Event Quest:2018 Oriental New Year

Revision as of 15:35, 13 January 2018 by Pong (talk | contribs) (→‎Main Quest)
Duration January 4th, 2018 @ 14:00 -> January 19th, 2018 @ 23:59
Skill Increase
Beast Descendant +10%
Devoted Defender +10%
Pursuer +10%
Left Behind +20%
Spirit of the Hakkenshi +20%

Main Quest

Like regular Main Quests these quests aren't repeatable.

Oriental New Year ! 1

Part 1:
TL by IcyRaynald: https://twitter.com/IcyRaynald/status/949633360351105024

Beings exist that that are two, and yet one. Being that can be called an inseparable pair. Fujin and Raijin, Red Oni and Blue Oni.

And, komainu -- Agyou and Ungyou.

YOUNG KOMAINU: Grandpa... I'm going to do my best.

YOUNG KOMAINU: I'm going to find a new partner, find a place of my own to protect -- and become a splendid komainu just like you.

YOUNG KOMAINU: So... So! Please-- watch over me...?

Tears welled in his eyes as his thoughts drifted back. The one that raised him and loved him -- Ungyou. With the passing of time, he had returned to the land and would now protect everyone as a formless spirit. Filling Agyou's chest, the survivor to the late Ungyou, was respect for his grandfather, and pride in his role as a komainu. And... several worries.

YOUNG KOMAINU: No, no, no! I'm a strong komainu! If I sat around moping like this, Grandpa would scold me.

YOUNG KOMAINU: Right! First things first, I need to find a partner! If two pillars aren't together, you can't call it a proper komainu!

YOUNG KOMAINU: .................

YOUNG KOMAINU: ......Someone to replace Grandpa, huh...?

YOUNG KOMAINU: Eh, what was that? A voice? Is someone there?!

YOUNG KOMAINU: What? Would I go anywhere to find a partner? Aah! Of course I would, isn't that obvious?!

YOUNG KOMAINU: Wait, w-what is this?! This light -- W-wait a moment!


YOUNG KOMAINU: Grandpa...! Protect me...!

[Chapter 1: Oriental New Year]

1 option
...It's already the third day of the new year, huh.

Player looked at the clock, and realized it was now past noon. Standing slowly, they headed outside to the corridor. The chill winter air of the New Year's season hit their skin.

1 option
Yesterday was, er...

Gradually, the memories of yesterday came back to them. Going to the shrine with everyone, drawing new year's fortunes-- Eating Chouji's osenshi and ozoni, playing a board game with everyone, exchanging new year's gifts--

2 options <same response>
Then, finally getting back home exhausted, and crashing. That was a rough 2 days...

During this season, many of the academy's students return home, or go out to party. The usual noisy atmosphere of the dorms is replaced with dead silence.

--Sei! Toh! Hah!

But listening carefully, an energetic voice can be heard from outside.

"Oh, if it isn't Player-dono?"

I wish you a happy New Year. I'm counting on you this year, too.

2 options <same response>
Happy New Year. It's a new Moritaka this year.

Haha, it's our first meeting since the start of the year. Anyway, yesterday was really lively.

I received several mails from Ryouta-dono. It seems everyone had a fun and exciting start to the year.

3 options
I wish you could've come too. It was a lot of fun. Well, mostly. There was a bit of a pandemonium at that one part...

Pandemonium...?! W-what in the world happened?

Every year, I go to a purification ceremony on New Year's Day. I leave the New Year greeting for later.

However, I won't lie. I did feel a little lonely not joining everyone for the New Years party...

The whole year's plans should be made on New Year's Day.

Also, to avoid being busy like this, spending time with Player-dono and the others--

And giving New Year greetings. There's a special feeling to that as well.

That's right -- if you have some free time, could you please accompany me for a short time?


Oh my, as I thought, there's a lot of people here for their first shrine visit of the New Year. It looks somewhat less crowded than other spots, though--

Player-dono, are you tired?

3 options
Thanks. You're always so thoughtful, Moritaka. This is nothing. What about you? Don't get lost now.

No, if I can't at least do this much, I couldn't call myself a true samurai.

As expected of Player-dono. It wasn't neccessary to be worried.

Hmm...! Do you think me so unreliable...?

Well, waiting in line can be a good time too, with a good friend for company.

3 options
By the way, what are those clothes you're wearing? They look good on you. They look like a children's festival outfit.

Haha... thank you for your kind words. I only wear them occasionally. They are a bit tight, though.

C-c-children's festival?! They look so undignified?!

I received this hakama from my master. Like my uniform -- it was a hand-me-down.

I don't wear finery too often. They can work as substitutes for my school uniform, but...

I'll pray to god -- to one day become a splendid samurai worthy of these clothes.

We're advancing in the line, little by little. Now now, give me your hand so we don't get separated.

The line for the shrine visit moved steadily forward -- and eventually, two komainu statues could be seen at either side.

That shrines have komainu statues doesn't seem to change, whether in Shinjuku or Wa No Kuni.

Although, the shrines in Wa No Kuni typically had a guardian spirit.

The komainu here in Shinjuku seem to be just statues--

Ah, it seems it's our turn at last, Player-dono. Now now, let's go ahead.

After bowing twice, clapping twice, and bowing once, let's chant our wishes in our hearts.

3 options
I wish for everyone to stay safe. I wish for the guild's protection. I wish to return home someday.
2 options
And, I wish to make new friends this year. And, I wish to meet someone new.

MORITAKA: Wha... i-is this light?! Player-dono! Player-donoo!!

There was a sudden flash of light--

An unusual sound reached the two's ears as they had closed their eyes for the wish.

Boing, boing, boing~

The sound was soft and elastic, like a bouncing ball. Player and Moritaka watched, speechless as the scene unfolded before their eyes.

MYSTERIOUS BALL OF FUR: Owowowow... Damnit, what was that light...?

There were two large, spherical objexts. One of them a ball, which bounced and rolled away, deeper into the shrine. And the other--

MYSTERIOUS BALL OF FUR: Aah! M-my ball! Waaait! Don't roll awaaay!


The ball of fluff stood up, revealing itself to be a young beastman covered in fluffy fur. He checked his surroundings, found his ball in mid-escape, and bolted off to chase it.

--While floating in midair.


I was caught off guard and spaced out, but... what was that light?!

Also, that boy just suddenly appeared--!

2 options
Let's follow him! A new fluffy to pet!

Is now really the time?!

The pair hurriedly weaved their way through the crowded shrine, chasing after the boy that appeared from that light. He had finally caught up to his escaped ball, grabbed it, and nimbly climbed up, balancing himself on it with ease.

Pant... pant... Phew. Thank goodness. It would be really bad if I lost my ball.

Finally collecting himself, he turned and noticed Player and Moritaka.


W-who are you?! Staring at me so intently...!

I -- No, I mean, do you have some business with me?! Well?!

1 option
A lost kid? Where did you come from?

A-a-a-are you an idiot?! I'm not some lost kid!

...Hm? Wait, that voice... your voice!

I see! You're the one who brought me here, right?! In other words, abduction! Abduction! I've been abducted!

Return me to my home immediately! Return me, I demand it! Bark, barkbark!

1 option
Even if I knew how to do that...! I don't remember doing anything...!

Riding his ball closer the strange boy glared, now face to face with Player.

No, it's definitely you! My ears are never wrong!

This is bad, Player-dono! He's too worked up and won't listen to us.

--Continuing like this will just worsen the situation. We can't get anywhere until he calms down.

You really insist on playing dumb...! All riiight! In that case, I won't forgive you!

I'll make you surrender by force, and then you'll send me back to my original world! So don't come crying to me!

1 option
Eh, a Hallowed Artifact? He's a summon?! I had a feeling it would come to this!

Stand back, Player-dono! As I thought, he is a summon!

In this case, all we can do is make him calm down and listen to reason! Inuzuka Shino Moritaka, will be your opponent!

Hehee! My power won't lose to some samurai!

Water began to dance elegantly around Agyou, as three balls spiralled in the air surrounding him.

Agyou:(4 star icon face)
Cleansing the evil inside villain's souls -- I'll show you the power of a komainu!

Part 1

Level 1
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 10 2 per stamina
Card XP Given 50 10 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x50
  •   Agyo
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x50
  •   Agyo

Part 2

No Battle.

Part 2:
TL by IcyRaynald: https://twitter.com/IcyRaynald/status/949633360351105024

Shinjuku Central Park Shrine

--This is the final blow!!

W-what, ganging up on me, cheaters...! Uuu...

I did my best to hold back. Could you please calm down a little, Komainu summon-dono?

Why do you keep calling me Summon? I have a name y'know! It's Agyou!

I'm an honorable, ancient komainu! Agh, just when I determined to find a new partner...!

And yet...*sniff* uuu...!

A-Agyou-dono! Please, just calm down and take a deep breath. Yes, just a calming, deep breath...!

Bark! No no no! Where am I? I want to go home already!

I want to go back to Wa No Kuni! Grandpa Ungyouuu! *Sniffle*

Aah! A cry that won't lose to Cusith-dono! It's no good, he's still not listening to us!

1 option
What should we do, Moritaka?

D-don't look at me... It seems you don't have any ideas either though.

Like this, even if we could help him he's not going to cooperate.

Earlier, he said he came from the same world as I. Wa No Kuni. I can smell its familiar scent on him.

I can't help but want to lend a hand to a fellow dweller of my world, though...

Wa No Kuni...?! What did you say just now?! You came from the same place as me?!

Now that you mention it, yes... this smell, this feeling, is definitely Wa No Kuni...!

That means, you know the way back, right?! Tell me, tell me!

I'm afraid you are the only one who knows the answer to that, Agyou-dono.

Summoning occurs when the wishes of two people match, and a bond is formed. At least, that's what I have been told.

If Agyou-dono is really from Wa No Kuni, you must have some idea, correct?

How should I know... I don't remember answering to any "summon" thing.

Wait, no... Could it be, that "would you go anywhere... to find a partner" ?


Oh, it seems you have an idea! Did you answer to a summoning after all?

If that's the case, I can't think of anyone who could've summoned me but... *glare*

3 options
I-I'm under suspicion... I'd like you to prove that, please. If you let me cuddle your fluffy fur, it may jog my memory.

No matter how much I think about it, you're the most suspicious one here!

How am I supposed to prove that? I guess it's no good then...

You!! Someone is seriously worried and you make jokes! That's no good!

That is a problem then, if you don't who summoned you...

The remaining way is -- to grant Agyou-dono's wish.

Agyou-dono, do you have any sort of strong wish? The first thing that comes to your mind--

If that's the case, there is only one! I have but one wish!

It's -- Finding a lifelong komainu partner, becoming friends, and protecting a splendid shrine together!

I can think of no other wish but that, it's a stroooong wish!

That makes things much simpler! In that case, a partner for a komainu would be...

A dog, of course! It's gotta be a dog! After all, I'm a lion, as you can see!

A komainu is a set of a dog and a lion. Because of that, my partner has to be a dog!

But not just any dog will do, it's got to be a strong dog than can protect a shrine properly!

Hoh, there's a smile at last, Agyou-dono. It seems you're feeling better now.

What do you think, Player-dono? We're completely immersed in helping him out now, so...

3 options
Of course, we'd be glad to help. We can't abandon him now... What a pain.

As expected of Player-dono! You can understand his yearning.

H-hey, did you just treat me like some kid again?! You did, didn't you?!

Now, now, don't say that. Aren't we in too deep already to back out?

Now, speaking of a suitable dog to be a komainu, your criteria is that they be a strong fighter, right?

Then, where should we start searching...?


2 option
I know some good candidates. If some of my dog friends are okay.

As always, your personal network of connections is vast. Then, let's get started immediately!

Ah, you're nice people after all. I misjudged you at first, but I have a much better opinion now.

I'll introduce myself once more! I am Agyou, the honorable ancient komainu!

--Although, I am still in training. It's a pleasure to meet you, um...

1 option
Introduce yourself.

Heeeh, Player huh? Nice to meet you! Let's work together to find a fine komainu candidate!

I am Inuzuka Shino Moritaka, a canine beastman attending Shinjuku Academy.

Canine! A Dog?! Big Bro was a dog after all! Komainu! Are you interested in becoming a komainu?!

I-i'm still in training to become a samurai! My apologies, but I can't be Agyou-dono's--

Ooh, you already have a goal of your own. I understand. I don't want to force anyone.

Finding my komainu partner is important, but it would be shameful to do so by stepping on someone else's dreams.

Hah... I appreciate your understanding. You're much more reasonable now that you've regained composure.

All right, let's go meet the komainu candidates!


Thus, the small, incident filled journey of Moritaka, Agyou and Player in search of a komainu partner began.


Bwaaaah... Milord, you're so meeeaaan! Not even so much as a "I need your help, Salomon-Kun~"?

I always answer Milord's questions, I was even waiting on standby...

In the first place, all Milord had to do was touch him to determine if they were indeed a bonded summoner and summon!

Salomon-kun:(new year angry face)
Jeez! I absolutely, definitely, positively won't tell you now! Nyeeeh!

This cute little Salomon-kun is going to lounge on the kotatsu, eat tangerines and dress fancily ALL. BY. MYSELF!!


Oriental New Year ! 2

Part 1

Part 1:
TL by IcyRaynald: https://twitter.com/IcyRaynald/status/949633360351105024

Ikebukuro Guild

When you think of a komainu, you think shrine guardian, and when you think guardian, Garmr-dono--!

At Moritaka's proposal, they headed for the Ikebukuro Guild first.

2 options
Huh? Garmr's not around. Normally he's the guard dog here.

What? There's no dog here!

Uhm... he said he would be on guard duty today too at the canine beastman assembly though--

However, it's rare for Garmr-dono to leave his position like this.

A guardian leaving his post like this, I'm deducting komainu points!

Komainu... points? Agyou-dono, what are those?

Points that represent the virtue of an honorable komainu! Komainu points!

S-s-such a thing! What kind of standards are--

Just my intuition, of course!

2 options
How capricious. What a tough judge.

Tough? Like a komainu? Either way, it has to be cool!

???: If you're looking for Garmr, he went inside to get something to eat.

Hi there, Happy New Year. What? No return greeting?

Oh, Nomad-dono! It has been a while! I wish you a Happy New Year as well!

3 options
I'm counting on you this year too. Please give me a New Year's gift! Changing jobs to door guard?

Yes, well, I'm counting on you a little too.

What am I doing here? Guarding. Garmr asked me to cover for him.

That's the first thing you say to me?! I won't! If I had that kinda money I'd pay my office rent!

At any rate, today's a special day. The crowds are huge, and people are going in and out constantly.

Do you understand what could happen if his post was abandoned for even a minute?

Garmr rushed over here without even eating first, so I'm here in his place.

A special day, you said?

The New Year's Competition. Usually, we host indiscriminate, no-holds-barred fights, but--

Today's bouts feature special rulesets, like boxing or fencing.

Hoh, fencing, swordsmanship styles from other worlds? I'm a little interested.

By the way, it seems the winner will recieve a New Year's Gift. I don't know if it's money, though.

Hoh! A New Years Gift? Martial Arts competition? How interesting!

Ah, who's this kid? An unfamiliar face.

My name is Agyou, an honorable komainu! Nice to meet you, old-timer!

Old--?! W, well, it doesn't matter... why are you here?

We wished to have an audience with Garmr-dono for a particular reason.

Hoh? Well, he'll be back soon. Do you have time to wait? It's cold out here you know.

Since you're here, why don't you watch a match or two inside? You might even run into Garmr while you wait.

1 option
It's okay for Agyou to come in?

He doesn't look suspicious. Besides, you're not the type that would bring a dangerous person around here.

I'll speak with Snow about it right now. If something happens, just say my name and there'll be no problem.

I can enter? All right, I'm looking forward to seeing the inside!

We're really grateful. Well then, allow us to take up your offer.

Alright, hurry up and let's go! Player, Moritaka!

Ah, Agyou-dono! You're too impatient! Slow down!

Berserker's Arena

The Ikebukuro Underground Arena was filled with raucous, enthusiastic cheering.

The usual, unrestricted battles raged even more fiercely than usual, restricted by newfound rules. The strong fell to their knees in the face of the rules, and the weak managed victory through them.

Watching the strong restricted by these shackles called rules is also entertaining once in a while.

If there's someone suffering because of the rules, there is also someone saved because of them.

Claude:(smile face)
In whose hands will the prize fall...? An unpredictable challenge is worth appreciating as well.

That enthusiasm even roused the ruler of the arena.

Claude's eyes calmly scanned the front row of the audience seats, their eyes were alight with joy.

Snow. You're not a ranked battler, but-- I allow you to show yourself in this battle performance, as a special occasion.

To see that brave figure with my own eyes, I will observe from here. Now, make your emporer -- truly excited!

My, my... Young Master's whims are quite troublesome.

Oh, excuse -- I was too disinterested in fencing and carelessly won just like that.

The burden of rules push the strongest to new heights, and agitate the fighting spirit of those aiming for the top.

Ikutoshi:(adult joy face)
Whew! I though it would be tough without kicks, but the boxing ruleset is quite fun too.

Ikutoshi:(adult surprise face)
My, my... some people are starting to get mad and ignore the rules, and get disqualified.

Ikutoshi:(adult neutral face)
--But, if there're rules, I feel like I might even be able to beat Macan.

Using the selected weapons, attacking select parts only--

A battle in which the fight is decided by who takes the point first. Anyone could be the victor.

--therefore, everyone went all out.

Agyou:(surprise face)
A...Amazing~... What's this?!

It seems the fighters are... even more enthusiastic than usual.

Battles with set rules are quite rare here in Ikebukuro.

If I meet a swordsman, my blood as a samurai would burn.

Hey, um... About that Garmr guy. He protects a frightening place like this?

The guardian of this place where such strong people fight...?

He's not a bloodthirsty bad guy is he?

???: Eh, mochi and caramel here. I also have commemorative photos and souvenirs!

T-that merchant-like voice--!!

Oh, oh, oh! You came too! Are you here to participate in the competition?

1 option
Happy New Year.

Oh, it's you. How about a souvenir? I got lucky bags too! For real!

Ngh...! Andvari-dono, why are you here...?!

Why...? For business of course. Business!

1 option
Have you seen Garmr?

That's no good, Player-dono! I'm afraid this charlatan would demand a great deal of money for such a simple question!

Andvari:(annoyed face)
As always you'te totally on guard. Can't we let bygones be bygones and be friends already? For real.

The humiliations I suffered at your hands...! Just remembering makes me wet my pillow with tears of frustration!

Agyou:(surprised face)
W-w-what? Is he a bad guy?

Hey, hey, hey, calm down a little. You're even putting the new one on edge.

Andvari:(thinking face)
It may be true. I usually do guiding fees and mediate fees, of course I also take consumption taxes and finder's fees...

But this time is a special, limited offer. I can show you for free! For real!

Wha, as if we would toy with a natural disaster... I-it's dangerous to trust this man, Player-dono!

Instead of free, at least say it will be inexpensive or--

Andvari:(annoyed face)
...So distrustful. There, the one you were looking for is right there, you know.

In the direction Andvari pointed was--

Garmr... mochi, stretchy! Can't bite it! Stuck in throat!

There was a dog beastman struggling against his stretching mochi, writhing in agony. Garmr.

Ga--Garmr-donooo! Calm down! Please eat it slowlyyyy!!

1 option
Garmr is fighting the mochi?!

Eh?! Him?! That's Garmr?!

Garmr:(surprised face)
Ngh...nngh...ngh? This voice... *sniff sniff*... this smell...

H-he's looking this way! Isn't he glaring at us? Hey, he's glaring!

You, stranger! Mgh...! Really, passed entrance check?

Weakling, can't enter, here! Garmr, guard dog, so, testing!

Eh? --Eeeeh?!? W-wait a sec, I... hiiee!

Grrrrr.... Woooooof!!!

Don't come here! Stay away! Scary! Scaaaary! Uwaaaaah!

Escaping, no use! Ngh...! Garmr, fast! Definitely catch!

Uwah! No, no, Grandpaaa! Wait, Player, do something!

2 options
Garmr, sit! He's a friend!

Woof! Sit! Garmr, wait!

Uh? Friend? Whose? He can pass?

Ga--Garmr-donooo! First, the mochi! Eat the mochi.

Leaving that in your throat could be a catastrophe...!

Ngh...! Nnngh....! *Munch much*... *gulp* ... Garmr, eat mochi!

Yaay, Masteeeeer! Pet me! Pet me!

--Huh? Master? When you get here?

1 option
Happy New Year, Garmr.

Yeah! Master! Happy New Year!

Ehm... what Snow tell me again...? I'm counting on you this year too! I said it!

By the way... who he?

  • hic* Uuu...! I was scared, I was scared Player!

Are you going to buy some too? Andvari's specially made nori-wrapped fried mochi that even attracted Garmr!

1 for 100 coins, or if you buy 2 I'll throw one more in for free! If you buy both together, the price is only 300 coins!

Hohoh, how economical! Well then, I'd like one for me, Player-dono and Agyou-dono--

2 options
They look delicious! That's just the normal price of three!

They were made by Snow after all. They're delicious! Now, buy them, buy them!

Huh? It's the normal price of three pieces...you noticed huh? Then, I'll give you a bigger one!

Andvari:(annoyed face)
Tch... you noticed huh? Then, I'll give you a bigger one!

Grr, you keep deceiving people using their weak spots as always--!

I didn't say the bundle was a discounted price even once, you know? It was you who misunderstood.

2 options
What a bold assertion. Andvari will do the same with energy juice.

It's about getting motivated, in a big event like this. As a merchant, I can't let this opportunity slip by!

We're full to capacity right now, I just have to earn, earn and earn.

Merchant Andvari will earn coins at full power this year too, for real!

I-I have a feeling I will be deceived by Andvari-dono this year too...!

1 option
Aren't you going to participate in the competition, Garmr?

Bark...! Rules, annoying! Garmr, no like! Complicated things, no like!

Garmr, ate food, come back soon! Because, guard dog! Ehehe, Master, will praise me!

--W-what? Even though he was so savage just a second ago?

Isn't he a serious and cool guardian...? That's a solid 30 komainu points!

Komainu points! All right! ...what is, komainu points?

Garmr, want, guard points! How many, how many?!

2 options
Let's leave that conversation for later. I'll give you 100 points.

Yaay, thank you, Master! Garmr, 100 poooints!!

...By the way, who you?

Uu...! W-what? Are you gonna chase me again?! I was unexpectedly tired before, but now--

2 options
Agyou is a friend. He got a proper authorization.

Master's friend, really?

That is indeed true, he got authorization to enter from Nomad-dono.

Okay! Then, good! Master's friend, is Garmr's friend!

Sorry for chasing before, Agyou! Friend! Garmr friend too!

Eh, ah, it's not like I... you're quite good, as a komainu.

Yaay! By the way, what is komainu?

Someone who protects places for rituals... err, to explain it so Garmr-dono could understand, let's say its something like a guard dog.

...Guard dog? You, Garmr's, rival?

Agyou:(angry face)

Garmr, won't hand over, best guard dog title! Cusith, Agyou, Garmr'r, rivals!!

Remember, Garmr!! Awoooooo!!

2 options
By the way, best guard dog Garmr? Don't you have to get back to your post?

Ah! Nomad! Forgot! Garmr, guard dog! Have to return!

Master, what you do? Go together?

We came to see Garmr-dono in the first place, we wanted to come with you.

Yaay! Master, together! Let's go! Let's go!

Garmr, best guard dog! Show, something good, to Master!

Outside Berserker's Guild

Oh, you came back. It seems you found Garmr.

Nomad! Thanks! Garmr, full stomach! Came back to guard door!

This, reward! It was delicious!

Y-yes, thank you.... Why mochi?

3 options
Andvari was... A lot of stuff happened... Let's eat it together.

...Oh, Andvari. Say no more, I get the circumstances more or less.

Well, it's still New Years-ish after all. I will gladly take it, Garmr.


--Oh, already. Garmr's gonna show his guard dog skills.

Agyou:(surprised face)

Bark--! You, stranger! Here, only strong people can pass!

Shark Pirate: W...what's with you---?! Hey, don't bark! Noisy mutt--wait, he's strong?!

Shark Pirate: Damn it! In that case--Let's beat this dog!

Garmr:(4 star icon face)
Garmr, guard dog! Protect here! Absolutely not pass! Grrrrrrr!!

Shark Pirate: Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!!

When it comes to work he gets really serious, honestly. Totally different from his usual doggy persona.

Garmr continued evaluating the various visitors coming for the New Years Martial Arts Competition one by one. Some were rejected, some allowed to pass. Garmr's concentration in the middle of work was terrific.

As Nomad-dono said. Garmr is truly loyal to his duties.

--So, Agyou-dono. How was Garmr's evaluation as a komainu partner?

Agyou:(surprised face)
--Eh? Y-yes...!

Leaving aside whether he's smart or not, I think he's cool for doing his work seriously.

Oh, then...!

But no!

Eh, for what reason?

Because... Uhm... t-this big bro is doing his work properly here...!

I can't force someone like that! It's important they be free to make decisions!


Agyou briefly looked at Player with wistful eyes.

However, he averted his gaze quickly, nibbling at his mochi to distract himself.

Garmr, beat, the guys that wanted in! Agyou! Watching? Watching?

Y-yes! It was really cool! Definitely a new high score on komainu points!

Yaaay! Komainu points again! Don't get it, but, Garmr, got praised!

Garmr, do his best! Garmr, best guard dog!

Agyou-dono...? What did you say just now--

N-nothing at all! Now, let's go!

After saying that, Agyou quickly left the Ikebukuro Guild. However, that back looked small, and somehow lonely. His fluffy tail drooped, looking depressed.


Trusting his friends, Garmr, the guard dog who protects the entrance of the Ikebukuro Guild. That form, made the young komainu think about something--

No Battle.

Oriental New Year ! 3

Part 1

No Battle.

Oriental New Year ! 4

Part 1

No Battle.

Free Quest


Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog per Stamina 10 per stamina
Level 1
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 74 14.8 per stamina
Card XP Given 60 12 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x10
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x10
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x10
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x10
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x10


Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog per Stamina 10 per stamina
Level 15
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 106 10.6 per stamina
Card XP Given 85 8.5 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x20
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x20
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x20
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x20
Phase 3
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x20


Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog per Stamina 10 per stamina
Level 25
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 219 10.95 per stamina
Card XP Given 155 7.75 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x40
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x40
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x40
Phase 3
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x40
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x40


Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog per Stamina 14 per stamina
Level 35
Required Stamina 30
Rank XP Given 427 14.233 per stamina
Card XP Given 310 10.333 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x80
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x80
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60
Phase 3
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x80
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60


Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog per Stamina 13.714285714286 per stamina
Level 50
Required Stamina 35
Rank XP Given 891 25.457 per stamina
Card XP Given 690 19.714 per stamina
Board size 3x6
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x100
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60
Phase 2
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x100
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60
Phase 3
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x100
  • Money Offerings for the Year of the Dog x60