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Exceptions are individuals who are capable of breaking the Game's loop. They are excluded from the Game early on to let the Game function as intended. They can be brought upon by two Sacred Artifacts with powers whose opposition fall outside of the System.


The contradiction between Sacred Artifacts is usually among Rules; however, generally, it can be caused by anything outside of the System involving Sacred Artifacts. Because the System can't decide which Sacred Artifact has priority, and so both Sacred Artifacts overflow with their power, likely trying to overcome the power of the other. This overflow of power leads to the formation of an Exception.


Exceptions take the form of the Sacred Artifact's original owner, which is summoned but without their memories. These Exceptions are perhaps not be the actual original owners, but the product from the memories stored inside the Sacred Artifact. If the original owner is the current owner, then the current owner becomes an Exception, with the Sacred Artifact overflowing power seeping into the owner.

A list of Exceptions is below:

    Thor   Fisher King   Black Storm
Ambiguous case
  Yukimura   Witch of Orleans


Establishing hierarchy between the current owners of the conflicting Sacred Artifact will terminate the Exception. According to   Toji, the best way to accomplish hierarchy is through physical contact on places of the body significant to summoning. This can be either through lips (where summoning is vocalized) or on one's summoning emblem.