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[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 2: [The Xuanzang Party Punishes a Gang of Bandits]

Location: ??? (Christine's narration)

For the remainder of the story(?), Gouryou is Zhu Bajie while Hanuman is Son Goku.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Now. To return to their Tokyo, the Xuanzang party went on a journey.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Aiming for Flaming Mountains where the King of Beasts resides,
they traveled west through the blazing desert.

Christine expression desert smile.png

A journey on the path to India.
What could await them on their adventure?

Chapter 2: [The Xuanzang Party Punishes a Gang of Bandits]

Gouryou expression crying.png

Haaah... Hah... It's so hot.
It's nothing but sand wherever we go.

Gouryou expression crying.png

That beautiful narrator chick told us we'd be in town by dawn.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

If that's the case, then I don't see it at all!
Is there really a town out here?!

3 options
Walking and walking through the desert...... You should probably go on a diet. I can't walk anymore.
Gouryou expression crying.png

Ah geez...... We've gone this far already.

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Hey come on. Don't tell me to do something like that.
Going on a diet is just way too much work ya know?

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Gyaaaah, heey!! You're freakin' heavy! Get off me!!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Gahahah! Hey hey! Is your speed stat dropping?!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

We still have to walk some more to reach the goal.
Don't be slacking off on us now!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Hey, I'm doing just fine.
I doubt there's a huge difference in physical strength from a kid.

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Huhuhu, for some reason when I started wearing this-

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

I feel so energetic and happy!
This heat is basically nothing to me!

Hanuman expression desert b embarrassed.png

I don't think I see the town anywhere though.
I wonder where it is......

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Okay! I'll go on ahead and run around and look for any signs of it!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

H-Hey! Don't go running off by yourself......!
Ah shit, I really don't have any energy left to yell anymore......

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Gaah, it's pointless! I just can't!
I don't want to walk another step!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Send the cute babes, cold beverages
and a chilly room to me right now!!

Seth expression b sad.png

Sheesh, you're such a slacker.
Our last break was barely 10 minutes ago.

Seth expression b neutral.png

You need to be more resilient and have more willpower.
You do have those, right?

Gouryou expression serious.png

Meh. I'm not as prideful as you are.
Exercising and manual labor are things that I despise.

Gouryou expression joy.png

If I could be with my cute chick, then I will live on happily.
That is my motto.

Seth expression b surprised.png

A lazy, hardcore monk...... I'm amazed.
You're even walking around with a nice surfboard too.

Gouryou expression serious.png

Even if I'm staring out as a playboy,
I can't go and throw everything away! I still owe them!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Aaah. It must be a cause or effect or something.
I want to do it big by making a good wink while surfing.

3 options (Same Response)
This is a sea of sand though. What a sketchy story regarding your cute babes. Can that wait till we get back to Tokyo?

Gouryou expression shocked.png

D-Don't slap me into reality like that!
Aww, I just wanted to be popular among the ladies......

Seth expression b neutral.png

You seem to be adamant about that sort of thing.
Does being "popular" mean that much to you?

Seth expression b sad.png

I don't think being blindly fussed over would feel nice......

Gouryou expression serious.png

Wait what? Are you my natural enemy then?

Seth expression b surprised.png

Huh?! What do you mean?! I was just-

Seth expression b sad.png

A-Ah...... Well, When I was getting my stripes in back in my home world,
I'd cut through the winds with my shoulders...

Seth expression b cheerful.png

I guess I'm just making a fuss over it.
...... That's just an old story of mine.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

So you are popular then! That makes you my enemy!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Man, you're just like Makara!
How come you guys get to be so popular!!

3 options
How can you even afford to be a man... Just let him be a ladies' man! Wanna be my boyfriend?
Seth expression b cheerful.png

Hahaha, come on now!
I am an incarnation of tempests after all-

Seth expression b neutral.png

When they hear my name, they would respect my existence in fear.
It's natural for them to do so.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Tch, what kind of guy are you......!
Even if you're the same incarnation of tempests,
there's a huge difference in being popular!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Ack.....! Why did you ask that all the sudden?!
We barely know each other......!

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

W-Well...... Let me think about it.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Graaaah, [Player]......!! You jerk! J-J-Just drop it!!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Oh yeah, that beautiful narrator lady was being aaawfully friendly to you.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Okay, I give. I'm listening!
Was there some kind of special hidden technique involved?

Seth expression b surprised.png

Y-You're getting the wrong idea here!
This has nothing to do with females!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Hoh? You're desperately trying to deny it......
Good. Good. Make me popular.

3 options
You're harrassing him... Isn't that how you become unpopular? What are you on about?
Gouryou expression shocked.png

Gyaaaaa!! That's gonna put me in critical condition!!

Seth expression b anger.png

Ugh! Why are you so obsessed with me!
A womanizer like you is just using me indiscriminately-

Ganglie expression neutral.png

So I should get the babes to come while I lay around? Gotcha! I'll show you!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Eh? How can you even do that in the middle of a desert?
Are you gonna have a lover's quarrel in a place like this?

Gouryou expression serious.png

I'm gonna charm whoever. A contest for a win!
When we stop by in the next town, until we get back to Tokyo-

Gouryou expression joy.png

You and I will see who will get all the babes.
You said it yourself a minute ago. You're gonna win this easily aren't ya?

Seth expression b surprised.png

F... Fine then! I'll take you on!
I'll buy into your little squabble!

Seth expression b anger.png

That's why we need to get going soon.
If we keep standing around like this, we won't get to see who wins right?

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Alrighty! It's gonna be fun seeing you lose to the winning lieutenant!
Let's hurry up and get to the next town then!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Just you wait, the babes here in the desert!

Whatever fighting instinct that came into play, and getting turned on, the revived Zhu Bajie (Ganglie) got up-

Walking high and mighty, [Player] followed him.

Seth expression b sad.png

Yeesh...... That somehow motivated him to walk again.

3 options
That was a clever persuasion. You sure are a popular dude, Seth. You're gonna become a playboy yourself huh?
Seth expression b neutral.png

It's fine.
Changes in the desert's landscape will deviate the sense of direction.

Seth expression b anger.png

There's intense sunlight from the sky on top of that.
Naturally, those on a journey will be disgruntled by that.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Distracting away the focus
instead of telling someone off is how desert dwellers like us live.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Eh?! ...... O-Oh! I'm pretty popular in my hometown yeah!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Even though I wasn't asking for it,
the guys from the other side keep coming, and get wrecked.

Seth expression b surprised.png

W-Why are you doubting me like that?
What I'm telling you is true! True I'm telling you!

Seth expression b surprised.png

W-What did you say just now?!
Seth-sama is not looking to be a womanizer!

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

I have to do what needs to be done.
There's no way I can turn that down......

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Speaking of which, it looks like that Goku kid isn't coming back.

Seth expression b anger.png

H-Hey! Where did he run off to now!?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Well what do you expect from me?!
I couldn't stop him before he ran off alright?!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Heeeeey! I saw it, I saw it!!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

From that sand dune we just crossed,
I saw what looked like buildings of a town!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Oh he came back...... Geez, you need to chill out.

Seth expression b anger.png

Hey, Goku!! What are you doing there! Get back here right now!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Hrm? Oh I get it! A yokai must've came out!

Seth expression b anger.png

That's not what I'm saying!
You are not supposed to run off on your own from the group!

Seth expression b anger.png

You don't even know how you should be walking through the desert.
You're putting your life at stake!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Eh, really?! But, I was doing some scouting as a ninja......

Seth expression b sad.png

Huh...... Is that okay?
Carrying out your duty as ninja is important but-

Seth expression b neutral.png

Are you willing to risk your life doing whatever you want?
Even when we get there, I won't allow you to do things by yourself.

Seth expression b neutral.png

There are no marks on the sand.
You will lose sight of your position even if you're about 100 meters away from that.

Seth expression b anger.png

There's also a possibility that your condition will suddenly cripple. Before you can even realize it, you'll end up feeling dehydrated.

Seth expression b neutral.png

If you experience thirst in your throat, you won't be able to move right away.
In a desert, you should not get separated from your friends and carry some water too. Got it?

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

U-Understood...... I'll be careful from now on.

3 options
I didn't think you were this nice. The desert sure is a scary place. A well-informed person can really save lives.
Seth expression b surprised.png

Y-You think so......? I was only trying to advocate how important it is to be prepared.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Don't underestimate the desert.
It's different from a world blessed with water.

Seth expression b neutral.png

A careless person would get robbed. A careless person would dry up in a place like this.
They somehow forget about that.

Seth expression b sad.png

... It appears so. The desert is indeed a frightening place.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Blessings will be given depending on the season.
The hot sands of the Earth serve as protection and deters foreign invaders.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

It's best not to interpret it as a bad thing.
It actually makes it a fine place to live in, no?

Seth expression b neutral.png

Ah, you can rely on me when it comes to these deserts.
After all, I, Seth-sama, am the chief of the desert.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Even to the ends of the world, I will get you to India.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Say, about the results of your reconnaissance,
you really found a place that looked like a town?

Seth expression b cheerful.png

I will praise you about that......
Keep up the good work, Goku.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Heheheh, you're embarrassing me......
It's in my nature as a ninja to do so!

2 options (Same Response)
The ambiance sure feels peaceful. To town then!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Ooooooookaaaaaay!! Off to the desert town we gooooo!!

Xuanzang group then started walking again.

[Transitions to somewhere else]

Location: ???

... Moving onto another place, to a room in a building within a town.

From the other side, someone was listening intently on the reports.

???:( face)
Boss. The gatekeeper just informed me that travelers came through the entrance of the town.

Gyumao expression neutral.png

...... Hmm, that's troublesome.
What were these members assigned?

???:( face)
It was an oversight.
This group were doing outrageous things out in the desert......

???:( face)
But, you don't need to bother with them.
We will give them our hospitality.

Gyumao expression joy.png

Very well! Treat them with the incentives!

Gyumao expression neutral.png

Everything should be carried out by the agenda.
"Information, Communication, and Unity." Never forget about those. Alright?

???:( face)
You got it, Boss! I will provide another report later!

After finishing the conversation that seemed strange, he nods his head in content.

Gyumao expression neutral.png

Boss...... Hm.
It's been a long time since I have been called such.

Gyumao expression frown.png

Oh, I'm thinking of someone. You will be coming, Milord.

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png
  • Chuckle*. You look awfully happy, my dear husband.
Gyumao expression joy.png

Does it seem that way?
I am just a man who can't learn his lesson.

Gyumao expression neutral.png

A project that should've been long gone.
To be remade in a way such as this......

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

"Project" ...? What do you intend to do?

Gyumao expression joy.png

"Fabulous and excellent experiences."
That is all I will tell you, my dear.

Gyumao expression neutral.png

I planned on getting on a big boat with my client.
I wanted to see the potential of the business.

The man talking blurbs out his real intentions; Satisfied and bitter about his measly recollections.

Gyumao expression neutral.png

...... Even if it's only an empty dream,
I will run things my own way.

Gyumao expression anger.png

Let's begin, my friends! Our new business!!

[Transitions back to Xuanzang's group]

Location: [Oasis Town]

Going beyond the desert journey, the Xuanzang party headed into town.

Seeing all the bustling activity out here in the desert truly caught their eyes.

Gouryou expression joy.png

This is a really big town.
It's a pretty lively place too on top of that.

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Owawawawa! The sand from the desert is stuck in my fur...!
I could really use a cold bath right now!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

This town is a big oasis around these parts.
You can buy all the goods you need for traveling here.

Seth expression b neutral.png

First thing we should do is reserve a room at the inn.
We should ask around town to see where the inn's located at......

Seth expression b surprised.png

...... Eh? Why are you giving me that look?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Oh nothing. I didn't expect you to look out for us like this.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

You're like those guys from those cartoons and anime......
Okay! I'll be calling you "Big Brother"!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

By all means, we're gonna be calling you "Big Brother"!

Seth expression b surprised.png

B...... "Big Brother"?!

3 options
Heyo, Big Brother! It does feel like you're taking care of us. Can we depend on you?
Seth expression b anger.png

You guys can't be serious about that!
I am not going with that!!

Seth expression b surprised.png

I-It's a natural thing to do I guess.
Don't you think that is a bit much?

Seth expression b embarrassed.png
  • Choke*......!? O-Oh, I see......

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

At least stop it with the "Big Brother" thing!
Th-That's..... extremely embarrassing!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Don't be so modest!
Hey, we count on you for lots of things, right? Big-Bro-ther~?

TL's note: I tried really hard for a mean name okay.

Seth expression b anger.png

Baconshit! Cut it out with the teasing!
You wanna get thrown into a tornado?!

Hanuman expression desert b embarrassed.png

Y-You don't like the idea of being a "Big Brother"?
H-How about just for one n-night.....?

3 options
Just "Seth" is good enough for you? "Big Brother"! ! "Big Sis" then?
Hanuman expression desert b crying.png
  • Pouts* I just want to get along better!

Besides, saying "Seth-dono" is a little hard to say.

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Seth-dono, Seth-dono, Seth...... Bleh!
Grrrrrrr, it's such a tongue-twister!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Isn't that cute? Goku-chan is trying hard to show respect.
Just go ahead and call him "Big Brother," yeah?

Seth expression b anger.png

Y-You guys......! Do that for someone else!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Why is your face flushed, Goku?! Hey, Bajie!
It's not even that funny!!

Hanuman expression desert b embarrassed.png

You really hate it that much.....?
Big Brother Seth......!

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

Gruaaawaaahaaah! Anything but "Big Brother" please!
Just stooooop!!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Hyaaah, haaaaahaaaa!!
It hurts so much but I just can't help it! This is waaaay too funny!!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Where'd that come from?! That is so wrong!
Who do you even take me for anyways?!

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

Daaaaaaah!! Okay I get it, I get it!!

Seth expression b anger.png

Go ahead and call me "Big Brother" all you want.
But, don't you dare call me anything else!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Yay! Seth's gonna be our Big Brother!
Be sure to look after us from now on!

Seth expression b embarrassed.png

U-Ugh...... Just leave it to me......

3 options (Same Response)
It sounds nice, yet innocent. The situation feels fluffy. *Whistle Whistle*

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Uh...... Just a little, I guess?
I'm dunno if I should be excited or not.

Bajie pointed back just for a moment. At first glance, there seemed to be nobody in the alleyways.

... But, a suspicious group was stirring up something in private.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

This has some use for us it seems...... Hm.

Bajie slowly picked up a stone and threw it at [Player]'s direction.

3 options (Same Response)
Waah What the?! ...... H-Huh?

The stone Bajie threw passes through [Player]'s position without hitting them at all.

???:( face)

"Someone" was hit. Sounds of a person collapsing can be heard.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

W-Who's there?! Stop hiding and come out!

In response to Goku's voice, a group of beastmen stormed out of the alleyway.

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

Aiyaah, you caught us...... You're not bad at making guesses.

Gouryou expression serious.png

It wasn't hard to find out where you were.
You're complete amateurs when it comes to hiding.

Seth expression b anger.png

That attire you got on, are you part of that group that frequents the desert?

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

...... Yeah. Those guys took real good care of our boys.

With the signal from the man who seems to be the leader, the malicious gang surrounds the party.

They had weapons in hand, with smiles on their faces.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

... This is not gonna end well is it?

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

To be frank, we're carrying out a bunch of business in this town.

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

Strangers like you will be giving us all kinds of stuff.

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

Those "Sacred Artifacts" that you have on ya,
it looks similar to that rare-lookin' product that man has on him.

Hyena Pirate expression neutral.png

Will you leave them here, or would you rather die?
The choice is yours.

Seth expression b anger.png

Tch..... This is a straight up robbery.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

So what now, Brother Seth?
I'm actually opposed to fighting, ya know?

Seth expression b neutral.png

You were the one that threw a rock at them though.
These guys clearly have some motivation...... You do get it right?

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

They're slowly closing the distance on us!
There's really nothing funny about this!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Aaagh, what a drag. So, what are we gonna do, Xuanzang?

3 options (Same Response)
We gotta do this! Let's do our best! I'll leave this to you.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

...... Heh, I thought so.

Seth expression b anger.png

Graah! Prepare yourselves, small fry!
I am gonna blast you to the ends of the desert!!