Tindalos Shadow

Transient Information

Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 277+102.51*(Lv-1) ATK 323+54.633*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 6325.09 ATK @ Lv 60 3546.347
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 10375.29 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 6639.007
Tongue Lasher [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) +50~100 CP to self
    (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply   CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 50~100%
Brigadoog [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 1, 4, 7...) Apply   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
    (Total turns 2, 5, 8...) Apply   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to self / 50~100%
[Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -600 HP to self / 100%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -20 CP to allies 1 square around self / 100%
Fadmaker [On MissAfter this unit attacks but hits nothing. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   Berserk+ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, DEF Down by 1.3x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 40~80%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove   FearCannot move at will, -10CP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
Hungry Hound [On MissAfter this unit attacks but hits nothing. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 35~70%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   StigmaDEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 15~30%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 100x damage to   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
+100~200 HP to self  + Apply   TauntAdds aggro to unit for 2 turns. (Buff) to self + Deal 1.6x damage to   StigmaDEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies  
Illustration Arashi Takemoto
Scenario ――
Voice Satoshi Hino
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization None
Gate Old Ones

Research Files

Official English
"A Transient from the World of the Old Ones who's best known as a vtuber and general creative talent, and ostensibly attends the highly creativity-driven Akihabara Academy. Streams gaming and muscle-training content on his unassumingly titled Tindalos Channel to a viewer base that often finds itself unable to stop watching once they've tuned in. The channel's catchphrase, fittingly (for a number of reasons), is ""Today, you're Tindalos too!"" Its regular viewers appreciate Tindalos's pointed and unapologetic truisms, providing him with enthusiastic support and devotion from every corner of the net. Rumor has it he was even the one responsible for one of the most explosive trends the online world has ever seen, though it's thanks in part to this that he's forced to keep his location concealed and stream in isolation, driving him a bit stir crazy as he longs for the ability to go out and move freely. He finds himself instinctively repelled by anyone or anything which threatens to halt the spread of trends or catch him up in any way, while he's very much drawn to and even expresses rare gratitude toward a certain producer who's been the driving force in making his channel the hit it is."
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese
Rarity 5 Cost 24
HP 1011+97.643*(Lv-1) ATK 1389+51.337*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 70 7748.367 ATK @ Lv 70 4931.253
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 11701.227 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 7957.993
Devious Drooler [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) +50~100 CP to self
    (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply   Crit+ATK Up by 2.5x ~ 5x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 50~100%
Brigadoog [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 1, 4, 7...) Apply   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self
    (Total turns 2, 5, 8...) Apply   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 50~100%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 3, 6, 9...) Apply   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to self / 50~100%
[Before Being AttackedThis unit must have >0HP when attacked. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before the attack hits anyone, before the attacker's [Before Hitting] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -600 HP to self / 100%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -20 CP to allies 1 square around self / 100%
Top Streamer [On MissAfter this unit attacks but hits nothing. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff) to allies 1 square around self / 40~80%
[On MissAfter this unit attacks but hits nothing. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   Berserk+ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, DEF Down by 1.3x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self / 45~90%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove   FearCannot move at will, -10CP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff) / 50~100%
Famished Fido [On MissAfter this unit attacks but hits nothing. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 3-square diamond radius ahead  / 40~80%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply   StigmaDEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 35~70%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 100x damage to   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
+200~400 HP to self  + Apply   TauntAdds aggro to unit for 2 turns. (Buff) to self + Deal 1.6x damage to   StigmaDEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies  
Illustration Arashi Takemoto
Scenario ――
Voice Satoshi Hino
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization None
Gate Old Ones

Official English
"It's said within the World of the Old Ones, from whence Tindalos comes, that only fellow werewolves can understand him or share his consciousness. This fails to account for his Sacred Artifact, however: his Tongue itself, sharp in both the figurative and literal senses, creeps up upon unwitting targets from stray stitches in time and pierces them like a hypodermic needle, injecting them with his preternatural saliva and transforming them into copies of himself. Remarkably, this Rule is effective even through computer or phone screens, allowing Tindalos to create an army of loyal familiars and synchronize them all to help achieve his various and sundry ends. It's through this that he's able to freely participate in the world beyond his isolated streaming room, if only for a time. As a consequence of this, along with his own naturally messy disposition, his streaming room is invariably an absolute disaster, causing his critics to frequently brand him an incarnation of impurity and uncleanliness. This also results in him being regularly targeted by another streamer who specializes in content relating to tidiness and organization."
Translated from Japanese
Official Japanese
Relation From Others To Others
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Anonymous user: bd30a8f9
No. 17677
15 months ago
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I am a shadow. The true self.
No. 14661
29 months ago
Score 0++
Gbfhegn ni fgefsgb scbvdngdj jgjgdngshsfh, gebgsn Bdfdhrg e fbgsbsfbgshegnrh!
No. 14659
29 months ago
Score 0++

It's him

No. 14658
29 months ago
Score 1++
No. 14656
29 months ago
Score 1++
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