Event Quest:TRICK or:Arslan

Revision as of 10:05, 17 February 2018 by Kukuru (talk | contribs)

Location: Daikamiyama Academy

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

Ah, if it isn’t the Cub.
Have you not gone home yet?

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Now now, don’t make that sad face.
I did not mean it like that.

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

-I am an educator, I was just worried.
Will you believe me this time?!

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Ah, I have to clean up the avenue, will you help me?

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Heey, let’s get out of here, Cub! GWAHAHAHA!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

… Well, the day will end soon.
Once we finish up cleaning up the Halloween party-

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It will turn back to the quiet academy it was originally.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

I understand the desire to enjoy the Festival’s reverberation but,
doesn’t your dormitory have a curfew?

Arslan expression halloween surprised.png

…… Hmm? You want to be with me for a bit longer?
That will be a problem.

Arslan expression halloween embarrassed.png

Ah~ Don’t cling to me!
It seems the Cub has become a little spoiled.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

It’s no use, pick up the garbage around here then we’ll head out together.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

When this is over, I will get you to your home safely.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

While I am still in my Frankenstein costume, this Arslan is still a fierce lion…

Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png


Arslan expression halloween b 4star.png

My summoner, was I holding back on my attack…?

Arslan expression halloween 4star.png

….. It’s nothing. It’s a little joke.
Don’t take it seriously, wahahaha!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

…… However, it is getting a little cold. Do you want to walk close to me?

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

If the Cub catches a cold, the next King will be in a bind.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Nor will you be safe from becoming prey!

3 options
No thanks. I don’t want to get eaten! I’ll get you for that-
Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Hahaha, it’s a joke, a joke!

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

You make it seem like a misunderstanding. …… Were you really expecting to get eaten?

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

Wahahaha! That tickles, that tickles! I accept defeat!

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

…… It is almost time to say farewell.
Hey, don’t make that face. We will see each other again.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

-Well then. It’s time to bring the place to a close.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

……Cub, I have never thought about a festival like this.
I’ve learned that Life and Death are associated with each other.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

Also, meeting new people, exchanging words – you get to learn new things.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

And that person – they should get something from you too.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

On this day – all the experience we’ve had by now,
make every encounter your flesh and blood.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

Those who cannot live alone during the final days in this world,
a lonely monster’s lament observes the living.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

No matter how long we live, there are still things in the world that you are not aware of.

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

It may be painful for you but, at the same time it makes us stronger.

Arslan expression halloween sad.png

The painful or troubling things, there may be times where you fall in despair.

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

But do not forget. This fierce Arslan will still be by your side!

Arslan expression halloween neutral.png

If anything happens, call for me. I will come running immediately!

Arslan expression halloween joy.png

After all, today is the day where you let out everything you kept in your heart.
Happy Halloween!