Distribute Buff/Used Skills
This is an article that lists skills used by a status. For the status itself, see Distribute Buff
Base Skill
Apply Distribute Buff
Tricky Tanuki
[Phase Start] Apply ATK Up to self / 50~100%
[After Hitting] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self / 20~40%
[After Hitting] Apply Duplicate Debuff (for inflicting skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Debuff to hit units
Apply Distribute Debuff to enemies in Magic range / 35~70%
[After Moving] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Remove Buff to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self
(Phase turn 1) Apply Crit to self / 40~80%
Sage of Blessing
[After Moving] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Remove Buff to enemies at the 2nd square in front of self
Apply Distribute Buff to allies 1 square around self / 45~90%
[After Moving] (Phase turn 1) Apply Crit to self / 50~100%
[After Moving] (Phase turns 2, 3, 4...) Apply Crit to self / 10~20%
Charge Skill
Apply Distribute Buff
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self / 100%
Goemon ( Magic 2x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies 1 square around self / 100%
Goemon ( Magic 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Weapon Change (None) to self / 100%
Kimun Kamui ( Shot 2x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Weapon Change (None) to self
+200~400 HP to allies directly adjacent to self / 100%
Kimun Kamui ( Shot 3x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] +4~8 CP to allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies directly adjacent to self / 100%
Hotei ( Shot 2x)
[Before Hitting (CS)] +6~12 CP to allies directly adjacent to self
Apply Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills) to hit units
Apply Remove Buff to hit units
Apply Distribute Buff to allies 1 square around self / 100%
[Attack Modifier] Deal 100x damage to 巨大ホテイ専用 enemies / 100%
Hotei ( Snipe 3x)