Magic Weakness

Magic Weakness魔法弱点
Type Irremovable DebuffUnaffected by other statuses (cannot be copied or preemptively removed by them).
Notes Increase damage taken with magic attacks (Cannot be removed or transferred)
Description Acquire skill for 3 turns: [Defense Modifier] Take 2.5x damage from Magic-ranged enemies / 100%
Duration 3
Tags Skill acquisition
Base Value Maximum Value

This status grants the user the following skill:

Magic Weakness
JP Name 魔法弱点
Trigger timing Defense ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other.
Effect Take 2.5x damage from 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic-ranged enemies
Proc Chance 100%

Transients with 魔法弱点

No transients found that satisfy the search criteria.

Status usage

See Magic Weakness/Used Skills for more details

Base Skill System Builder (enemies)
      Yoritomo (Valentine)