Property:Has English title

This text property stores the translated English title of the companion.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Vast Gluttony  +
Summertime Grand Glutton Engagement  +
Isekai Wedding Planner  +
Blessings of the Marriage Demon  +
Non-conformist High School Girl  +
First Mate of the Treasure Ship  +
Holy Night's Biwa Phantom Thief  +
Boy Viking  +
Dragon Rival  +
Machine Child  +
Wolf-Mounted  +
Your Best Friend  +
Shaman of the Snowy Mountain Tribe  +
Representative of the Great Mystery  +
Living with You Among the Mountains  +
Shadow Typhon  +
White Shadow Typhon  +
Embodiment of Horror  +
Trauma That Teaches  +