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|dialogue= *Huff*...*huff*...*huff*...
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Latest revision as of 13:50, 6 January 2022

[Translated by Roureem]

With Breke Before the Space Battle

Location: Spaceship

Always be ready for combat.
There is always a need for soldiers on the battlefield.

Even when inside, soldiers must
always be conscious of their training and rest.

And Breke, who defines himself as a diligent soldier,
strives to hold himself to that standard 24 hours a day.

...even when he knows that he might not return
from the final mission from humanity.

Breke expression b anger.png


2 options (Same Response)
I've been looking for you, Captain. So this is where you were?
Breke expression b neutral.png

Oh, [Player].
...you weren't looking for me, were you?

Breke expression b surprised.png
Breke expression b blush.png

...no, it's nothing.
You're wondering why I'm here?

Breke expression b smile.png

Ah, I was doing my daily running.
Even as I pilot, I shouldn't let up on my regular training.

Breke expression b neutral.png

It's important for bearing with the accelerations
during high speed battles.

Breke expression b neutral.png

Plus there are times when the mental stress
takes too many calories from the body.

Breke expression b smile.png

I've made training a custom
to work things out with my mind and body.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...you could also call it my routine.
No matter what happens I can keep my presence of mind.

3 options
How about I join you? You look cool when you train! You smell like sweat.
Breke expression b smile.png

Of course...
under other circumstances at least...

Breke expression b sad.png

I've already finished with this part of my work out routine.
All that's left is to cool down.

Breke expression b neutral.png

It's bad for your body to overwork yourself.
When you can get time to rest, you should take it.

Breke expression b smile.png

I can spend time with you anytime after tomorrow.
But just in case, maybe we should make plans.

Breke expression b blush.png

Cool, huh?
It feels embarrassing when you call me that.

Breke expression b neutral.png

I just devote myself
to the duties I was given. That's all.

Breke expression b neutral.png

I've been rewarded for my military achievements,
but...I'm not used to receiving direct compliments like this.

Breke expression b blush.png

So...I'll just say thanks.

Breke expression b sad.png

Wait, if you approach me like that
you'll get the smell on you too.

Breke expression b blush.png

I just said I'm in the middle of training.
Not to mention I'm drenched in swea--

Breke expression b surprised.png

--I said stop!
This is an order from your captain, Warrant Officer [Player]!!

Breke expression b sad.png

...even if you don't mind, I do.
At least wait until I wash up.

Breke expression b neutral.png

That reminds me, I was planning on
cooling down in the relaxation room, but...

Breke expression b smile.png

Since you're here, come with me.
I was thinking of...talking with you some more.

You find yourself in the relaxation room where the picture
of a surface grassland is projected on every screen around.

When Breke reaches the relaxation room,
he begins to do some stretches.

He displays a surprising flexibility as
he casually completes his training regimen.

Breke expression b neutral.png

Whenever I finish my training, my routine
is to come here and cool down while looking at this scenery.

Breke expression b smile.png

Once I'm done with that, I can return to my regular sense of self
no matter how I'm feeling mentally.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...you want to know what this place is? It's a memory
I remembered seeing when I once thought of running away.

Breke expression b smile.png

...there's more to me than you realize, of course.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...There was a time when I couldn't accept
being born to and living for the army.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...even after I accepted it as my fate
and came back, I still remember this from time to time.

3 options (Same Response)
Any view is fine if I'm with you. Let's go back to where we originally belong one day. This is so relaxing.
Breke expression b blush.png

I see...I'm glad to hear you say that.

Breke goes quiet for a moment
and looks up somewhere into the sky.

Breke expression b sad.png

It's strange.
We met on that battlefield, and now here we are.

Breke expression b neutral.png

Up until now, all I had was what was given to me.
My circumstances, comrades, emotions...all of it was like that.

Breke expression b blush.png

But not you.
...I feel like you're different.

Breke expression b sad.png

If there is a God out there who set up
this whole war...this whole world--

Breke expression b neutral.png

--I want to believe my meeting with you
wasn't preordained.

Breke expression b blush.png

It wasn't fate...it was me choosing to do so.
It wasn't fate...that I met with you.

Breke expression b smile.png

Just thinking that warms my heart.
It fills my with pride and joy.

Breke expression b sad.png

...but honestly, I was thinking of
telling you after I finished my routine.

Breke expression b smile.png

This could be the last time.
Which is why...I wanted to show off for you.

3 options
I'm proud of you too. I won't forget you no matter what. (Stare passionately)
Breke expression b smile.png

...right, [Player]...

Breke expression b blush.png


Breke expression b blush.png

...ugh, I'm not used to saying these kinds of things.
My nerves are stiffening up...it's tiring.

3 options (Same Response)
How about I give you a massage? I'm good at giving a rub. I've never done it before, but I'll do my best.
Breke expression b smile.png

Is that so? First I've heard of it.
I'll take you up on that.

3 options
(Rub his shoulders with your hands) (Step on his back) (Use both your hands to rub his tail)
Breke expression b smile.png

Fatigue collects in the eyes and shoulders when riding the ship for long.
It's nice to have it relieved like this.

Breke expression b surprised.png

Ohh....well you're rather strong.
Mm, feels good.

Breke expression b smile.png

If you're this good, it might be a good idea
for you to learn medical techniques and apply to be rear support.

Breke expression b sad.png

...no, that's tactless of me isn't it?
You said you'd fight together with me.

Breke expression b smile.png

In that case, we'll fly together
in the same universe as comrades until the end.

Breke expression b sad.png

W-what? You'll put your feet on my back?
Is that really okay?

Breke expression b surprised.png

Oh, Ohhhh! This has a different impact from hands!

Breke expression b blush.png

Ngh, ohh, superb...!
I feel like this works way better than being massaged with hands!

Breke expression b smile.png

I see...so this is another way
of trusting my back to you.

Breke expression b blush.png

W-what are you doing all of a sudden?
You want me to lie face down?

Breke:( face)
W-wait, my tail is---ngh, nngh!

Breke:( face)
Ah...ohhh, ahhh!?
Be more delicate there...ahh! Auugh!?

Breke expression b sad.png
Breke expression b anger.png

Stop when I command you to stop, you idiot.
Jeez...I can't believe you!

Breke expression b blush.png

I've got some sensitive bits around there.
So, well...save it for the right time and place.

Breke expression b smile.png

Now then...now's about time
for relaxation to end.

Breke expression b neutral.png

Officer [Player], be sure to keep
your health in tiptop shape for the final battle.

Breke expression b neutral.png

Make sure you have no unsettled business left.
Anything can happen after this.

3 options
Thank you very much. Excuse me. I'm fine. Let's be sure to win that battle! ...I still have something left, Captain.
Breke expression b smile.png

Yeah, we'll win for sure.
I'm expecting great things from you, Player!

You and Breke fistbump each other
and exchange smiles of trust.

And so the two of them leap forward to the final battlefield
having reaffirmed their bonds as comrades in arms...

Breke expression b blush.png

I see I got ahead of things.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...come with me, Player.
There's...something I want to talk with you about some more.

Breke brings you to a quiet deck
where no one is present.

The darkness of space spreads out beyond the thick windows.
The dark, dark abyss of night...is where you are all heading to.

If anything happens over there,
you might not ever return.

Breke expression b neutral.png

[Player]...if anything happens to me,
would you cry for me?

(BGM: First Love -Meltdown-)

Breke expression b sad.png

I'm...fine with just one person.
I want someone who would cry for me.

Breke expression b neutral.png

I want someone who will think of me...forever.
Someone...before we go into that night.

3 options (Same Response)
I'd cry. I'd wait for you forever. I'd come save you.
Breke expression b smile.png

Upon hearing your answer,
Breke smiles as if to say "that's so like you."

Breke expression b neutral.png

...I'm not thinking of anything like it'd be fine even if it weren't you.
I don't know what fate has in store after that.

Breke expression b smile.png

But...I swear I won't have any regrets
if it does turn out to be you.

Breke expression b neutral.png

...I was born and raised as a soldier.
I can't bargain, and I don't feel like doing so.

Breke expression b blush.png

I love you.

Breke expression b blush.png

I...want your heart.
If I can have that, I can go anywhere in the world.

Breke expression b sad.png

But...but if I don't make it back from the operation...
And if you happen to survive it...

Breke expression b sad.png

...do me a favor then, and forget about me.
Find someone good to you, and be happy.

Breke expression b neutral.png

I know...it's a lot to ask of you
when you were partly drafted by force.

Breke expression b blush.png

But...even so, I...

3 options
(Close your eyes and let Breke act) (Go hug Breke) (Go kiss Breke)
Breke expression c blush.png
Breke expression b blush.png
Breke expression b sad.png

Player...wait, please.

Breke's hands faintly shake
as he moves to stop you.

Breke expression b blush.png

Wait...please, let me do what I want.
I'm...more of a wolf than you think I am.

Breke expression c neutral.png
Breke expression c neutral.png

Will you...memorize the sounds of my heart
beating against your ear?

Breke expression c blush.png

Remember...that I was here with you.
That I love you.

Breke gently bites your neck
before the grand battle to win back the future.

It was like the craving kiss of a beast.
It was like the first signs of love by a beast.

Breke expression c blush.png

...*huff* *huff*...

Breke scoops you up in his tempered arms
and walks out of the bridge.

Breke expression c blush.png

...Player, give me all the time we have left until our mission.
I...want to remember everything about you.

Breke expression c neutral.png

...so if you end up going somewhere
that you didn't want to go after this battle...

Breke expression c neutral.png

I'll be sure to come find you.
So please, wait for me.

Breke expression c smile.png

I'll have your scent in my memory.
I'll come save you. I promise.

And so you the two of you fade into the night on the ship,
cheek to cheek, arms folded together.

What happens after this,
only the light of the stars shining on your backs know.