Event Quest:Desert Journey:VN:5-2

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Kochuuten

A lake filled with crystal-clear, blue water, the townscape with white walls and a vibrant artificial beach......

You, Bajie and Seth have changed into swimsuits to match the town's get-up, and walked around the beautiful summer paradise.

Seth expression c anger.png

This is a ridiculously busy town.
As we went inside, it feels like the number of tourists have increased.

3 options
Did all these people wash up here? What's with the watermelon? You look cute in that swimsuit.
Seth expression c surprised.png

Well... I wonder.
We've been swept here, but we didn't have the faintest idea -

Seth expression c neutral.png

Although, if there are other people that have been thrown here like us,
then it won't be strange to associate ourselves with them.

Seth expression c neutral.png

Hmm? Oh, the fruit dealer over there was selling them.
It's a fine quality watermelon, ain't it?

Seth expression c cheerful.png

Watermelons are good; they are full of juice!
It helps you cool down after you eat them.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Huh!? C-Cute!? S-Shut up! Are you treating me like a kid!?

Seth expression c embarrassed.png

D-Don't stare at me like that......!
Doing that embarrasses me......

Gouryou expression desert shocked.png

Hey, come on!!
You went from being an observer to a player making moves!!

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

From what I've seen, the employees are all merpeople.
Other than that, it's mostly tourists and ordinary citizens.

Gouryou expression desert embarrassed.png

But, I can pick on just about anything else then......
Buhehe, my arms are getting tingly.

2 options
Where's Goku by the way? Why did I come along with you......?
Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

Goku? Didn't you see him?
You know, the inn we left from downtown -

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

There's a big game arcade there.
Yeah, he got sucked into it.

Seth expression c sad.png

He'll never fix his habit of acting on his own after all......
Well, not in a desert at the very least.

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

He'll be fine.
Because of how close it is to the inn, it won't be a problem.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

There's going to be a "contest" between the 2 of us.
You need a fair judge to determine the winner, no?

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

For one, I was planning to make you the judge.
You don't mind, right? I'll make it up to you.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Why is Xuanzang-sama the judge?
Wouldn't Goku be suited for the role too?

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

You dummy, you think we'd let that guy be the judge?
He's obsessed with the games at the arcade right now.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

Besides...... Today's contest.
That guy being with us will be a problem.

Seth expression c neutral.png

"Problem" ......?
I'm sure I would feel guilty for flirting in front of someone that naive.

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

That's not the case.
That guy has some real potential through and through.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

I'm judging from appearances -
I'm almost sure of it, he has a knack as a natural airhead.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

Unawarely entertaining the guys and girls,
all the babes will be flocking to him.

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

That's why I gave him some pocket money and sent him to the arcade.

Seth expression c surprised.png

You...... How thorough of you......

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

Let's get on with the contest then.
Take the initiative. Whoever gets the most people squealing over them wins!

Seth expression c sad.png

Oh...... U-Umm, okay.

2 options (Same Response)
Never hit on anyone before? If you can't do it, speak up right now.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Eh!? Y-You dumbass......! That's not it!!

Seth expression c anger.png

Seth-sama is unrivaled, got it?
I will have no problems picking up 1 or 2 people!

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

Ooooh, that's some confidence right there!
You're not gonna end up crying like a baby later, are you?

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

Alright, I'm going first......
I'm gonna find me some cute babes right away!!

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

I'm coming for ya, my sweet babes! Won't you have a great time with me?

Fire Mermaid expression smile.png

Hmm...... (Stares) ......

Grass Mermaid expression smile.png

D-Do you need something from me? You're trying to get with me?
I-I'm terribly sorry, but I'll pass.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Ah, hello? Yeah, yeah, is that so?

Gouryou expression desert shocked.png

Oh...... Ugh...... Ignored, ran away from me and pretended to be on the phone, that's 3 people.
I was basically unapproachable...... Buhee, buhehehe.

Seth expression c surprised.png

3 fails in a row, all within 32 seconds even...... Hey, are you okay?

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

W-Well, it's only 3 strikes to the thin skin of my heart......
Buhehehe, I can still be productive!

2 options (Same Response)
Is this a serious illness? You'll die if you keep this up......!

Seth expression c surprised.png

Your heart must be made of steel......
Where is that spirit and willpower -

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

A-Alright! My demonstration is over!

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

It's your turn! I expect a lot from a sibling! Gooo, ya ladykiller!

Seth expression c surprised.png

Eh!? O-Oh...... Fi... Fine......!

Seth expression c anger.png

L-Let's do this! Check this out!!

Seth walks over there in an awkward fashion. He approaches the tourists who are having a friendly chat.

Seth expression c embarrassed.png

U-Umm...... You there! The cutie...... Umm, over there?

Bull Pirate expression neutral.png

Hrm? What is your business with us?

Dark Mermaid expression smile.png

Are you trying to flirt? (Giggles). You got a good eye there, boy.

Grass Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Hahahaha! This guy's funny! So, ya want to do something after?

Seth expression c surprised.png

H-Huuuh!? Ummm...... That's, well uhhhh......

Gouryou expression desert shocked.png

T-This guy......! He struck it big all of the sudden!!

Gouryou expression desert surprised.png

Hey, what are you doing! Keep pushing it!
You caught yourself a huge catch, take the chance!!

The large tourists looked down on his small stature. To make the flirting successful, a big, unparalleled opportunity came -

???:( face)

However, a shadow falls overhead, triggering a flashback of "something" inside Seth's brain.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Ah....... Ah......

Grass Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Hoh, he stopped moving. Is something wrong?

Dark_Mermaid: Well, it's his first time flirting with someone, isn't it? How cute.

Bull Pirate expression neutral.png

Tsk tsk. This little guy is too young.
Sorry, we'll ask you again some other time. See ya.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Ah......! Wa-Wait a second......!

???:( face)
...... Him. You......

???:( face)

Seth expression c surprised.png


Not saying anything, the guests went and left Seth standing upright there.

Before he knew it, there were no other guests around the area.

3 options (Same Response)
(Cover your face) Maybe Seth's a late-bloomer? Y-You still have a chance!

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

Ouch...... Well, there are times when things don't go your way.
It happens often, so don't let it get to you.

Seth expression c neutral.png

You know, you have a bad habit of talking big.

Seth expression c neutral.png


Seth expression c sad.png

Sorry, Bajie. I'm gonna step down from this contest.

Gouryou expression desert surprised.png

Huh? W-Wait a second. Were your feelings hurt just now or something?

Seth expression c surprised.png

....... No, that's not it.......

Seth expression c cheerful.png

Sorry for deceiving you like that.
I'm not good with that kind of thing after all.

Seth expression c neutral.png

I can be "hated," but I cannot be "liked" by others.

Seth expression c sad.png

And in my mind......
The self-directed hatred continues to burn forever.

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png


Seth expression c neutral.png

Those guys who would be in such a place would have a partner.

Seth expression c sad.png

I don't even know if they like me or not......

Seth expression c anger.png

Even better yet...... Oh, what the hell!
It's so damn ridiculous to "get intimate with other people"!

2 options (Same Response)
What's gotten into you all the sudden? You had that miserable face earlier.

Seth expression c surprised.png

.......! I-It's nothing......

Seth expression c sad.png

Sorry...... for raising my voice like that......

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

I see...... That is your life lesson, eh.

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

Well, that's okay. Sorry for pushing you like that.

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

On the other hand, remember this.
There's no such thing as someone who can't be liked.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

You say things like that about yourself,
but what about Goku, who loves his "Big Brother Seth"?

Seth expression c surprised.png

....... (Gasp)!! G-Goku......

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

Yeah. To that extent, anybody can be liked by others.

Gouryou expression desert embarrassed.png

I may be born in a pig's body, but I won't stop until I win the heart of a cave-dwelling beauty.

Gouryou expression desert serious.png

Well....... I couldn't get a happy ending.
But that's the reason why I'm still confident about hitting on girls.

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

That's that!! Bajie-sama ain't givin' up yet!!

Gouryou expression desert embarrassed.png

No matter how many times I get turned down,
it will still be heaven for me!

Gouryou expression desert neutral.png

If you're gonna step down, then observe.
I'll show you what I've been trying to prove till now.

Gouryou expression desert joy.png

Okay, I'm gonna invest in my secret weapon!
Wait here for just a second!

Seth expression c surprised.png

Good grief, he's as enthusiastic as ever.
You really moved me there...... Well done.

Seth expression c neutral.png

Hey, Xuan- I mean, [Player].
Has...... Has anyone ever hated you before?

3 options
I never realized it. There was some cases regarding hostility towards me. I'm often disliked one way or the other.
Seth expression c surprised.png

So I see...... You never realized it, huh.
I'm a tad jealous.

Seth expression c neutral.png

It's better to not give a damn about how people see you,
but it's pretty easy to do so.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Wow...... Seriously? Well, that's the way things ought to be.

Seth expression c surprised.png

No, I don't mean it in a bad sense.
I'm just a little jealous, that's all.

Seth expression c cheerful.png

Haha, you're the same as me.
I don't think anyone can be hated and liked just like you are.

Seth expression c neutral.png

Why did I ask something like that? Well...... That, that's why.

Seth expression c sad.png

That Bajie fellow.
No matter how I look at it, I genuinely wonder how he keeps up with the flirting......

3 options (Same Response)
What you said earlier - about not being liked by anyone - there's no such thing.

Seth expression c surprised.png

T-That's the reason why......!? But, that kind of -

Gouryou (Bajie):( face)
Buhehehe! Sorry to keep you waiting, my dear siblings.
Here comes the appearance of a brand new Bajie!

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

This fella is gonna hog all the attention at the beach!
All the cute chicks will come running to me!

Seth expression c surprised.png

Huh!? What, you, that look......!?

3 options
You had that kind of swimsuit!? You're sagging all around......! Oh damn, so sexy......!
Gouryou expression desert b shocked.png

S-Shut it!! It may be charming but it's a squishy sensation!!

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Buhehe, I know right!?
You totally get me, Xuanzang-sama!

Seth expression c surprised.png

T-That outfit is supposed to be your trump card!?

Gouryou expression desert b embarrassed.png

Yep yep. Sexy, ain't it?
If a forceful approach is a no-go, then I'll just attract them!

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

Change tactics accordingly to the battlefield.
This is the secret to success for being a playboy!

Seth expression c anger.png

I see! This is your ploy to look cool, huh!?
Argh, just quit it! A disaster is bound to happen!

Gouryou expression desert b surprised.png

That was a fast response! Check this out, both of you!
Bajie-sama's brilliant riding skills!

Grabbing his surfboard, he runs to the beach straight away.

Riding on a huge wave that suddenly appeared, Bajie's body was running through the sea.

Gouryou expression desert b 4star.png

This is passed down to me from a "brother of the sea," Typhon!
Tube riding!!

The tourists, who were on the beach, cheered for his amazing surfing performance.

Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

(Whistles)! Check him out!
That's some amazing technique!!

Dark Mermaid expression smile.png

Oh my, that pig's amazing! How can he be so cool!?

Light Mermaid expression smile.png

Kyaaa, look over here~! Wink, wink!

3 options (Same Response)
Stunningly popular...... This is Typhon's doing huh. You did it, Bajie!

Gouryou expression desert b2 4star.png

Buhehehe, I'm a hit! Thank you, Typhon!!

Gouryou expression desert b2 4star.png

Yaaaaahoooooo! Are you checking me out, babes~?

An ecstatic Bajie blew a kiss with both hands on top of the waves.

And...... Such an opportunity in a short amount of time.

From behind, another distinct wave was hot on his tail.

Aether Merman expression neutral.png

Wait, wait, waaaaait!!
The surfer over there, step down, now!!

Gouryou expression desert b surprised.png

Bleh!? Wait a second! If you grab that, I'm gonna crash!!

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

And we're telling you to wait!
Cut it out with the surfing and get back to the beach!!

Gouryou expression desert b surprised.png

Wa-Wait a second here...... Gyaaaaaaaaa!!

A violent dispute happens in the water. The tourists then evacuated, screaming.

Seth expression c surprised.png

W-What the!? They're fighting all the sudden -

Seth expression c anger.png

......! Those guys have the nerve to bring weapons!
This is not a good thing......!

Seth expression c anger.png

Xuanzang-sama, let's go help Bajie!
This is a major problem!!

2 options (Same Response)
Shouldn't we go get Goku? Is it safe being in the water?

Seth expression c anger.png

This is not the time to be saying stuff like that!
Those guys are probably Gyumao's henchmen!!

Seth expression c anger.png

We're gonna get these assholes away from Bajie!
I will be their opponent!!


Nether Merman expression neutral.png

Stop! If you keep on resisting, we won't be as merciless!!

Seth expression c anger.png

Damn......! My power doesn't work as well on the beach!

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

Stop! Go and capture the boy!!

2 options (Same Response)
Seth, stay back! You can't do much right now!

Seth expression c anger.png

Shut up!! You guys said nice things, then deceived me......!

Seth expression c anger.png

I am not going to lose to a bunch of cowards!

Light_Merman: D-Deceive......!? What are you babbling about, boy!

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

Discuss it later! Restraining him is top priority right now!

Seth expression c surprised.png

-!? Nuaaah......! Gwaaaaaaaaah!!

Seth expression c anger.png

Kuuuu! Damn, these guys......

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

If you struggle, we won't feel sorry for any injuries you get.
Now we'll just tie you up......

Gouryou (Bajie):( face)
'Ey, 'ey, the Merman there.
What do you think you're doing?

Aether Merman expression neutral.png

You're the cause of this, Surfer. We'll tie you up the same way -

Aether Merman expression neutral.png

-!? W-What!?

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Yooo! I'm here to help you, Big Bro Seth!

Seth expression c surprised.png

Wha......!? Eeeeeeeh!?

Seth was shocked once again. Bajie is riding on the waves -

Towering high over them like a slender dragon, he drops down on them at that very moment.

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

Our cute, lovable Big Brother -
For treating him so badly, you're gonna be seeing a little painful experience!

Gouryou expression desert b 4star.png

Surge, whirl, break out the waves -

Gouryou expression desert b 4star.png

I'll blow away everyone altogether! Outlook Admiral!!

The moment Bajie struck down on the water's surface with a hoe, a wave dives perpendicularly to the water's surface.

The next thing that happened, the water current that drops down from the sky and blew the Mermen off their feet.

Nether Merman expression neutral.png


All the mermen were swallowed up in a huge pillar of water and were blown off into the sky vigorously.

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

How can this beeeeeee!?
The people of the sea to be eaaaaasiiily -!!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Ah...... Amaziiiing! What a performance!!

Having watched the battle that took place, the crowd went into an uproar, cheering spontaneously.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Oh, they flew and flew.
Well, they'll be fine under the sea.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Well, it'll be rough or so. You alright, Big Bro Seth?

Seth expression c surprised.png

You...... Why. How can you be so strong......

Seth expression c sad.png

You're usually a slacker and a klutz...... yet you're a cunning guy......

Gouryou expression desert b embarrassed.png

Bweheheh...... Don't sulk about it, Big-Bruh-Thur-Seth.

Bajie then pats Seth's head roughly with his hand.

Seth expression c surprised.png


Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

I'm sure you had the wrong idea there.
Sorry, but I wasn't flaunting about my powers.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Physicial strength, it's handy at times,
but sometimes it gets in the way of things in society.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Same with this surfboard.
Until there are times when I need it, I just stash it away in a corner of a room.

Seth expression c surprised.png

Strength and power, is it nothing but baggage for you?

Seth expression c neutral.png

Power...... Nothing more than baggage......
If you don't need it, then you can stash it away, eh.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Yeah...... Pretty much.
That's my life lesson. It wouldn't hurt to remember it, yeah?

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Well anyways. We finished cleaning up those pesky jerks!!

Gouryou expression desert b shocked.png

Time to get back to picking up...... Bughyaaaaaaaaa!!

The moment when Bajie resumed to his flirting and skipped, the mermen who have been launched into the air hit him brilliantly.

"I saw it shining a while ago." "I wonder if it was a hallucination." "Let's go to the rest house."

Whether it dropped the stump of the last blunder all at once, the spectators that were enthuastic broke up and scattered like baby spiders.

All that's left was Bajie being stuck in the ground, the Xuanzang party and the knocked out mermen.

2 options (Same Response)
What a slob. Just like Bajie.

Seth expression c cheerful.png

Pfff......! Ahahahahaha!!

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Buheh. Well, that's something......

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Can I spare a few moments of your time? My brave guests.

3 options (Same Response)
Huh, Bartender-san? Why are you here? When did the manager get here......

Seth expression c anger.png

So the boss finally decided to show up!
How dare you deceive us like that!!

Seth expression c anger.png

Good...... You'll be our opponent!!

Thunderbird expression desert surprised.png

Whoa, don't you think violent bloodlust isn't appropriate for a beach?
I'm sure you're getting the wrong idea there, buddy.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

I did not come here to pick a fight with you all.
I have business with the good Sir there with a nice body.

Gouryou expression desert b embarrassed.png

Me!? Pshaw, I get thrown away and get picked back up.
You are definitely within my range of types, buehehe.

With his body halfway buried in the sand, Bajie cracks a vulgar smile.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

You were showing your fighting style.
It was a truly magnificent technique -

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

But, aren't you overdoing it?
Especially when everyone's playing in the pool.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Buhee, you noticed huh?
Well...... I can do it without my secret trick.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh......? "Secret trick"?

Seth expression c anger.png

Oi, Bajie. You mean...... about before.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Could it be that... the Pig Babe's "Sacred Artifact" was the cause of the waves?

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Everyone was playing in the pool; a large wave would make the guests fear for their own safety.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

The Mermen were dispatched to try and stop it.

Heavy silence filled the air. The next thing that happened was Seth extending his foot at Bajie.

Seth expression c anger.png

Baconshit!! Here's a "life lesson" for you!!

Seth expression c anger.png

You brought your "Sacred Artifact" for impressing women!
You made things worse for the people trying to help!

Seth expression c anger.png

In the end, you dragged us into this meeeeeeesss!!

Gouryou expression desert b shocked.png

B-Bweeeeh!? Y-Yeowch!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Quit it!!

3 options (Same Response)
I apologize as well! I'm utterly shocked, sheesh...... Bajie, apologize!

Gouryou expression desert b crying.png

M-My face. Please forgive me, I'll be careful from now on!

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

No, I apologize for the security are as well.
Carrying such dangerous weapons like that, misunderstandings were inevitable.

Seth expression c anger.png

Yeesh, you're trying to make me look like an idiot, huh?

Seth expression c sad.png

...... I thought you were pretty cool too.

Not looking at Seth, who was grumbling, Bajie sighs and drops his shoulders.

Gouryou expression desert b crying.png

Aaaah, I was doing so well though.
Well, it's good that I won't be in debt for causing serious damage.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

"Operation Popular Surfer Bajie-san" is officially over.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Thank you for your understanding. This is business also.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

How about we hold a rematch at the lounge during the evening?

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

My main battlefield is located there.
There may be some things you could assist with.

Just like that, the Birdman lightly closes one eye.

3 options
Wow, so dandy...... You're not joining us tonight? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Haha, thanks. You...... Aren't you still young for the lounge?

Thunderbird expression desert blush.png

Regardless of age, seeing you in the evening would really make my day.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

Thank you for asking, but I still have my duties.
I cannot go and ignore my job.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

And, when you become an adult,
I will ask for a little more when we socialize in the evening.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

There is no need to worry.
It's my job to reprimand guests who get off difficult situations.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Don't worry about it.
Just enjoy your day here, my lovely baby.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Well then, my friends, if you'll excuse me.

The Bartender turns his back and leaves, Bajie then sighs heavily.

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

I'll be damned. He's somewhat a nice dude, but cool as well~.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Oh, wait a minute. Okay, maybe I'll go with that trick next.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

I'll call it, "Operation Bartender Bajie-sama."
This time, I'm gonna be popular, no doubt!

Seth expression c sad.png


Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

What's wrong? Still moping about it?

Seth expression c anger.png

...... Remember about before?! Jeez, you're gonna use arbitrary methods to be popular again!

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Well, it's unfair to be unfair, definitely.
I failed after all.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

But, in the midst of various messes, I managed to accomplish one goal.
Something I'm satisfied with.

Seth expression c sad.png

....... Goal? What could that be......

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

When you're feeling down, don't you laugh when you look at me?

Seth expression c surprised.png

..........! You......

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

Hoookay! Moving on, moving on! I'm not gonna losing my mind here!

3 options (Same Response)
Bajie never gets discouraged, honestly. Seth seems impressed. How can you work so hard?

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

I'm not trying that hard,
rather it gets in the with my way of living.

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

Bajie-sama hates 3 things: "abstinence," "patience," and "self-restraint"!

Seth expression c anger.png

They're all the same thing! It's just going to become desires!

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Buhehe, that's why I hate it.

Seth expression c sad.png

Hey, Bajie....... You're a strong guy.

Seth expression c neutral.png

Maybe you're different from what I already know.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Hoooh? I think you're kinda overestimating me.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

All I want to do is live my life the way I want it.

Gouryou expression desert b serious.png

If there's any cute babes out there, I'll call out to them.
If it's a waste of time, then I just give up completely.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

It's troublesome to worry about it,
and it's troublesome to remember about the nasty things.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

That's why I forget about everything and look for new encounters.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Being a playboy is what I'm all about, buhehehehe.

Seth expression c cheerful.png

What, that's it? I really don't understand you.

Having said that, Seth laughs cheerfully.

Seth expression c cheerful.png

I thought you weren't a sloppy middle-aged man,
but you really are such a boundless slob, heh.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Buhehe, I'll take that as a compliment.

Gouryou expression desert b neutral.png

Well, getting out of the way a little makes things easier for myself, I think.

Seth expression c neutral.png


Seth expression c cheerful.png

Oh, really. To be fair, I think I can agree with that.

3 options (Same Response)
First, we should go apologize for troubling the Merpeople. We need to clean and repair the beach...... We have a lot to do.

Afterwards, [Player], Bajie and Seth all apologized to the people for the trouble and worked on the cleanup.

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Buhee, I'm so exhausted. Okay, time for round two.

Seth expression c neutral.png

You had enough, Pig!
Wait...... What do you mean by round two?

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

This time,
Xuanzang-sama and natural airhead Goku-chan will be helping out.

3 options (Same Response)
I never flirted with anyone before. We're not dragging Goku into this, are we? Should priests be saying naughty stuff in the first place......

Gouryou expression desert b joy.png

Don't be like that! Life is supposed to be enjoyable, buhehehe!

Gouryou expression desert b embarrassed.png

Come on, my brothers. Let's get hyped up!

Seth expression c cheerful.png

Okay, I'll follow your example and try my best to be flashy.

3 options (Same Response)
I'll play along just for today. Oh come on...... Alright, let's do it!

Christine expression desert neutral.png

And then, with nighttime approaching, the Xuanzang party disappeared into downtown.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

What were their accomplishments, I wonder?

Christine expression desert joy.png

For everyone's honor, I will not speak of it.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

A strange kind of friendship sprouts between Bajie and Seth-sama.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

The journey of the Xuanzang party deepend their bonds,
and got closer to the end.

Christine expression desert frown.png

They safely reached Flaming Mountains.
Will they be able to see Gyumao, I wonder?

Christine expression desert smile.png

This marks the end of today's tale. We shall meet again another night.