Latest revision as of 22:48, 27 January 2018
Chapter 2: Black Santa's Dream
Joul and Krampus' Dorm Room
You hit your head, um, are you okay?
Krampus:(embarrassed face)
This is so embarrassing... I just wanna drop dead...
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He isn't injured that badly....!
The body is fine, but the emotional scars may never heal....
Um, I apologize for making a rude remark before. I promise, I won't tell anyone about... what we saw.
Krampus:(angry face)
R, really...?
You'll take it your grave, do you swear?!
Waah, Y-Y-Y-E-E-S-S-S,
Senpai! Stop, stop!
There's no need to shake Shirou-san so violently!
Krampus:(surprised face)
ーというか, ヨウルがいるじゃないか。
なんだ、 お前の運れか?
Let me reintroduce you all. This is Krampus-senpai, a third year.
We're roommates.
Senpai, these are my friends from Shinjuku.
They're here for the Departure Ceremony.
Krampus:(sad face)
Oh, you're Youl's friends?
Ah, he mentioned you guys the other day...
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Nice to meet you, I'm Player.
Actually, we met a little bit ago...?
Hn? Then, these two...
I'm Motoori, a second year student at Shinjuku Academy.
And this is--
Ryouta:(angry face)
N-n-nice to meet you!!
I'm, I'm Ryouta Yakushimaru!!
Ryouta and I were classmates back in junior high.
He's been talking about you a lot, Senpai.
You helped me out of a tight spot yesterday!
I wanted to thank you!
At the time, Maria-chan and I couldn't have gotten away on our own--
You were super cool!
Just appearing outta nowhere, mopping up the bad guys and leaving with barely a word...
You're like, a hero!
So, please sign an autograph for me!
Krampus:(surprise face)
Krampus:(sad face)
Really, I just happened to be passing by. See, I was coming back from the rental store in Kabukicho to return some DVDs...
There's no need to thank me like this... It's just good that you're okay.
...Hah. Me, a hero.
Krampus:(grin face)
確かに、 ごろつきなら撃の迫力だな。
But, why go all the way out to Kabukicho...?
There are closer rental shops around here.
Krampus:(surpise face)
N, no, that's... because I was going to borrow these.
As he said so, Krampus gestured to a massive pile of DVDs labelled Rental-Only.
Looks like... a bunch of old super sentai shows?
I don't remember seeing any of these air on TV.
No, these haven't been on TV for years. Some of 'em are 40 years old.
These are the shows the defined the tokusatsu hero genre.
Krampus:(angry face)
I had to search all over Tokyo for these babies,
and I finally found them in Kabukicho!
Krampus:(embarrassed face)
I couldn't believe it when I finally stumbled on them.
My whole body was shaking, and I couldn't hold back the tears.
No, I understand completely. I've had similar experiences while browsing old book shops.
You must've searched for a long time...
You sure are passionate.
Yeah, these are great shows after all. Let me explain....
Krampus:(grin face)
It didn't rely on CGI, everything had to be done with special effects!
They had to employ a lot of ingenuity and creativity.
Krampus:(sad face)
Things like camera angles, wire acrobatics, sometimes admittedly dangerous stuntman work...
Krampus:(angry face)
It may be a genre staple nowadays, but they didn't have anything like robots or mecha!
Of course, those aren't necessarily a bad thing altogether.
Modern shows have their own strengths and charms.
But I especially wanted to see this show,
just look at this scene--
Krampus continued to rattle off trivia and tokusatsu history for around five minutes before someone finally spoke up.
S-senpai, stop, stop!
I can't follow any of this!
Krampus:(surprise face)
Hm? Aah! S-sorry, I get too worked up once I get started talking about tokusatsu.
なんか、 ビリ ビリ好きなのが伝わつてきま したよ !
Shirou:(awe face)
How amazing... It did run a bit long,
but it is fascinating to learn so much about a culture I know nothing of.
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I understand.
Shirou was into it because he's just as bad...
...I'm aware. When it's a subject you're passionate about, it's only natural to be talkative.
But... sorry if it's troublesome at times.
I'll try my best to curb myself.
But, it's fine right?
A Santa that's into kid's shows I mean.
Like you can tune into the kids' wavelength and pick out a good present for 'em, right?
Krampus:(sad face)
I don't give out presents.
Shirou:(awe face)
You don't?
You're here at this school learning to be a Santa, right?
N-n-no way!
Are you gonna be a reindeer?!
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He does have wonderful horns.
Is the Santa getup just cosplay..?
Aah, sorry, sorry, you don't go to this school so you wouldn't know,
but there's more than one "Santa" department.
In addition to the "Santa" and "Reindeer" training programs--
There's also the "Black Santa" program...
Krampus:(embarrassed face)
Ooh, "Black Santa" like Ded-sensei's other personality?
I think I get it!
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He's definitely scary enough.
I'm convinced...
Shirou:(awe face)
Wait please, I've never heard such a thing.
There's such a thing as a "Black" Santa?
Oh yeah, before, we met both kinds of Santas.
"Black Santa" is a different thing than the traditional "Santa"
It's a Santa Claus that punishes naughty children.
Scaring kids straight, in order for them to change their ways.
It's a "necessary evil" sort of existence.
Krampus:(angry face)
Previously, Ded Moroz-sensei played this role...
And recently, the number of bad kids is on the rise.
A few years back, he suffered a back injury from overwork.
Although there are few applicants, that is why the "Black Santa" department was established.
Krampus:(sad face)
ま、 体裁もあり、基本はス力ウ卜方式。 公にはしていない。
それでも、 入学案内にも記されている立派な学科だよ。
I see.
It sounds like an interesting department.
Ryouta:(mad face)
ガタガタ雲えろ悪ガキどもおっ !
黒いサンタさんがオシオキしてやるっ! ダダダダダダダッ!
一みたいに、 ジエド先生は銃を構えてたけど、
クランプス先輩はちょっと違うみたい? 爪だったし。
ブラックサンタにも、 いろいろいるからね。
「無償の贈り物を与える存在」 が,
「幼子に懲罰を与える存在」 もまた、
色々 と存在するというわけか...
Krampus:(sad face)
……そうだな。 大体どこの世界にも、
似たような伝承は存在するら しい。
別世界では、 藁を纏った赤鬼の-族が役を担ってきたように。
「悪い子」 が居る限り、 それを懲らしめる存在も必要になる。
オレの-族も、 代々生業としてきたことだ。
オレの演じる 「黒」 と、 ジエド校長先生の 「黒」は、
全く の別物ではあるが……本質は同じってことさ。
クリスマスの晩に活動する、 「影のサンタ」 。
出身地によって、 仕打ちの内容は様々だが--
プレゼン トを配るに値しないと判断された
「悪い子」 のところに出向くのが、 オレのー族の生業さ。
Krampus:(grin face)
灰袋で叩いたり、 ムチを打ったり、
な, なかなかにインパクトのあるオシオキですね。
それは確かに、 子供に影響がありそうだ。
Krampus:(angry face)
とにかく ドギツウ~~いオシオキを与え、
無理矢理にでも改心させるッ !
Krampus:(angry face)
お説教だけじゃ済まされねエ ! !
カラーンカラ一ン……なんて` 鐘の音が聞こえてきて,
オレ様のこの爪にガリッとやられちまうかもなア ! ?
Krampus:(angry face)
あの悪ガキどもの恐怖に震えたあの声 !
「ゴメンナサイ」 を連発するあの泣き顔 ! !
Krampus:(grin face)
ああ~~、思い出すだけでゾクゾクきちまう ! !
Krampus:(tasty face)
一ひっ ! ? ビックリした!
こ、 これがその姿なのか……! !
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He suddenly changed?!
What happened to the nerdy guy from a second ago?!
僕を助けてくれた先輩! こういうテンションだったよ !
校長先生と同じで、 1人2役とか?
Krampus:(hoodless neutral face)
今し方、 「演じてる」 と言っただろう?
つまり…… 「演技」 なんだよ。
Krampus:(hoodless neutral face)
オレには、 校長のような2つの人格は存在しない。
かといって、 素でブラックサンタできるほど度胸も無い。
Krampus:(hoodless sad face)
今のは、 オレなりに研究して作り上げた「超ー極悪人」の演技。
生まれもったこの顔と、 あの演技で「悪い子」を脅す。
Krampus:(hoodless neutral face)
そしてこの 「神器」 で, 無理矢理恐怖を植え付け、
Krampus:(hoodless sad face)
それが、 オレの仕事だ。
最も、 神経使うし喉も枯れるから.....
Krampus:(hoodless sad face)
基本的に、 ブラックサンタの活動時期にあたる
12月にのみ、 演じることにしてるんだけどな。
先輩、 12月が近づく と毎朝かかさず基礎トレ一二ングをして、
台本の読み込み、 発声練習もしているんだよっ。
Krampus:(embarrassed hoodless face)
あ、 あまり言うなヨウル!
.....まあ、 プロだから当然のことだ。
Shirou:(awe face)
そこまで来ると、 まさに「役者」 という感じだな。
まるで、 映画俳厘さんみたい……。
うん、力ッコいい! すごく力ッコいいですよ!
特撮を見てたのは、 その研究の一環でもあるのか……。
なんか、 ストンと腑に落ちたな。
Krampus:(embarrassed hoodless face)
そ, そのことには触れるなツ !
Krampus:(sad hoodless face)
...まあ, そうだよな。
確かに、 おかしいよな。
Krampus:(sad hoodless face)
子供から見たら 「善」 ではなく 「悪」 の存在だ。
Krampus:(sad hoodless face)
「悪役」 側の存在であるこのオレが--
ヒーローに、 憧れを持ってるなんて。