
Revision as of 05:02, 15 March 2019 by Arathun (talk | contribs)
Type BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff.
Notes Cannot move at will & increased CP
Description +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 3 turns
Duration 3
Base Value Maximum Value
CP Added 12
Unit Restrictions Move;
Type BuffAffected by statuses related to buffs, e. g. Spread Buffs or Nullify Buff.
Notes Cannot move at will & increased CP
Description +12CP/turn, cannot move at will for 999 turns
Duration 999
Base Value Maximum Value
CP Added 12
Unit Restrictions Move;

Prevents the afflicted from moving themselves and increases CP (+12) at the end of each turn for 3 turns.

The second listing (固定) is for Barricades, or anything that isn't suppose to move.

Skills Related to this Debuff


Charge Skills Related to this Debuff

Elder Cynokrash: Divine Slothfulness (Tsathoggua)


Working both as a buff and a debuff, Immobile isn't affected by Cleanse. Technically, this skill is classified as a buff. Whether Cleanse actually will remove it is unknown, but there's some cases where it's been removed when originally implemented for enemies.