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[Translation by Kyru]

Spending time on Christmas with Ose

The next morning after the departure ceremony, you woke up in your room at the dormitory.

When you stopped the alarm clock as usual and slowly opened your eyes, you notice something placed on your bedside.

3 options (Same Response)
Red stockings...? From who? Something's inside.

When you looked inside the stocking with only one side, you notice there was a single card inside.

Taking it out and opening it... it was a map leading to somewhere from the dormitory with a time written on it.

If you choose to sleep, Child Ose will come to greet you

2 options
(I'll head to the place on the map) (Ignore it and sleep)

After spending some time in the dorm, you got dressed and headed to the destination.

The spot wasn't far away from the student dormitory.

Arriving on the street in the map, it was just an ordinary intersection in a residential area.

It was a place with no features other than a strange crow that's stopped on a sign.

You checked the hour. It was almost the time described on the card.

In that moment, sounds of a car engine could be heard from far away.

When you turned to the direction of the sound, a sports car you were familiar with approaches closer.

The silver body car illuminated by the moonlight quietly stops until it comes to your side.

Ose:(suit_wink face)
Hey [Player]. I'm happy you've arrived.

Stepping out of the car was a leopard agent Transient.

Worn out from yesterday's case, you decided to spend time at home for now.

Moments later, you woke up to sounds of knocking on your door.

When you look outside, you notice it has already become nighttime.

Shiro:( face)
[Player], are you in there? May I come in?

After hearing Shiro's voice, you went to open the door.

Shiro?:(smile face)
Oh [Player]... Perhaps you were more exhausted than *I* expected.

3 options (Same Response)
Ose!? Then that card must've been... You wrote that?

Ose nods with a smile and continues speaking--

Ose:(suit_wink face)
I'm a tad worried about you. I've been waiting and see how things play out.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
So what do you think? Did I nail the santa imitation a little?

Ose:(suit_wink face)
If it's something like a wild hunt, then it's like on the palm of my hand.

3 options
Honestly, you do whatever you want. A wild hunt? Reconsidered it a little?

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Odin's march, soaring in the skies... It's like a relative of Santa Claus.

Ose:(suit_grimace face)
Ouch... Going for the throat huh? I had to ponder about the circumstances this time...

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Someone who only enjoys the thrills can't triumph over someone who enjoys other things...

Ose:(suit_worried face)
Ah... It's touched my heart in a long time, and... I may have betrayed your sincerity.

Ose:(suit_worried face)
I intended to make them both a hobby and job, but it was dishonest to you.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Thus I want to make it up to you today. I want the both of us to have more fun than anyone else.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Will you go along with my little "game"? I can entertain you, no?

Ose:(suit_wink face)
If you're fine with it, how about you come with me to the Christmas Market as a pasttime?

Ose:(suit_wink face)
Just leave the escort to me. Let's enjoy the ride for the time being.

Ose holds his hand out to you with a gentleman-like smile.

3 options (Same Response)
Thanks for the invitation. (Take his hand without a word) Guess I'll tag along then.

Ose:(suit_blush face)
Thank you... I'm delighted. Shall we get going?

A car operated by Ose drives through the city of Tokyo, shining with the building lights, neon signs and decorative lights.

3 options
Why are you asking me out today? Since when did you learn to drive? The scenery looks so pretty...

Ose:(suit_wink face)
Surprised? Guns aren't the only thing I excel at.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
I can handle every necessary skill for intelligence assessments.
No need to worry. The driver's license is real.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Today is the thrilling Yule festival... Those lights are the people's activities in Tokyo--

Ose:(suit_worried face)
However, shadows exist when there is light. If you know society's shadows,
you may not be able to enjoy it so innocently...

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Someone like me who puts himself in a position thinks about such things casually.

Ose:(suit_wink face)
That's why I feel you're so lovely when you honestly think what you see is truly beautiful to your eyes.

Ose:(suit_grimace face)
Ah, about that... I mentioned before I was worried about you.

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Even though it was training... and even though you established a bond with Hermes,
you were extraordinary for a while until yesterday, no?

Ose:(suit_worried face)
That's why I was sure your mind and body were exhausted before you even knew yourself...

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
Thinking that way, I thought over a method to alleviate your fatigue.

Ose's words, while he speaks indifferently, are a little emotional.

Ose:(suit_wink face)
[Player]... Perhaps you formed bonds with all sorts of people.

Ose:(suit_wink face)
It's one of my true intentions to come greet you before someone else surpasses me.

The car you were in speeds through the streets of Tokyo until eventually it slows down in front of a large park.

Ose parks near the entrance and speaks to you--

Ose:(suit_neutral face)
We have arrived at our destination... I'm going to park the car, so you should get off first.

Urged by Ose, You step out of the car to a park packed with a large number of visitors.

Stalls imitating huts are lined up in the park grounds, and a huge Christmas tree can be seen in the distance.

Ose:( face)
Sorry to keep you.

While you were captivated by the gorgeous market, Ose returns and calls out to you from behind.

2 options (Same Response)
(Turn to Ose's direction) (I want to see Ose in the form of a child...)

As you turn around, you find Ose dressed in his Santa garments.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Surprised? These clothes were given to me by Headmaster Ded at the departure ceremony the other day.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
I figured it was the perfect opportunity to show it off to you, thus I went and got changed.

2 options
Looks good on you! Just like the real thing!

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Huhu... I knew you would say that.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Nonetheless, I'm pleased if you're truly fond of it.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
"Real thing" huh... Certainly the existence of Santa Claus doesn't feel like someone else.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Don't you agree it's a pretentious lifestyle to leave behind everything and give only love?

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Such a shame... If I'm alone with you, I'd want to talk with you forever.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Now, let's get going before you start feeling cold.
We shall take a seat inside of a restaurant.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
If you're curious about huts too, we shall take a look around later.

Wrapping his arm around your shoulder gently, Ose moves further into the park.

Walking by while looking at various huts, you notice a glass-walled building further down.

Ose takes you there. Once inside, the waiter guided both of you to your seats.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Look outside, [Player]. See the big Christmas tree on the other side?

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
This conservatory was built in a location where you can enjoy the scenery of the market while you stay inside.

Ose:(santa_grimace face)
Now that I think about it... It appears various kinds of trees are used in this Tokyo, not just oak trees.

3 options (Same Response)
It's a Fir tree isn't it? It's different from the start? Should be okay if it was just an ordinary tree.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Santa is believed to exist in various worlds.

Ose:(santa_worried face)
However, the nature of Santa is slightly different in each world...

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Because of that, the mutual part takes root in Tokyo's "faith,"
in this place where "Transients" gather.

2 options (Same Response)
You're quite knowledgeable. You really know everything.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Indeed... I know everything. Of course, that includes everything about you too.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Even if emotions and change of heart can be read by intelligence skills acquired,
it is nothing more than a conjecture in the end.

Ose:(santa_worried face)
I don't know what feelings you hold towards me.

You heard the somewhat cold-to-the-bone impression countless times during training.

Such a voice changes to a soft and gentle tone--

Ose:(santa_blush face)
[Player]... It means so much to me you accepted such an invitation today.

You accepted Ose's words filled with emotions.

3 options
I'm happy you invited me. If Ose's pleased with it-- It's the reward of that moment.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
You're so kind, [Player]... I'll accept those remarks upfront.

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Aww... You remembered the conversation in the principal's office.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Indeed there was another reason why I invited you.
We're given time together... as a reward for the request.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
It's true I was worried about you, [Player]. Hope you don't get the wrong idea~

You and Ose enjoy the food that was brought in while you engage in various conversations.

The polite mannerisms of the waiter pours the drinks and carries the plates according to the progress of the meal--

And the elegant and beautiful live performance is controlled in such a way that it does not interfere with the conversation.

Time in the cozy conservatory passed in the blink of an eye.

After the meal, You and Ose look inside the Christmas Market.

This location you were brought to by Ose seems to be the biggest event site in Tokyo...

By the time you finish looking at all the huts, the time is almost midnight.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Thank you for today... Thanks to you, I had quite some fun.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Also, I recall something very important.
I... seem to have become a slave to a job without even noticing.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
I should have desired it from the start, but someday I will have to firmly believe I will carry "that" out.

Ose:(santa_worried face)
It's painful and stressful that I forget to enjoy myself...

Ose:(santa_wink face)
But... Today's little "game" was quite fun. I am eager for tomorrow...
It's such a long time since I felt such a way.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)

Ose:( face)
Someday... You will recall this day with joy.

Ose:( face)
It's not only this Christmas festival. Valentine's, summer vacation, Halloween...

Ose:( face)
Today's "game" is like such. Someday... They will come to support you.

Ose:( face)
Strong people in society may say that such a trivial "game" holds no meaning.

Ose:( face)
However, "things that have no meaning now" can hold a new meaning in the next world.

Ose:( face)
Even the all-powerful and all-knowing God has yet to realize it, You... can create the meaning.

Ose:( face)
I'll work hard tomorrow... in anticipation of that day to come soon.

Ose:(santa_grimace face)
Ah... Would you look at the time. Let's hurry back to the car. I'll take you back to your dormitory.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
So, [Player]... Did you have fun today?

3 options
It was fun, thanks. I wanna spend a little more time with you. It's not over yet, right?

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Likewise. It's an honor to receive your gratitude, [Player].

Ose:(santa_wink face)
If you want, I'll drive fast for your sake.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
[Player]... You know what this is?

Ose asks that while he puts his hand on your palm.

Then he faces down and guides the eyesight of the person he's talking to.

Ose:(santa_blush face)
I've prepared a room, for whenever you're feeling lonely.

When Ose slowly moves his hand away, You notice there's a card on top of your palm.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
You can either accept this room key, or return it to me.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Now, [Player]... What is your desire?

Prompted by Ose's whisper, You made your decision--

3 options
(Accept the room key) (Hug Ose) (Return the room key)

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Huhu~... You're fine with it? Even you would devote yourself to my love strategies.

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Then I'll guide you there. Let's get back to the car, [Player].

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Well now... Aren't you bold? Well, you showing me such passion is quite attractive, huhu~...

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
I'll take you away from here as per your wish. Now back to the car, [Player].

Ose:(santa_blush face)
From here, it's time to roll the credits and talk about love alone...

Ose:(santa_grimace face)
... I completely forgot. You needed permission to stay the night somewhere.

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
It's unfortunate, but there'll be another opportunity to spend the night at a hotel...
For now, we can head back while we enjoy the nightscape.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Back to the car. We'll take a small detour but... that's what you want, yes? [Player].

Ose:(santa_grimace face)
Oh...? Were you aware of my little scheme?

Ose:(santa_blush face)
Until now I was the one that protects you, and the one that snatches you away.

Ose:(santa_wink face)
Why? Because you noticed my scheme, I was able to figure out your desires as well...

Ose:(santa_blush face)
We are two of a kind, huhu. I wonder which one of us will read the other person's heart first?

Ose:(santa_neutral face)
Back to the car, [Player]. I'll guide you to a place appropriate for a showdown of love.

Like riding an 8-legged horse in the empty sky, or possibly a golden boar--

A car carrying both of you speeds through the streets of Tokyo where it begins to snow...