
Revision as of 04:23, 4 April 2021 by Rippedsaurian (talk | contribs) (Added an overview to Summer Shennong's Strategy page (currently drafting out the rest of the text).)

(This page is for Shennong strategy guide. For the standard Shennong page, click here.)


☆3/☆4 Shennong

  Shennong is an interesting moveslut as he introduces the new status effect   [[|No name provided .]]. After the first turn of each phase and having applied   Poison to allies, he can give Poison Reversal to allies by moving, and it has the effect of boosting attack by 2x, boosting defense by 0.6x, and healing for 400 HP, thereby counteracting the detrimental effects of Poison by 200 HP. Although these multipliers are relatively low compared to other buffs, this is an extremely powerful effect since it's an offensive and defensive buff rolled into one and has the guarantee of stacking with almost every other unit's kit released beforehand. Since Poison Reversal only lasts one turn, Shennong functionally acts like a low-cost Snow/Aizen/Surtr. While he loses out on defense since their buffs have a better multiplier (0.45x), he has the advantage of boosting allies' attack by a 3x multiplier through the effect of both Poison Reversal and   Nourishment while having a similar net healing factor. Finally, he also has the nice ability of applying   Evasion for the first turn of each phase, either only to self or including allies depending on the rarity.

Disadvantage-wise, his main issue lies in needing Poison in order to trigger Poison Reversal. While Poison is not a particularly debilitating status effect, Shennong's skill effectively negates most forms of buff negation from allies. On the flip side, if his allies negate the Poison debuff, they won't be able to benefit from Poison Reversal immediately. Most importantly, this opens up the entire team to other debuffs which could be detrimental, so a team with Shennong will not be able to handle debuffs very well unless planned accordingly through some other means. Finally, Shennong carries all the associated problems/challenges of a moveslut such as weakness to   Fear and the like.

☆5 Shennong

While regular Shennong serves his purpose as an on-move support unit well,   Shennong (Summer) takes that same support role, expands upon it, and fulfills many other roles for your team. If you are familiar with how   Astaroth,   Gyumao (Valentine), and   Tomte function, Summer Shennong plays much like a combination of those cards.

  Shennong (Summer) has three main roles. His first is as a support unit and healer by cleansing two debuffs from your team each Phase with   Remove Debuff, by boosting their attack and defense through   Poison and   [[|No name provided .]], and by healing them each time he attacks and launches a Charge. His second role is as an enemy disruptor and debuffer through his infliction of   Charm,   Dazzle, and five stackable   Fatal Poisons each time he attacks. Finally, his third role is as a high damage dealer/screen nuke; due to his bonus damage to each stackable Fatal Poison he inflicts and his on-struck   Arousal and   Acceleration, Summer Shennong will be able to reach Charge fairly quickly, dealing potent damage up to that point, and can unleash a Charge that hits the entire enemy field and inflicts every stackable Fatal Poison at once (essentially giving him a character-unique   Crit+).


☆3/☆4 Shennong

Class: Tank, Support

Gameplay Role: Mixed Buffer, Healer, Moveslut


+ Gives   [[|No name provided .]] on move to self and allies, raising attack/defense and healing

+ Gives   Nourishment on move to allies, further boosting attack and healing

+ Gives   Evasion with fat heal on first turn to self (+ allies for  )

+   has  VALIANT which is neutral/resists every elemental attribute except  WORLD, can switch to   for  WOOD typing

+   Tenacity to self increases tanking abilities

+ Applies   Poison to enemies


- Applies   Poison to self and allies, making the team vulnerable to debuffs

- Ranges of skill activation can be restricting

- Slightly inconsistent procs without skill seeds, especially for   form

-   form only protects self on first turn and can't give Poison Reversal until turn 3

- Needs to move

☆5 Shennong

Gameplay Role

☆3/☆4 Shennong

For clarification regarding the timing of Shennong's skills, Shennong only triggers his   Evasion on the first turn of each phase. On the other hand, Shennong only triggers his   [[|No name provided .]] skill on every turn except the first turn of each phase. So they are essentially mutually exclusive effects which will never stack if they come from Shennong.

Mixed Buffer/Moveslut

As mentioned before, the effects of   [[|No name provided .]] make   Shennong comparable to movesluts like Snow/Aizen/Surtr. While the latter three mentioned all have unique aspects to them, they all have in common a skill which gives a defensive buff with a 0.45x multiplier, +16 CP, and +500 HP to self and allies on move. Poison reversal, on the other hand, gives a defensive buff with a 0.6x multiplier, an offensive buff with a 2x multiplier, and a net +200 HP to self and allies on move after taking the effect of   Poison into account. Since Shennong also gives   Nourishment to allies, this increases the offensive multiplier to 3x and brings back the healing to +500 HP. So for allies, Shennong can be seen as trading some defense and CP charging for a 3x attack multiplier. Since Poison Reversal and Nourishment to a lesser extent are rare effects, Shennong can also stack these effects rather easily with other preexisting offensive/defensive buffs.

Another point of comparison to be made is between other previous offensive buffers such as   Babalon (Jiangshi),   Tomte, and   Tangaroa (Canaan). Jiangshi Babalon and Tomte both give   Ardor,   Nourishment, and   Blessing in some way, where Jiangshi Babalon also gives   Immobility for extra CP while Tomte does not need to move. Summarizing, Jiangshi Babalon has a net effect of an offensive buff of 3.6x to allies, +17 CP, and +900 HP while Tomte has a net effect of an offensive buff of 3.6x to allies and +1200-1500 HP. These two trade defense for more offense, healing, or CP but also have some sort of caveat with Jiangshi Babalon restricting movement and Tomte having subpar proc rates. Canaan Tangaroa, on the other hand, is more defensive and closer to Shennong, boasting a potential offensive buff multiplier of 3.6x, a potential 0.19x defensive multiplier, and healing of around +1200 HP, although this value can increase rapidly since it depends on how many enemies hit him. The major downside however is that Canaan Tangaroa needs to be hit for these effects to spread and his procs are inconsistent. Due to skill activation order, this also means that the offensive buffs do not have a 100% uptime since the effects only apply for the following turn, unlike defensive and healing effects.

In a similar vein, Shennong as an offensive buffer also carries a similar major flaw and that regards needing   Poison on allies as previously discussed in the overview. First, it should be mentioned that the 70% proc rate of Shennong's Poison activation skill is not a major issue since Shennong's Poison reversal only applies to the second turn of the phase and onwards. In matters of first application, there is a 91% chance of allies having Poison for an unseeded Shennong and a 96% chance when seeded, which is consistent enough. Since Poison also has a high uptime of five turns, refreshing the debuff is also less of an issue.

What is more pressing of an issue is debuff mitigation. The presence of Poison can mess with attempts to remove or nullify debuffs, making the team open up to potential debuffs. Moreover, it makes it so that an ally will not benefit from Poison Reversal since Poison has been negated. To give an example, consider   Wakan Tanka (Fashionista). Since he has a   Nullify Debuff on [Turn Start], Shennong must precede him in team order in order to give the debuff. However, the Poison infliction will also remove Nullify Debuff for every subsequent turn as noted in the skill's description. The main result is that unless tested and planned around properly, using Shennong should be avoided in situations that call for debuff mitigation.

The following table attempts to summarize the previous discussion. Ranges are used to indicate inconsistent procs (<70%).

Summary of Movesluts/Previous Offensive Buffers
Unit Status effects for allies ATK multiplier DEF multiplier HP gain CP gain Range Moveslut Flaws Notes
       Poison,   [[|No name provided .]],   Nourishment 3x 0.6x +500 +0 Directly adjacent Yes Needs Poison, removes debuff immunity. Applies only after first turn of each phase.
       Protection 1x 0.45x +500 +16 One square away Yes Has   Guts.
       Tenacity,   Adamantine 1x 0.20-0.45x +500 +16 One square away Yes Can   Bind enemies.
       Protection,   DEF Up 1x 0.20-0.45x +500 +16 Cross range Yes  INFERNAL typing and occasional   Berserk weaken survivability. Has   Evasion on first turn.
       Ardor,   Nourishment,   Blessing,   Immobility 3.6x 1x +900-1200 +17 Directly adjacent Yes Immobilizes teammates. Effects do not apply to self.
       Ardor,   Nourishment,   Blessing 1.5-3.6x 1x +1200-1500 +0-5 Directly adjacent No None type, inconsistent procs especially for Ardor. Assumes that Blessing and Nourishment trigger.
       Vigor,   Nourishment,   Unction,   Protection 3.6x 0.19-0.425x +>1200 +0 Directly adjacent Somewhat Needs to be hit, inconsistent procs. Assumes that first three status effects trigger and are spread.


As demonstrated in the table above, the net healing effect of Shennong's kit is comparable to movesluts of the   variety. However, it is small compared to units who specialize in healing such as Jiangshi Babalon or Tomte. Still, it can be concluded that Shennong's HP drain from Poison is not something to be worried about. As an additional note, the healing from Shennong's first turn skill and his CS is somewhat large, improving overall the team's sustainability.

Damage Mitigator

Outside of Poison Reversal, Shennong also has the ability to provide   Evasion on the first turn of each phase to himself and, in his   form, also to allies.   Sitri (Christmas) also effectively had this ability, and it's worth mentioning here for   Shennong as well for the same reasons. Most of the time, this skill gives the team a free turn for putting out damage and activating skills. In particular, it's worth mentioning that units who have skills which activate [When/After Receiving Damage] are helped by this effect greatly, which includes units like Canaan Tangaroa,   Oz, and   Maria. Unlike Christmas Sitri, Shennong is also more of an active damage mitigator through Poison reversal as well, so he enables team compositions geared around such skill timings more easily.

The   form of Shennong loses out on this ability so he won't be able to perform the same way. Since he functionally still does everything regarding Poison Reversal however, it is not too huge of a loss so this first turn can be used to move a unit who only needs to move periodically like Christmas Sitri. On the other hand, if the number of turns taken to clear each phase is low, the   form will be more of a dead weight.

☆5 Shennong

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1)
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     6276 8264 3595 5179 1977 2848 2013 2900
     7726 9820 4119 5688 2265 3128 3460 4778
     7927 9864 4753 6305 1521 2018 1901 2522

For consistency purposes, it is highly recommended to skill seed Shennong due to the presence of multiple 90% procs. Following that, since the purpose of Shennong is to tank and support the team as much as possible, HP and Level seeds should be favored. Finally, ATK seeds are nice since they actually influence his damage per square by a rather large percentage.

Team Synergy

☆3/☆4 Shennong

Units who do not need to move

  Shennong is a moveslut so it goes without saying that his allies generally should not have to move. There is an exception if using his   form since his first turn skill is not as useful, so units who only need to move periodically can also be useful here.

Units who do not remove/nullify debuffs/immune to Poison

As mentioned previously, the main appeal of Shennong functions only if   Poison is up, so using units who don't negate/remove the debuff actively is important. Since   [[|No name provided .]] is rather unique, the buff will stack with most units' kits as a result. This isn't a hard and fast rule since there may be exceptions with regards to skill activation timing, etc.

No Dark Lords AR, No Jambavan.

Units with [After Debuff] skill timing

Speaking of exceptions, units with skills with [After Debuff] timing generally have some sort of debuff removal, but they can pair well with Shennong since he can force their skills to activate, something that is otherwise not always guaranteed to happen. In particular,   Breke and   Hanuman (Journey) greatly benefit. On the other hand,   Gullinbursti does not benefit as much since his skill evolution immediately removes Poison most of the time, not allowing him to enjoy the benefits of Poison reversal.

Units with [When/After Receiving Damage] skill timings

Due to Shennong's   Evasion skill and his supportive nature as a damage mitigator, units who have these skill timings benefit quite a bit.   Tangaroa (Canaan),   Seth, and   Maria are examples of such units.

Units with extra damage to Poison

As of writing, the only units that apply here are both forms of   Astaroth.   Astaroth particularly benefits the most due to their role as an attacker and for having a higher damage multiplier than their   form.

☆5 Shennong

AR Equipment

☆3/☆4 Shennong

There aren't too many options to choose from here, but   Sunset Youth would be ideal for increasing Shennong's durability. If using   Shennong, opting for   Summoners Christmas or   Sun and Oil! is not a bad idea.

☆5 Shennong

Checks and Counters

Movement inhibiting debuffs

As   Shennong is a moveslut, any debuff that restricts movement such as   Fear will be a problem for him and the entire team. Moreover, as stressed previously, Shennong inherently makes warding off such debuffs difficult, so he will be easily susceptible to such an effect.

Units which pierce Evasion

Since one of Shennong's main abilities is the access to   Evasion, units which pierce said Evasion will give him a much harder time. Shennong also can't give Poison Reversal in the turns he would usually give out Evasion, so it's particularly threatening to the defense created by Shennong.

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Using Oz

Team Details (submitted by milk)
【Damage Dealer】
【Damage Dealer】
【Mixed Buffer, Healer】
Cost: ≥48

This is a joke team designed to make using Oz as painless of a process as much as possible. However, it is useful for demonstrating how Shennong can help units with skill timings such as [When/After Receiving Damage] and [After Debuff].

  Oz has a straightforward kit: he gets hit, buffs himself and allies, and traps enemies with   Oppression. The problem is that Oz's skills have awful proc rates such as 40% and 60%, so he needs to be hit as much as possible to compensate. Moreover, one of his offensive buffs is   Berserk which makes his survivability poor. Finally, his damage output is still mediocre despite such efforts. This is demonstrated in the following table:

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1) Notes
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     3362 3608 21194 32126 6409 8995 19226 26986 With Brawn, Berserk
     3299 3621 20556 31923 10261 14365 6840 9577 With Brawn, Berserk
     5030 6013 62903 96378 19226 26986 57677 80958 With Brawn, Berserk, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment
     4999 6035 60765 95769 30782 43096 20521 28731 With Brawn, Berserk, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment

With Shennong however,   Evasion provides the opportunity for triggering the offensive buffs more safely and the health drop is not as dramatic with the latter issue also being addressed by the presence of   Seth. Moreover, Shennong's own buffs provide the support needed for Oz to dish out respectable damage for a  Magic spread. Of course, for a more serious team, one can simply replace Oz with a different offensive magic unit like   Typhon (Make Sail) or   Astaroth whose stats are displayed in the table below.

Comparison Table
Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1) Notes
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     7499 9368 11496 16982 3663 4755 5232 6793 With Vigor
     11500 15614 32223 50947 10988 14265 15696 20379 With Vigor, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment
     6236 8143 44988 69799 14652 19544 43957 58631 With ATK Up, Weakness, Fatal Poison
     10106 13572 25893 39658 8325 11104 24975 33313 With Poison, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment
     10106 13572 266085 418794 87914 117262 263741 351787 With ATK Up, Weakness, Fatal Poison, Poison, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment

Outside of Oz,   Breke is the other damage dealer of the team and has good synergy with Shennong. In particular, Breke's [After Debuff] skill grants him   Vigor and +30 CP, which he can immediately get through Shennong's application of   Poison. Moreover, he can refresh the skill by either moving to activate Drifter+ or by activating his CS which removes all debuffs. As a result, Breke almost always has both   ATK Up and   Vigor up, and he charges his CP rather quickly although it should be noted that his CS negates the effects of Poison Reversal by virtue of removing Poison. This is presented in the table below.

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1) Notes
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     6915 8881 20573 31006 10163 13952 30489 41857 With ATK Up, Vigor
     6700 8636 21620 32299 6167 8398 32019 43604 With ATK Up, Vigor
     11038 14801 60779 93017 30489 41857 45734 62786 With ATK Up, Vigor, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment (CS nullifies effects of Poison Reversal)
     10693 14393 63881 96898 18500 25193 48028 65406 With ATK Up, Vigor, [[|No name provided .]], Nourishment (CS nullifies effects of Poison Reversal)

Finally, Seth is used to round out the team and provide extra defense. Regarding defense, Breke is actually the powerhouse of the team since he also has   Tenacity which stacks with Seth's   Protection and Shennong's Poison Reversal. Furthermore, due to his ability to shrug off debuffs, Breke circumvents the debuff issue concerning Shennong. Breke can be used to lure enemies with problematic debuffs, soak those effects up, and retaliate while the other three units avoid them. If the situation is appropriate, Seth can also be used to give   Skill Lock to enemies whose debuffs trigger [After Attacking], since Seth's skill activates [When Receiving Damage] and will win out as a result.

Barou Sen's Defense Team

Team Details
【Damage Dealer】
【Mixed Buffer, Healer】
【Damage Dealer】
Cost: ≥48

See the example gameplay section for more details and the commentary in the video's description. In place of skill seeds,   Lucifuge is used to bolster Shennong's activation rates. Since   Dagon excels both in offense and defense already, Shennong is used to complement this and further boost these areas.

Gameplay examples