Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition

Revision as of 05:36, 2 March 2018 by Kukuru (talk | contribs) (Chapter 2)


Main Quest
Event Exchange
November 30th, 2017 19:00 -> December 23rd, 23:59
Free Quest Duration November 30th, 2017 19:00 -> December 17th, 23:59

Event Details

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition

Main Quest
Event Exchange
November 30th, 2017 19:00 -> December 23rd, 23:59 ( planned )
Free Quest Duration November 30th, 2017 19:00 -> December 17th, 23:59 ( planned )


Food of the Remote Island Increase Material of the Remote Island
Islander +10% Islander
Flow Changer +10% Abyss Dweller
Survivor +20% Creator of Heaven and Earth
Reflector of Waves +20% Engulfer of Islands
Courageous 10% 40% Inventor

Once again, LW releases another Event Quest.

  • This time around, an event unit (Kijimuna) will be issued.
  • The event items dropped this time around will be Food of the Remote Island and Material of the Remote Island. As for what skills will increase what, those details are unknown.
  • New debuff   [[|No name provided .]]No description provided. (Unknown). Units with this debuff will move closer towards the enemy.
  •   units (Tribesman) will drop during this quest; these units possess skills to aid in clearing the quest (and increasing drop quantities).
  • This time around, multiple skills will increase the multiplier for event item quantities.

The Last Three Days With You


Main Quest

These quests are one-time only, so their ratios aren't important to calculate.

Like regular Main Quests these quests aren't repeatable.

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 1

Part 1

Part 1:
Location: Mysterious Island

"Gajumaru" is a Chinese Banyan tree or Ficus microcarpa.

Washed away. It was very violent.

Nothing can be done. Nothing can be done.

???:( face)

Right before they lost consciousness, they heard a person’s voice.

???:( face)
[Player], grab my hand-
No, [Player], [Player]!!

???:( face)
Please, someone, anyone!
Save [Player]-

Inside the muddy stream, the owner’s voice fades away. A world of silence soon came.

And…… in the end, nothing remained.

Episode 1: [A Castaway Washes Ashore.]

The sound of the waves can be heard.

They wondered- How much time has passed?

Their consciousness has yet to recover. [Player] heard a voice.

(Voice):( face)

They can’t make sense of that voice. But that voice was gentle, warming.

Before long, the owner of that voice gently touches the body of [Player].

At first, they were surprised by the touch of a finger, it soon became daring. It finally goes inside their clothes.

Creeping the finger from the neck to back, and then [Player]’s sensitive spot-

(Voice):( face)
It’s time to wake up! Kitchy-kitchy-coo!!

I’m mercilessly tickling you!!

Kijimaru is referred to as "Southern Country Boy?" for the next 3 lines.

Uwaa, you’re alive! I’m surprised!
I’m shockingly surprised!

But you’re alive, that’s great~!
It’s been a long time since I met a human being-

2 options
Who…… are you? Technically a boy……!

Hehehe, surprised?
Any child can get up from being tickled.

Hello! I’m Kijimuna.
I am an image cast by the gajumaru that is part of the island itself.

1 option

Ah, “gajumaru,”
you were wrapped in its leaves.

You were sleeping for some time now.
Days and days.

You didn’t wake up, so the gajumaru got worried and woke you up.

2 options (Same Response)
I understand but – thank you. You helped me, thanks.

Hey, there’s no need to say thanks, good child.
I’m happy.

No worries!
The “role” of the gajumaru is to protect others.

So, you were lucky.
You were sleeping and hiding in the gajumaru.

There are no stray dogs or anything like that around here.
It’s good that there’s life here-

2 options (Same Response)
Around here? By the way, where are we?


It’s been a long time since anything happened,
the shape of the island is different than usual too……

That’s what the gajumaru said.
I’m certain of it since I’m part of the island.

So why were you sleeping under the gajumaru?
Do you remember?

2 options (Same Response)
…… I don’t know. ......Why?

Maybe you hit your head.
Don’t worry! Let’s see-

What can you remember…… Mm……
Oh yeah! What’s your name?

1 option
It's [Player].

You remembered your name, good. That's a relief.

Names are very important.
They’re words that define you.

Is there anything else you can remember?
Anything is fine. Try to remember slowly.

……? You look depressed.
What’s wrong, [Player]?

2 options (Same Response)
Anything else? Well, I only remember that.

Ah. You don’t remember much.
It’s alright, it’s alright. It’ll come back.

It’s fine if you want to cry.
You can cry right away, child.

At that moment, [Player] and Kijimaru’s stomachs both made a growling sound…… It was a big echo.

Ah, that’s embarrassing!
Since you woke up after a long time, you’re starving.

Anyways, I want to eat till I’m full.
I’ll go catch some fish from the ocean!

2 options (Same Response)
Let me help you. I'll help.

Haha, it’s fine child, since you don’t remember anything.
Well, you can go catch some fish.

Do your best to catch one, so we can broil and eat it.
There are jellyfish so be careful.

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kijimuna (level 15, skill level 10) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 5
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 10 2 per stamina
Card XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2

Part 2

Part 2:
Location: Mysterious Island

Look, [Player]!
We caught a fish!

…… What’s wrong, [Player]?
Is there something wrong with the beach?

3 options (Same Response)
The beach, the scenery. It feels familiar somehow. ...... It's no use, I can't remember.

You look sad, [Player].

At times like this, there’s one thing to do.
Coochy-coochy-coo…… Ehehe.

2 options (Same Response)
Bwahahaha, that tickles! Stop it, stop it, hahahaha!

A child shouldn’t be having a sad expression!

2 options
Ooh, why would you do that! I’ll return the favor, coochy-coo……

Hehehe! That sad face turned into a smile!
I love the smiling faces from the children.

Waah?! Ahahaha!
Don’t tickle me back, I’m frail ahaha, it hurts!

[Player], do you feel better?
When you’re feeling sad, you should laugh it off!

2 options (Same Response)
Well, you did cheer me up. …… Thanks, Kijimuna.

No problem!
Laugh a lot, eat to your heart’s content and be happy!

Well, let’s cook the fish.
Cook then eat, it’ll be delicious!

2 options (Same Response)
The fire’s green…… It’s good that you can start a fire, Kijimuna.

Well, it’s not a problem.
When we need fire, I can make it.

Now it’s roasted.
Huhuhu…… it’s cooked perfectly.

OK! Here, this part is for you, [Player]!

I’ll only eat the fish’s eyeball.
You can have the rest of the body, [Player].

Fish eyeballs are my favorite food.
Don’t be afraid to try it!

2 options (Same Response)
Tasty…… Even if it’s cooked……

Isn’t the island’s blessing a beauty?
Hehe, here’s something good.

He held something out, it was a big coconut.

The human children, they all love these things.
Sweet, tasty and it gives you energy.

After eating, it’s time for a nap.
Especially a nap under the gajumaru!

Ahaha, good night~!
Time to sleep after it gets dark.

A nap after eating, it feels great.
But, after waking up, I’ll feel hungry again.

The ocean at night is dark and dangerous, but it’s fine.
[Player] caught some fish beforehand.

Surrounding the fire,
and then eating a delicious meal together!

From now on,
I’ll be happy to play with [Player] together on the island.

2 options (Same Response)
Together? That's -

What’s wrong, [Player]?
Your face. Do you have a stomach-ache?

When we were talking earlier [Player], you made that face.

[Player], did you remember something?
Anything is fine, I’ll listen.

3 options (Same Response)
Yeah, I remember something. A stream took me here. I remembered what happened.

A stream……?

3 options (Same Response)
That's right. I was swept away from somewhere. Therefore -

1 option
I need to return home somehow......

Tangaroa is referred to as "Man with a Bone Cane?"


That night. A lone man with a cane made of bone in his hand, narrowed his eyes and stared at the other side of the ocean.

I see.

The “shell” of my dear world has been breached,
the gap is opening.

These strange “drifters” are coming from that gap;
different things are coming from the other side.

A wave strikes at the man’s feet. A small piece of cloth was left behind.

It is as if the waves were trying to deliver that “cloth” to its original owner.

The evil “octopus” must have intruded through that gap.
…… And, it’s pulling various things from the outside world.

The man picked up the cloth. His eyebrows wrinkles and began asking himself questions.

What is this for?
Who could it be for?

That cloth was made with mysterious skin; even when it’s wet it still can be used. It is a delicate work from the hands of a craftsman.

…… I don’t understand.
This has gone beyond Tangaroa’s knowledge of everything from the island itself.

I must brace my mind.
The sacrifices of my beloved children will increase if something’s not done.


As the man listens to the sounds in the distance, he closed his eyes and listened.

Attacked again.
This time, in the north…… the settlement of the fire folk.

…… I must go. My beloved children-
I must protect them from the servants of the evil octopus.

No battle.

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 2

Part 1

Part 1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Episode 2: [The Master Fisherman of the Remote Island]

Come on, come on, [Player]!
It feels great on the island today too!

Come on, it’s time to wake up.
The sun’s come up already.

2 options
Good morning, Kijimuna. Come on!

Yes yes, good answer.
I love morning greetings.

Ughyaa! You’ve memorized my words already.
Hmhm, I’m surprised!

Mmm, but you still look a little sleepy, judging by your eyes.
Alright, I have an idea.

Let’s play in the ocean instead of using an alarm clock!
Right here, in the island’s beautiful ocean!

Let’s go for a swim, [Player].
The water's cold, it’ll feel good.

…… Huh?
What’s wrong, [Player]?

1 option
You can't go swimming without a swimsuit.

…… Swimsuit?
Erm…… What is a swimsuit?

…… Hu…… heh!

Eheheh, what a funny story. Do you really need it to go swimming?

Eh, me?

All the sudden, a big wave…… Oh?

What is this?
Hey, hey. Look at what was washed up.

2 options (Same Response)
Is that a swimsuit?! The waves brought a swimsuit?!

Oh, this is a swimsuit!?
What a coincidence. I guess we got lucky!

Hey, hey. There’s one for you too.
Together with [Player], I’m so happy!

3 options (Same Response)
2 pairs of clothes got washed up!? It’s the perfect size! I didn’t expect new clothes!

Yes, my child, [Player],
Surely the sun granted you one too.

2 options (Same Response)
What’s the likelihood of this happening?! Isn’t this some sort of trap……?

Haha, don’t worry about it~.
This world is full of wonders, admit it.

Well, I want to wear them.
Come on, let’s put them on together.

Kijimuna:( face)
Come on, hurry, hurry!
Let’s change our clothes quickly.

Ah, this is a swimsuit?
These clothes are quite strange.

How is it, [Player]?
Hehe, don’t these fit me?

2 options (Same Response)
Yeah, it looks good. It suits you, Kijimuna!

Haha, alright-
Let’s go for a swim, [Player]!

3 options
Okay, let’s swim! Let’s go far out. It’ll be dangerous if we swim out too far.

Oooh~! You’re so eager!
You’re in very high-spirits!

We didn’t have breakfast either.
We should do this moderately.

Over here, [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
Uwaah, I didn’t expect that! Hey, I’ll get you for that, Kijimuna!

…… Eheh, hehehe.

Ah, this is fun, [Player].
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.

This is a very good spot.
It’s warm and there’s plenty of food.

Why do you need to go back home?
[Player], you should stay here a little longer.

3 options
Sorry, but I still need to go back. I am having fun, I don’t want to go back just yet…… For the time being, I’ll play with you, Kijimuna.

I see…… That’s a shame. I will be lonely again.

…… But, if that’s your decision, [Player],
then I can’t change your mind!

Until then, let’s play a lot, [Player]!

That’s great!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

But, even now you still want to return home.

Yeah, let’s play!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

We’ll decide the rest afterwards! …… But-

-But, remember this, [Player].

No matter what happens or what you decide my child,
you are still my friend!

2 options (Same Response)
Thank you, Kijimuna. That's reassuring.

…… Eh? I just noticed that you’re drifting away.

Why are you going out to sea?
Let’s head back to the gajumaru and eat some food.

It’s dangerous going out to the open sea!
Come back, [Player]!

1 option
Something’s…… caught my leg……!

1 option
Am I being dragged out to sea!?

Jellyfish:( face)

2 options (Same Response)
Waaaaah!? I’m getting pulled to the seafloor!

…… [Player]!!
I-I-I’m coming-

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kijimuna (level 20, skill level 15) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 10
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 10 2 per stamina
Card XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2
  • Food of the Remote Island x50

Part 2

Part 2:
[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Slimes?:( face)

Slimes?:( face)

[Player], you’re attracting them!
They think you look tasty!

…… Oh!
Maybe they think you look cute?



2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna?! I'm coming to help!

  • Gurgle*, [Player]!

2 options (Same Response)
Damn, one after another! I’m running out of air-

???:( face)
- - - - - - -

2 options (Same Response)
I heard…… a voice? Under the sea?

???:( face)
- - H - -ey -

2 options (Same Response)
I heard a voice just now…… That...... was a voice.

Note: Triton is referred to as "Man in Blue" until he introduces himself.

There is nothing to worry about.
I will be sure to come and help whenever possible!

All the sudden the ocean current stopped. Suddenly a man appeared and swam in their direction at great speeds.

1 option

This will get a little rough so bear with it.

Resonate – [Resounding Yell in Still Water]!

The man that appeared puts the conch he’s wearing in his mouth, he then takes a deep breath and blows into it.


3 options (Same Response)
Gyaaaaaaah! My entire body is trembling! An explosion?!

That sound. The volume is equivalent to that of a fearsome beast.

The slimes fainted, released their tentacles, and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

My head is spinning……

2 options (Same Response)
Kijimuna – help…… I’m losing consciousness-

Both of you, pull yourselves together.
Do not give up!

Now, hold out your hand-

1 option
(Holds out hand)

The man grabbed [Player]’s hand and held on firmly.

[Player]’s consciousness, it completely blacks out.

The man’s strong arms held onto the two and pushed his way through the water till he climbed out of the water’s surface.

I-I’m so glad you woke up!

I was getting worried!
But you’re OK. I’m so relieved!

2 options (Same Response)
Where......? The gajumaru......?

Good grief……
Children playing in the sea without a guardian.

You should not take the open sea very lightly. Until you are familiar with it, you should not get so careless.

2 options
Who are you? I don’t know who you are, but thanks.

You should at least say thank you.
This man just saved us.

They have not regained composure yet.
I will have to hold back on the scolding for now.

Mhm, courtesy is important.
It seems you have studied under a good teacher.

First things first –
Please tell me your names.

I’m Kijimuna.

Mmm, you are very energetic!
It’s good that you have still have spirit.

And this is-

2 options (Same Response)
I'll introduce myself. [Player].

Hmm, I see.
…… [Player], that is a good name.

I feel like I heard it before……
Well, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Now it is my turn.

This is our first-time meeting together.
My name is Triton, a teacher.

2 options (Same Response)
Nice to meet you. Triton…… Sensei? Teacher? How do you do? Triton…… Sensei? Teacher?

…… “Tea…cher”?
I heard something weird again.

1 option
There are different kinds of people out there.

A teacher is a name given to those who are surrounded by students and doctrines.
It is our job to guide them.

It is also our job to work towards a better future.
It is fun and rewarding!

I was taught that by someone!

2 options (Same Response)
Someone? Who...... was it?

…… I am not sure.
To be honest, I am sure I learned that from someone.

I do not remember much at all……
aside from the fact that I am a “teacher.”

2 options (Same Response)
That’s all you can remember……? So it’s the same as me.

So it’s the same situation as [Player] then.

Is that right?
Huh…… what a strange coincidence.

2 options (Same Response)
It’s funny how much of a coincidence this is. …… Is it really a coincidence?

Well, there’s not much we can do since we remember so little.

But, there is still one thing.
I still have my own beliefs.

It is a very important aspect.
If I can still remember that, it is fine!

No matter what happens,
carrying out my desire as a teacher is important to me.

Therefore, saving children from danger is the role of a “teacher.”

There is no need to say thanks –
However, the open sea is dangerous. Be sure to reflect on your actions.

…… I understand, Triton.

Call me Triton-sensei!
Is that clear, Kijimuna?

You did say that “teachers” are “surrounded by children” right?

It is “teacher.” As I have said,
teachers are constantly surrounded by children.

I want to become a “teacher” too! I want to be with other children.
Where do I start?

Ah, that is a fine dream!
Then you will have to work hard at school.

No problem!
I will do my best!

By the way, you two.
Do you see me as your guardian……?

1 option
(Shakes head)

Ah, I thought so.
How about you Kijimuna-


…… I see. I assumed that would be the case.

But it's true. If it weren’t for you,
[Player] and I wouldn’t be here right now.

…… Really.
That was quite an ordeal for you back there.

What’s wrong, Professor Triton?
Why are you making that weird face?

I have a proposal for you two.
Being the only teacher on this island -

Would you like to be Students No.1 and No.2?

2 options (Same Response)
Students No.1 and No.2? This feels familiar somehow……

As a teacher, it is my job to guide students down the right path.

If there is no school building, we can build one.
That is what a teacher needs.

…… Hmm. Alright, I have decided.
I will assemble the other students on this island -

Then, I will carry out my “role” as a teacher in a school on the island.

I will guide the students who’ve lost their way and train them.
That is the role that I have chosen for myself.

That is the dream I’ve chosen.

Let’s begin with swimming lessons. It is convenient that you’re already wearing swimsuits.
Alright, I will now teach you how to swim.

[Transitions to another area]


  • Chuckle*…… *Chuckle*

How does it feel to have your memory corrupted by the “tentacles?”

Now, all your memories will be completely wiped out.
Become the “children of the abyss.”

Listen to our great lord’s orders and work for him.

Tribesmen:( face)
…… U…… Uuough……!
Yes…… Understood……

Reminder: Tangaroa is referred as "Man with Bone Cane?"

How can this be,
my dear “flesh and blood”……!

You’ve raised your children with excessive care.
Did you not train them well enough?

Given blessings and knowledge of medicine,
shouldn’t they also have the power to eliminate any outside threats?

…… It should not be possible for any outsiders to be on this island.
It is no doubt that it was an oversight from Tangaroa.

But – with Lumia Kanaloa, Tangaroa will expel you out of this world!

…… This is for my followers!

Tangaroa headed towards the black mermaid and had the large snakes go in for an attack. However -

Do not interfere with our lord’s plans!!

A myriad of belt-shaped “things” came out from behind the black merman and narrowly protected against the blow.

As I have thought, those are the octopus’ tentacles -

We are borrowing all our great lord’s power –
We are using it to our advantage.

…… What is your objective?
Why are you targeting my children?

If it is only Tangaroa that you are aiming for,
then I will face you.

However, you must withdraw all your attention away from my children.
…… Answer me, now.

The black merpeople did not answer. However, they continued with the ecstatic laughter.

…… Tangaroa, you are the creator of this island.
You also possess a dreadful power.

But, you also have a fatal weakness.
Upon learning about it, we’ve prepared in advance.

It took a tremendous amount of time to sneak onto this island.
At last we will be victorious.

Go on, Tangaroa’s children.
Capture and throw him in a cage!

Offering – Sacrifice –
Wooooooooah -

…… Tch, cowards!
You are manipulating my children and using them as shields!?

We will offer everything to our “lord.”

The tribesmen, which consisted of several figures including children, rushed towards the man with a cane with vacant eyes.

The evil influence has spread out to this many people!


The warriors are in an erratic state, the entire tribe surrounded and restrained the man.

My children, snap out of it!
Come back to your senses -

The next moment, an endless amount of “something” came out from behind the tribesmen and attacked the head of the tribe.

Tangaroa:( face)

Tangaroa. We will completely clean out your memory,
then we’ll tamper with it, so you will serve our “lord.”

…… Oh yes, you still need an answer to the question from earlier?

Our objective is to completely take over this island.
Then, we’ll offer it to our great lord.

It is a pleasure.
Our lord will make our dreams come true.

A beautiful paradise, overflowing with sweet fruit.
It is an honor to acquire a miniature garden.

Well now – Our great “lord,”
we will celebrate the birth of a new Triton.

No battle.

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 3

Part 1

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kijimuna (level 25, skill level 20) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 15
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 20 4 per stamina
Card XP Given 105 21 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Material of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2
  • Material of the Remote Island x50

Part 2

No battle.

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 4

Part 1

No battle.

Part 2

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kurogane (level 30, skill level 25) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 20
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 30 6 per stamina
Card XP Given 150 30 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2
  • Material of the Remote Island x50

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 5

Part 1

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kurogane or   Nomad (Island) (level 35, skill level 30) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 25
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 40 8 per stamina
Card XP Given 200 40 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2
  • Material of the Remote Island x50

Part 2

No Battle.

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 6

Part 1

No Battle.

Part 2

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Kurogane,   Kijimuna,   Nomad (Island) or   Asterius (Island) (level 40, skill level 35) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 30
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Card XP Given 250 50 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
  • Material of the Remote Island x50

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 7

Part 1

No battle

Part 2

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Robinson,   Kurogane, or   Tangaroa (level 45, skill level 40) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 35
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 60 12 per stamina
Card XP Given 300 60 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
Phase 2
  • Material of the Remote Island x50

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 8

Part 1

No battle.

Part 2

For this quest the player is able to select a NPC support   Robinson,   Kurogane, or   Tangaroa (level 50, skill level 45) to gain 100 Ally Point

Level 40
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 100 20 per stamina
Card XP Given 400 80 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1

{{Quest Phase

Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  •   Kijimuna

GoGo! Remote Island Expedition 9


No battle.

Free Quest

Foraging for Food of the Jungle


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 8 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 6 per stamina
Level 5
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 30 3 per stamina
Card XP Given 60 6 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  FIRE Boost M
  • Food of the Remote Island x10
  • Food of the Remote Island x10
  • Food of the Remote Island x10
Phase 2
  •  FIRE Boost M
  • Food of the Remote Island x10
  • Material of the Remote Island x10
  • Material of the Remote Island x10
  • Material of the Remote Island x10


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 10 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 6 per stamina
Level 20
Required Stamina 15
Rank XP Given 68 4.533 per stamina
Card XP Given 85 5.667 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
Phase 2
  •  WATER Boost M
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
Phase 3
  •  WATER Boost M
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 13 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 4 per stamina
Level 30
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 124 6.2 per stamina
Card XP Given 210 10.5 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x60
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
Phase 2
  •  WOOD Boost L
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
  • Material of the Remote Island x40
Phase 3
  •  WOOD Boost L
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
  • Material of the Remote Island x40


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 16.8 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 1.2 per stamina
Level 40
Required Stamina 25
Rank XP Given 231 9.24 per stamina
Card XP Given 400 16 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x90
  • Food of the Remote Island x80
  • Food of the Remote Island x60
  •   Tribesman
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Food of the Remote Island x40
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
  •   Tribesman


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 18.333333333333 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 2.3333333333333 per stamina
Level 50
Required Stamina 30
Rank XP Given 391 13.033 per stamina
Card XP Given 845 28.167 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Food of the Remote Island x70
  • Food of the Remote Island x70
  •   Tribesman
Phase 2
  •  NETHER Boost G
  • Food of the Remote Island x80
  • Food of the Remote Island x70
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
  •   Tribesman
Phase 3
  • Food of the Remote Island x60
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
  • Food of the Remote Island x50
  •   Tribesman


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 22.285714285714 per stamina
Level 60
Required Stamina 35
Rank XP Given 706 20.171 per stamina
Card XP Given 1265 36.143 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Food of the Remote Island x120
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Tribesman  FIRE
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • Mermaid possesses a skill that can fully charge her CP, with her CS effect casting   [[|No name provided .]]No description provided. (Unknown) at an unlimited range it can put some of your units in range of other enemies but it will deal little damage.


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 23.5 per stamina
Level 70
Required Stamina 40
Rank XP Given 1124 28.1 per stamina
Card XP Given 1770 44.25 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  ALL-ROUND Boost G
  • Food of the Remote Island x120
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Food of the Remote Island x100
  • Tribesman  FIRE
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • Drops are still incomplete.

Locating Materials of the Remote Island


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 4 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 10 per stamina
Level 15
Required Stamina 15
Rank XP Given 76 5.067 per stamina
Card XP Given 105 7 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  WOOD Boost (M)
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
Phase 2
  •  WOOD Boost (M)
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
Phase 3


Food of the Remote Island per Stamina 3 per stamina
Material of the Remote Island per Stamina 13 per stamina
Level 25
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 146 7.3 per stamina
Card XP Given 225 11.25 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  WATER Boost (L)
  • Material of the Remote Island x60
  • Material of the Remote Island x40
  • Material of the Remote Island x40
Phase 2
  •  WATER Boost (L)
  • Food of the Remote Island x30
  • Material of the Remote Island x40
  • Material of the Remote Island x40
  •   Tribesman
Phase 3


Level 35
Required Stamina 25
Rank XP Given 277 11.08 per stamina
Card XP Given 450 18 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
  •  NETHER Boost (G)
  • Food of the Remote Island x60
  • Material of the Remote Island x60
  • Material of the Remote Island x30
Phase 3


Level 45
Required Stamina 30
Rank XP Given 419 13.967 per stamina
Card XP Given 870 29 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  FIRE Boost (G)
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
  •  FIRE Tribesman
Phase 2
  •  FIRE Boost (G)
  • Food of the Remote Island x80
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
Phase 3
  •  Shot Soul (G)
  • Material of the Remote Island x60
  • Material of the Remote Island x50
  • Drops are incomplete


Level 55
Required Stamina 35
Rank XP Given 776 22.171 per stamina
Card XP Given 1330 38 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  AETHER Boost (G)
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  • Material of the Remote Island x80
  • Material of the Remote Island x70
Phase 2
  • Food of the Remote Island x60
  • Material of the Remote Island x80
  • Material of the Remote Island x60
Phase 3


Level 65
Required Stamina 40
Rank XP Given 1091 27.275 per stamina
Card XP Given 1820 45.5 per stamina
Board size 5x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  •  ALL-ROUND Boost (G)
  • Material of the Remote Island x120
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  • Material of the Remote Island x100
  • Tribesman
Phase 2
Phase 3

[?] Jungle Survivor

Level 40
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • First completion yields three   Stamina Drink

[?] Marine Survivor

Level 45
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • First completion yields five   HP Seeds.

[?]Dungeon Survivor

Level 50
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • First completion yields five   ATK Seeds.


Level 55
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • First completion yields three   HP Seeds.

[?]Chained Prisoner

Level 60
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • First completion yields three   ATK Seeds.

[?]Long Range Sniper

Level 65
Required Stamina 0
Rank XP Given 0
Card XP Given 0
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3



Y-you collected a lot. W-well then...... why not exchange them?
[1] How can a friend like me fit in? I thought I was the only one on the island...
I'm not so sure...
[2] Are you afraid of being inside a cave? It's fine because I'm used to it.
However, the outside is rather terrifying...
[3] Don't worry, I'm not alone! I'm scared being inside a cave but I can still do my best for my friend!
[4] I used to live in a dark cave that turned into a labyrinth. Here, I will remember that...
But now I have a friend, so it's alright.
[5] When I was a child, I wanted someone to play with. But...I gave up.
All the children were afraid of me...
[6] The weather is nice today. Well, call for me if you need to carry boulders or logs.
Heavy labor is something I'm good at.
Hey hey, you got some fish and wood! Exchange them quick so we can go play!
[1] Come on Master, let's go swimming! The ocean around the island is a beauty!
[2] Well, I'm like a child. Swimming and then tucking myself in the shade like a tired child.
Hey, I can be mischievious too, uhehehe
[3] How come you look so bored, Master? We should spend some time playing together!
Okay, I will cook some tasty fish for you!
[4] This is a Ficus microcarpa. It protects the breeze of the island. It is part of the Earth that nutures life.
[5] Kitchy-coo~ Hehehe, did I surprise you? It's fun playing tricks on people.
A reaction like that will make a child happy.
[6] Come on! It's great on the island today. Hey, that Ficus microcarpa is dropping into the ocean.
It will get hectic swimming on the island.
Ooh! That's a lot, Junior! So, what should we make out of this?
[1] Ah, good morning Junior! You look happy today. Seeing that makes me feel like I can continue doing my best!
[2] Engineering is strength, it's my favorite phrase to go by. There's no harm done if you train, Junior!
Alright, let's power-lift together!
[3] What's wrong, Junior? Try to be strong. If anything happens, you can depend on me!
[4] Someday, I will reveal the secret behind that gate. I have...... always thought about it since I was a child.
I want to meet my real Father and Mother......
[5] Uwaa, s-stop! I-idiot! Quit it, Junior! My character as a Senpai is ruined...... Hiyaaaa!!
[6] D.I.Y..... taking, building and putting things to use for yourself.
Entrust your survival to me now that we're adrift. Alright - what will you exchange?
[1] Health is the asset of a detective and it's a part of your job to manage it.
"I don't want to be lectured by the always-starving-broke-detective?" Shut up and eat the fish I caught! Ora!
[2] It's not bad living in this remote island at all. I'm not caught up by time, and I don't need to worry about money......
Sigh I need to start filing up the mountain of bills on my desk when I get back......
[3] What's that face you're making kid. Speak up if there's something that troubles you.
What, caring the mental health of my assistant is also a detective's job......well we're drifted to this remote island, though.
[4] O-oi, where are you touching! Even if you're my assistant, there's things that you can do and can't do......
HIYAaa! Stop it you idiot! I'm gonna beat you!
[5] I'm good at survival? Well, I'm confident in keeping myself alive. It's better than getting a cut-off of the electricity in my office.
[6] Well well, this is something unexpected isn't it......In this case we're on the same boat now. I'm counting on you, buddy.
The results of the expedition, exchange them wisely. Captain! That is a lot. Hehe, what will you give me?
[1] Leave the food supply to me. Well, what would you like to eat today? It's up to you, Captain.
[2] N-no..... These aren't tears...... the coconut, eyes, stings...... leave me alone! Stupid Captain!
[3] Hey, I miss my home. I'm not a kid, Captain. Yeah yeah, if I'm feeling lonely, you can pat my head......
[4] I can't remember where I came from. I wonder if my family is worried about me......
Eheh, I wish I could remember it right now......
[5] Uwaa, C-Captain, quit it! I'm not used being touched there......!!
[6] Good morning, Captain! The weather is fine today! Come on, let's check out more of the island!
Ehehe, this isn't the time to be down!
Thou collections and offerings, my flesh and blood will perish. Come, let's receive compensation.
[1] My dear child. Train, and become strong. Your father will pray for your well-being on this day.
[2] Everyone on this island is my dear child. My wish for everyone’s eternal happiness is my greatest pleasure.
[3] The tears thou shed will soak this island’s soil. Cry all thou need, my dear child. Let your father accept
your sorrows.
[4] The holy water that flows down the rivers is my blood, and the ground thou harvest is my flesh. Please, covet
all thou need from this island. The prosperity of the people living on this island is my joy.
[5] There does not need to be a blood relationship between a father and his children, if one can put a smile on the
other’s face. If that is the case, I will treat them as my children as well.
[6] Strive and pursue leading a fulfilling life, my child. The sea and the earth will bless thou on your way.
Mmm, monitoring the pupil's growth is the duty of a teacher! Frankly, you will receive a mark of your growth. Come!
[1] Ready? School regulations, they're solely for discipline! Discipline is part of a student's livelihood!
I will not allow you to become a problematic child!
[2] As a teacher, I will guide you today with all my power. What if something comes up in the guidance room?
I will watch over the safety of your youth!
[3] Huh!? Why are you crying? W-was the guidance a little too strict? Understood! Should I be as gentle as the sea?
[4] I know I am called an evil teacher, but occassionally I just bear with it. Hey...... are you afraid of me?
[5] Hey! Don't come near me! Don't touch the fillets! They're sensitive......! Nooo!
[6] Good morning! Yes, that sounds good. A good greeting is the best way to start the day off.
Come on, let's head to the ocean!