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(This page is for Kagutsuchi strategy guide. For the standard Kagutsuchi page, click here.)
Adapted with permission from Kiraidi's Tier List
Thanks to a much-needed revision and the upgrade to his Default, Kagutsuchi manages to hold ground where units tend to have niches or much more things to their skills. This is thanks to Kagutsuchi’s surprisingly efficient skill set where he dons of a formidable damage boost that stacks with every other due to its rarity and can still support his allies very well thanks to an amazing passive heal, both things being on demand thanks to Insight also helps a lot to ensure he won’t eat up a highly coveted proc method which is movement. He seals the deal by having a simple yet effective Charge that serves its purpose for damage and gives him a base-scaled Regen, which is still nothing to overlook. He can be taken as the simple and raw balance of damage and utility and be great at both without being flashy or gimmicky.
Adapted with permission from Kiraidi's Tier List
Class: Healer, Glass Cannon
Gameplay role:
+ All of his skills are done by a single proc method, have fairly lengthy and very benefitious buffs.
+ LB2 Regen serves as a great passive healing buff, with its proc rate safely bolstered by Default and affecting his party if done well.
+ LB3 Fervor is a fantastic buff that allows him to reach his Charge faster and is a rare offensive buff that easily stacks with others of its kind.
+ Charge boasts of respectable damage and a sufficiently good effect despite it being a scaling buff.
- LB1 is generally a bonus at most, otherwise it has no use.
- He needs to move sometimes in order to keep all of his effects up and needs proper positioning as well.
Gameplay Role
Example gameplay role breakdown.
Stats and Seed Usage
Unit | Max HP (unseeded) | Max HP (seeded) | Max ATK (unseeded) | Max ATK (seeded) | Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) | Max normal ATK per square (seeded) | Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) | Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1) |
6180 | 8160 | 3693 | 5285 | 3693 | 5285 | 3324 | 4757 | |
7265 | 9276 | 3923 | 5474 | 2158 | 3011 | 5296 | 7390 |
Example description
Team Synergy
Example synergy class
Example description
Checks and Counters
Example counter
Example description
Teambuilding Options
This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.
Arbitrary Team Name (≥X cost)
Team Details (submitted by UserName) | |||||
Kagutsuchi 【Debuffer】 |
Kagutsuchi 【Moveslut, CP Battery】 |
Kagutsuchi 【Healer, Tank】 |
Kagutsuchi 【Support unit】 |
Licht 【example of variant call】 |
Anyone / no one 【Flexible】 |
Example team function description.