Difference between revisions of "Fenrir"

738 bytes added ,  05:00, 29 September 2018
(corrupt penist)
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| charge skill name = 狷介孤狼?
| charge skill name = 狷介孤狼?
| charge skill jp name = 狷介孤狼? / フローズヴィトニル
| charge skill jp name = 狷介孤狼? / フローズヴィトニル
| charge skill jp-en name = Hróðvitnir: Stubborn Lone Wolf
| charge skill description = Deal wide slash damage + Apply {{Status effect|烙印}} to enemies & blow enemies back one square <!--敵に烙印&吹き飛ばし1マス-->
| charge skill description = Deal wide slash damage + Apply {{Status effect|烙印}} to enemies & blow enemies back one square <!--敵に烙印&吹き飛ばし1マス-->
| charge skill pattern = Weapon Spread {{Weapons|横一文字}}
| charge skill pattern = Weapon Spread {{Weapons|横一文字}}
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| voice actor = 尾形雅宏
| voice actor = 尾形雅宏
=== Research Files ===
===Research File===
{{Translations:Research Files
|translation=A wolf Transient who distrusts others and has become in charge of the synthesizer in the band this time. He's uncooperative, but with his fundamental diligence and logical perfectionism, what better part is there for him? More than anything, just like in bondage play where much cooperation with others is sought of from you, he is unmistakably driven by his (hard to describe as) hidden desires. The power to swallow up the world within his body is strictly sealed by his Sacred Artifact, and the one most relieved by that fact may be him himself. The day the seal is undone will be the twilight that announces the end of the world.
|original= 今回のバンド活動ではシンセサイザー担当となった、他人不信な狼「転光生」。捻じくれてはいるが基本的に真面目で、理屈っぽく、完璧主義な彼にはなかなか適性のあるパートではないだろうか。何より、他パートとの協調が大きく求められるその縛りプレイに、彼の秘めたる(とは言い難い)願望は大いに刺激されるに違いない。世界をも飲み込む肉体の「権能」を「神器」により厳重に封印されている事に、一番安堵しているのは彼自身であろう。封印が解ける日は、すなわち世界の終わりを告げる黄昏であるが故に。

