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(This page is for Gunzo strategy guide. For the standard Gunzo page, click here.)


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Gunzo

  Gunzo’s skills somewhat contradict each other. He’s a Berserk unit, meaning he already needs obligatory defensive buffs if he wants to last at all, this already makes Default pointless on top of his Charge not being good past damage, which is where his much-needed defensive buff lies, thus making his LB1 somewhat pointless too. However, with the new skill evolution The Lovesick+, this issue is mostly mitigated, making the use of his LB3 much more exploitable.

☆5 Valentine Gunzo

Thanks to Berserk and Fighting Spirit,   Gunzo (Valentine) sees benefit in considerably increased damage, which along with his element and attack range can prove quite powerful, he’s also a considerable CP battery thanks to Charge and LB3, with Acceleration easily stacking with other CP sources, that through LB1 he applies to himself to reach his Charge faster. It’s perhaps the main source of CP he can give to his allies while nuking away the victims hit by it. What drags him down is the fact that Berserk with no way to reduce incoming damage automatically makes his durability rather poor, it’s no use having an unit that’s KO’d in 1-2 hits at most and he actually needs to be hit in order to get Fighting Spirit going, so if you want to use him at all, you must absolutely consider defensive buffs at minimum, or else he’s as good as dead by the start of the match.


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Highlights is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Gunzo

Class: Glass Cannon, Offensive Support

Gameplay role:


+ LB2 Berserk helps his damage quite well in exchange of worsened durability, said damage also extending to his Charge.

+ LB makes him a moderately good CP battery, Accel being a buff that easily stacks with other CP methods.


- Berserk, with him having no way to patch up its negatives (past Charge, which won’t do much) makes his durability pretty terrible, even more so against Water. This weakness is greatly mitigated by evolving the skill, however.

- From the above point, it also makes his Default useless since he should be discouraged from being hit at all.

- His Charge isn’t anything worth noting past potentially good damage, trivializing his Default and LB1.

☆5 Valentine Gunzo

Class: Glass Cannon, Offensive Support

Gameplay role:


+ Default Berserk along with LB2 bolsters his damage considerably, which also applies to his Charge, that by itself is fantastic to fill up his and his allies’ CP.

+ LB1 Acceleration allows him to reach his fantastic Charge faster.

+ LB3 has an amazing effect range as well as applying basically LB1, whose benefits have already been stated.


- Berserk makes his durability pretty terrible, which makes LB2 a bonus that’s generally hard to get.

- LB3 may have a fantastic effect range and buff, but it’s gated by a so-so proc rate.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
     6303 8303 3567 5139 1962 2826 3924 5653
     7006 8976 4192 5784 2306 3181 6917 9544
     7144 9072 5222 6910 2872 3801 5848 7740

Example description

Team Synergy

Valentine Gunzo

Units with good Charge Skils

As a CP battery,   Gunzo (Valentine) benefits from allies who have good Charge Skills. These can be units with  All range CSes such as   Typhon (Make Sail) and   Tangaroa (Canaan) or units with good effects like bestowing   EvasionDEF Up by 0.01x ~ 0.005x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies such as   Takemaru or   Seth. In particular, since Valentine Gunzo's CS also acts as a CP battery, it would be nice to pair him with units with Charge Skills that also do the same thing like   Thunderbird.

Damage mitigators/healers

While Valentine Gunzo's defenses are not as frail as before, he would still benefit from some passive protection against enemies. Units such as   Chernobog (Beachside) and   Choji are possible choices. It's worth noting that these units would likely be CSing regularly since Valentine Gunzo is a CP battery, so passive defenders like   Triton might not be ideal.

AR Equipment

Valentine Gunzo

ARs which heal or provide weapon resistance such as   Sunset Youth,   Senpai and Kouhai Moment, and   Those Days When I Was Wild are nice to have since long term sustain is   Gunzo (Valentine)'s weakest area. Since frailty is generally a concern, a low cost option is also   Double Hero of the Holy Eve! which will at least ensure survival once during the first three turns. For more offensively oriented options,   Shooting Stars and   Oath of Infinitude are potential choices to consider.

Checks and Counters

Valentine Gunzo

CS Prevention

Since a team using   Gunzo (Valentine) is likely to be using Charge Skills as the foundation of their team, things which prevent charge skills from activating are particularly damaging. Status effects such as   DarknessATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x, block CS activation for 3 turns (Debuff),   FearCannot move at will, -10CP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff),   CS LockBlock charge and CS activation and for 3 turns. (Debuff) are all difficult statuses to overcome for such teams. Enemies who decrease CP by other means will also achieve similar effects.

Movement Inhibition

On a similar note, movement inhibiting statuses such as Fear and   OppressionCannot move at will for 2 turns (Debuff) will also effectively clamp down on Valentine Gunzo's ability as a CP battery so these are also detrimental effects. It also prevents him from accomplishing his niche as a unit with extra vertical movement.

Skill Locking

Since Valentine Gunzo is not immune to skill locking effects, statuses such as   BindCannot activate skills, ATK Down by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns. CS effects still apply. (Debuff) will stop him as well like other units.

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

CP Charge

Team Details (submitted by milk)
【Healer, CP Battery】
【Damage Dealer, CP Battery】
【Mixed Buffer, CP Battery】
【Moveslut, CP Battery】
Cost: ≥50

The main idea of this team is to use   Gunzo (Valentine) for his CP charging abilities to get his teammates to CS. Due to Valentine Gunzo and   Thunderbird having charge skills which bestow CP to self and allies for every enemy hit, this makes them ideal partners for getting charge skills back to speed. Similarly,   Astaroth can effectively charge CP after activating their CS by becoming  None type and having access to   ComboATK Down by 0.6x (excepting charge attacks), attack twice each turn for 2 turns (Buff). Finally,   Chernobog (Beachside) acts as a release valve for CP, quickly gaining his CS back by the previously listed CP charging from his allies.

As Valentine Gunzo's primary weakness is a lack of sustainability from no innate access to damage mitigation or healing, Beachside Chernobog and   Astaroth exist to patch up said areas while respecting Valentine Gunzo's moveslut status. Specifically   UnctionDEF Up by 0.85x ~ 0.425x, +150~300HP every turn for 2 turns (Buff) from Beachside Chernobog and   DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) from Astaroth help mitigate damage, and both units are able to heal through flat healing and through Unction again and   Blessing+300~600HP/turn for 4 turns (Buff). These combined effects are enough to support Valentine Gunzo's weaknesses.

Thunderbird is particularly chosen here in this team for his LB3's effect which gives him a guaranteed +14CP for every enemy hit to himself. This is a really large amount of CP charging so any extra amount of CP from his allies makes it easily possible to CS every other turn. His access to extra horizontal movement and the ability to bestow   CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies are also nice bonuses. His CS also gives out   Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff) to the entire team, allowing for some form of debuff prevention which is nice.

Offensively, this team deals quite a bit of damage due to Beachside Chernobog's application of   ArdorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x, +5CP/turn for 2 turns (Buff) and Astaroth's   ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) stacking with Thunderbird's innate   ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) and Valentine Gunzo's   Berserk+ATK Up by 1.3x ~ 2.6x, DEF Down by 1.3x for 4 turns (Buff) and   VigorATK Up by 1.2x ~ 2.4x for 3 turns (Buff) if it procs. Lastly,   CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff) can be applied from Beachside Chernobog's CS and from Thunderbird's regular attack for the benefit of their later allies.

On one final note, this team is better suited for vertically long maps (6x3 and 6x5). Due to Valentine Gunzo's extra vertical movement, he can ferry Astaroth to the back line in order to proc their when missing skills regardless of weapon type which is a nice ability to have that is unable to be performed in shorter maps.

Gameplay examples