Event Quest:Valentine Bonus

Revision as of 09:50, 20 March 2017 by Barry (talk | contribs)

Nothing special is required on this page; it'd be nice to collect everyone's quest, or at least locations, but it's optional content regardless.

Full Translations


Location: Backstage

I'm hiding now, don't be surprised!

Eh? I'm different from usual today?
I'm heading to school now; that's why.

So... Here you go!
Valentine: that was a bit chaotic, right?

Should I call this an apology
for all the trouble caused...?

Urgh, anyways, it's the present from THE Angel Idol;
just shut up and take it!

D-Don't be mistaken, alright?
Gabriel-chan is everyone's idol.

This... is only an exception.
Don't tell anyone! Especially the fans, of course!


Location: Daikanyama Gakuen

Yo, [player].
Look, it's a beautiful moon, right?

A night like this...
It reminds me of her...

Ahh... Gabriel-chan... my light...
Why don't you look at me?

You've been silent for a while. What do you need me for?

---Eh? Sweets?
Well, if you insist, I'll gratefully take them.

So sweet.
Same as her smile...

Alright, let's howl at the moon!
Let's grab some of her chocolate at her live concert tomorrow!


Location: Detective Office

Yo, it's you.
What brings you here?

What's the point of you coming all the way to my office?
I'm about to head out to my next job.

If you don't need anything from me, I should get g-

---What's this? For me? You want me to open it?

...These sure are some cute chocolate. For me? Oh, right. Valentines.

Well well, brats are cute, aren't they?
Life's too easy; it makes me jealous.

Oops, my bad.
Words just slip out of my mouth these days.

Yeah, thanks for that.
I'll have it during my stakeout.

The detective stream needs both body AND mind.
It's crucial to have that extra sugar.

---So, what should I give you in return...
I only know how to deal with grown-ups, but kids...

Huh? It's ok to do it the adult way?
You're ten years too early, mor-on.





