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Revision as of 00:16, 11 February 2018

Location: Academy Stage

Notes: Chernobog is referred to as "Jakarta the Brave." while Taromaiti is "Demon King Tonas." in the play.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
In the beginning.
Things has gone beyond the ordinary.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
To play the Demon King on the Halloween stage.
It was a request upon learning about one’s history.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
With no desire for the “role,”
I would assume the role again in the imaginary world.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
I thought it was unpleasant but,
the experience was interesting.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
A fairy tale performed with a rewarding good and punishing evil theme.
There will be no death nor misery.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
Imagining the tale of a Demon King and mankind,
it was not a pleasant thing.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
…… However, my strong feelings,
an unexpected figure turned against me.

Taromaiti expression joy.png

That proposal is nonsense.
I will accept it.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
The voice of a dignified girl,
a pure stream that penetrates the inside of my heart.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
A few words from her, my mood became sentimental; a new adventure was written for promotion.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

For the time being, only temporary,
I will become the “Hero.”

Chernobog expression halloween smile.png


Jakarta the Brave:( face)
The scene was truly fascinating.
That is what I think from the bottom of my heart.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
And now, I am waiting quietly to stand on the dark stage.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
I thought about putting an end to this play.
Chernobog shakes his head and drove out that thought.

Jakarta the Brave:( face)
The curtains opened,
the light was like the sun in mid-air, shining on me.

[Night 6: The Stage Breaks Out into a Dance.]

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Oh, oh, oh, oh no Master~!
The play has already begun!?

2 options
You need to be quiet in a theater. We could have made it in time to see it.
Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, is that appropriate for this situation?
No one can hear my voice nor figure!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Indeed! The truth is,
I want to enjoy the theater-going experience on Master's lap!

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

(Pant pant)…… I am tired from moving around.
Where would they be in an auditorium……?

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Still, they’re in the middle of a play.
We cannot get careless and cause an uproar here.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Indeed. The Daikanyama Academy Theater department,
they have repeatedly practiced for this big moment!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

I agree……
Let’s move on, Arslan-sama.

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

We have no choice but to make some noise.
Alright, Zabaniya, let’s go!

While the group is whispering in the middle of the darkness, someone moved towards the stage of the play.

From the sleeves of the Hero’s costume, Chernobog raises the sword in his hand and shouts.

Chernobog expression halloween neutral.png

I am Jakarta the Brave!
I have made a vow to this holy sword!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

To defeat the Demon King, Tonas,
and certainly, rescue the captive princess!

Raising the sword he possesses in the sky, Chernobog yelled greatly.

A strong voice shakes the air of the auditorium. That face is overflowing with confidence.

His acting ability is a little clumsy, but he is full of spirit and confidence. Although it is his first time, that performance was splendid.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It seems he steadily entered the hall.
This is a trial for him to communicate as an actor.

Zabaniya expression halloween happy.png

Coming to school every day,
he has immersed himself in his training for quite some time now.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Originally feared as the “Demon King”……
with diligence and effort, you have gained the trust of everyone.

Cusith expression halloween cheerful.png

The Hero, he looks a little cool…… to be honest, he’s amazing!
He’s such a hard worker!

2 options (Same Response)
It’s to make the performance a success. We need to hurry and find the pumpkins.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

(Sniff sniff)…… (Sniff sniff)……
Volos-kun’s smell……

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

O-oh? Strange……
(Sniff sniff)…… (Sniff sniff)……?

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

Uuu…… it’s no good.
Everyone is confined in here, their smells are dense.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

And look-
there’s something on the stage.

In the direction where Cusith is pointing, on the stage, there is a massive pumpkin enshrined there.

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

At first, I thought it was an ordinary prop……
There’s no doubt about it. That’s Volos-kun’s pumpkin.

2 options
That's huge! Volos put a lot of love into it……
Arslan expression halloween joy.png

We don’t have much room for that…… If you ate that much, you could easily take a nap afterwards!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

Volos-sama’s pumpkin…… has that much love!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

…… I see. That is truly a huge pumpkin,
it has the same feeling as the other pumpkins.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Furthermore, it’s large enough for comparison.
The number of fairies gathered should be in proportion to that pumpkin.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

The moment we entered the building,
I noticed the pumpkin’s strong fragrance.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

By some chance, that huge pumpkin may be the cause of the chaos this time.

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

That means…… that pumpkin will put them in danger!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

That pumpkin is very suspicious,
we must find a way to examine it during the play.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

There must be a way to investigate that pumpkin……

Cusith expression halloween sad.png

We can’t be seen or caught by anyone,
someone needs to go investigate that pumpkin.

3 options
We can’t be seen by anyone…… Nobody should notice us…… If only there is something convenient!
Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

It’s time for cute little Salomon-kun!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Wait a minute, Master!! Cute and invisible butler!
Did you forget about me?! Don’t forget me!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Salomon-kun won’t be seen nor noticed!
This is my chance to redeem myself!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

In essence, I will go and check the contents of that pumpkin.
I will confirm if something is in there!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Well then, let’s goooooooo!
Master! I will be right back!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Pumpkin, the bear, children! There’s nothing!

1 option
There's nothing!?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

How do you know that?
There’s absolutely nothing in that pumpkin?!

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

A-Arslan-sama! We’re in the middle of a play! Please refrain from using a loud voice!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

But, I don’t understand how [Player] could tell.
There might be an error.

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Even though it’s big and suspicious……
nothing seems to be happening…… it’s creepy!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

However, that pumpkin must have a powerful force in it.
We’ll have to take countermeasures.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

In any case, we’re wasting time standing here.
We’ll split up and investigate.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

We don’t know where the pumpkins are hiding.
Everyone, be on your guard.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

…… [Player]-sama, you will take the right-hand side.
Cusith-sama, please take the left aisle.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

I will search the center aisle.
If something happens…… come back immediately.

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

Let’s end this quickly so we can see the play!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Zabaniya, go behind the scenes.
Provide an explanation of the situation to the theater department.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Understood. Right away. Well then, everyone – good luck.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Looks like we split up just fine.
Don’t worry, Master! We’re still together!

2 options (Same Response)
Thanks. Don’t bump into a wall.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Ehee~. Leave it to me!
I’m so excited!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

Third-class Detective Butler’s searching ability!
I will show you what I’ve got, Master~!

Inside the dark venue, each of them are in charge of searching their section.

In the meantime, the story continues on stage- it was the Demon King’s time to appear.

Taromaiti expression halloween neutral.png

Are those the words of the Hero? Pretentious.
With Demon King Tonas here, there is no escape.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Rather, those who stand before me,
you should throw away all your hopes!

2 options (Same Response)
She is doing a great job! Taromaiti is in high spirits.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

That young lady, she fits really well as the Demon King.
She’s speaking out and not holding back, it’s scary.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Nevertheless…… the pumpkins are nowhere to be found.
Not even with the “eye of Salomon-kun.”

2 options (Same Response)
I wonder if they’re not here. There might be a surprise waiting.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Strange…… I did not find anything.
Was there an oversight? The auditorium seats, the stage……

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Arslan-sama, I’ve returned.
The situation is not good.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Oh, you’ve returned, Zabaniya.

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

the connection between the supporting party surrounding the venue has been cut off!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Maria-sama, Azazel-sama, and Gabriel-sama, who were taking commands-
their messages were cut off!!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

The enemy has already surrounded us?!
Stop the play immediately! Evacuate the visitors-

Children's voices:( face)
(Giggle)(Giggle). A loud voice is bad.
You need to be quiet in a play.

Arslan expression halloween anger.png


Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png


Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Uun, it’s so dark,
I can’t find anything at all……

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Both the bear and pumpkins,
are they really here……?

2 options (Same Response)
Believe in Cusith’s nose. Are we overlooking something……?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, look. The highlight of the play.
Uuuu. I want to see the play thoroughly.

After Salomon-kun said to turn their view, The Hero and Demon King confront each other.

The spotlight illuminates the stage, the climax is about to start.

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Guided by the light of the Sacred Sword,
Jakarta the Brave is here!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I’m glad you’ve come, the adversary of my destiny.
I, Demon King Tonas, will show you my power!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Come out, my elite!
Go and destroy the Hero!

Ordered to come out from the sleeves of the theater, it was the Jack-O-Lanterns.

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

It appears they were hiding behind the scenes!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Kch! They broke out into the stadium!
The pumpkins will possess the actors of the play!

2 options (Same Response)
The Demon King, Tonas will become a pumpkin! This is unsettling……

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(Err…… what?
Your costumes are different, did you change them?)

Male Beast Student (Red Wolf Mob with Pumpkin head):( face)
(Whisper whisper)

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

I will allow an image change like that!
I care about my subordinate’s spontaneous individuality!

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

Let’s get back to it! Hahaha.
It’s time for your comrades to fall, and you’ll be the only one left.

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

Our elite are unrivaled and limitless! Yet they are still unique!
This despair, your fears will be overwhelming!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Never! Whatever despair waits for me…… I will not submit,
I will seize the future!

Taromaiti expression halloween smile.png

I see. I would expect to hear that from the Hero.
But, will you still be courageous if you were to see this?

With the snap of the Demon King’s finger, the lanterns withdrew from the stage.

And the person who was accompanying them was left behind, it was a surprise.

Chernobog expression halloween shocked.png

(It’s a different cast member?!)

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(It’s a different cast member?!)

Volos expression surprised.png

Eh…… h-help me……!
Please help me, h-hero-sama!

2 options (Same Response)
Why is Volos on stage……? He's taking the role of the princess?!

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

(Hey, why are you here?
I didn’t hear anything about a change to the princess.)

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

(This is the princess who is hungry.
We’ll leave this person in your hands.)

Taromaiti expression halloween joy.png

(If that’s the case, why not.
Just bear with it for a little while. You’ll be fine as the princess.)

Volos expression sad.png

(…… Uuuu…… OK.)

Zabaniya expression halloween surprised.png

How in the world did the outcome turn out to be this? Why are they on stage?

Cusith expression halloween shocked.png

Hey, hey, [Player].
Isn’t the pumpkin’s scent getting stronger?

Pointing that out, there is some smoke enveloping around their feet.

The huge pumpkin on stage is spewing out a sweet smell.

Taromaiti expression halloween surprised.png

Uu…… what is this smell?
My head…… I’m getting dizzy……!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Wah, for some reason……
my feelings are becoming fluffy…… this is not good!

Chernobog expression halloween anger.png

Block! Black snow…… become a wall!
Night on Bald Mountain!

The snow fluttering around Chernobog becomes a wall, it is protecting against the scent of the pumpkin.

2 options (Same Response)
This is bad! We need to stop that pumpkin!

Cusith expression halloween anger.png

It’s no good, [Player].
The scent is too strong on the stage, we’ll get caught in it!

Arslan expression halloween anger.png

Taromaiti…… Mr. Chernobog……!
Let’s go, Zabaniya!

Zabaniya expression halloween angry.png

Please stay calm, [Player]-sama.
With my “Rule,” I will distinguish the pumpkin’s aroma!

2 options (Same Response)
Stop it before it spreads out into the room! I’ll cut through this “fragrance” with my sword!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

We won’t let you!
Don’t interfere with our plans!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Demon King-sama! Please look over here!
The Hero’s comrades are here!

JackOLantern expression pumpkin.png

Please give us your command!
All members are ready!

Taromaiti expression halloween anger.png

What…… is that true?!
Then, knock them down immediately!

By her command, the pumpkin soldiers are closing in.

Audience:( face)
What’s happening!

Audience:( face)
Is this part of the play too?
Go for it! Don’t give up!

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

So, the fairies already deluded the minds of the people on stage!

Zabaniya expression halloween neutral.png

Nonetheless, the audience thinks it’s part of the production.

2 options (Same Response)
Let’s break through here first. Everyone, be careful!

Cusith expression halloween surprised.png

You be careful too, [Player].