Difference between revisions of "Zabaniyya"

1,853 bytes added ,  05:37, 12 August 2019
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(Added the translation for his 3 and 4 star variants love line, title screen and added the loading screen as well as it's translation.)
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|love=If it's right now--if it's with me wearing this formal costume......I should be able to convey my feelings towards you! My love for you is hotter than flames.
|love=If it's right now--if it's with me wearing this formal costume......I should be able to convey my feelings towards you! My love for you is hotter than flames.
|title='''Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.''' ...! I offer my thanks that our marriage ceremony can be held this day.
|title='''Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.''' ...! I offer my thanks that our marriage ceremony can be held this day.
|open=Thank you very much for coming, the exchange corner is this way. Please...take the feelings I hid within my chest as well.
|close=This latest case has been very educational. Now, please be sure you are not left with regrets.
|greeting=Greetings Master, I welcome you here. However, I feel it is sinful to engage in an imitation marriage ceremony. I apologize for everything. Please, pass down your punishment.
|encouraging=In the journey of flame there are sure to be many times when you will be filled with doubt. Days where you are given to unease and troubled by regrets. If nothing else, please...do not doubt my feelings.
|touched=Were it not for this ceremony, I would not be allowed to touch you. I am just a tool, your spear...but for just this moment, let me feel my retribution through your flames.
|conversation-1=If is by your order, then I will be happy to change my clothes...but would I truly look good in such clothing? I can only pray that I do not disappoint you.
|conversation-2=Why does this outfit bind strong bodies like so? Hmm? It is for emphasizing the tempering of the chest...? Fashion is so profound...
|self=I never thought it would be possible for me to stand next to you in finer garb, but by wearing these clothes I feel I have changed a little bit. I feel as though I have glimpsed ahead at the journey I have selected for myself.
|character-1=The pride to offer all of oneself to beauty. So ridiculous, yet I understand it to a small degree. I also have my pride as a torturer as well.
|character-2=Ahh...how magnificent they look in such garments, even in clothes by the same maker. I can only sigh at my inexperience.
|event=What a splendorous event! But why is someone unrelated such as I...eh? Model? In front of everyone? ...is this punishment?

