Valentine's Day is a recurring event in Tokyo Afterschool Summoners. Valentine's Day is associated with the following event quests and gachas:
Event Quests
- Valentine Panic! (2017)
- Valentine Jail! (2018)
- 2019 Re-Valentine (2019, reprint of "Valentine Panic!")
- Valentine Festival! (2019)
- Valentine Jail and Valentine Panic Re-Release (2020)
- Valentine Timeslip (2020)
- Valentine Panic! (2017)
- Valentine Jail! (2018)
- Valentine Panic! Reprint (2018)
- Valentine Panic! Reprint (2019)
- Valentine Jail! Reprint (2019)
- Valentine Festival! (2019 February)
- Valentine Festival! Reprint (2019 December)
- Valentine Jail! Reprint (2020)
- Valentine Festival! Reprint (2020)