
Revision as of 20:34, 15 June 2024 by AlonsoTigerheart (talk | contribs) (The highest achievable level is actually Level 90 now that seeding maxes out at twenty.)
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LV or Lv, an abbreviation of Level, is a card property that influences various other aspects of the card. It is a determinant of the card HP and ATK. All cards begin at Lv 1. The highest Lv a card can reach is set by its level limit. The limit varies depending on the rarity, the limit break stage, and the Lv seeding of the card.

In order to raise the base level of a companion, either you gain Card Exp (or simply Exp or XP, abbreviation for Experience) through battles (slow), or you "feed" them Boosts.

Matching energies yields a 20% increase in Exp gains (example: Moritaka, Element water.pngWATER, gains more XP using Element water.pngWATER XP Stars than other colored XP stars). Element none.pngALL-ROUND Boosts also can be substituted for energy-matching gains.

Currently, the highest achievable level is 90 through the use of Level Seeds on a unit.

Battle XP

Certain quests with battles (usually those that cost AP to attempt) offer a fixed amount of quest XP (XPquest). This quest XP is split among the members of the team with which you enter battle (excluding your support member). The XP distribution is determined by the LV of each member (LVunit) relative to the sum of LV across all 5 members in the team ([i=1,5]ΣLVi). The calculation for the XP gained by each member (XPunit) is as follows:

XPunit = XPquest × LVunit/[i=1, 5]ΣLVi

This means the units with greater LV relative to the other members of the party will receive a larger share of the quest XP.

The XP gain is negligible for most quests. However, the XP from Dungeon Quests is non-trivial: for example, the Shinjuku Level 70 Dungeon Quest rewards 32000 quest XP, which is the equivalent of 25 non-matching   Boosts. Since DP is restored effectively every 24 hours, at 4 AM JST, this amounts to an equivalent of 25 non-matching   Boosts every 24 hours. Compare this with Level 50   Boost-dropping Daily Quests (e.g. Aether Spar/Extreme), which costs 45 AP and drops an average of 8.32   Boosts per run, or 33.28 every 24 hours (since stamina recovery is 1AP/8min = 180AP/day).

To maximize the XP gain, the units you wish to level should have the highest LV among your team (excluding the support member). Consider bringing units with the skills that can increase unit XP, like Mentor/Mentor+: for every unit with this skill, the quest XP increases by 10%. The list of transients who possess this skill are listed below, with five of them together, quest XP gain can be increased to 50%. In the previous Dungeon Quest example, this would amount to an equivalent of 37.5 non-matching (or 25 matching)   Boosts in total.

Base Skill Mentor (+10%)
    See full list
Beloved Teacher (+10%)
AR Skill   Revere Thy Teachers (+5~25%)
  In This Place of Education (+5~15%)
  Sweet Dreams (+10~25%)
  The Joining of Blessed Fists (+10~25%)

Boost Curves

Unlike Souls, there isn't necessarily a convenient series of leveling, especially with random Exp multipliers being thrown in. Below is a chart detailing the amount of XP each Boost yields per rarity.

Star Size XP XP (Matching)
1☆ (Small) 20 24
2☆ (Medium) 80 96
3☆ (Large) 320 384
4☆ (Super) 1280 1536

Below is a table detailing how many   Boosts required to reach Limits per rarity. The "suggested path" in the table below refers to using substitute   Boosts first in the leveling range, and using the divisional remainder of the total   Boosts / (20 total slots) first (i.e. Boost ,total mod 20) before leveling in batches of 20. The cost does not include cost for limit breaking or LV seeding.

Card XP Required
Matching   Boosts Required (Possible Substituting Unmatching   Boosts)
Coins Required Using Suggested Path
Card ☆ Rarity Base Limit 1st Order Limit 2nd Order Limit 3rd Order Limit (unseeded) Total Unseeded 3rd Order Limit (preseeded) Total Preseeded
1 6100
4 (0)
8 (1)
12 (1)
16 (2)
40 (4)
58 (0)
82 (2)
2 11100
8 (4)
11 (4)
13 (0)
23 (0)
55 (8)
97 (2)
129 (10)
3 18000
12 (1)
12 (1)
16 (2)
43 (4)
83 (8)
396 (3)
436 (7)
4 26800
18 (3)
13 (0)
23 (0)
74 (1)
128 (4)
2823 (2)
2877 (5)
5 36000
24 (3)
16 (2)
43 (4)
114 (0)
197 (9)
6864 (3)
6947 (12)

Random Multiplier

Occasionally, you may experience higher than usual XP gains when leveling this way. Currently, probabilities require extensive testing (which requires a lot of resources). Provided data is given using a sample size of n=301. It can be inferred that Failure is exclusive to Skills leveling.

Success Probability Multiplier
Good ~92.691% 100%
Great ~5.648% 200%
Fever / Awesome ~1.661% 300%

Coin Cost

While fast and convenient, leveling this way comes at another cost: coins. As expected, the amount of coins required to gain XP has a base cost of 100 coins per XP star, and is proportional to the current level and the number of XP stars you're using.

Coinsrequired = nslots_filled × (20 × LVcurrent + 100)

Level Limits

Each character has a level limit dependent on their rarity (3☆ characters have the same initial limit, but different from 4☆ and 5☆ characters); however, these limits can grow by limit breaking a character. You can limit break all characters, regardless of rarity.

☆ Rarity 1st Order 2nd Order 3rd Order 4th Order
1☆ 20 30 40 50
2☆ 25 35 45 55
3☆ 30 40 50 60
4☆ 35 45 55 65
5☆ 40 50 60 70

The level limit of a card is also directly increased by the amount the card's character is Lv seeded, given that the card has already reached the maximum limit break stage of 3. For example, a ☆4 card that broke its limit 3 times has a level limit of 65 without any seeding, but with 4 Lv seeds has a level limit of 65 + 4 = 69.

XP per Level

Below are charts graphing the amount of XP required to reach a level, and the deltas between levels. This XP curve is static between characters (as in, everyone has the same level of progression).

Lv Total XP Required ΔXP
0 0 0
1 0 12
2 12 15
3 27 27
4 54 36
5 90 50
6 140 80
7 220 100
8 320 130
9 450 150
10 600 200
11 800 250
12 1050 350
13 1400 400
14 1800 550
15 2350 650
16 3000 700
17 3700 750
18 4450 800
19 5250 850
20 6100 900
21 7000 950
22 7950 1000
23 8950 1050
24 10000 1100
25 11100 1150
26 12250 1250
27 13500 1400
28 14900 1500
29 16400 1600
30 18000 1700
31 19700 1700
32 21400 1800
33 23200 1800
34 25000 1800
35 26800 1800
36 28600 1800
37 30400 1800
38 32200 1900
39 34100 1900
40 36000 1950
41 37950 2000
42 39950 2150
43 42100 2200
44 44300 2300
45 46600 2400
46 49000 2600
47 51600 2600
48 54200 2800
49 57000 3000
50 60000 3200
51 63200 3600
52 66800 4200
53 71000 5000
54 76000 5800
55 81800 6600
56 88400 7600
57 96000 8600
58 104600 9600
59 114200 10800
60 125000 11600
61 136600 12800
62 149400 14000
63 163400 15200
64 178600 16400
65 195000 17600
66 212600 19000
67 231600 20400
68 252000 23200
69 275200 24800
70 300000 26800
71 326800 28800
72 355600 31000
73 386600 33200
74 419800 35400
75 455200 37600
76 492800 39600
77 532400 42300
78 574700 45200
79 619900 47400
80 667300 250000
81 917300 500000
82 1417300 750000
83 2167300 1000000
84 3167300 1250000
85 4417300 1250000
86 5667300 1250000
87 6917300 1250000
88 8167300 1250000
89 9417300 1250000
90 10667300 999999999
91 999999999 999999999
92 999999999 999999999
93 999999999 999999999
94 999999999 999999999
95 999999999 999999999
96 999999999 999999999
97 999999999 999999999
98 999999999 999999999
99 999999999 999999999

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Anonymous user: 2694cba2
No. 17012
20 months ago
Score 0 You
Wait? Leib is not a Mentor? Why?
Anonymous user: 4eee35a5
No. 1839
75 months ago
Score 0 You
Only if the character you level seed has a five star form. Four star characters top out at 75
Anonymous user: 84b4579e
No. 1838
75 months ago
Score 0 You
Answer to the previous Question: use the Weekend Quests, for the hardest gets you about 150.000 coins
Anonymous user: 84b4579e
No. 1837
75 months ago
Score 0 You
Can you not push a card to level 80 by using 10 Level Seeds?
Anonymous user: 9a688d10
No. 1724
75 months ago
Score 0 You
How to get more coins in Tokyo afterschool summonors?
Anonymous user: b0f8d37e
No. 1641
75 months ago
Score 0 You
I suppose it's the same as their stats. They're just weaker.
Anonymous user: 1513c9f5
No. 1432
76 months ago
Score 0 You

Random question.

Why is it that through battles, the 1 star Fimiliars gain less exp than other Fimiliars with more stars?
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