Event Quest:Valentine Jail!

Revision as of 16:40, 16 February 2018 by Pong (talk | contribs)
Duration February 14th, ~@21:00 > March 7th, @23:59
Sweet Heart Increase Chocolate Key
Embodiment of Diamond
Spirit of the Hakkenshi
+10% Conquer as One
Yearner of Love
Gatherer of Desires
+20% Warden of Love
Soul Shooter
Strength Sapper
Relation Boosts
Relation Effect
Love +505 HP at the end of turn
Like +20% skill activation rate
Dislike Small attack up
Rival +11 CP generation at the end of the turn

Quest Details

Main Quest

バレンタイン · ジェイル!プロローグ

No Battle. Completion unlocks ??? from Introductory to Intermediate


Part 1

No Battle. Completion unlocks ??? from Advanced to Super and Challenge Quest: チョコレート·ロングラン

Part 2

Level 10
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 33 6.6 per stamina
Card XP Given 65 13 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Sweet Heart x50
Phase 2
  • Sweet Heart x50

Free Quests



Level 15
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 33 6.6 per stamina
Card XP Given 65 13 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
(Possible) Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Sweet Heart x10
Phase 2
  • Sweet Heart x10
  • Chocolate Key x10


Level 15
Required Stamina 5
Rank XP Given 74 14.8 per stamina
Card XP Given 90 18 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Sweet Heart x10
Phase 2
Phase 3


Level 30
Required Stamina 10
Rank XP Given 136 13.6 per stamina
Card XP Given 220 22 per stamina
Board size 3x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  •  NETHER Boost L
  • Sweet Heart x20
  • Sweet Heart x20
  • Chocolate Key x20


Level 40
Required Stamina 15
Rank XP Given 294 19.6 per stamina
Card XP Given 400 26.667 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
  • Sweet Heart x50
  • Sweet Heart x40
Phase 2
  • Sweet Heart x40
Phase 3
  • Sweet Heart x30


Level 50
Required Stamina 20
Rank XP Given 519 25.95 per stamina
Card XP Given 645 32.25 per stamina
Board size 5x4
Award   Transient Stone x1
Enemies Drops
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
  • Sweet Heart x40
  • Sweet Heart x40
  • Sweet Heart x40

Challenge Quest




Aizen Hakumen
Have you finished inspecting the belongings? Good, then it’s time for your own examination!
The enemies of discipline and those who disturb the public order, I’d recognize those people anywhere!
I’ll never approve of this!
Huh?! Look at that! T-those two students are holding hands! I’m so env… This is outrageous!!
浄菩提心、織盛日輪。 Despite the students’ social status they shouldn’t be allowed… to fall in love.
N~ha?!... Wha-what are you doing?! Even if you are a student, creeping up to me like that… it’s very improper…
Sitri Tadatomo