The Thrust (kanji 突撃) weapon type has previously been translated as Pierce among fans. Thrust cards attack enemies occupying the two squares directly ahead of them. The damage output is the product of the card's ATK and the Thrust penalty multiplier (0.55). Thrust cards gain ≥6 CP for every instance they hit a card with >0 HP, and ≥11 CP for every instance they hit a card at 0 HP. They also gain ≥5 CP when struck. Thrust souls and licences are obtainable in Daily Quests on Tuesdays JST and in certain free quests.
Normal weapon type
Cards which have built up less than 100 CP and are not affected by Weapon Change attack with a default weapon type. Skill leveling and limit breaking a card requires souls and licences that match this normal weapon type. A full list of cards with Thrust for their normal weapon type can be found here.
Weapon change
Some regular skills and charge skills bestow Weapon Change to a card, changing the weapon type of the target's normal attack (typically the target is self). Currently, no card has a skill (regular or charge) that changes their weapon type to Thrust. A full list of skills and cards that bestow Weapon Change (Thrust) can be found here.
Charge attack weapon type
When a card is ready to use their charge skill, the weapon type of the charge attack may also change. A list of cards whose charge skill activates in Thrust type can be found here.
Resistance to Thrust damage
Certain skills confer cards resistance to Thrust attacks. A list of these skills are below: