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''NOTE: This page currently under construction.
''(This page is for Bael strategy guide. For the standard Bael page, click [[Bael|here]].)''
''(This page is for Bael strategy guide. For the standard Bael page, click [[Bael|here]].)''

== Overview ==
== Overview ==

Let us welcome a "new" face to the Housamo family, {{Transient icon|Bael}}, and looking at his skill set it's clear that he's a mix between disruptive support and bruiser. For starter, he specializes against the enemy that has (too) many buffs on their hand. His Default is a clear example of this, with buff reversal he's able to reduce enemy damage as well as their defense, though CP deplete is pretty situational but it's good nonetheless. His LB1 multiplies his damage against the enemy that has buffs, furthermore increase if they have many and to top it off a nice little defense buff for his entire team. LB2 buffs his allies with a price of a 1000 of their health. LB3 makes him shine as a disruptive support: {{Status|en name=Oppression}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}} which synergize well with his LB1 and LB2. Furthermore with his attack type, Magic, he could lock down the entire enemy team, making them weaker while dealing ton of damage and making his allies stronger.
Acting as a disruptive support with {{Weapon|Magic}} range, {{Transient icon|Bael}} is a great source of damage mitigation for a team. For starters, he specializes against enemies that have buffs, being able to punish them with either {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} or through his increased damage for each buff the enemy has. Secondly, his ability to apply {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} to allies and {{Status|en name=Protection}} to the team on phase start adds another layer of defense. Furthermore, his LB3 makes him shine as a disruptive support akin to {{Transient icon|Shiro}}, being able to yet again reduce damage with {{Status|en name=Curse}} and perform crowd control with {{Status|en name=Oppression}}. Finally, when Bael activates his CS, he gives {{Status|en name=Evasion}} to the team and {{Status|en name=Dazzle}} to enemies, providing yet another avenue for Bael to act as a defensive support.

Overall, His kit synergizes well with each other. Oh the enemy has {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, just gonna slap them with {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}} while dropping a nuke on top of them and making his team hit harder with {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}. And don't forget to give them a pack of {{Status|en name=Oppression}} and {{Status|en name=Curse}} to keep them them in check while making his team die harder with {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} and {{Status|en name=Protection}}.
On the flip side, Bael is also able to act as an offensive support. By applying {{Status|en name=Weakness}} to enemies and {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} to allies, he is able to easily bolster the team's damage output, especially if he is in the leader slot. {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} also acts like an additional Weakness if the enemy has a buff, further boosting Bael's ability as an offensive support.

'''TL;DR {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} is an easy to use unit with good damage, providing good buffs to the team and delivering debuffs to the enemy.'''
In summary, Bael is an easy unit to use, providing multiple sources of damage reduction from enemies and damage amplification for allies. Buff Reversal further exacerbates this advantage, punishing enemies with buffs. Since the main way for a unit to deal a high amount of damage is through buffs,  this makes Bael an ideal candidate for improving a team's survivability.  

So if I were to rank him, His 5-star {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} would be an A+ tier or even an S tier. His 3-star {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=3}} would be around A tier

== Highlight ==
== Highlight ==

'''Class:''' Infernal Disruptive Support, Bruiser
'''Class:''' Disruptive Support

'''Gameplay Role:''' Debuffer, Buffer, Damage Dealer
'''Gameplay Role:''' Debuffer, Mixed Buffer, Damage Dealer


+ Boost his allies damage and defense
+ Multiple sources of damage mitigation through {{Status|en name=Curse}}, {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Protection}}
+ Makes the enemy unable to move, deal less damage and take more damage from your team
+ Deals ton of damage if the enemy has buff(s) on them

+ He's {{Attribute|Infernal}} so he deals more damage against every elemental except Valiant and All-round
+ {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} and his extra damage to enemies with buffs severely punishes enemies with buffs

+ A pretty good frontliner considering he has {{Status|en name=Protection}} and {{Status|en name=Curse}}  
+ CS effectively grants a free turn by giving {{Status|en name=Evasion}} to the team

+ All of his skill has a high proc chance
+ Acts as offensive support by applying {{Status|en name=Weakness}} to enemies and {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} to allies 

+ His CS is very useful: Deal an amazing amount of damage and make the enemy deal literally 0 damage to him and his team.
+ {{Status|en name=Oppression}} allows him to perform crowd control on top of damage reduction


- He pretty mediocre until LB3
- Susceptible to damage due to {{Attribute|Infernal}} typing, especially if enemies outside of his weapon range attack him

- Though LB2 is useful but chipping away 1000 (600, in the case of his 3-star) health from everyone is a huge cost, if not careful he can be the team demise
- Moving him reduces allies' HP by 1000, leading to potential issues about survivability without appropriate healing in the long run or if the rest of the team is unable to move

- As mentioned, his LB2 is risky so he is forced to be a sentry for most of the time
- Since his kit partially relies on enemies having buffs, teammates who can remove buffs from enemies can somewhat hinder him

- His 3-star is missing {{Status|en name=Curse}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} compare to his 5-star, outside that the two of them are pretty much the same
- Needs to move for {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} to allies

- Since his kit rely heavily on the enemy if they have buff or not, teammate who can remove buff from the enemy is going to a hinder to {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}}
- Multiple sub-100% procs encourage skill seeding for consistency, especially since he is debuff-oriented
* As a normal 5☆, he’s incredibly difficult to obtain.

== Gameplay Role ==
== Gameplay Role ==

First off let talk about the timing of his skill. The only skill that needs him to move is his LB2, his LB1 and LB3 apply when he attacks and when the phase start so they sorta encourage you to not move {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} around a lot and make him a sentry (which is good since the drawback of his LB2).
'''Disruptive Support'''

To give an idea of how {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} acts a support unit, let's first consider the numerical multipliers of {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} and then see how he compares to other defensive units. As described in its page, Buff Reversal applies a 2.5x defensive drop and a 0.25x offensive drop onto enemies if the enemy carries a buff. However, since the effect necessitates a buff in the first place, the real value of Buff Reversal is less clear. At skill level 100, a typical defensive buff has a multiplier of 0.45x, meaning that Buff Reversal would effectively nullify that buff. On the other hand, a typical offensive buff like {{Status|en name=Vigor}} has a multiplier of 2.4x, meaning that Buff Reversal still reduces damage on top of that. To break even, one would need a buff like {{Status|en name=Crit}} or an additional offensive buff to deal at least the same amount of damage without buffs. Furthermore, enemies are at most level 80 so far, so the real multipliers are more in favor of Bael. In short, an enemy would need roughly two offensive buffs and one defensive buff to break past the penalties of Buff Reversal.

As previously mentioned, the three things that make {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} shine as a Disruptive Support are {{Status|en name=Oppression}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}} and since his attack type is Magic so he can spread all three of this debuffs to the enemy well.
This is extremely useful in terms of advantage. As shown above, Buff Reversal can act partially as a Crit-nullifier, so mobs such as {{Transient icon|Ruby Scaled Wyvern}} and {{Transient icon|Water Merman}} are no longer as much of a threat. The status has a relatively long duration of three turns, making it similar to having both {{Status|en name=Dazzle}} and {{Status|en name=Stigma}}. On the other hand, there is an issue of status uptime, especially since the enemy needs a buff for the status to take effect. So unlike Stigma, teammates will likely not be able to exploit the defensive drop of Buff Reversal in the first turn of each phase unless addressed appropriately.

{{Status|en name=Oppression}} is a good CC but mobs that have Shot, Snipe, or Magic this debuff won't be effective against them (Thrust would be a problem too if they are at a good position).
However, Buff Reversal is only one part of Bael's damage mitigation. Earlier, the word advantage was used, and this refers here to the net accumulation of offensive/defensive advantage over the enemy. While crude, it provides a rough idea of how effective of a support Bael is. Like the one found in the strategy page for Shennong, the following table presents the multipliers associated with certain defensive support units:
{{Status|en name=Weakness}} make the enemy take more damage, that it's.
{{Status|en name=Curse}} is a good cover-up for the weakness (heh) of {{Status|en name=Oppression}}. It's made enemies deal less damage so that long-range enemies won't hurt as much.

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! colspan="5" | Summary of Defensive Supports
! Unit
! Status Effects
! ATK Multiplier
! DEF Multiplier
! Notes
| {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}, {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}}
| 5.3x
| 0.20x
| Not phase start
| {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}, {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}},{{Status|en name=Protection}}
| 5.3x
| 0.09x
| Phase start
| {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}, {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}}, {{Status|en name=Weakness}},{{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}}
| 13.2x
| 0.05x
| Not phase start, enemy has buff with no stat modifier
| {{Transient icon|Aizen|rarity=5|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Tenacity}}, {{Status|en name=Adamantine}}
| 1x
| 0.20x
| Can {{Status|en name=Bind}} enemies
| {{Transient icon|Chernobog|rarity=5|variant=Beachside|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Ardor}}, {{Status|en name=Unction}}, {{Status|en name=Freeze}}
| 5.3x
| 0.425x
| Doesn't need to move
| {{Transient icon|Tangaroa|rarity=5|variant=Canaan|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Vigor}}, {{Status|en name=Nourishment}}, {{Status|en name=Unction}}, {{Status|en name=Protection}}
| 3.6x
| 0.19x
| Needs to be hit
| {{Transient icon|Shennong|rarity=4|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Poison}}, {{Status|en name=Poison reversal}}, {{Status|en name=Nourishment}}
| 3x
| 0.65x
| Needs to have Poison on allies
| {{Transient icon|Tanetomo|rarity=4|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Tenacity}}, {{Status|en name=Vigor}}
| 2.4x
| 0.45x
| Can {{Status|en name=Bind}} enemies
| {{Transient icon|Daikoku|rarity=5|size=medium|frame=y}}
| {{Status|en name=Protection}}, {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Curse}}
| 1x
| 0.09x
| Needs to switch between Weapon Range

As shown in ATK multipliers and DEF multipliers in the table above, Bael pushes the envelope regarding offensive/defensive advantage. Unlike some of the other units in the table, he only needs to move occasionally compared to all the time like a traditional support like {{Transient icon|Aizen|rarity=5}}. Furthermore, he is able to create such an advantage even without Buff Reversal, and he does the job consistently compared to some of the other units here which are generously given some of their less likelier procs.

So we have covered the Disruptive part of {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}}'s kit so what about his Support side. {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} has a basic buff kit: 1 offensive buff {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}; and two defensive one {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}, {{Status|en name=Protection}} and all three of them are easy to access (high proc chance). But one downside is the drawback of his LB2 make the 2 buffs often absent from the team and since his {{Status|en name=Protection}} only proc once at phase start and last one turn, making him need to rely on his LB2 (and I pretty sure you know why that's a bad thing). In conclusion, {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}}, for the most game, gonna be a Disruptive more than a Buffer.  
On the other hand, the table is clearly flawed for a number of reasons. It does not document healing and CP generation, which are factors to team sustainability. Bael, of course, performs worse here, sapping ally health and not providing any CP. Furthermore, there is a tacit assumption that this advantage is being directed only to enemies that are struck by Bael, which is not always the case and is limited to Bael's {{Weapon|Magic}} range, as respectable as it is. Lastly, it does not document which effects apply to the support unit themselves, which is not always in the case of Bael. Despite this however, the table still gives a rough idea of Bael's effectiveness as a support unit.  
But if you're willing to take the risk then your team will have more damage against enemies with {{Status|en name=Weakness}} while taking much more less damage against enemies with {{Status|en name=Curse}}. I would say that's a pretty fair trade-off.
On one final note, Bael is able to apply {{Status|en name=Oppression}} to enemies, which gives some form of crowd control. It's worth noting however that this forces enemies outside Bael's weapon range to attack the team, something which is potentially most dangerous for Bael and should be dealt with appropriately.  

'''Damage Dealer'''
'''Damage Dealer'''

Since he's a Magic so his damage modifier won't be high but that got cover-up because of his elemental ( {{Attribute|Infernal}} ) advantage and his cluster truck of an ability that is LB1.
{{Transient stat table|Bael|rarity=5|atk buff = 1.5|merge=start|note= Infernal advantage assumed for all entries }}
{{Transient stat table|Bael|rarity=5|atk buff = 2.5, 2, 1.5|note=Enemy has one non-defensive buff, {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} }}
{{Transient stat table|Bael|rarity=5|atk buff = 2.5, 2, 1.5, 2.06|note=Enemy has one non-defensive buff, {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}}, Bael has {{Status|en name=Combo}} and applies {{Status|en name=Weakness}} }}
{{Transient stat table|Jinn|rarity=5|atk buff = 2.2, 2.4|note=With {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}, {{Status|en name=Ardor}} }}
{{Transient stat table|Andvari|rarity=5|atk buff = 2.2, 4|merge=finish|note=With {{Status|en name=Concentration}}, {{Status|en name=Crit}} }}

So FYI, His LB1 basically multiplies his damage by 2 for every buff that the enemy has. If I got this right, he would deal around ~40k damage (doesn't include elemental advantage, Seed, debuff and buff) if the enemy has 5 buffs on them and it increases the more buff the enemy has. His damage can get as high as the like of {{Transient icon|Ophion|rarity=5}}, {{Transient icon|Aizen|rarity=5}} or {{Transient icon|Andvari|variant=Beachside}} so he's a good source of damage.
As shown in the stat table above, Bael's damage dramatically increases when enemies have a buff, owing to the fact that Bael has no innate buffs of his own. For reference, Jinn and Andvari here are used as representatives of offensive mages. From here, it is clear how Bael's damage scales as the enemy gains more buffs, and when it will overtake the other units listed for comparison. Note that Bael's extra damage skill to buffs roughly nullifies a defensive buff's effect, so only non-defensive buffs should be considered. Bael also has the advantage of not relying on buffs here, so an offensive support can boost his damage with buffs that are redundant for the other two.  
'''Comparing {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} and {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=3}}, his 5-star would be the obvious choice. A new debuff and a new buff for the team never hurt anyone but if you have sh!tty luck and only draw him as a 3-star. It's ok, his 3-star is still viable as much as his 5-star.'''

== Stats and Seed Usage ==
== Stats and Seed Usage ==
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{{Transient stat table|Bael}}
{{Transient stat table|Bael}}

Since all of his skill has a high proc chance (ranging from 80%-100%) you don't really need skill seed. And his role is a Disruptive Support and a Bruiser, so ATK seed and Level seed should be more favored than HP seed.
Since Bael has quite a number of sub-100% procs which are also activated for every enemy hit, skill seeds are highly recommended for consistency purposes. From there, it's up to personal decision between prioritizing offense or defense.

== Team Synergy ==
== Team Synergy ==
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'''Units who can apply buffs to the enemy'''
'''Units who can apply buffs to the enemy'''

Since {{Transient icon|Bael}} is a good counter to the enemy that likes to buff so why don't we straight up give them buff. More buff = More damage, Transient like {{Transient icon|Licho|rarity=4}} or {{Transient icon|Sitri|variant=Christmas}} is the prime example. With this trio, you can obliterate the entire enemy team if done right. But this synergy is also a double edges sword if not careful.
Since {{Transient icon|Bael}} counters enemies with buffs, units who can force buffs onto enemies are natural candidates for having good synergy with Bael. Transients such as {{Transient icon|Licho|rarity=4}} and {{Transient icon|Sitri|variant=Christmas}} are prime examples, being able to give {{Status|武器種変更:打撃}} and {{Status|en name=Blessing}} to enemies respectively. In particular, this allows the team to take advantage of {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} on phase start, in which the enemies have not had their turn yet to activate their own buffs.

'''Units that can heal themselves or apply heal to others'''

It's pretty trivial but if you want Bael to be a moveslut but LB2 is holding you back from doing so why don't add a healer to the team. Unit like {{Transient icon|Arsalan|rarity=4}}, {{Transient icon|Yasuyori|rarity=4}}, or the {{Transient icon|Protagonist|rarity=4}} (though they have a pretty bad synergy with Bael since they remove buffs from the enemy) who can heal themselves or apply heal to others. In this team synergy, you can make your entire team constantly have {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} while no one dying. (or you could just establish a love relationship)
Since Bael provides no method of healing and he chips at allies' HP whenever he moves, a healer is recommended, especially for longer battles. Examples include {{Transient icon|Chernobog|variant=Beachside}}, {{Transient icon|Choji}}, and {{Transient icon|Tangaroa|variant=Canaan}}.
'''Buff Spreaders'''
Since Bael only gives {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} to himself, allies who can spread these buffs back to him are great allies. Moreover, since the majority of Bael's kit does not grants buffs to himself, this is a neat way for Bael to get some buffs himself. Along wih the aforementioned Christmas Sitri and Canaan Tangaroa, {{Transient icon|Sanat Kumara|rarity=5}} applies here.

== AR Equipment ==
== AR Equipment ==

To be honestly honest, Bael can synergize well with any AR Equipment that has Infernal or Magic restrictions. (''If you have any recommendation, let me know'')
ARs which prevent debuffs such as {{AR Equipment|en name=Coming from the Sea Abyss}} and {{AR Equipment|en name=Watching the Same Moon}} are recommended since this is one of the main ways to counter Bael. For a lower rarity option, {{AR Equipment|en name=Which of Us is Your Real Friend?!}} is ideal since it gives him extra CS damage and boosts CP on phase start to get there more easily.

== Checks and Counters ==
== Checks and Counters ==

Example counter
{{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} is not immune to skill locking debuffs like {{Status|en name=Bind}}, so he can be shut down easily with such effects. Movement-restricting debuffs such as {{Status|en name=Fear}} also prevent him from supporting his allies through {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}}. Finally, defensive debuffs circumvent Buff Reversal and allow enemies to deal damage without fearing retaliation from his extra damage against buffs. Ironically, a good example of such a unit who depends on debuffs and almost no buffs is Bael himself.
'''Debuff Removal/Nullification/Immunity'''

Example description
If an enemy is immune to {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}}, this is a large blow to Bael and it requires him to play more safely. Furthermore, his reliance on debuffs means he is especially weak to typical debuff handling. In particular, {{Status|en name=Reflect Debuff}} will reflect Buff Reversal first due to skill timing, which is the most dangerous effect from his skill set. Finally, a unit like {{Transient icon|Kalki|variant=Christmas}} who simply removes all debuffs from themselves will be able to thwart Bael's damage mitigation, although they'll still be susceptible to defensive drops.

==Teambuilding Options==
==Teambuilding Options==
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'''This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.'''
'''This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.'''

===Arbitrary Team Name===
===Support Bael===

{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" style="text-align: center"
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable" style="text-align: center"
! colspan="6" | Team Details (submitted by UserName)
! colspan="6" | Team Details (submitted by milk)
|{{Transient icon|Bael|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Bael]]<br/>【Debuffer】
|{{Transient icon|Chernobog|variant=Beachside|size=large|rarity=5}}<br/>[[Chernobog]]<br/>【Healer, Mixed Buffer】
|{{Transient icon|Bael|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Bael]]<br/>【Moveslut, CP Battery】
|{{Transient icon|Licho|size=large|rarity=4}}<br/>[[Licho]]<br/>【Debuffer】
|{{Transient icon|Bael|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Bael]]<br/>【Healer, Tank】
<br>{{Transient icon|Ose|size=large|rarity=4}}<br/>[[Ose]]<br/>【Debuffer】
|style='background: Honeydew'|{{Transient icon|Bael|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Bael]]<br/>【Support unit】
|{{Transient icon|Sanat Kumara|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Sanat Kumara]]<br/>【Damage Dealer】
|style='background: Gainsboro'|{{Transient icon|Licht|size=large|rarity=4|variant=Valentine}}<br/>[[Licht#transient2|Licht]]<br/>【example of variant call】
|style='background: Honeydew'|{{Transient icon|Bael|size=large|rarity=5}}<br/>[[Bael]]<br/>【Support unit】
|style='background: Gainsboro'|{{Transient icon|-|size=large|rarity=3}}<br/>[[Catalog|Anyone]] / no one<br/>【Flexible】
! colspan="6" | Cost: ≥X
! colspan="6" | Cost: ≥48

Example team function description.
This is a standard buff spreading team with {{Transient icon|Bael|rarity=5}} as a support unit for those who don't have him. If one has Bael but not {{Transient icon|Chernobog|variant=Beachside}}, they can swap places. {{Transient icon|Sanat Kumara}} is used here for reasons of team cost, so his {{Star|5}} rarity can be used if availability or team cost is not an issue. For the most part, he functions just as well so it isn't an issue. Finally, this team is only a suggestion so rearrangement based on unit availability can be done as seen fit. For example, one can substitute {{Transient icon|Sitri|variant=Christmas}} if extra horizontal movement is not an issue.
The main idea of this team is to use Bael's damage mitigation to cover Sanat Kumara's fragility and be able to spread back his buffs to improve Bael's survivability. Beachside Chernobog is here for being able to heal, give {{Status|en name=Ardor}}, and {{Status|en name=Unction}} without having to move. Sanat Kumara can spread Ardor back to Beachside Chernobog, a buff which he doesn't apply to himself which is useful. Sanat Kumara is placed in the third position specifically so that he can move Chernobog into position for wider maps and possibly spread Unction to other teammates on the first turn if RNG allows. Following that, Bael can spread {{Status|en name=ATK Up}} and {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} to his allies, which Sanat Kumara can spread back to Bael. With the multiple sources of damage reduction that Bael is able to achieve alone, this solidifies the team's defensive ability, covering for the weaknesses of using {{Star|3}} Sanat Kumara.
Concerning the debuffer, {{Transient icon|Licho|rarity=4}} and {{Transient icon|Ose|rarity=4}} are both good picks. Licho is good for skill locking enemies, weapon changing them, and his natural synergy with Bael due to being able to force {{Status|en name=Buff Reversal}} to activate. Furthermore, Sanat Kumara has a Like affinity with Licho, so Sanat Kumara will be more consistent. On the other hand, Ose can charge his allies' CP, give {{Status|en name=Vigor}} to allies, and further reduce damage from enemies with {{Status|en name=Dazzle}}. The introduction of Vigor leads to more offensive play in comparison to Licho. Both debuffers are useful for covering Bael's blind spots, and each have their own unique advantages so choosing one is up to preference.

== Gameplay examples ==
== Gameplay examples ==

* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJiUWerzg6s Example external link]
[[Category:Strategy pages]]

Latest revision as of 04:52, 20 May 2020

(This page is for Bael strategy guide. For the standard Bael page, click here.)


Acting as a disruptive support with  Magic range,   Bael is a great source of damage mitigation for a team. For starters, he specializes against enemies that have buffs, being able to punish them with either   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) or through his increased damage for each buff the enemy has. Secondly, his ability to apply   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies and   ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to the team on phase start adds another layer of defense. Furthermore, his LB3 makes him shine as a disruptive support akin to   Shiro, being able to yet again reduce damage with   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff) and perform crowd control with   OppressionCannot move at will for 2 turns (Debuff). Finally, when Bael activates his CS, he gives   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to the team and   DazzleATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns (Debuff) to enemies, providing yet another avenue for Bael to act as a defensive support.

On the flip side, Bael is also able to act as an offensive support. By applying   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to enemies and   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies, he is able to easily bolster the team's damage output, especially if he is in the leader slot.   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) also acts like an additional Weakness if the enemy has a buff, further boosting Bael's ability as an offensive support.

In summary, Bael is an easy unit to use, providing multiple sources of damage reduction from enemies and damage amplification for allies. Buff Reversal further exacerbates this advantage, punishing enemies with buffs. Since the main way for a unit to deal a high amount of damage is through buffs, this makes Bael an ideal candidate for improving a team's survivability.


Class: Disruptive Support

Gameplay Role: Debuffer, Mixed Buffer, Damage Dealer


+ Multiple sources of damage mitigation through   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff),   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff),   ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff)

+   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) and his extra damage to enemies with buffs severely punishes enemies with buffs

+ CS effectively grants a free turn by giving   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to the team

+ Acts as offensive support by applying   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) to enemies and   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies

+   OppressionCannot move at will for 2 turns (Debuff) allows him to perform crowd control on top of damage reduction


- Susceptible to damage due to  INFERNAL typing, especially if enemies outside of his weapon range attack him

- Moving him reduces allies' HP by 1000, leading to potential issues about survivability without appropriate healing in the long run or if the rest of the team is unable to move

- Since his kit partially relies on enemies having buffs, teammates who can remove buffs from enemies can somewhat hinder him

- Needs to move for   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) and   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies

- Multiple sub-100% procs encourage skill seeding for consistency, especially since he is debuff-oriented

Gameplay Role

Disruptive Support

To give an idea of how   Bael acts a support unit, let's first consider the numerical multipliers of   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) and then see how he compares to other defensive units. As described in its page, Buff Reversal applies a 2.5x defensive drop and a 0.25x offensive drop onto enemies if the enemy carries a buff. However, since the effect necessitates a buff in the first place, the real value of Buff Reversal is less clear. At skill level 100, a typical defensive buff has a multiplier of 0.45x, meaning that Buff Reversal would effectively nullify that buff. On the other hand, a typical offensive buff like   VigorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns (Buff) has a multiplier of 2.4x, meaning that Buff Reversal still reduces damage on top of that. To break even, one would need a buff like   CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff) or an additional offensive buff to deal at least the same amount of damage without buffs. Furthermore, enemies are at most level 80 so far, so the real multipliers are more in favor of Bael. In short, an enemy would need roughly two offensive buffs and one defensive buff to break past the penalties of Buff Reversal.

This is extremely useful in terms of advantage. As shown above, Buff Reversal can act partially as a Crit-nullifier, so mobs such as   Ruby Scaled Wyvern and   Water Merman are no longer as much of a threat. The status has a relatively long duration of three turns, making it similar to having both   DazzleATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns (Debuff) and   StigmaDEF Down by 1.15x ~ 2.3x, -150~-300HP/turn for 3 turns (Debuff). On the other hand, there is an issue of status uptime, especially since the enemy needs a buff for the status to take effect. So unlike Stigma, teammates will likely not be able to exploit the defensive drop of Buff Reversal in the first turn of each phase unless addressed appropriately.

However, Buff Reversal is only one part of Bael's damage mitigation. Earlier, the word advantage was used, and this refers here to the net accumulation of offensive/defensive advantage over the enemy. While crude, it provides a rough idea of how effective of a support Bael is. Like the one found in the strategy page for Shennong, the following table presents the multipliers associated with certain defensive support units:

Summary of Defensive Supports
Unit Status Effects ATK Multiplier DEF Multiplier Notes
       ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff),   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff),   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff),   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff) 5.3x 0.20x Not phase start
       ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff),   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff),   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff),   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff),  ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) 5.3x 0.09x Phase start
       ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff),   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff),   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff),   WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff),  Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) 13.2x 0.05x Not phase start, enemy has buff with no stat modifier
       TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff),   AdamantineDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) 1x 0.20x Can   BindCannot activate skills, ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns. CS effects still apply. (Debuff) enemies
       ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff),   UnctionDEF Up by 0.85x ~ 0.425x, +150~300HP every turn for 2 turns (Buff),   FreezeDEF Down by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, -200~-400HP/turn for 4 turns (Debuff) 5.3x 0.425x Doesn't need to move
       VigorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns (Buff),   Nourishment+150~300HP/turn, ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 1.5x for 3 turns (Buff),   UnctionDEF Up by 0.85x ~ 0.425x, +150~300HP every turn for 2 turns (Buff),   ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) 3.6x 0.19x Needs to be hit
       Poison-100~-200HP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff),   [[|No name provided .]]No description provided. (Unknown),   Nourishment+150~300HP/turn, ATK Up by 1.1x ~ 1.5x for 3 turns (Buff) 3x 0.65x Needs to have Poison on allies
       TenacityDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff),   VigorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns (Buff) 2.4x 0.45x Can   BindCannot activate skills, ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns. CS effects still apply. (Debuff) enemies
       ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff),   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff),   CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff) 1x 0.09x Needs to switch between Weapon Range

As shown in ATK multipliers and DEF multipliers in the table above, Bael pushes the envelope regarding offensive/defensive advantage. Unlike some of the other units in the table, he only needs to move occasionally compared to all the time like a traditional support like   Aizen. Furthermore, he is able to create such an advantage even without Buff Reversal, and he does the job consistently compared to some of the other units here which are generously given some of their less likelier procs.

On the other hand, the table is clearly flawed for a number of reasons. It does not document healing and CP generation, which are factors to team sustainability. Bael, of course, performs worse here, sapping ally health and not providing any CP. Furthermore, there is a tacit assumption that this advantage is being directed only to enemies that are struck by Bael, which is not always the case and is limited to Bael's  Magic range, as respectable as it is. Lastly, it does not document which effects apply to the support unit themselves, which is not always in the case of Bael. Despite this however, the table still gives a rough idea of Bael's effectiveness as a support unit.

On one final note, Bael is able to apply   OppressionCannot move at will for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies, which gives some form of crowd control. It's worth noting however that this forces enemies outside Bael's weapon range to attack the team, something which is potentially most dangerous for Bael and should be dealt with appropriately.

Damage Dealer

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1) Notes
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     8706 10728 6115 8766 1817 2455 4844 6545 Infernal advantage assumed for all entries
     8706 10728 27597 43831 9083 12273 4844 6545 Enemy has one non-defensive buff, Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff)
     8706 10728 56060 90292 18711 25282 4844 6545 Enemy has one non-defensive buff, Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff), Bael has ComboATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns (Buff) and applies WeaknessDEF Down by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 1 turn (Debuff)
     7471 9317 26144 38926 8396 10899 6361 8257 With ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff), ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff)
     7243 9084 40397 62355 13395 17459 4566 5952 With ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff), CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff)

As shown in the stat table above, Bael's damage dramatically increases when enemies have a buff, owing to the fact that Bael has no innate buffs of his own. For reference, Jinn and Andvari here are used as representatives of offensive mages. From here, it is clear how Bael's damage scales as the enemy gains more buffs, and when it will overtake the other units listed for comparison. Note that Bael's extra damage skill to buffs roughly nullifies a defensive buff's effect, so only non-defensive buffs should be considered. Bael also has the advantage of not relying on buffs here, so an offensive support can boost his damage with buffs that are redundant for the other two.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1)
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
     6625 8672 3246 4770 909 1336 1818 2671
     8706 10728 4325 5844 1211 1636 4844 6545
     7597 9636 3594 5117 1617 2302 4852 6907

Since Bael has quite a number of sub-100% procs which are also activated for every enemy hit, skill seeds are highly recommended for consistency purposes. From there, it's up to personal decision between prioritizing offense or defense.

Team Synergy

Units who can apply buffs to the enemy

Since   Bael counters enemies with buffs, units who can force buffs onto enemies are natural candidates for having good synergy with Bael. Transients such as   Licho and   Sitri (Christmas) are prime examples, being able to give   Weapon Change (Blow)Changes the unit's weapon type to Blow-ranged for 3 turns. (Buff) and   Blessing+300~600HP/turn for 4 turns (Buff) to enemies respectively. In particular, this allows the team to take advantage of   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) on phase start, in which the enemies have not had their turn yet to activate their own buffs.


Since Bael provides no method of healing and he chips at allies' HP whenever he moves, a healer is recommended, especially for longer battles. Examples include   Chernobog (Beachside),   Choji, and   Tangaroa (Canaan).

Buff Spreaders

Since Bael only gives   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) and   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to himself, allies who can spread these buffs back to him are great allies. Moreover, since the majority of Bael's kit does not grants buffs to himself, this is a neat way for Bael to get some buffs himself. Along wih the aforementioned Christmas Sitri and Canaan Tangaroa,   Sanat Kumara applies here.

AR Equipment

ARs which prevent debuffs such as   Coming from the Sea Abyss and   Watching the Same Moon are recommended since this is one of the main ways to counter Bael. For a lower rarity option,   Which of Us is Your Real Friend?! is ideal since it gives him extra CS damage and boosts CP on phase start to get there more easily.

Checks and Counters


  Bael is not immune to skill locking debuffs like   BindCannot activate skills, ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns. CS effects still apply. (Debuff), so he can be shut down easily with such effects. Movement-restricting debuffs such as   FearCannot move at will, -10CP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff) also prevent him from supporting his allies through   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) and   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff). Finally, defensive debuffs circumvent Buff Reversal and allow enemies to deal damage without fearing retaliation from his extra damage against buffs. Ironically, a good example of such a unit who depends on debuffs and almost no buffs is Bael himself.

Debuff Removal/Nullification/Immunity

If an enemy is immune to   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff), this is a large blow to Bael and it requires him to play more safely. Furthermore, his reliance on debuffs means he is especially weak to typical debuff handling. In particular,   Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) will reflect Buff Reversal first due to skill timing, which is the most dangerous effect from his skill set. Finally, a unit like   Kalki (Christmas) who simply removes all debuffs from themselves will be able to thwart Bael's damage mitigation, although they'll still be susceptible to defensive drops.

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Support Bael

Team Details (submitted by milk)
【Healer, Mixed Buffer】


Sanat Kumara
【Damage Dealer】
【Support unit】
Cost: ≥48

This is a standard buff spreading team with   Bael as a support unit for those who don't have him. If one has Bael but not   Chernobog (Beachside), they can swap places.   Sanat Kumara is used here for reasons of team cost, so his   rarity can be used if availability or team cost is not an issue. For the most part, he functions just as well so it isn't an issue. Finally, this team is only a suggestion so rearrangement based on unit availability can be done as seen fit. For example, one can substitute   Sitri (Christmas) if extra horizontal movement is not an issue.

The main idea of this team is to use Bael's damage mitigation to cover Sanat Kumara's fragility and be able to spread back his buffs to improve Bael's survivability. Beachside Chernobog is here for being able to heal, give   ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff), and   UnctionDEF Up by 0.85x ~ 0.425x, +150~300HP every turn for 2 turns (Buff) without having to move. Sanat Kumara can spread Ardor back to Beachside Chernobog, a buff which he doesn't apply to himself which is useful. Sanat Kumara is placed in the third position specifically so that he can move Chernobog into position for wider maps and possibly spread Unction to other teammates on the first turn if RNG allows. Following that, Bael can spread   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) and   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to his allies, which Sanat Kumara can spread back to Bael. With the multiple sources of damage reduction that Bael is able to achieve alone, this solidifies the team's defensive ability, covering for the weaknesses of using   Sanat Kumara.

Concerning the debuffer,   Licho and   Ose are both good picks. Licho is good for skill locking enemies, weapon changing them, and his natural synergy with Bael due to being able to force   Buff ReversalWhen holding buffs: ATK Down by 0.25x, DEF Down by 2.5x for 3 turns. (Debuff) to activate. Furthermore, Sanat Kumara has a Like affinity with Licho, so Sanat Kumara will be more consistent. On the other hand, Ose can charge his allies' CP, give   VigorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns (Buff) to allies, and further reduce damage from enemies with   DazzleATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns (Debuff). The introduction of Vigor leads to more offensive play in comparison to Licho. Both debuffers are useful for covering Bael's blind spots, and each have their own unique advantages so choosing one is up to preference.

Gameplay examples