going back now.
|dialogue=Sorry, sorry, did you wait long?
The meeting dragged a little.
|dialogue=持っている 「神器」 も仰々しかったですし,
|dialogue=I should have shown you to one of the advisory rooms inside.
なんだかと一っても強そうな予感……っ !
Sorry, Player.
|dialogue=あっ、 お友達が戻ってきましたね。
それでは! ボクはそろそろお暇しますっ。
|dialogue=日当たりがいいとはいえ、 こんな寒空の下で……。
|dialogue=I know there's lots of sun here, but you still sat out in this cold...
大丈夫かい? 風邪、 ひいてないだろうな?
Are you okay? You didn't catch a cold did you?
|dialogue=それでこれから、 資料を取りに、
|dialogue=I've got to go get some things now,
so I have to go back to my room.
|dialogue=Hey aren't you interested in
see what the Santa School dorms are like?
|dialogue=Since we're already here, I was thinking
like why don't we go to Youl's room too?
|heading=2 options <same response>
|heading=2 options <same response>
!<i>It's good, but before that一</i>
!<i>It's good, but before that...</i>
!<i>I ran into someone suspicious.</i>
!<i>I ran into someone suspicious.</i>

Line 579: Line 577:
|dialogue=黒毛で、 角が生えてて、 傷だらけで……
|dialogue=He had black fur, had horns, and was covered in scars...
he sounds like a very dangerous person...
|dialogue=もしかして……あの人、 かなあ ?
|dialogue=Could it be...maybe it's him?
Player, その人ってさ--
Player, that guy is--

リ ヨウタの説明は、 まさにあの大男だつた。
Ryouta's description really did fit that giant.
Then Youl became shocked.

Line 607: Line 605:
|dialogue=Fufu--n, hey I didn't tell you yet did I?
|dialogue=Ah-hah, hey I didn't tell you yet did I?
The story about the super cool guy I met!
The story about the super cool guy I met!
Line 632: Line 630:
|dialogue=Yes, there's no doubt about it. That was definitely Krampus-senpai.
|dialogue=Yes, there's no doubt about it. That was definitely Krampus-senpai.
|dialogue=ごめんごめん、 待たせちゃった?
ちょっと、 会議が長引いちゃってさ。
|dialogue=せっかくだから、 僕らも一緒に、
ヨウルの部屋に行かない? って、 話になってさ。
|dialogue=あの人、 ヨウルの先輩……?
|dialogue=That guy was your senpai...?
つてことは、 サンタスク-ルの人なの?
So that means he's part of Santa School?
|dialogue=「悪い子」 に罰を与えるのが仕事、 って言ってたから、
|dialogue=Since he said his work was to punish Naughty Kids,
警察の人かな? と思つたんだけど。
I wondered if he was police or something.
|dialogue=Well there are two varieties of Santas.
ボクは 「白」 志望で、 先輩は 「黒」 志望。
I want to be a White Santa, while Senpai wants to be a Black Santa.
|dialogue=学科は違うけれど、 寮では
|dialogue=We're in different departments, but
Senpai lives in the same room as me.
|dialogue=えっ、 1人部屋じゃないんだ?
|dialogue=Eh, it's not a room for one?
I think our dorm gives everyone their own private room...
|dialogue=寮の部屋、 1人で便うには広すぎるからね。
|dialogue=Our dorm rooms are too big for just one person.
基本的に2人で1 部屋なんだ。
In general it's two people per room.

Line 694: Line 674:
!<i>He sleeps in the same room as Joul...</i>
!<i>He sleeps in the same room as Joul...</i>
!<i>Such a cool guy...</i>
!<i>Such a cool guy...</i>

Line 736: Line 716:
|dialogue=しかし、 先輩と2人1部屋だと、
|dialogue=But with two people to a room,
その……結構、 気を使わないか?
well...doesn't that put you on edge?
|dialogue=Um...not really?
気を使ったことないよ、 全然。
I've never felt that way.
|dialogue=見た目はちょっとコワいけど、 厦しい人だから。
|dialogue=He looks frightening, but he's kind.
無ロだけど、 とってもいい人だよ。
He's quiet, but he's a good person.
|dialogue=あの見た目だし、 目っきも鋭いから、
|dialogue=He does look like that, and he has sharp eyes
so it is true he's often misunderstood though...
|dialogue=先輩はいっも、 ひとりぼっちでね。
|dialogue=Senpai is always by himself.
そのせい……かな。 ボクにはホント厘しく してくれる。
Maybe...that's why. He's always kind to me.
Line 767: Line 747:
そう、 なんだ.....
Oh, I see.....
|dialogue=.....おっと、 忘れるところだった。
|dialogue=.....oh I was about to forget.
I have materials I need to give you.
|dialogue=それじゃあ、 寮まで案内するよ。
|dialogue=Alright, I'll show you the way to the dorms.
大丈夫、 すぐだからさ。
It's okay, it's really close.
|dialogue=....あの人が……ひと りぼつち ?
|dialogue=...he's...all alone?
あんなに優しくて、 かっこいいひとなのに……?
Even though he's so cool and so kind...?
Line 791: Line 771:
== Santa School Hallways ==
|dialogue=さあ、 部屋に着いたよ。
今資料を取ってくるから, ちょっと待ってて...
|dialogue=...あれ? 鍵が開いてる。
先輩、 戻ってるのかな?
|dialogue=....なんか聞こえない ?
== Joul's Dorm Room ==
TV: "Gwaah?!"
TV: "Stop right there, Fried Food Beast Tarezangi!"
TV: "Wha... who are you,
speak your name!!"
TV: "I have no name to share with scumbags like you!
Or, that's what I want to say..."
TV: "But, I'll teach you a lesson just this once!"
|dialogue=I'll teach you a lesson just this once!
TV: "Loved by the Sun, battling the evils of this world! Fly, the Messenger of Justice!"
|dialogue=Loved by the Sun, battling the evils of this world! Fly, the Messenger of Justice!
|dialogue=Sky Warrior!!
|face=hoodless tasty
|face=hoodless surprise
|heading=1 option
|dialogue=Ah, um... senpai?
The door was unlocked, so I thought it was fine to come in...
|dialogue=I, I, I'll kill yoooouuu!!
T-that look on his face is scary!
|dialogue=P-please don't be upset! Let's all calm down a moment.
|dialogue=I apologize, really. I understand that's a pretty embarrassing scene to be walked in on!

Latest revision as of 22:48, 27 January 2018

Santa School

...from Shinjuku Academy, it takes about ten minutes' walking to a place you wouldn't think was also in Shinjuku.

There lay a splendid red brick school building. Up front was a tall Japanese fir tree.

By the entrance was a plaque that had "Santa School" written on it.

2 options
That's a really big tree. This school is so fashionable.

This is the main school building. There's also the party hall too.

That's nice Ryouta, but is this the right way?

Today's meeting is in a different hall today. Have you been there before?

Yep, leave it to me! To tell the truth, I've been to the Santa School tons of times before!

The three walked around looking for the auditorium in this campus, which looked larger than it did from outside.

I'm sorry! I'm lost!

I! Can't! Believe! THIIIIIS!

2 options
Whoa there Shirou! There's our Ryouta playing dumb.

Huff, haah... Sorry. I lost control over myself...

But this is bad...we're completely lost. We're going to be late like this!

I-i-it's okay! Someone who knows this place is coming!

Oh, there he is! Those big antlers! Hey! Over heeere!

Ah, there you are. Oh brother, Ryouta. Where were you even going?

Yahoo Youl! It's been so long! Thanks for coming!

It has, hasn't it? Long time no see to you too Player.

3 options
Not since last time. Nice antlers as always. Did you already forget the lovely meeting that night...?

Has it been so long? I caused you a lot of problems that time.

But I'm okay now. Thanks to you guys I've kept going without losing my way.

So, who is this? He seems interesting...

Nice to meet you. I'm Shirou Motoori. I'm in the same grade as Ryouta, and I'm a class representative.

Thanks for the politeness! I'm the reindeer Youl. I was in the same grade as Ryouta in middle school and I'm an apprentice Santa.

Shirou:(joy face)
I've heard about you from Ryouta. He says you hope to be Santa while being a reindeer.

Yes. And I've heard about you too Shirou-san. Ryouta's told me so much.

Shirou:(joy face)
Oh? And what sort of things...?

Umm, that you're a very dependable class rep. But you're too straight laced, so maybe you should relax--

ANYWAYS, Youl! Can you tell us where the auditorium is?

Shirou:(awe face)
Ah yes. Excuse me. We've lost our bearings...

Ah, earlier you called me and only said "hurry over! Come on!" You're lost?

In that case I'm on my way over too. I'll show you the way. Let's go together.

Thanks Youl! Come on class rep, Player!

Let's do that. Also we're having a talk later. ...understood?


2 options
Hm? If you're part of the party planning committee... You aren't being Santa this year?

Oh, I'm helping give out presents of course. But that's after the party.

Wha? So Santa Claus isn't leaving at the same time as the departure ceremony?

That's for the senpais who've brilliantly decorated for the event. It's business as usual for a beginner Santa like me.

Oh. That's kinda sad. I wanted to see you take off with a bang.

Ah! But my work got recognized, so I'm officially a Santa.

I want to be able to join that line soon, and be a trustworthy Santa like the headmaster...

1 option
I'm sure you can do it Youl.

Ehehe, you think so? Thanks. That's gonna push me harder.

Oh is it already that time? Let's go, the auditorium is just a little further.

Here we are. The meeting is in this auditorium.

Whew, we made it on time. Okay Player, we'll be going.

This is for members only. What are you going to do?

1 option
I'll wait here.

...okay. Don't catch a cold.

Okay, see you later! If you get cold, be sure to go inside!

Player sat on a bench in front of the building, waiting for Ryouta and Shirou to return.

It may have been sunny out, but the season was winter. In the sunlit plaza, an occasional chilly wind blew.

Salomon-kun:(cheerful face)
Ta-daaaah! Here comes the pretty familiar Salomon-kun, for when you're free!

Salomon-kun:(:3 face)
How unusual for you to be alone Milord. If you like, I can keep you company~.

3 options
No thanks. Buy me a coffee. Let me fluff you to stave off the cold!

No? I see, I see...

Hiieee!! You're as cold as the north wind, Milord!

Such a long time since the two had been together. For a short time Player enjoyed themselves talking with Salomon-kun.

Oh, Milord. It looks like one app user is coming closer.

You are on school grounds, but it is after school now. You should be careful.

Player looked around. As they did, they saw the shadow of a person among the line of trees.

The approaching figure left the trees and drew nearer, gradually getting larger as they seemed to approach...

...and they were tall enough to have to look up to.

Deep dark fur, and a rugged, sturdy frame. And then, an astonishing villainous look.

The brutal looking beastman came to the front of the bench, and stared at Player.

3 options <same response>
Hello. Who are you? Cool...!

Krampus: .........

The unexpectedly gave a short nod.

He then turned his eyes away and left somewhat quickly.

Hyaahh... That was a shocking mood there.

That Summon. What kind of person is he? He did look like a bad guy...

The Sacred Treasure he has is so eye catching, doesn't he seem really strong...!?

Ryouta:( face)
Hey, Player--! The meeting's over! Where are yoou!

Salomon-kun:(cheerful face)
Oh your friends are back. Well then! I'm going back now.

Sorry, sorry, did you wait long? The meeting dragged a little.

I should have shown you to one of the advisory rooms inside. Sorry, Player.

Shirou:(awe face)
I know there's lots of sun here, but you still sat out in this cold... Are you okay? You didn't catch a cold did you?

I've got to go get some things now, so I have to go back to my room.

Hey aren't you interested in see what the Santa School dorms are like?

Since we're already here, I was thinking like why don't we go to Youl's room too?

2 options <same response>
It's good, but before that... I ran into someone suspicious.

Someone suspicious? I wonder if an outsider came in... what did they look like?

Player related the description of the strange beastman to Youl.

Shirou:(awe face)
He had black fur, had horns, and was covered in scars... he sounds like a very dangerous person...

Could it be...maybe it's him? Player, that guy is--

Ryouta's description really did fit that giant. Then Youl became shocked.

Oh my. Ryouta, you met Krampus-senpai?

Krampus-senpai...? Well, I never got his name-

Ah-hah, hey I didn't tell you yet did I? The story about the super cool guy I met!

Youl:(mad face)
--Make it quick.

Ryouta:(Shocked face)


Youl:(Shocked face)
...Huh, something like that happened?

Yes, there's no doubt about it. That was definitely Krampus-senpai.

That guy was your senpai...? So that means he's part of Santa School?

Since he said his work was to punish Naughty Kids, I wondered if he was police or something.

Well there are two varieties of Santas. I want to be a White Santa, while Senpai wants to be a Black Santa.

We're in different departments, but Senpai lives in the same room as me.

Eh, it's not a room for one? I think our dorm gives everyone their own private room...

Our dorm rooms are too big for just one person. In general it's two people per room.

3 options
He sleeps in the same room as Joul... Such a cool guy... Hmhmhm...!

Eh, what's so funny?! I-I clean the room properly every day you know!

Aah, pay no mind. Player's mind has a bad habit of wandering.

But with two people to a room, well...doesn't that put you on edge?

Um...not really? I've never felt that way.

He looks frightening, but he's kind. He's quiet, but he's a good person.

He does look like that, and he has sharp eyes so it is true he's often misunderstood though...

Senpai is always by himself. Maybe...that's why. He's always kind to me.

....... Oh, I see.....

.....oh I was about to forget. I have materials I need to give you.

Alright, I'll show you the way to the dorms. It's okay, it's really close.

...he's...all alone? Even though he's so cool and so kind...?

Black Ded:(sad face)