Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills)

Revision as of 06:56, 6 January 2020 by SurtrFan8511 (talk | contribs)
Duplicate Buff (for bestowing skills)強化単体複製(ばらまきスキル用)
Type DebuffAffected by statuses related to debuffs, e. g. Nullify Debuff or Reflect Debuff.
Notes Copy Single Buff
Description The inflicting card remembers a buff of the target, but not copied for self. Used with Distribute Buff.
Duration 1
Tags Status-related
Base Value Maximum Value
Used Skills

Used with Distribute Buff. The Status Lv is remembered too, and when the buff is channeled to an allied card through Distribute Buff, this Status Lv is inherited (i.e. it is not dependent on the caster's Sacred Artifact Lv). Also paired with Remove Buff to "steal" a buff.

Skills related to this Debuff

ARs related to this Debuff

No AR Equipments found that use this status