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(This page is for Ashigara strategy guide. For the standard Ashigara page, click here.)


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Ashigara

It’s uncommon to think there’d be a bruiser mage-ranged character given most mages incline to being supports and/or healers, what with him being a big bear, but   Ashigara boasts of boons other mages and certain units could only wish to have, namely Guts serving as KO insurance, the traditional Tenacity on movement and Herculean Strength making his damage pretty good. He applies a pretty unique ailment on LB3, Crushed increases damage taken, which applies for both himself and his party, that thanks to his attack range are bound to be a handful. A few downsides lie in the fact that he requires to move if he wants both his damage and resilience up, and the Push part of LB3 can result a bit cockblocking if poorly executed, especially with certain attack ranges for your party members. He’s a fun prospect for a highly offensive character as well as a very rare and strong archetype to have.

☆5 Summer Ashigara

 Ashigara shares the same issue most other beach-themed units have, his Default can screw up your runs depending on what enemy gets its effects. LB2’s Berserk makes his LB1 heal a bit mediocre for both being at each level start and cutting his durability considerably in exchange of amplified damage. LB3 is similar to his original’s, trading off mass shoving for massive shoving, which allows him to better-isolate targets in larger maps and exploit his Crushed bit, this paired with Berserk makes him pack quite a punch. His Charge is a little tricky since effectively, you’ll hit 2-3 enemies at most, but it’s a good one in spite of that thanks to its healing benefits. Proper management of his Default and allies that apply defensive buffs are welcome as party members to get the most out of him, since alone he may easily fall and is extremely bad as a last-man standing.


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Highlights is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Ashigara

Class: Bruiser

Gameplay role:


+ KO insurance through Default Guts along with increased durability from LB2 Tenacity makes him considerably hard to take down.

+ LB1 bolsters his damage through a buff that easily stacks with more common ones, almost on demand as well.

+ LB3 Crushed increases damage enemies take, pair this with his attack range and a lot of enemies will become vulnerable. It’s recommended but not obligatory to use him as leader to let his allies approach it to the fullest.

+ Charge has considerable damage along with an effect that can help set up for your party thanks to nullified movement.


- Being Mage-ranged, his damage is only decent, craving for his own LB1+Crushed if he wants his damage to be noticeable.

- Half his skill set is gated to movement, which applies to both his possible damage and durability.

- The Push part of his LB3 can result a bit cockblocking if he wants his allies to approach Crushed, limiting viable party composition a little.

☆5 Summer Ashigara

Class: Glass Cannon

Gameplay role:


+ Applies Fervor to allies whenever he’s hit, being a nice offensive+CP buff.

+ LB2 Berserk along with LB3 Crushed can considerably bolster his damage, which can be further exploited through any namely offensive buff.

+ Charge is nice under LB2+LB3, boasting of formidable damage and none too shabby healing.


- Like most beach units, his Default can backfire badly depending on the aggressor, made worse by the fact he’ll usually be under Berserk.

- Berserk, with him having no way to patch up its negatives, makes his durability pretty terrible.

- LB1 is so-so at best due to its trigger method.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
     6444 8467 3453 5001 3453 5001 1933 2801
     7349 9364 3862 5399 1081 1512 3244 4536
  14x14px  7792 9767 5048 6625 2272 2981 6563 8613

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Example counter

Example description

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

Team Details (submitted by UserName)
【Moveslut, CP Battery】
【Healer, Tank】
【Support unit】
【example of variant call】
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples