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I'm Not Afraid of Halloween! Translation

Part 1-1:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Daikanyama Academy

One autumn day, blue skies as clear like it was shining.

Sounds of fireworks shot up everywhere, signaling the start of the festivities this year.

People regret that the summer season came to an end, and they are looking forward to the autumn season around the corner.

Additionally, to greet the winter season that is finally arriving, an important event will be celebrated.

The Halloween Event at Daikanyama Academy has become the scenic feature of Tokyo.

A little girl is walking around openly in the gentle breeze, asking questions about everything.

Behind her, is a figure of a bear in a white robe-

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Hey, Alice... Can I ask you something?

Alice expression neutral.png

Do tell, Jambavan.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

You don't like noisy events such as this...
Didn't you tell me this before?

Alice expression sad.png

Dear me... Did I really say something like that?

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Being with crowds of people, noisy environments,
even the sounds of excitement and enthusiasm. You don't like these things.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

The other day I invited you to the big summer festival, but you outright declined.

Alice expression smile.png

Ah, you're absolutely correct. I did say those things.

Alice expression sad.png

I dream only of the present.
Whatever strange event occurs, it will only be a simple dream.

Alice expression sad.png

Therefore, the uproar in the world is nothing but a cheap play to me.

Alice expression smile.png


The little girl’s elegance shows with a smile. Like the leaves of a tree fluttering in the autumn breeze.

Alice expression joy.png

Today... Today is simply different from others.
Special. Indeed, it is a very special day.

Alice expression surprised.png

Jambavan. Tell me, are you aware of what day it is today?

Jambavan expression crying.png

A-Alice... You're acting strange today, y'know?
It's scaring me.

Jambavan expression happy.png

Anyways, you're talking about Halloween, right?
It's when children put on costumes and go house to house trick or treating!

Alice expression smile.png

Hehe~, that's correct.
For most people, that's the extent of it.

Jambavan expression surprised.png

Huh, what do you mean by that? Alice...?

The girl twirled and danced giddily, with a fun, carefree expression on her face.

Alice expression surprised.png

Today is the day that I can cross through the looking glass.

Alice expression smile.png

Today is the day fantasy and reality walk hand-in-hand.
I am one with the world.

Alice expression smile.png

It's the day I can play and enjoy myself with not a care in the world.
Is it not exciting?

Jambavan expression crying.png

Everything you say just gets more and more bizarre.
I don't understand you at all. I wish I had a personal Alice Translation Device.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Anyways... What are today's orders, princess?

The tone in the bear's question gives the impression that he's intimidated.

It was a defensive instinct, because he is taken aback by the little girl's plans.

However, the little girl's response was unexpected.

Alice expression neutral.png

You will not be doing anything.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

... Huh?

Alice expression surprised.png

You do not have to do anything today.
Instead, someone else will escort me to the festivities.

Jambavan expression surprised.png

Someone else?! Wait a second, you said-

The accomplice noticed that the little girl is muttering improvised poems in the cold breeze.

Alice expression neutral.png

It is a beautiful day for a festival.
A carefree bear taking a nap in its burrow.

Alice expression smile.png

Run along now, little white rabbit,
don't be late, hop-hop.

Alice expression surprised.png

Now, let the festivities begin!

Alice expression smile.png

…… Now then, Jambavan.
Be a good boy and return to your room.

The figure of the joyful girl blended like fog into the crowd and vanished.

Eventually... The bear in the white coat was left alone.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

.... Honestly, that's so like her.
She just does whatever she wants.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Well, I guess it's fine.
As instructed, I'll go relax at home for today.

Jambavan expression happy.png

...Aaaah~, this will be my first vacation in a while.
I think I'll curl up with a book. It's nice out today too. Oh, but I have research to do as well.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Ah, that's right! Leib-senpai will be in the lab today.
I should pick up something for him from the Panda Grill on the way.

Jambavan expression crying.png

Also, Cusith-kun said he was going out.
I hope he doesn't cry. If he does the venue will be destroyed...

Jambavan expression neutral.png

...... At any rate.

The young man looked up at the sky, sighing and murmuring to himself.

Jambavan expression neutral.png

Who in the world could be drawn to your selfishness?

Jambavan expression crying.png

Aaaah... I feel bad for them.

[1st Night: A Festival is Held]

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Woow~! It's terrifyingly active here, Master!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Daikanyama Academy's Halloween party sure is popular around these parts~!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Oh yeah! Hehehe~
On the topic of Halloween, lemme give you an example, Master~!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Now you gotta give me candy or you’ll get tricked~!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Huhuhu, that went perfectly!
I sure did a fine job researching this!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I'm talkin' the monsters of Halloween! Salomon-kun and the monsters!

2 options
There's a lot going on today... Do you have a thing for sweets?
Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

That's because we're all excited!
After all, it will be fun with just the two of us!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Oh, I was just rehearsing stuff earlier.
I’m looking forward to the candy!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Eh, there's a lot of excitement going on? Well, that's obvious!
After all, it will be fun with just the two of us!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Don't if our usual group of three is good luck or bad luck,
but we can't all come here with our own separate goals!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Little ol' chubby-kun was crying badly...
Just wanted to treat candy like souvenirs.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Well, whatever!
It's been an awfully long time since I last seen you, Master, so...

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

This is an opportunity, so to speak.
This is the perfect opportunity to step things up a notch, from a mere master-to-slave relationship!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Come on, Master! Trick-or-Treating!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Eating candy together...
Aah, it would feel like it's melting your tongue!

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

Such an exciting, tingly feeling in my heart!
In the name of mischief, I demand pettings~.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Do whatever you feel like doing to me,
I'll give you a gift-

A Dignified Voice:( face)
Oh, if it isn’t [Player]!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Gyaaah?! C-Could that voice be...!

Chernobog expression sad.png

Did I arrive later than the agreed meeting time?
I apologize for making you wait.

2 options (Same Response)
Don’t worry about it too much. I like waiting for you, actually.

Chernobog expression smile.png

I am relieved to hear that from you.
By the way, I happened to be practicing something earlier.

Following what Chernobog said, he is holding a ragged paper in hand, containing a script of a play.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

You're forgetting the jolly feelings of a festival!
There's a reason why you came here today, Master...!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Specifically, you're here to witness the big performance from that Demon King.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

I thought it was going to be just us two...
...(Sniffle sniffle), (Sniffle sniffle).

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Hmph, there’s no way...
Being a talented butler means being able to read the room!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Salomon-kun who can't be seen at all will quietly disappear now.
Master, I'll see you later~.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

It looked like you were talking to someone,
was it all in my imagination...?

Chernobog expression smile.png

Well, I'm sure it's nothing.
Thank you for coming in the midst of this busy day.

2 options
Did you memorize the words and phrases yet? Nervous about your first performance?
Chernobog expression smile.png

Everyone repeatedly practiced to welcome this special day.
It's to guarantee the performance's success!

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am unsure if I can remember everything however.

Chernobog expression happy.png

… Hmm. On my own, I certainly would feel that way.

Chernobog expression happy.png

When I realized it, my arms and feet felt like they were lifeless.
I even felt like I’ve become a Deer…

Chernobog expression neutral.png

Furthermore, for this performance,
I am to open the curtains with my narration.

Chernobog expression sad.png

[Player]. Is it safe for them to entrust an important task to me?

2 options (Same Response)
Perform right here. Rehearse it one more time for me.

Chernobog expression shocked.png

... Right here!?

Chernobog expression happy.png

No, I can't fail because you asked.
Alright... Here goes nothing.

Softly clearing his throat and double-checking the script, Chernobog then quietly spoke.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“An occasion not here, a place that does not exist now.
This is far from a dream, rather a tale of that place.”

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“The peaceful country of Medana will soon be conquered by the King of Darkness, Tonas.”

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“Ah, the people cursed with absolute Japanese food culture begs for rescue!"

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“Thus, the sacred sword, the French Fryer was chosen.
Jakarta, the hero that clears away evil, was the one chosen."

Chernobog expression smile.png

Then, after this line, I will step out onto the stage.
“It is I, the brave hero! Jakarta!”

Chernobog expression sad.png

...... What are your thoughts?
Personally, I believe I did a fine job.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

Please, don't hold back. I am only asking for your confident opinion.

2 options
You did a fine job. You were nervous, weren't you?
Chernobog expression happy.png

I-Is that so…! [Player],
when you say that, I feel a little more confident.

Chernobog expression anger.png

Well... I was willing to accept harsh criticism.
The performance won't disappoint you, [Player]!

1 option
It's an interesting story anyways.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Yes, I thought so too but, it is a creative drama this time.
Please look forward to what we have in store for the play.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Everything in this transient world is but a novel to me,
however I feel it will be a valuable experience.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Because I have decided to bear the role of a "hero"... More than anything else.

This is the time where the autumn season intensifies, and the overall mood is great. An email was sent from Daikanyama Academy.

A performance will be held at the Halloween party. Chernobog was asked to participate in it.

And that role is-

2 options
Hey, you mentioned your role was a "hero," right? You're a Demon King, aren't you?
Chernobog expression neutral.png

Yes, that was the plan.
The director over there was terribly enthusiastic.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

That is true.
The director over there was terribly enthusiastic.

Chernobog expression neutral.png

“A truly impressive detail will give life to a play!”
Just like that, I was especially chosen for the role.

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am curious about what you call plays of this world,
I was willing to cooperate as the former Demon King, however...

(Mysterious Beauty):( face)
In the time of our first meeting,
I said, "A cast like that is utter nonsense."

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Good afternoon. Welcome to Daikanyama Academy!

3 options
Hello, Taromaiti. Didn't expect to see you so soon. Has it been that long since the Seaside School?
Taromaiti expression smile.png

I am glad to see you, [Player].
I hope you’ll have fun today.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Those days were fun, [Player].
I would love to go out to sea again.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Ah, Taromaiti-dono. Are you here to greet [Player] as well?

Taromaiti expression joy.png

That's correct, Chernobog.
I wanted to see my friend's face again. I feel the same way.

Taromaiti expression surprised.png

There must be a reason why you came here today.
Perhaps you've come to see his first debut?

Taromaiti expression smile.png

If so, you’re more than welcome to. It’ll be reassuring if you're together.
He should be able to perform with no trouble at all.

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

Everyone has their first times after all.
Chernobog will feel confident if the presence of his faithful companion is there.

Chernobog expression happy.png

Hahaha... You saw through me, Taromaiti.
You're right, I am very nervous about this.

Chernobog expression happy.png

In that aspect, I won't be able to enter the hall.
I can't bear to look because I'd be too scared.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

I want you to think highly of yourself.
You see, my heart feels like it's going to burst at any moment too.

Taromaiti expression joy.png

I've had experiences like that in fencing matches,
but those experiences are a good thing for a play.

2 options (Same Response)
By the way, was your role swapped too? Taromaiti's the Demon King this time, right?

Taromaiti expression surprised.png

…… I’m surprised. You're sharp as ever, [Player].

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

I get how passionate the theater group is regarding plays,
but personally I just can’t accept the castings.

Taromaiti expression anger.png

No matter what kind of person he was in the past,
there is nothing admirable about about carving out new wounds.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Besides, it's not weird for someone known as a Demon King to take on the role of a Demon King, is it?

Taromaiti expression joy.png

I can become someone that I couldn't be before.
That's why it's the big appeal of a play.

Taromaiti expression sad.png

Well, I... have been called a "Demon King" so many times in the past.
I have little confidence in making the role.

Taromaiti says that with a wink and laughed mischievously.

Taromaiti expression smile.png

In the end, I exchanged roles with my role of a "hero."

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

“I am the Demon King, Tonas.
I will dye everything in the world in the supreme Japanese food culture."

Taromaiti expression anger.png

“The world will soon bow down to me!”

Chernobog expression anger.png

“You believe you can get away with that?
The Hero of the Sacred Sword, Jakarta, will stand up to you!”

Taromaiti expression neutral.png


2 options (Same Response)
I was blown away by that! The both of you were great!

Taromaiti expression smile.png

Hahaha, thank you. Chernobog, how are you feeling now?

Chernobog expression happy.png

I am grateful. Because of this,
I feel I can perform without feeling stiff on stage.

Taromaiti expression neutral.png

We should get going soon. Let’s change into our costumes and review the script from beginning to end.

Chernobog expression smile.png

Of course. We'll be seeing you later, [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
I’m looking forward to the play! Good luck!

The two people wave their hands and leave the venue. When the figures disappear, the smartphone glows.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Ooooh, what an unexpected turn of events, eh?
That Demon King should perform spectacularly.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Speaking of plays, the story's about rescuing the captive princess
and defeating the king of evil, right?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Eheheh~, I'm so excited to see it!
I'm positive I'm gonna love this play!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Buying some popcorn and sitting on Master's lap...
Eeeeee, I can't wait~!

1 option
Did you hear a weird voice?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

...... Oh, you're right. It kinda sounds like yelling...

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Oh, it's crying, crying noises! It came from over there! Let’s check it out!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!
Festivals! Festivals! Heave ho!

In your line of sight where the shrieks drew you in, there was a strange group of people there.

In the middle of the group is where the source of the screams is coming from.

Volos expression surprised.png

My head's... My head's spiniiiiiing...!

It's a group of children with pumpkin headgear. They were spinning a bear beastman in the air like they wanted to put him in a coma.

The children's sounds of laughter with no sense of tension, the bear's screams of agony with no tension echoes in the air.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

… What the heck is going on?
Do you do this on Halloween too?

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Today is a fun festival! Come on, everyone, let's celebrate!
Heave ho! Heave ho!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Trick or Treat!
A prank for your favorite child, the child who you care about!

Volos expression surprised.png

Gyaaaaah!! *Sounds of being spun around*
Somebody, stop theeem! Heeeelp meeeee!!

3 options (Same Response)
They're awfully strong for kids! Do they prefer pranks over candy? ? Why is that bear getting lifted up? ?

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

Errr... Where are you getting that idea from?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Even though I'm proud of being a 3rd-class gag,
I'm practically speechless that there's so many of them!!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

… Huh? Huuuuuh?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Hey, those pumpkin-headed children!
Some kind of weird power is being put on them, specifically tricky magic powers!

2 options (Same Response)
I’m going to go help him. Salomon-Kun, wait here.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

What an impulse decision!
You never hesitate when it comes to helping others!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Honestly, I don't get what's going on here, but they're kids, Master!
Make sure you go easy on them!

Volos expression surprised.png

Anything's fine, just help me quuuuick!!